Series of YouTube videos show off Apple's Snow Leopard



  • Reply 21 of 112
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    Uh, what's with the tampon icon (third down on left)? What does that do?

    that's iGush, the once monthly calendar reminder that presents a suggested shopping list of female hygiene products based on estimated previous usage of products purchased in prior months.
  • Reply 22 of 112
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Which features are those? The only one that sticks out me is Put Back, which was oddly left out of OS X, but present in the previous Mac OS. Most of the things in the videos have been around in all the OSes for decades in some form, this is just a more efficient and simpler alternative in many ways.

    Main things were the putback feature and text features. Things like turning tm and (c) into their proper symbols, or auto correct, or even the 1/2 thing. The date thing was really cool though and definitely not something found in ms office. The file search reminded me a lot of the built in file search field in windows folder dialogs. I guess I was hoping for something totally foreign to Windows.
  • Reply 23 of 112
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,849member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Main things were the putback feature and text features. Things like turning tm and (c) into their proper symbols, or auto correct, or even the 1/2 thing. The date thing was really cool though and definitely not something found in ms office. The file search reminded me a lot of the built in file search field in windows folder dialogs. I guess I was hoping for something totally foreign to Windows.

    Actually most of the features shown are features of MS Office, which isn't a free app. Apple is including these free in the OS. These really aren't features IMO, they're more like tweaks to the existing OS.
  • Reply 24 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    I like numbered list items in small letters. MS Word doesn't allow this. If only Mac OS X would begin to do the same... What's the 4th platform to migrate to (no Linux, pls)?
  • Reply 25 of 112
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Things like turning tm and (c) into their proper symbols, or auto correct, or even the 1/2 thing. The date thing was really cool though and definitely not something found in ms office. The file search reminded me a lot of the built in file search field in windows folder dialogs. I guess I was hoping for something totally foreign to Windows.

    Word processing apps have had that for decades, but this is a system wide addition to the OS. If I’m using Google Docs or simply typing in this forum I can easily type ™, ©, ⅛, … and have it carry over outside of using Word or Pages. I haven’t seen this addition in Windows, but I’ll look for it later.

    PS: This will really help AppleInsider staff write faster. They can now set up their own short cuts so typing ai with have it write the Cupertino-base company, typing ia will have it write out the Cupertino-based iPod maker, and ipa will have it write out the Cupertino-based iPhone maker, or whatever. On a serious note, I have just added some simple commands to that add the vBulletin markup commands that I use often. Namely, breaking out posting in forums with a closing [ /quote] followed by [ quote] so I can reply more effectively.

    PPS: It doesn’t care about capitalization. Not that needs to, but having the option would be nice for fine tuning commands.
  • Reply 26 of 112
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,849member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    I like numbered list items in small letters. MS Word doesn't allow this. If only Mac OS X would begin to do the same... What's the 4th platform to migrate to (no Linux, pls)?

    I guess its too bad nobody can make a "special" OS just for you. Suck it up and make your own if you think you can do better!
  • Reply 27 of 112
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    Uh, what's with the tampon icon (third down on left)? What does that do?

    Now, I was going to ask about that, but I was going to call it a rocket-powered Mighty Mouse.
  • Reply 28 of 112
    addicted44addicted44 Posts: 830member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Main things were the putback feature and text features. Things like turning tm and (c) into their proper symbols, or auto correct, or even the 1/2 thing. The date thing was really cool though and definitely not something found in ms office. The file search reminded me a lot of the built in file search field in windows folder dialogs. I guess I was hoping for something totally foreign to Windows.

    The part that you are missing is that those text features you talk about (Substitutions) are NOT part of Windows. They are part of MS Office, and a few other MS apps.

    Apple has truly made it part of the OS (and the Cocoa API's) so it will be automatically (or extremely easily) implemented in all text fields created by any 3rd party application developer too. If I am theorizing its architecture right, you will also be able to control system-wide substitutions and settings on an OS basis, rather than a per-app basis.

    Adding it to the API's makes it far bigger, and more useful than having it in a few Office ($100+) apps.
  • Reply 29 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I guess its too bad nobody can make a "special" OS just for you. Suck it up and make your own if you think you can do better!

    If I happen to succeed, what will be Apple's vanity then?
  • Reply 30 of 112
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,849member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    If I happen to succeed, what will be Apple's vanity then?

    Apple won't have to worry about you succeeding...nothing else to discuss!
  • Reply 31 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Apple won't have to worry about you succeeding...nothing else to discuss!

    Oh, we can't know that.
  • Reply 32 of 112
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member

    You have to wonder if white text on black will become Snow Leopard's theme, but I'm still unsure of that happening. Can't wait for the stoplight window controls to be replaced with something less garish; they have to.

    The new Stacks are interesting, but what really caught my eye was the iPhone/iPod touch-style disappearing scroll bar. I think that could be what replaces all scroll bars in SL, rather than the alternative looks introduced in iTunes 7 (i.e., the matte style, though that's nice too), iMovie '09, etc.

    All the buttons are more rectangular in Snow Leopard where they were more squarish in Leopard.

    The new playback buttons built into the icons for audio and video files are interesting too, but I don't see much of a point where videos are concerned. I don't blow icons up to massive proportions. Audio files, though, will be nice to preview in place. Sure, there's QuickLook, but for audio, it's overkill most of the time. I just want to check out the song before importing it into iTunes.

    Overall, these videos just make the wait for the unveiling of Snow Leopard's new UI (whatever it is) that much harder.

    If there's one thing I would like Apple to at least consider, it's the removal of the happy Finder face icon with something new and more visually descriptive or something recognizable (perhaps the iPhone's minimalist Home button symbol?). I know, it's sacrilegious and I'll miss the little guy too, but it's time for the Finder icon to grow up IMO.
  • Reply 33 of 112
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    There's no huge reason to....

    I know that you are a really smart and knowledgeable guy, but I don't get why you are also okay with promoting this kind of thing. You can be both smart and good person you know.

    As you note, anyone who really wants to know this stuff can get a hold of it themselves quite easily.

    My point therefore, is that the only reason this d*ck-head did this is to drive his own sense of self-importance to make a big splash, to be "first" etc. Historically, this egoism (cred), is a key driver behind most hacking.

    I know this is old-fashioned thinking nowadays and that no one much agrees with me right now, but IMO the more d*ck-heads there are in the world, the worse off we all are.

    Also, moral structures are a logical necessity so it's likely the worm will eventually turn and society will again put a value on "doing the right thing" someday as opposed to teaching a self-centred, emotionally based value system as is generally done today.

    I just find it depressing, and also so unnecessary to release this now, given that it's likely there are more UI changes (the elimination of aqua) to come; we won't see until the developer preview anyway; these particular changes are minimal and not that interesting; and it's only a damn month or so to wait anyway.
  • Reply 34 of 112
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    The part that you are missing is that those text features you talk about (Substitutions) are NOT part of Windows. They are part of MS Office, and a few other MS apps.

    Apple has truly made it part of the OS (and the Cocoa API's) so it will be automatically (or extremely easily) implemented in all text fields created by any 3rd party application developer too. If I am theorizing its architecture right, you will also be able to control system-wide substitutions and settings on an OS basis, rather than a per-app basis.

    Adding it to the API's makes it far bigger, and more useful than having it in a few Office ($100+) apps.

    I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • Reply 35 of 112
    I love how QuickTime 10 won't have the 2 "trim scrubbers" visible. You only get those if you go to the menu and click the Trim option.

    This is one of the little things that annoy me about QuickTime. When I try and move the playback scrubber, it triggers the trim scrubber to move and pause video playback. I think this happens when you click a little too high on the playback line.
  • Reply 36 of 112
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I know that you are a really smart and knowledgeable guy, but I don't get why you are also okay with promoting this kind of thing. You can be both smart and good person you know.

    As you note, anyone who really wants to know this stuff can get a hold of it themselves quite easily.

    My point therefore, is that the only reason this d*ck-head did this is to drive his own sense of self-importance to make a big splash, to be "first" etc. Historically, this egoism (cred), is a key driver behind most hacking.

    I know this is old-fashioned thinking nowadays and that no one much agrees with me right now, but IMO the more d*ck-heads there are in the world, the worse off we all are.

    Also, moral structures are a logical necessity so it's likely the worm will eventually turn and society will again put a value on "doing the right thing" someday as opposed to teaching a self-centred, emotionally based value system as is generally done today.

    I just find it depressing, and also so unnecessary to release this now, given that it's likely there are more UI changes (the elimination of aqua) to come; we won't see until the developer preview anyway; these particular changes are minimal and not that interesting; and it's only a damn month or so to wait anyway.

    After having thought all that over again, I have to admit your judgement may have been quite reasonable. And, in any case, I should not have promoted torrent links, I just did not think it good (apologies, Mel)... The only thing I wanted to say the guy might happen to be not under NDA, which surely didn't excuse him completely...
  • Reply 37 of 112
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    I just want to see the real-world speed improvements in the finished product. Grand-Central this, multi-core that. It's all bullshit as far as I'm concerned, until I actually see the thing working faster. I'm not falling for the marketing crap this time. It's all just fancy trimmings, we'll see. I doubt I'll be buying for a while...

    And please, let's not make this into a Windows 7 thread, there are Windows forums for that. Enough with the needless comparisons already. Let's take Snow Leopard on its own merits. All this stuff in these videos I won't use, quick-look on the icons is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Why would I need it when I can Quicklook the actual video by pressing spacebar. Me thinks they are running out of ideas to wow people with. We all know they are working on this tablet anyway, that's where the real innovation is going these days. That and those phones I heard they are working on
  • Reply 38 of 112
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Oh, I could not see him well because of those pitiable controls in client area...

    When I try to look at the videos on the You Tube page I only get the Finder search refinement one no matter which I click on, so I'm not seeing what you're seeing, but:

    I thought the heads up transport controls on QT X did the DVD player thing-- that is, fade from view after a few seconds of inactivity?
  • Reply 39 of 112
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Sweet videos! Can't wait for next month.
  • Reply 40 of 112
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I thought the heads up transport controls on QT X did the DVD player thing-- that is, fade from view after a few seconds of inactivity?

    You are correct. In addition to the playback controls, which closely resemble those of DVD Player, the title bar (with window controls) is translucent; it too fades away when the mouse is not over the video window.
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