Amazon unveils 9.7-inch Kindle DX with focus on education



  • Reply 201 of 247
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
    i'm probably beating a dead horse, but the article has nothing remotely to do with apple. yeah i hate to be that guy sometimes.
  • Reply 202 of 247
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    One need for a book reader is that it accompany you when you go somewhere where you will have time on your hands. My friend began taking his Kindle with him, but over time took it less and less, until he mostly stopped taking it at all.

    Just too inconvenient. If it's a computer, and you may need it for that, you take it, but unless you're the type of person to carry a pack around with you all the time, as most people aren't, there's no easy to bring this. You aren't going to carry it all the time. There's not going to be a belt holster for something this size.

    The other problem is price. This is simply too expensive for most people. It's like people here saying that a Mac is too expensive. $400 or $500 for a book reader is outrageous. When you couple that to the $10 price for books, its too much. I can buy, and did today buy several books from Barnes & Nobel where each book costs significantly less. I bought 4 pocket novels. The most expensive was $8.09, and the least $6.29. That's with my member discount.

    This is why I think it will ultimately fail. While there will be a few people, as we see here, who will have one, most people won't find a need, or use for it.

    It's got to do something else that people need, and need enough so that they will bring it with them everywhere they go (well, almost everywhere).

    Right now, that's a smartphone. A book reader is just one more program.

    Or a computer of some sort if a bigger screen is wanted.

    you are right about the price. this this should cost $50 or less. Then people would feel so weird about taking it with them if it were easily replaceable. although i disagree with you about size and convenience. i think Amazon has it right about content. this device should geared towards the big institutions, not the consumer market. I think that's why everyone is so negative about this device.

    it's really starting to bother me that everyone on this forum is so negative about something that is going to revolutionize institutions and significantly change how kids learn. I don't think it's Amazon's intent to compete with Apple or smart phones or netbooks. I think it's quite obvious that Amazon is turning it's nose up at things like the iphone. Although, i do think they're crazy if they think students and low-income school kids will be able to afford this without a subsidy. especially if the publishing companies are going to take advantage of the non-used books they can sell for this device.
  • Reply 203 of 247
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    They could have opened it up, I agree, but Amazon seems to be taking a leaf out of Apple's book to create their preferred total ecosystem - (device, shop, channel, etc.) hence proprietary DRM and a proprietary device for the early adopters. The others don't have access to the whispernet and so break the Amazon "always on" model. If you are hardcore, you probably ditched your Sony for a Kindle anyway.

    I know folks that haven't ditched their Sony or iRex for a Kindle. Also Apple's model provided for one leg of the ecosystem to offer decent value ($0.99 songs and no need to buy the whole album).

    Amazon wants to make money on both device and content. That's fine but not nearly as likely to catch on.


    Laptops are heavy, have crap batteries, are awkward to use other than on a desk/table or sitting upright, don't have automated backup ootb, are disruptive to reading (email/chat etc.) and you look like a tool if you try to read one by the pool (and it's even worse if you drop it in there). Laptops are a piss-poor substitute to many major reading situations.

    For $399 I can live with Linux. I can always look for Reed somewhere.

    I'd pay a lot more for OSX (Touch or Mac).
  • Reply 204 of 247
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    it's really starting to bother me that everyone on this forum is so negative about something that is going to revolutionize institutions and significantly change how kids learn.

    Not at $500 a copy. And frankly they are a latecomer to eBooks who's primary problems are price and that eInk is still just "okay" in comparison to paper. Neither of which the Kindle addresses and the sales volumes are still too low for massive investment into eInk technology to improve quickly.
  • Reply 205 of 247
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by FireEmblemPride View Post

    I can't read a book on a laptop or netbook while I'm on the Tokyo Metro the way I can on the Kindle. I can't lie down on my bed and read from a netbook like I can with a Kindle.

    You can with a slate or a convertible. even ignoring the other netbook (not out yet and ARM) there's the Gigabyte m912. A tad pricey but certainly shows that a netbook can be designed to do what you want on the Metro.
  • Reply 206 of 247
    jidojido Posts: 128member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The problem with the Kindle, and devices like them, it that they are specialized devices in a time when specialized devices are going away.

    Amazon is hoping that this high profile device family, I guess we can now call it, will make people think about digital media for reading.

    But in a couple of years, the ATOM and ARM will be powerful enough, and need little enough power, for a computer to fit this space, and obsolete a reader.

    I just don't think that, long term, a reader as a device, will survive.

    computer technology is getting much better, lighter, using less battery power, and that better batteries are coming out to force a dedicated device out of the market.

    Uh, what makes you think that? The success of the iPhone and iPod Touch?

    The Kindle may not be the best choice today, because of price and lack of content, but there will probably be more and more specialised devices in the future when they have access to more content and are much more affordable. Then we will have less use for general-purpose computers.
  • Reply 207 of 247
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    Why the 3.3GB, why not 3GB or 4GB?

    It's 4 GB, 700 MB is system. :-)
  • Reply 208 of 247
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It's nice that you criticized my knowledge, but what do you know?

    Among other things you don't know that it's more than likely that a large segment of the Kindle buyers aren't much at reading, but rather are much at getting what they think is the hottest, and coolest device around. A device that almost no one has. A device that not too many will be getting.

    Sorry you are pissed. I apologize for the tone of my response. However, this is pure supposition on your part - no basis in truth - just your bias about a device you see no need for.


    If you were paying attention, you would also know that I've been saying that Amazon isn't interested in selling Kindles, but selling books, magazine and newspaper subscriptions etc.

    Nice to know we agree - I don't forensically review past posts, I just happened to disagree with your points in this thread. Sorry.


    Amazing that you know so many people who own one that you can refer to them as "everyone". You must have the biggest concentration of kindle owners outside of Amazon R&D. I notice that with all the rhetoric, you haven't said that YOU own one. Don't bother to do so now, because it won't be believable.

    I know a few people with one - I meant "of the people I know, every one who has one loves it" I'm sure you knew that or were just too pissed to consider that meaning. I don't have one since am not much of a book reader.


    Ah yeah. Nothing new in what you just said, other than some confusion in that you contradict yourself in the same paragraph.

    Again, what's the point to all this? I already have been saying that, without the scifi references.

    Great - just not in the posts I read. You are pissy aren't you?


    You really are confused, and confusing. I can't easily figure out what you're trying to say. first you say that they will converge, by evolving, as I've been saying. Then you say they WON'T converge. Then you say they will.

    Which is it?

    It's pretty obvious. I don't think it will converge with iPhones as you seemed to suggest, and it will eventually with laptops etc. but not in any timeframe which would invalidate the Kindle hardware today.


    You've said nothing new. In fact, though you don't seem to know it, where you can be understood at least, you haven't said anything I haven't.

    I know when you get criticized it is easy to slip into pedantry to try to get back. I was mostly calling BS on your idea that the iPhone was a comparable/replacement platform for the Kindle and hence it wasn't necessary. On the rest, I'm glad we agree. CTFD dude.
  • Reply 209 of 247
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I think I've said that Amazon might be thinking about moving the Kindle up when the possibility is here.

    To me, it doesn't matter who does it. Amazon can do it. I'm not so sure people will want a Linux based model as they seem to be rejecting Linux based netbooks.

    But it will be done by someone, perhaps Apple. Maybe the two companies will have a convergence device together. That's legal.

    If it's a convergence device, it doesn't have to be 5 ounces. People will accept more. As long as it's under a pound, it will be ok. The less the better of course.

    I've not bet against Bezos. I had Amazon stock when they were saying that Amazon couldn't make a profit.

    I just see this device as an intermediary between what we've had, and what we will have. I don't know why some people are so upset about that.

    we are of a mind here.
  • Reply 210 of 247
    Originally Posted by gabberattack View Post

    It's 4 GB, 700 MB is system. :-)

    Hehe very nice
  • Reply 211 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    my only concern about this would be that to do what kindle is doing in color would be difficult. I have an iPhone and i can't stare at the screen for more than 20 minutes before my eyes start to get all strained. it would be tough to market this as a device for schools and universities on a LCD back-lit screen. It would have to be some kind of colorized version of the "e-Ink" display with no back light.

    You must have eye problems, or you can't use your computer for more than a short while either.

    Millions of people are apparently reading books on the iPhone/itouch, as Apple has sold a lot more books for them than Amazon and Sony together have sold books for their products.

    I get tired about hearing the nonsense. It's no worse reading a book on an iPhone than on a Kindle. In the brightest light the Kindle is much better, in dimmer light, or no light, the iPhone is much better, or the only way to do it.

    If you can't figure out how to adjust the background, typeface, and typeface size to suit you on the iPhone, I suggest that you learn.

    When the two are put side by side, I can adjust my iPhone, on most reading programs, to look almost EXACTLY the same as the Kindle's screen.

    Forget this silliness about backlighting vs front reflection. We can't tell the difference. The eye doesn't know where the light is coming from. It all has to do with the brightness and contrast. The fact that the iPhone screen can be made much brighter and contrastier than the Kindle screen is the difference. If you want a grey background, just set it to that. If you want a tan one, do that.

    I really doubt that some people here who say how bad it is to read on an iPhone have actually done so, or have done so without bothering to figure out how to adjust the screen, which is easy to do.
  • Reply 212 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    Sorry you are pissed. I apologize for the tone of my response. However, this is pure supposition on your part - no basis in truth - just your bias about a device you see no need for.

    You're wrong about that. I see that you have tour bias here, and that it's pretty strong.

    I understand that after one spends a lot of money on a device they have some feeling that they have to defend that purchase, exp. if it's something so limited in aspect. But you don't understand my position apparently.


    Nice to know we agree - I don't forensically review past posts, I just happened to disagree with your points in this thread. Sorry.

    Without making some effort to read past posts in the same thread, something that too few people do, you will argue a point that you shouldn't have to respond to at all.


    I know a few people with one - I meant "of the people I know, every one who has one loves it" I'm sure you knew that or were just too pissed to consider that meaning. I don't have one since am not much of a book reader.

    No, I'm not "pissed", just confused at your post. When you explicitly say that "everyone" I know who has one, you are telling us that there are a number of people you know who have one. don't leave it up to us to interpret your meaning, write what you mean.

    If you don't have one, then how much have you used one that one of your friends does have. Otherwise, you're just working from hearsay.


    Great - just not in the posts I read. You are pissy aren't you?

    Only at people who write poorly thought out posts, and are too lazy to read further back to see what's being said before responding.


    It's pretty obvious. I don't think it will converge with iPhones as you seemed to suggest, and it will eventually with laptops etc. but not in any timeframe which would invalidate the Kindle hardware today.

    This again goes back to reading previous posts. I never once said that the Kindle, or other book reader would converge with the iPhone, though the iPhone is a good reading device now.

    All along, I've been saying that book readers would converge with portable computers, possibly netbooks, or other lighter models which we'll see in the next year or two. I've also said that Amazon might evolve the Kindle to become a portable computer when technology allows it.

    See why you think I'm being pissy? You get much of what I say wrong, because you're just making unfounded assumptions about it instead of reading it.


    I know when you get criticized it is easy to slip into pedantry to try to get back. I was mostly calling BS on your idea that the iPhone was a comparable/replacement platform for the Kindle and hence it wasn't necessary. On the rest, I'm glad we agree. CTFD dude.

    I'm stating the facts as they are. You're writing poorly. When you don't do that, then it will be better, dude.
  • Reply 213 of 247
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member

    I think this is the Kindle that does it for me.

    The price is right, too.
  • Reply 214 of 247
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Who cares? The publishers care. If they find that their textbooks aren't selling, or that newspaper subscriptions aren't selling, or magazines, they will stop doing it.

    When you consider that Apple has, by now, sold about 40 million iPhones/itouch's, many of which are still in use, and Amazon, possibly half a million Kindles, well, thats a pretty big gap. If only 10% of Apple's customers are reading books on the devices, that's almost 4 million. It's about ten times the size of the Kindles audience.

    Apple's selling devices much faster than Amazon ever will, so the lead just piles up.

    We've read reports that book sales from the app store are much larger than all the books sold on either Amazon or Sony's platforms put together. And that's despite Apple having a small fraction of the books either of the others have. What happens as Apple's book "supply" increases significantly?

    What happens when Apple's got 50 million devices out there? 80 million? 100 million?

    What happens if Amazon releases its program for more devices including netbooks?

    I think that the Kindle is dead meat. It may take a year or two until we see that happening.

    melgross: if you're going to come out as the all-knowledgeable guru of everything kindle/amazon/publishing companies/market analysis you'd better stop calling the iPod Touch the iTouch. It's obvious you have a huge ego and i think most of this forum would like you to keep that in check.
  • Reply 215 of 247
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    melgross: if you're going to come out as the all-knowledgeable guru of everything kindle/amazon/publishing companies/market analysis you'd better stop calling the iPod Touch the iTouch. It's obvious you have a huge ego and i think most of this forum would like you to keep that in check.

    It's a short hand, nothing more. Calling it a Touch would work, too, but iTouch is unmistakable. He could refer to it as a Touch but that is getting most obscure as their product named as such and the oft wished for item on these forums is the Mac Touch tablet. We also refer to the family of iPods and iPhones as iDevices for brevity sake.
  • Reply 216 of 247
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You must have eye problems, or you can't use your computer for more than a short while either.

    Millions of people are apparently reading books on the iPhone/itouch, as Apple has sold a lot more books for them than Amazon and Sony together have sold books for their products.

    I get tired about hearing the nonsense. It's no worse reading a book on an iPhone than on a Kindle. In the brightest light the Kindle is much better, in dimmer light, or no light, the iPhone is much better, or the only way to do it.

    If you can't figure out how to adjust the background, typeface, and typeface size to suit you on the iPhone, I suggest that you learn.

    When the two are put side by side, I can adjust my iPhone, on most reading programs, to look almost EXACTLY the same as the Kindle's screen.

    I really doubt that some people here who say how bad it is to read on an iPhone have actually done so, or have done so without bothering to figure out how to adjust the screen, which is easy to do.

    your attitude on this forum is nonsense...

    There is a huge difference from reading something on e-Ink compared to LCD. I just proves to me that you haven't tried it yourself. And, reading an ebook on a LCD 3.5" display vs. a 6" E-Ink very different, I've used both.

    Sure you can change the font size and contrast ratio on the iPhone, but there's more to it than that IMHO. Sure that may be my opinion but i don't like my opinion being called "nonsense" this is America in an open forum for crying out loud.
  • Reply 217 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    melgross: if you're going to come out as the all-knowledgeable guru of everything kindle/amazon/publishing companies/market analysis you'd better stop calling the iPod Touch the iTouch. It's obvious you have a huge ego and i think most of this forum would like you to keep that in check.

    Don't get smarmy. We all call it the iTouch. Some even just call it the Touch. Sometimes we even just say the iT. It's not as though we don't all know what it is. It's just saving some typing. Of course, now that I've had to type all this, I guess it didn't.

    I hate to have to tell you, but most people here have big egos. Including you.

    If you think that what I say is incorrect, then show some proof of that. That's not hard, is it?

    There was nothing in that post that brought up your ire that wasn't either true, or a fair guess about what will happen.

    Earlier, you were agreeing with me. Is it just when you don't that you think I have a big ego?

    Why don't you just provide your own numbers to contradict my post instead?

    That would have been the better route.
  • Reply 218 of 247
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It's nice that you criticized my knowledge, but what do you know?

    Among other things you don't know that it's more than likely that a large segment of the Kindle buyers aren't much at reading, but rather are much at getting what they think is the hottest, and coolest device around. A device that almost no one has. A device that not too many will be getting.

    If you were paying attention, you would also know that I've been saying that Amazon isn't interested in selling Kindles, but selling books, magazine and newspaper subscriptions etc.

    Amazing that you know so many people who own one that you can refer to them as "everyone". You must have the biggest concentration of kindle owners outside of Amazon R&D. I notice that with all the rhetoric, you haven't said that YOU own one. Don't bother to do so now, because it won't be believable.

    Ah yeah. Nothing new in what you just said, other than some confusion in that you contradict youself in the same paragraph.

    Again, what's the point to all this? I already have been saying that, without the scifi references.

    You really are confused, and confusing. I can't easily figure out what you're trying to say. first you say that they will converge, by evolving, as I've been saying. Then you say they WON'T converge. Then you say they will.

    Which is it?

    You've said nothing new. In fact, though you don't seem to know it, where you can be understood at least, you haven't said anything I haven't.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Don't get smarmy. We all call it the iTouch. Some even just call it the Touch. Sometimes we even just say the iT. It's not as though we don't all know what it is. It's just saving some typing. Of course, now that I've had to type all this, I guess it didn't.

    I hate to have to tell you, but most people here have big egos. Including you.

    If you think that what I say is incorrect, then show some proof of that. That's not hard, is it?

    There was nothing in that post that brought up your ire that wasn't either true, or a fair guess about what will happen.

    Earlier, you were agreeing with me. Is it just when you don't that you think I have a big ego?

    Why don't you just provide your own numbers to contradict my post instead?

    That would have been the better route.

    I agreed with you on one point maybe others. This isn't about who's right and who's wrong. I take your numbers at face value if you don't sight the source. And it's not even about that either. Just because people have opinions doesn't meant that they're not any more right or wrong than you are. The debate is about treating people ideas with respect and not calling them nonsense, or dismissing other's thoughts because you seem to think you were the first to make any given statement.
  • Reply 219 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    your attitude on this forum is nonsense...

    There is a huge difference from reading something on e-Ink compared to LCD. I just proves to me that you haven't tried it yourself. And, reading an ebook on a LCD 3.5" display vs. a 6" E-Ink very different, I've used both.

    Sure you can change the font size and contrast ratio on the iPhone, but there's more to it than that IMHO. Sure that may be my opinion but i don't like my opinion being called "nonsense" this is America in an open forum for crying out loud.

    Oh please. I have used it as I've said, but I doubt that you have used the iPhone much. If you can't figure out how to do it right, then that's your problem.

    If YOU like the I-ink that's fine. I don't want to dissuade you, but you're simply wrong about it being better for everyone else. It's not. The developers of the product have been under massive criticism over the lack of contrast, slow speed, and low grey level support. They try to convince that the shortcomings are actually good.

    It's not. It's only better in very bright light. I'm not the only one here to have stated that.

    Yes, it is an open forum, and we can say whatever we think is correct, just as you are doing.

    But there were a number of studies in past years that showed the so called advantage of reflected light to be incorrect. If I can find one online, I'll post a link later. In fact, in very bright light, paper magazines and books with really white pages are hard to read, though they are much better in dimmer light.

    So, IYHO, what are those other factors that you wee alluding to?
  • Reply 220 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I agreed with you on one point maybe others. This isn't about who's right and who's wrong. I take your numbers at face value if you don't sight the source. And it's not even about that either. Just because people have opinions doesn't meant that they're not any more right or wrong than you are. The debate is about treating people ideas with respect and not calling them nonsense, or dismissing other's thoughts because you seem to think you were the first to make any given statement.

    Not everything is an opinion. There are facts as well. Simply because not everyone knows those facts, or doesn't want to know them if they contradict what they want to think, doesn't make them any less true.

    I'm not calling PEOPLE nonsense. But I'm tired of hearing the same old wives tales over and again. Calling something nonsence is very mild. Pehaps you're not here for long, but if you were, you would read far worse things than that.

    And you were being pretty petty about the iTouch. Possibly you noticed that?

    It's also common courtesy to read back a bit before posting something that strongly contradicts something that's been said. When the poster writes a rambling post that confusing, it doesn't make it any better. When that post also happens to be saying some of the same things, but is still contradicting, then it should be criticized.
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