IIRC, Microsoft had a subscription-based service in the past... which they dropped, leaving people who depended on their subscriptions without their tune libraries. Paying a rental fee doesn't guarantee you that you'll have access to the music you're renting a month from now, let alone five years from now. The subscription plan is great if you like downloading and listening to large amounts of music?although for that, there's internet radio, Last.fm, and other free sources that I, at least, prefer; for songs you cherish, buying DRM-free music is better.
But it doesn't really matter what we think: what matters is if this succeeds well-enough to keep MS in the music business. Given that this model has been tried by half-a-dozen companies (including MS) and failed every single time, I can't imagine it will succeed now. Especially since it's tied to a player with poor market share. If MS were smarter about this, they would ditch Zune altogether and make a portable Xbox. They have a robust, successful download marketplace for the Xbox they could easily adapt to sell music with, keeping subscription-based service as an option.
Since Office destroyed the competition, Xbox is the only non-enterprise product line they've achieved significant success with. Rather than trying to beat Apple at a game they've consistently failed in, they should make a lateral move and leverage the team that knows how to compete.
To most of you, thanks for your help in validating my opinion of so many Apple fans. And incidentally, I only posted because the positions taken in the comment section here are so rabidly irrational. I'm certainly not getting paid to post here, or anywhere--but Microsoft, if you're reading, I'll take some cash if you're so inclined.
I don't know in which countries the Zune subscription is available but I am sure that even it is available worldwide a subscription model is a no go. Most of the phone users around the world use pre-payed cards for their mobile phones. $15 per month for music !? They will laugh at that. But they still buy iPods.
Honestly, I would be ashamed to own a Zune. And Zune sales were so pathetic that MS should be ashamed to even mention it as well. 1 million shipped to the channel during the first year? And how much now? Give me a break!
Call me paranoic but I have a feeling that MS is spending some of those $300 million budget paying trolls to post on dozens of boards like this to give the impression that someone actually cares about Zune. Really. I travel to Russia and Ukraine once in a couple of years and I know a lot of people who find the iPod too expensive and opt for Creative or no-name players but Zune? Even Windows fans there discard it as an option. Never bothered to think why. May be it is a branding issue. Would you buy Coca Cola branded sausages?
Who the heck plans to fill up an ipod with only music?!!
Oh yeah, Microsoft does not consider pictures, personal files, videos, podcasts, audiobooks, audio recordings, and games as things that might be used on an ipod...
besides, when buying a storage device we expect at least 2 to 5 gigs of free space as a safety net.
No doubt, this is an ad they did not clearly think through. People just wanting to listen to a few musical tracks aren't buying an iPod classic or a Zune, they get the higher end devices for movies on the go or to have the ability to store their entire music library & not just a few select songs.
As far as services go, I have no interrest. I rarely listen to the radio & much prefer listening to music in my collection. Truth be told though I'd rather have an iPod Touch than Classic (note Microsoft didn't even touch that one.) You can't play games, check e-mail, or surf the web on a Zune. Why does Microsoft even try, they are making the "Get a Mac" commercial about spending money on advertising instead of using it to fix Vista more & more true every day.
I personally want to see the windows desktop code sell off to someone else & let Microsoft just focus on server solutions, that's the one area I gotta say they are kicking Apple's tail right now (though we haven't seen snow leopard server yet).
To most of you, thanks for your help in validating my opinion of so many Apple fans. And incidentally, I only posted because the positions taken in the comment section here are so rabidly irrational. I'm certainly not getting paid to post here, or anywhere--but Microsoft, if you're reading, I'll take some cash if you're so inclined.
What is so irrational about pointing out that subscription music model only appeals to a very small selection of people? What is irrational is to expect everyone to think it's a good model because you do despite evidence of it actually thriving.
To most of you, thanks for your help in validating my opinion of so many Apple fans. And incidentally, I only posted because the positions taken in the comment section here are so rabidly irrational. I'm certainly not getting paid to post here, or anywhere--but Microsoft, if you're reading, I'll take some cash if you're so inclined.
Please, the bashing that takes place here is absolutely light weight compared to the way Microsoft fannies talk about Mac in your little tech forums & blogs! Half of those forums can't even account for a single intelligent comment they are so blindly hate filled!
Last person who should be giving any Apple fan boy a lecture is a Microsoft fan boy. Hypocrites.
if you should read the article again and check the url of the site you're on, you might figure out why deceptive half truths and twisted logic from microsoft invokes passionate responses from an apple focused website. just a thought....
We should read the article again and check the url of the site we are on, we might figure out why deceptive half truths and twisted logic from apple invokes passionate responses from an apple focused website. just a thought....
You folks crack me up. If Apple had come out with a subscription service, you'd all be calling it the next best thing since sliced bread.
Let's look at the math here... For $14.95 a month, I get 10 songs to keep. So, I'm effectively paying roughly $5/month for unlimited access to the entire Zune Marketplace. That's $60 a year. The only way that math doesn't make sense is if I wouldn't be inclined to purchase at least 10 songs in any event. And even then, $14.95 for unlimited access would be a relative bargain.
What does this mean for me? Well, here's an example. The other day, a friend of mine mentioned a few artists that he's been listening to. I've never heard of them before, but I trust his opinion. And so, I opened the Zune software, searched for the bands, and clicked on the "Download" button for each and every one of their albums. In short order, I'd downloaded all of their songs, a total of about 350. I put them all into a playlist called "Tom's Recs."
Then, while I was walking my dog for the next few days, I selected that playlist and turn on shuffle. For those few hours, I enjoyed a nice selection of songs from three bands I'd never heard before. And the cost? $5.
Since I do that pretty much on a weekly basis, I typically download and enjoy access to over a thousand tunes a month. In a year, that's, well, about 12,000 tunes. Again, for $60. To enjoy the same experience with iTunes would cost me well over $10,000. Would I spend that much money on iTunes? Of course not. I'd simply enjoy access to a much more limited selection of music.
And sure, if I cancel the subscription, those songs disappear, but so what? I've enjoyed the use of them, and for a pittance. Complaining about losing them is like complaining about losing the use of a car when the lease runs out. And, I've had a very good opportunity to try out various kinds of music by various artists, and therefore can make much better informed purchasing decisions.
And, of course, nothing stopped me from ripping my own CDs to my Zune. They're all there, right next to their subscription buddies. And they'll still be there should I decide to cancel my subscription. All of that, on a player with a great UI, nice sound, and for a very reasonable price. It's great for video, podcasts, and audiobooks as well, with a handy auto-bookmarking feature and easy categorized access.
I can see someone finding fault with Microsoft's numbers. They're probably a bit inflated, but then again, that's marketing--something Apple's quite familiar with. But, the comments here are ridiculous in the extreme. If you want to pirate your music, fine, but that does nothing to position Apple in a better place than Microsoft. And the anti-Microsoft posts that do nothing to answer the reality of the ad are just sad.
Again, if Apple had originated a subscription service, you'd all be attacking everyone else for being so stupid as to "buy" their music. "Gosh," you'd say, "you idiots pay $.99 for EVERY song? Look at me, I download thousands of songs for only $49.99 a month." Because, of course, Apple wouldn't charge only $14.95 a month, and they wouldn't give you 10 songs to keep in the bargain.
You know what your problem is? In order for you to play your music you are stuck with a Zune. You have banked all your money on a company that will back out if the Zune won't be a success. The device will be just like windows be always out of date. With little innovation and creativity. Every two years or so ms just copies Apple. If they bring any other 'extra' functionality it will be implemented very poorly. You are even forced to combine to sit behind a dull pc and will always combine creativity with dullness. Pretty sad if you ask me. I don't know how long ms will hold it out for but I sure ain't betting my horses on it with a monthly subscription. We will see but as for now the consumer has spoken and ms is too late with too little.
Zune Pass - $15 per month to keep 10 songs and listen to unlimited songs.
iTunes (assuming iPhone or iPod Touch) - $10 - $13 per month to keep 10 songs and listen to unlimited songs via AOL Radio, Last.fm, Pandora etc.
Also pretty sure MS's DRM locked files won't work on an iPod, so what exactly is MS"s point? It's really expensive if you're stupid to fill your iPod so use Zune Pass instead, oh but since Zune Pass doesn't work on iPod (or Mac) buy a POS Zune and throw away your iPod?
It'll take you 250 years and $45,000 to fill 120GB with ZunePass
Plus anyone with a 120GB already has plenty of music beforehand. That's why I have a 16GB iPhone and it is only 6GB filled with music. I don't have that much, I'm into J-Pop and I'm sure I wont find much of it on Zune Marketplace, just like it is with iTunes Store.
Plus history shows us that Microsoft can never be trusted.
btw, are we having some lost sheep in this forum? Praising ms on something like the zune and its rental system isn't going to do you any good. If you were going praise them about their office suite the hey you might get a confirmation. But Zune is such a looser product that even aside from the so-called 'fanboy' respones you are able to beat your own ms logic. As already pointed out. Only a few people are willing to pay a subscription fee.
It´s pretty funny to see that Mac fans are just as dumb as PC fans. Knee jerk reactions, for every postive word there has to be 3 negative words. You could just as well be a PC, well you are of course, but a Microsoft powered PC
It´s pretty funny to see that Mac fans are just as dumb as PC fans. Knee jerk reactions, for every postive word there has to be 3 negative words. You could just as well be a PC, well you are of course, but a Microsoft powered PC
If we were discussing NTFS vs HFS+, I would admit that NTFS is better than HFS+, mostly. As mentioned above, if you praised Office many would agree. But Zune... Give me a break.
Everybody has moments in his or her life one would prefer not to talk about because he or she is not proud of them and would prefer that never happened. In MS life, Zune is such a moment. They would better never mention it. There is no hope to resurrect it. Never. The iPod Classic, as the name suggests, is a scaled-up version of the old-generation device targeted to a limited audience which knows why they need it. Those audience needs a lot of space, presumably because these are the guys who have lot's of content to fit in already. But the add is not targeted towards those people. It just tries to misinform and spread FUD among the rest of the people. This time around the lie is so blunt it will make more damage IMO.
The only way that math doesn't make sense is if I wouldn't be inclined to purchase at least 10 songs in any event.
And, I've had a very good opportunity to try out various kinds of music by various artists, and therefore can make much better informed purchasing decisions.
Again, if Apple had originated a subscription service, you'd all be attacking everyone else for being so stupid as to "buy" their music.
Your missing the point, only when you buy more than 15 songs a month this subscription service would begin to make sense. And the music fans I know of can't find that many new songs a month on average. Simply because a good new song is very rare. A bad or average song on the other hand is only a hindrance on a iPod for someone with music taste.
So more is less, I would say.
Trying out music is one of the strong points of the iTunes music store. It is fast and easy.
So sampling music is no problem at all. Also (internet) radio is an excellent way to hear new songs.
Downloading gigs to your media player isn't a smart move. The time alone is not worth the effort.
If Apple release a product or service that doesn't make sense, I am the first to say so.
The 10 included songs are not DRMed WMAs. They're standard MP3s. Download them and own them, just as if you'd paid $.99 for them on iTunes. Play them on any device you want. Cancel the subscription, those songs are yours to keep. The only songs that stop working are songs you haven't purchased, either using the credits or by paying the standard purchase price.
So, again, you're paying $14.95/month for 10 songs to keep (MP3s) and unlimited access to the subscription service. Meaning, the subscription service is essentially $5/month.
Hope that clarifies things for you.
Why are you here? the Zune software doesn't run on a Mac and this is a Mac forum...... who are you going to convince?
wouldn't you be better off in a win/m$ dev forum whining about how it would expand the zune brand if the zune software ran on a Mac?
I would imagine VERY few here would go to the extra expense of buying a PC (or can they rent one?) just to then have to buy a Zune just to then have to pay the subscription in order to "benefit" when they already own a Mac and most likely if they are reading this thread, an iPod. this misses the whole hassle of actually having to deal with windows.
who says the $15 will remain at that price? we all know it will drift up once enough greed has registered in the record cartels eyeballs -- er i mean once enough people are suckered into a subscription model.
If we were discussing NTFS vs HFS+, I would admit that NTFS is better than HFS+, mostly. As mentioned above, if you praised Office many would agree. But Zune... Give me a break.
Everybody has moments in his or her life one would prefer not to talk about because he or she is not proud of them and would prefer that never happened. In MS life, Zune is such a moment. They would better never mention it. There is no hope to resurrect it. Never. The iPod Classic, as the name suggests, is a scaled-up version of the old-generation device targeted to a limited audience which knows why they need it. Those audience needs a lot of space, presumably because these are the guys who have lot's of content to fit in already. But the add is not targeted towards those people. It just tries to misinform and spread FUD among the rest of the people. This time around the lie is so blunt it will make more damage IMO.
I have a 10GB 2nd gen(?) iPod, in many ways (except size and battery ) the best iPOD i have ever used. I am using a iPOD touch now, imho the worst music player Apple Brought to market. The Zune, well i only have limited experience since i don´t own one, but my friend at my office has one, and it´s not in anyway as bad as it´s made up to be, i even like the Zune application on the PC :-) One of my first reasons not to buy a Zune would be that i in many ways i will do anything not to hand Microsoft money, it would not be because the product as such is bad, because it is not.
My comment about knee jerk reactions was aimed at those that just dimiss this because it comes from Microsoft, if this was introduced by Apple it would be iJesus for music.
People are commenting that rental music has always failed in the past and aren't analysing why the model has failed. Is that because people don't want to rent music or because the rented music won't play on the leading (70% market share) music player?
There's a lot of talk from people here that kids don't want rental services and don't have a credit card neccessary to use such a service. Perhaps these people should look at the success of World of Warcraft. WoW is a monthly subscription service primarily aimed at kids that makes its publisher $1 billion a year in revenue. Yes, I do mean $1,000,000,000.
If Apple came out with a similar scheme I gaurantee that it would succeed. They could easily offer quarterly or annual gift cards in stores to allow kids and teens to use the service. If you're young, you don't already have a music collection like we do. Why wouldn't they want access to millions of tracks?
Its great to pull apart this ad when most poeple here probably have acquired thier 120gb of music illegally.
Now pretend for a sec that you were are a user who bought all thier music online, make sense now??
For the ones going on about how they have bought cds etc, well frankly with the music getting pumped out these days by artists, your are better off getting 2-3 tracks online that are quality instead of a CD that has those 3 tracks and about 9 crap tracks. That is why i purchase my music online, if i like it I buy it.
But it doesn't really matter what we think: what matters is if this succeeds well-enough to keep MS in the music business. Given that this model has been tried by half-a-dozen companies (including MS) and failed every single time, I can't imagine it will succeed now. Especially since it's tied to a player with poor market share. If MS were smarter about this, they would ditch Zune altogether and make a portable Xbox. They have a robust, successful download marketplace for the Xbox they could easily adapt to sell music with, keeping subscription-based service as an option.
Since Office destroyed the competition, Xbox is the only non-enterprise product line they've achieved significant success with. Rather than trying to beat Apple at a game they've consistently failed in, they should make a lateral move and leverage the team that knows how to compete.
Honestly, I would be ashamed to own a Zune. And Zune sales were so pathetic that MS should be ashamed to even mention it as well. 1 million shipped to the channel during the first year? And how much now? Give me a break!
Call me paranoic but I have a feeling that MS is spending some of those $300 million budget paying trolls to post on dozens of boards like this to give the impression that someone actually cares about Zune. Really. I travel to Russia and Ukraine once in a couple of years and I know a lot of people who find the iPod too expensive and opt for Creative or no-name players but Zune? Even Windows fans there discard it as an option. Never bothered to think why. May be it is a branding issue. Would you buy Coca Cola branded sausages?
Who the heck plans to fill up an ipod with only music?!!
Oh yeah, Microsoft does not consider pictures, personal files, videos, podcasts, audiobooks, audio recordings, and games as things that might be used on an ipod...
besides, when buying a storage device we expect at least 2 to 5 gigs of free space as a safety net.
No doubt, this is an ad they did not clearly think through. People just wanting to listen to a few musical tracks aren't buying an iPod classic or a Zune, they get the higher end devices for movies on the go or to have the ability to store their entire music library & not just a few select songs.
As far as services go, I have no interrest. I rarely listen to the radio & much prefer listening to music in my collection. Truth be told though I'd rather have an iPod Touch than Classic (note Microsoft didn't even touch that one.) You can't play games, check e-mail, or surf the web on a Zune. Why does Microsoft even try, they are making the "Get a Mac" commercial about spending money on advertising instead of using it to fix Vista more & more true every day.
I personally want to see the windows desktop code sell off to someone else & let Microsoft just focus on server solutions, that's the one area I gotta say they are kicking Apple's tail right now (though we haven't seen snow leopard server yet).
To most of you, thanks for your help in validating my opinion of so many Apple fans. And incidentally, I only posted because the positions taken in the comment section here are so rabidly irrational. I'm certainly not getting paid to post here, or anywhere--but Microsoft, if you're reading, I'll take some cash if you're so inclined.
What is so irrational about pointing out that subscription music model only appeals to a very small selection of people? What is irrational is to expect everyone to think it's a good model because you do despite evidence of it actually thriving.
To most of you, thanks for your help in validating my opinion of so many Apple fans. And incidentally, I only posted because the positions taken in the comment section here are so rabidly irrational. I'm certainly not getting paid to post here, or anywhere--but Microsoft, if you're reading, I'll take some cash if you're so inclined.
Please, the bashing that takes place here is absolutely light weight compared to the way Microsoft fannies talk about Mac in your little tech forums & blogs! Half of those forums can't even account for a single intelligent comment they are so blindly hate filled!
Last person who should be giving any Apple fan boy a lecture is a Microsoft fan boy. Hypocrites.
if you should read the article again and check the url of the site you're on, you might figure out why deceptive half truths and twisted logic from microsoft invokes passionate responses from an apple focused website. just a thought....
We should read the article again and check the url of the site we are on, we might figure out why deceptive half truths and twisted logic from apple invokes passionate responses from an apple focused website. just a thought....
You folks crack me up. If Apple had come out with a subscription service, you'd all be calling it the next best thing since sliced bread.
Let's look at the math here... For $14.95 a month, I get 10 songs to keep. So, I'm effectively paying roughly $5/month for unlimited access to the entire Zune Marketplace. That's $60 a year. The only way that math doesn't make sense is if I wouldn't be inclined to purchase at least 10 songs in any event. And even then, $14.95 for unlimited access would be a relative bargain.
What does this mean for me? Well, here's an example. The other day, a friend of mine mentioned a few artists that he's been listening to. I've never heard of them before, but I trust his opinion. And so, I opened the Zune software, searched for the bands, and clicked on the "Download" button for each and every one of their albums. In short order, I'd downloaded all of their songs, a total of about 350. I put them all into a playlist called "Tom's Recs."
Then, while I was walking my dog for the next few days, I selected that playlist and turn on shuffle. For those few hours, I enjoyed a nice selection of songs from three bands I'd never heard before. And the cost? $5.
Since I do that pretty much on a weekly basis, I typically download and enjoy access to over a thousand tunes a month. In a year, that's, well, about 12,000 tunes. Again, for $60. To enjoy the same experience with iTunes would cost me well over $10,000. Would I spend that much money on iTunes? Of course not. I'd simply enjoy access to a much more limited selection of music.
And sure, if I cancel the subscription, those songs disappear, but so what? I've enjoyed the use of them, and for a pittance. Complaining about losing them is like complaining about losing the use of a car when the lease runs out. And, I've had a very good opportunity to try out various kinds of music by various artists, and therefore can make much better informed purchasing decisions.
And, of course, nothing stopped me from ripping my own CDs to my Zune. They're all there, right next to their subscription buddies. And they'll still be there should I decide to cancel my subscription. All of that, on a player with a great UI, nice sound, and for a very reasonable price. It's great for video, podcasts, and audiobooks as well, with a handy auto-bookmarking feature and easy categorized access.
I can see someone finding fault with Microsoft's numbers. They're probably a bit inflated, but then again, that's marketing--something Apple's quite familiar with. But, the comments here are ridiculous in the extreme. If you want to pirate your music, fine, but that does nothing to position Apple in a better place than Microsoft. And the anti-Microsoft posts that do nothing to answer the reality of the ad are just sad.
Again, if Apple had originated a subscription service, you'd all be attacking everyone else for being so stupid as to "buy" their music. "Gosh," you'd say, "you idiots pay $.99 for EVERY song? Look at me, I download thousands of songs for only $49.99 a month." Because, of course, Apple wouldn't charge only $14.95 a month, and they wouldn't give you 10 songs to keep in the bargain.
You know what your problem is? In order for you to play your music you are stuck with a Zune. You have banked all your money on a company that will back out if the Zune won't be a success. The device will be just like windows be always out of date. With little innovation and creativity. Every two years or so ms just copies Apple. If they bring any other 'extra' functionality it will be implemented very poorly. You are even forced to combine to sit behind a dull pc and will always combine creativity with dullness. Pretty sad if you ask me. I don't know how long ms will hold it out for but I sure ain't betting my horses on it with a monthly subscription. We will see but as for now the consumer has spoken and ms is too late with too little.
Zune Pass - $15 per month to keep 10 songs and listen to unlimited songs.
iTunes (assuming iPhone or iPod Touch) - $10 - $13 per month to keep 10 songs and listen to unlimited songs via AOL Radio, Last.fm, Pandora etc.
Also pretty sure MS's DRM locked files won't work on an iPod, so what exactly is MS"s point? It's really expensive if you're stupid to fill your iPod so use Zune Pass instead, oh but since Zune Pass doesn't work on iPod (or Mac) buy a POS Zune and throw away your iPod?
It'll take you 250 years and $45,000 to fill 120GB with ZunePass
Plus anyone with a 120GB already has plenty of music beforehand. That's why I have a 16GB iPhone and it is only 6GB filled with music. I don't have that much, I'm into J-Pop and I'm sure I wont find much of it on Zune Marketplace, just like it is with iTunes Store.
Plus history shows us that Microsoft can never be trusted.
Just look at PlaysForSure and MSN Music store.
What if Microsoft discontinues the Zune?
It´s pretty funny to see that Mac fans are just as dumb as PC fans. Knee jerk reactions, for every postive word there has to be 3 negative words. You could just as well be a PC, well you are of course, but a Microsoft powered PC
I've wondered why Apple hasn't taken this issue head-on ages go, to get rid of it with barely any cost.
Simply offer an iTunes rental option as well, and let the marketplace decide.
It's not like they make a whole heck of a lot of margins from iTunes anyway.......
I seem to remember that Microsoft made a deal with record labels to give them a cut
of each Zune sale. This may have been required for the unlimited use of the libraries.
I doubt Apple would ever agree to such an arrangement. If I am remembering incorrectly,
a distinct possibility, then never mind.
I use mac and pc, but i am an Amiga.
It´s pretty funny to see that Mac fans are just as dumb as PC fans. Knee jerk reactions, for every postive word there has to be 3 negative words. You could just as well be a PC, well you are of course, but a Microsoft powered PC
If we were discussing NTFS vs HFS+, I would admit that NTFS is better than HFS+, mostly. As mentioned above, if you praised Office many would agree. But Zune... Give me a break.
Everybody has moments in his or her life one would prefer not to talk about because he or she is not proud of them and would prefer that never happened. In MS life, Zune is such a moment. They would better never mention it. There is no hope to resurrect it. Never. The iPod Classic, as the name suggests, is a scaled-up version of the old-generation device targeted to a limited audience which knows why they need it. Those audience needs a lot of space, presumably because these are the guys who have lot's of content to fit in already. But the add is not targeted towards those people. It just tries to misinform and spread FUD among the rest of the people. This time around the lie is so blunt it will make more damage IMO.
The only way that math doesn't make sense is if I wouldn't be inclined to purchase at least 10 songs in any event.
And, I've had a very good opportunity to try out various kinds of music by various artists, and therefore can make much better informed purchasing decisions.
Again, if Apple had originated a subscription service, you'd all be attacking everyone else for being so stupid as to "buy" their music.
Your missing the point, only when you buy more than 15 songs a month this subscription service would begin to make sense. And the music fans I know of can't find that many new songs a month on average. Simply because a good new song is very rare. A bad or average song on the other hand is only a hindrance on a iPod for someone with music taste.
So more is less, I would say.
Trying out music is one of the strong points of the iTunes music store. It is fast and easy.
So sampling music is no problem at all. Also (internet) radio is an excellent way to hear new songs.
Downloading gigs to your media player isn't a smart move. The time alone is not worth the effort.
If Apple release a product or service that doesn't make sense, I am the first to say so.
So speak for yourself.
a polite way of saying
Male Bovine Fecal Matter
You seem to be confused as to the model.
The 10 included songs are not DRMed WMAs. They're standard MP3s. Download them and own them, just as if you'd paid $.99 for them on iTunes. Play them on any device you want. Cancel the subscription, those songs are yours to keep. The only songs that stop working are songs you haven't purchased, either using the credits or by paying the standard purchase price.
So, again, you're paying $14.95/month for 10 songs to keep (MP3s) and unlimited access to the subscription service. Meaning, the subscription service is essentially $5/month.
Hope that clarifies things for you.
Why are you here? the Zune software doesn't run on a Mac and this is a Mac forum...... who are you going to convince?
wouldn't you be better off in a win/m$ dev forum whining about how it would expand the zune brand if the zune software ran on a Mac?
I would imagine VERY few here would go to the extra expense of buying a PC (or can they rent one?) just to then have to buy a Zune just to then have to pay the subscription in order to "benefit" when they already own a Mac and most likely if they are reading this thread, an iPod. this misses the whole hassle of actually having to deal with windows.
who says the $15 will remain at that price? we all know it will drift up once enough greed has registered in the record cartels eyeballs -- er i mean once enough people are suckered into a subscription model.
If we were discussing NTFS vs HFS+, I would admit that NTFS is better than HFS+, mostly. As mentioned above, if you praised Office many would agree. But Zune... Give me a break.
Everybody has moments in his or her life one would prefer not to talk about because he or she is not proud of them and would prefer that never happened. In MS life, Zune is such a moment. They would better never mention it. There is no hope to resurrect it. Never. The iPod Classic, as the name suggests, is a scaled-up version of the old-generation device targeted to a limited audience which knows why they need it. Those audience needs a lot of space, presumably because these are the guys who have lot's of content to fit in already. But the add is not targeted towards those people. It just tries to misinform and spread FUD among the rest of the people. This time around the lie is so blunt it will make more damage IMO.
I have a 10GB 2nd gen(?) iPod, in many ways (except size and battery ) the best iPOD i have ever used. I am using a iPOD touch now, imho the worst music player Apple Brought to market. The Zune, well i only have limited experience since i don´t own one, but my friend at my office has one, and it´s not in anyway as bad as it´s made up to be, i even like the Zune application on the PC :-) One of my first reasons not to buy a Zune would be that i in many ways i will do anything not to hand Microsoft money, it would not be because the product as such is bad, because it is not.
My comment about knee jerk reactions was aimed at those that just dimiss this because it comes from Microsoft, if this was introduced by Apple it would be iJesus for music.
There's a lot of talk from people here that kids don't want rental services and don't have a credit card neccessary to use such a service. Perhaps these people should look at the success of World of Warcraft. WoW is a monthly subscription service primarily aimed at kids that makes its publisher $1 billion a year in revenue. Yes, I do mean $1,000,000,000.
If Apple came out with a similar scheme I gaurantee that it would succeed. They could easily offer quarterly or annual gift cards in stores to allow kids and teens to use the service. If you're young, you don't already have a music collection like we do. Why wouldn't they want access to millions of tracks?
Now pretend for a sec that you were are a user who bought all thier music online, make sense now??
For the ones going on about how they have bought cds etc, well frankly with the music getting pumped out these days by artists, your are better off getting 2-3 tracks online that are quality instead of a CD that has those 3 tracks and about 9 crap tracks. That is why i purchase my music online, if i like it I buy it.