Amazon unveils 9.7-inch Kindle DX with focus on education



  • Reply 161 of 247
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by photoshop59 View Post

    I compared several printed books to three kindle books. Paper won...the best price was for used books.

    A paper book or newspaper can also be shared or re-sold. Amazon forgot to ad these capabilities to the Kindle.
  • Reply 162 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    A paper book or newspaper can also be shared or re-sold. Amazon forgot to ad these capabilities to the Kindle.

    Unfortunately, I don't think the publishers will allow that.
  • Reply 163 of 247
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Unfortunately, I don't think the publishers will allow that.

    iTunes allows sharing, and everybody has their price. Unfortunately, considering technical books for the Kindle cost nearly as much as hard copy, the publishers may already have it too good. The OCR apparently used to create Kindle books is also not error-free, which is a distraction while reading and a big disappointment--and potentially very concerning for technical books. One would think in this millennium the publishers could get exact text into the hands of Amazon.
  • Reply 164 of 247
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by Isomorphic View Post

    It may have 4GB with 768MB or so reserved for firmware.

    For $490 I can buy a pretty nice laptop, with a full-color screen. They really need to get the pricing down on these things.

    But how long does would the battery last for? Different kettle of fish.
  • Reply 165 of 247
    I just bought a few bookcases for around $400 each. They only hold around a hundred books each and take up valuable space in my apartment. A kindle sounds like a deal.
  • Reply 166 of 247
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by Robert.Public View Post

    I just bought a few bookcases for around $400 each. They only hold around a hundred books each and take up valuable space in my apartment. A kindle sounds like a deal.

    Think of how beautiful all those books in your new book cases will look as functional and decorative accents in your home. I guess you could hang the Kindle from a hook on your wall, but I'm guessing it would look rather puny that way. Both make for good conversation pieces, the book-filled book case to your face, the Kindle on the wall will probably result in conversations among your friends you won't want to hear
  • Reply 167 of 247
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    I guess you could hang the Kindle from a hook on your wall, but I'm guessing it would look rather puny that way.

    Great idea! Buy a Kindle for every member of the family, plus a couple for guests, and replace them every 3 years or so as they age and Amazon support wanes. No book sharing problem: Just let guests take a spare Kindle home with them for a time. The Kindle is indeed the every man's (and woman's) library!
  • Reply 168 of 247
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    Think of how beautiful all those books in your new book cases will look as functional and decorative accents in your home. I guess you could hang the Kindle from a hook on your wall, but I'm guessing it would look rather puny that way. Both make for good conversation pieces, the book-filled book case to your face, the Kindle on the wall will probably result in conversations among your friends you won't want to hear

    I got rid of my CD towers years ago, my movies are all on hard drive, and hopefully apple will do something in the e-book arena good enough for my bookcases to follow suit.
  • Reply 169 of 247
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Yeah but like when- St Crispin's Day 2011?

    Sooner than you think dude.......sooner than you think.
  • Reply 170 of 247
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    As much as I love Amazon to buy things online I can't understand how they keep putting out this kind of products. I mean: a B&W screen in 2009 when LED & LCD displays can offer so much color? more than $300 just to read books? But I get more surprised because there are people who actually buy this incredible expensive device. A lot of phones with great displays can read PDF, text files, office documents, play music, shoot photos and videos and you can call your friends and they call you back and that device can be in your pocket. And I will buy a Kindle that doesn't do nothing and the books aren't at least shown in a high resolution display with full color for more than $300 $400? Just give me a f'cking break!!
  • Reply 171 of 247
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by lvidal View Post

    As much as I love Amazon to buy things online I can't understand how they keep putting out this kind of products. I mean: a B&W screen in 2009 when LED & LCD displays can offer so much color?

    It's a different tech with its own benefits.
  • Reply 172 of 247
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    People are actually going to the effort of taking a book apart page by page, scanning them, and cleaning them up with OCR. They then put them in the newsgroups.

    You're kidding? Sure that's not an analogy from a Psystar thread?

  • Reply 173 of 247
    I have not seen a Kindle in person yet but I really want one. It is a great step in the right direction.
  • Reply 174 of 247
    This is going to be an amazing device!

  • Reply 175 of 247
    Originally Posted by lvidal View Post

    As much as I love Amazon to buy things online I can't understand how they keep putting out this kind of products. I mean: a B&W screen in 2009 when LED & LCD displays can offer so much color? more than $300 just to read books? But I get more surprised because there are people who actually buy this incredible expensive device. A lot of phones with great displays can read PDF, text files, office documents, play music, shoot photos and videos and you can call your friends and they call you back and that device can be in your pocket. And I will buy a Kindle that doesn't do nothing and the books aren't at least shown in a high resolution display with full color for more than $300 $400? Just give me a f'cking break!!

    Funny, people said the same thing when I got an iPhone. $399 to use a phone that doesn't even have most of the features that an actual phone has! And they were right, the iPhone is a very expensive phone. It still is, when you consider the iPhone's plan is around $80/month for 2 years, making the iPhone a $2000 phone. The Kindle is $300-$400, but the 3G is included for life.

    I have a Kindle, and it is an expensive book reader. But I love it. I can't read a book on my iPhone, the screen is too small and too low-res. Plus all that pinching, squeezing, scrolling?it's not a book reader, it's a phone. With the Kindle, I no longer have to put a bunch of books and newspapers in my briefcase when I go on a business trip.

    Plus the Kindle lasts a whole lot longer than my iPhone. The iPhone I have is starting to experience some battery health issues that all Lithium ion batteries face?its battery drains more quickly then it used to, so keeping the screen lit for 30-45 minutes can drain its battery by 20%. Since I need to keep it alive for its intended purpose, a phone, I tend to not use my iPhone much anymore except as a phone. I don't have to worry about the Kindle; its battery seems to last forever (that;s not literal, but I've yet to drain its battery fully even when going a week without recharging it).
  • Reply 176 of 247
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    How does reading on a computer (which you're doing right now) conflict with reading on a kindle? The only difference is LCD vs eInk. Screen size is about the same for a laptop and eBook.

    It doesn't. eBooks are a subset functionality of existing laptops, phones, PDAs and ipods.

    I can't read a book on a laptop or netbook while I'm on the Tokyo Metro the way I can on the Kindle. I can't lie down on my bed and read from a netbook like I can with a Kindle.

    The iPhone allows me to, but I prefer the Kindle 2's bigger screen and the fact it'll resemble a book more than the iPhone.
  • Reply 177 of 247
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It's a different tech with it's own benefits.

    Please -stop SPAMMing us!
  • Reply 178 of 247
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I know one person who has one. He bought it because he wanted to see what it was like. Ho hum.

    It's ok, but the opposite problem about reading is also true. If the light isn't good, then it doesn't make it. I have a problem using it in the living room, because the light level is fine for what it's used for, and reading books and magazines works well enough. But the Kindle is just too poor to easily read there.

    My friend sort of likes it, but I think it's the novelty. He doesn't seem to carry it around when he goes somewhere, and he does read.

    It's too easy to stuff a paperbook in a pocket somewhere, and you have to come up with some other less convenient way to carry this, and worry about not damaging it.

    I've been reading books on my iPhone, and have no problem with it. I like the fact that with this and my earlier phones, I only need one hand to operate it. Very good when I'm holding a pole in the subway. You can't do that with the Kindle. You really do need two hands.

    In NYC I see all kinds of devices. I see many iPods daily. Many. I also see many iPhone/iTouch's.

    I see them on the subway every time I'm on it. Sometimes two or three!

    I've only see one person with a Kindle. A late middle aged lady sat down next to me and took one out. I was reading from my iPhone at the time, and maybe she saw that and chose to sit there.

    Most people are shallow. If they weren't, they wouldn't be buying game machines instead of books to begin with.

    Some of what you say is certainly true. The background isn't completely white. There was a Grisham book years ago, where the paper was very light grey and the type was dark grey. Stylish, maybe, but unpleasant to read. And if the lighting was less that brilliant, it was extremely unpleasant.

    And although I feel you're wrong that the Kindle isn't suited to 1-handed reading, neither does it seem like a device you just take when you're out & about. I'm not sure if it's because I'd feel self-conscious reading with one in public or what. Mostly when I'm reading, I want to blend in and not be interrupted. It seems like I'd kind of draw unwanted attention and questions reading with a Kindle in public.
  • Reply 179 of 247
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by lvidal View Post

    As much as I love Amazon to buy things online I can't understand how they keep putting out this kind of products. I mean: a B&W screen in 2009 when LED & LCD displays can offer so much color? more than $300 just to read books? But I get more surprised because there are people who actually buy this incredible expensive device. A lot of phones with great displays can read PDF, text files, office documents, play music, shoot photos and videos and you can call your friends and they call you back and that device can be in your pocket. And I will buy a Kindle that doesn't do nothing and the books aren't at least shown in a high resolution display with full color for more than $300 $400? Just give me a f'cking break!!

    It's an all inclusive device with its own OS and wireless connectivity- you pay just as much if not more for your Apples.
  • Reply 180 of 247
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by skittlebrau79 View Post

    [...] the iPhone's plan is around $80/month for 2 years, making the iPhone a $2000 phone.

    Kindle books lock users into the Kindle, making it more than a $2,000 device. Kindle books cost more than they should, given they can't be shared or resold, and one's investment in Kindle books requires periodic homage to Amazon for a new reader every few years.


    The Kindle is $300-$400, but the 3G is included for life.

    That would be for the life of the device.

    Dear Amazon: demonstrate interest in going truly cross-platform--not just a meager iPhone app--and you'll sell a lot more people on your e-books, even if they are often priced too high.

    Another suggestion: sell Kindle books at a further discount to people who have already purchased the hard copy from Amazon.
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