iPhone rival Palm Pre to sell for $199 after rebate on June 6th

in iPhone edited January 2014
Sprint Nextel Corp said Tuesday that Palm's much anticipate Pre smartphone will launch on its 3G network Saturday June 6th for $199.99 with a two-year service agreement and after a $100 mail-in rebate.

The announcement comes amid increasing speculation from industry watchers who believe Apple, an established rival standing in Palm's path to regaining steep market share losses, may use its annual developers conference two days later to counter the PDA device maker's latest handset with its own line of updated iPhones.


Sprint says the Pre will be available nationwide in Sprint stores, Best Buy, Radio Shack, select Wal-Mart stores and online at Sprint.com. The carrier also took a pot-shot at rival wireless providers by claiming that the device will come with its value-oriented Everything Data plans that "offer savings of up to $1,430 over two years versus comparable AT&T and Verizon plans for smartphones and PDAs."

Calling plans

Upon closer inspection, however, it appears that Sprint based those comparisons on the unlimited minute options for Verizon PDA/Smartphone Nationwide Email & Messaging with the VZ Navigator add-on and AT&T's Nation plan with the addition of a PDA Personal Bundle and AT&T Navigator.

Sprint's cheapest "Everything Data" plan with unlimited data usage starts at $69.99 per month for 450 anytime minutes, essentially inline with AT&T's entry-level iPhone plan, but also includes unlimited MMS messaging. A plan with 900 minutes fetches $89.99 while a plan with unlimited data and voice -- Simply Everything -- costs $99.99.

The Pre handset

Listed among the Pre's features is a 3.1-inch touchscreen supplemented by a physical slide-out keyboard, 8GB of internal storage, GPS, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, 3-megapixel camera, and a removable battery. It will run and mark the debut of Palm's new webOS platform based on standard open web technologies such as CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript.

Among the software's highlights is Palm Synergy, a key feature that brings together a user's personal and professional calendar, contacts and e-mail into one centralized view, making transitions between work and personal applications easier to manage.

Unlike the iPhone, Palm has said that the Pre will run multiple apps at the same time, each one "seamlessly connected to the web and always active."Â*Using the device's multi-touch-like screen surface, users will be able to instantly flip from one app to another as if they were sifting through a deck of playing cards on a table."

"You can move back and forth between text messaging and e-mail, or search the web while you listen to music," the company said. "You can rearrange items simply by dragging them, and when you are done with something, just throw it away by flicking it off the top of the screen.

Each Pre comes with a charger in the box, but Palm will also market a $49.99 Touchstone charging dock, which it claims is the first inductive charging solution for phones, available exclusively for Pre. When bundled with a Touchstone back cover for Pre, the dock will sell for $69.99.


  • Reply 1 of 429
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    the Palm Pre is hot.


    its the only other phone that I want... Can't wait till it comes to Canada.

    I will switch from the iPhone....
  • Reply 2 of 429
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Love the replaceable battery and the more than one app at a time feature.

    Will the Pre come with a flash?
  • Reply 3 of 429
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    until the Sprint exclusive deal ends!
  • Reply 4 of 429
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Love the replaceable battery and the more than one app at a time feature. Will it have a flash?

    We will soon find out how hot the multi-tasking thing really is on this thing.

    It is good it has a removable battery. I think it will need it.

    A key will be how well supported its app store will be.

    Some knock AT&T.

    Sprint doesn't smell like a rose either.
  • Reply 5 of 429
    I've been waiting for someone to point out a single killer feature on this phone for weeks now. Here we are, approaching launch, and I still haven't seen one. Let's see: it's fat and heavy, it's linked to Sprint who is widely derided as the worst US carrier, it has no apps (yet) and the company is short on cash.

    Now we learn it doesn't even compete on price, until after a mail-in rebate? Mail in rebate? Are you joking?!


    Wait, here's something: "You can move back and forth between text messaging and e-mail, or search the web while you listen to music," the company said. "You can rearrange items simply by dragging them, and when you are done with something, just throw it away by flicking it off the top of the screen.

    Wow! All the things I already do on my iPhone. No seriously, I can do every single one of those things right now. SMS comes up in a pop-up when you're in other apps, and the iPod plays under everything else.


  • Reply 6 of 429
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    That said, if there were no iPhone, I would consider a Pre.

    Of course, I somewhat think the Pre would not be this good if the iPhone did not exist.
  • Reply 7 of 429
    markbmarkb Posts: 153member

    You can move back and forth between text messaging and e-mail, or search the web while you listen to music

    ...for the 5 minutes before the battery goes dead. Until there is some massive breakthrough in battery life or power consumption, push notification is a better model.
  • Reply 8 of 429
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    We will soon find out how hot the multi-tasking thing really is on this thing.

    It is good it has a removable battery. I think it will need it.

    A key will be how well supported its app store will be.

    Some knock AT&T.

    Sprint doesn't smell like a rose either.

    Battery life is important too. I agree Sprint is pretty bad but still need to read reviews on it and its Sprint signal before passing judgements.
  • Reply 9 of 429
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    The price is 299, why do these companies always put these stupid rebates, if I go and buy the phone in store, I'm not paying 199, I'll be paying 299.
  • Reply 10 of 429
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    The price is 299, why do these companies always put these stupid rebates, if I go and buy the phone in store, I'm not paying 199, I'll be paying 299.

    I'd rather take any stupid rebate from these companies than no rebate from Apple.

    I hate rebates too but still prefer it to nothing or $100 off the company's products.
  • Reply 11 of 429
    bigmc6000bigmc6000 Posts: 767member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Battery life is important too. I agree Sprint is pretty bad but still need to read reviews on it and its Sprint signal before passing judgements.

    I had them for about 3 years and it wasn't anything special to say the least. I really haven't run into a cell phone provider that I thought was simply amazing nor have I really run into one that's God-Awful. I've had really good results w/ AT&T and they even have 3G now in my hometown of 5k (when I go to visit) so I guess that's about as good as I can ask for. I'd say they are obviously lacking in something because if you're offering plans $20 cheaper (check the unlimited MMS included) then you're trying to steal customers based on price and as we all know on this forum the way to make up for a substandard product is to make it cheaper than it's competitors...

    That $100 mail-in-rebate is crap too...

    You get a $200-$300 instant rebate when you buy an iPhone. You can either get a $199 iPhone w/ no mail in rebate or you can get a $299 Pre and wait for the extra $100 to come back to you. Sounds like a no-brainer... Also, you're going to pay tax on that extra $100 and you certainly aren't going to get that back.
  • Reply 12 of 429
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    the Palm Pre is hot.


    its the only other phone that I want... Can't wait till it comes to Canada.

    I will switch from the iPhone....

    We knew that.
  • Reply 13 of 429
    cozagadacozagada Posts: 19member
    Looking at the webOS book, I have to say I'm quite excited about the Pre. Check the introduction on multitasking :


    I don't see why leaving one window open on one email while typing a new email in another window would consume more battery if the system is done right.
  • Reply 14 of 429
    I suspect that Pre will be an interesting phone but solidly in the tradition that iPhone invented. Hard to know on a practical level how it will function until there's hands' on experience. It may make a small dent in prospective iPhone buyers but more likely it will only help grow the smart phone market and the big 3 in this space all gain (RIMM, Apple, Android). iPhone sales certainly won't be going down anytime soon. Competition is good for Apple though unlike other companies it doesn't rest on its laurals. Palm is in trouble however on their financials. I read an analysis that said Palm would need to sell 8 million Pre in year 1 just to stay in business. Would Msoft be interested in buying this company? Gruber thinks their getting ready to buy RIM but I think palm. Msoft have nothing to compete with in this space and seemingly incapable of engineering one.

    On an aesthetic note I think it (Pre) looks a bit stodgy.
  • Reply 15 of 429
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I'd rather take any stupid rebate from these companies than no rebate from Apple.

    I hate rebates too but still prefer it to nothing or $100 off the company's products.

    An iphone is 199 when you buy it in the store, this phone is 299. The Pre needs a rebate, lol.
  • Reply 16 of 429
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    So where are the "2-year contract" complainers? Wow, and it includes a keyboard for midgets, and the slide out keyboard is not even in landscape mode.

    Replaceable battery, give me a break. No one stocks up on cell phone batteries, and most of you dump the phone after a year when something better comes out anyway. My Razr worked great, and I never had to replace the battery, and I had the phone for 2 years before I got the iPhone. The only problem: the battery cover would never sit right on the back of the phone. The iPhone battery lasts longer than the Razr battery. I had an old Nokia phone that had a slide-on clip battery that had enough play in it that it would disconnect power whenever it moved. The only solution was taping it to the phone. Replacement batteries had the same problem. So in my opinion, removable batteries suck.
  • Reply 17 of 429
    vinitaboyvinitaboy Posts: 156member
    The "Pre" is V-A-P-O-R-W-A-R-E! It's still a promise, a dream, a phantom, a wisp. Nothing more.

    So it "looks good"? Big f-ing deal! Has anyone actually touched or used this thing for longer than 10 seconds? It's a Potemkin Village, folks! It's all facade, smoke, and mirrors!

    Tell me: How well does that touch screen actually work? How rugged is it? Battery life good with all those background tasks running all the time? Will you need a bandolero of them for a day's calling and "computing"? How's the reception on the Sprint network? Moreover, how's the Sprint network itself? Hate AT&T and Verizon's coverage? Then you're absolutely going to convulse over Sprint's!

    Gonna save some money with this device? Yeah? Not if there aren't any useful, rock-solid applications for it. Not if the service and support after the sale aren't there. Palm is on its way DOWN, ladies and gentlement. The slightest misstep with this phone, and it's GONE.

    A TRUISM OF THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY: Never, never, never buy anything with a zero on the end of its version number. Now, let's see. The "Pre" is coming out with NO real-world testing by anyone and usage information from no one--and it's in Version 1.0. GOOD LUCK, people. Believe the dream. Maybe this beleaguered company can pull the first miracle in history and release a perfect device the first time.

    The grass is always greener on the other side. Always. Until you get there and taste it. (Here's to the BlackBerry Storm, Vista, Windows 7, cars that run on water, the free lunch, and "the check's in the mail.")
  • Reply 18 of 429
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I'd rather take any stupid rebate from these companies than no rebate from Apple.

    I hate rebates too but still prefer it to nothing or $100 off the company's products.

    so for an 8gb iPhone, you'd rather shell out $300 up front, then wait for your 100 bucks to come back in the mail....rather than just pay $200 and be done? Makes sense.....

    Didn't the Pre CEO (or sprint CEO, i forget) make some snively comment such as, "why would we price it the same as an iPhone when we have the better product"? HA what a shithead. Is a mail-in rebate his idea of pricing the Pre higher? Gimmie a break.
  • Reply 19 of 429
    bonklersbonklers Posts: 54member
    8GB seems too little. If rumors are true, then the new iphone will have 16GB memory, wireless-n and much more for $199.

    the one thing iphone lacks is being able to run 1 background app like music streaming, but i hear that if you jailbreak it then you can do that too!
  • Reply 20 of 429
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    That $100 mail-in-rebate is crap too...

    You get a $200-$300 instant rebate when you buy an iPhone. You can either get a $199 iPhone w/ no mail in rebate or you can get a $299 Pre and wait for the extra $100 to come back to you. Sounds like a no-brainer... Also, you're going to pay tax on that extra $100 and you certainly aren't going to get that back.

    Good try but that statement is absolutely FALSE.

    I know you didn't invent this falacy but perhaps your drink is extra spiked this morning?
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