Early glimpse at Zune HD: "better" than iPod touch



  • Reply 41 of 268
    wplj42wplj42 Posts: 439member
    I don't think it is better than the iPod, but do like the idea of a radio tuner built in. HD is too new for a lot of people to benefit, plus no AM. AM HD could be sweet. I hope Apple gets with the program and includes radio in future iPods, and I don't mean just the touch.
  • Reply 42 of 268
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Me too. I wonder what good all of Apple's multi-touch gestures did them as MS seems to have stolen all of them.

    The UI actually looks kind of clunky, but usable. The physical device is ok enough for people to not really care about so much. It's really not a better looking product but they don't have to necessarily be better. In other words, cheaper goes a long way.

    Don't forget that MS will use its cash-on-hand to subsidize this as a loss-leader long enough to gain traction, as it did with the XBox.

    This announcement is obviously pre-AppleOS 3 FUD. MS doesn't have any other tricks (like quality, originality or taste) up its sleeve.
  • Reply 43 of 268
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Well, even if the product is a sales failure like all previous Zune models, you really have to admit that they are catching up. MS can afford to fail forever on this thing, and in about 2 years time, it will start to surpass the iPod Touch. I expected it to be longer than 2 years, but it doesn't seem like it. MS really learned quick from Apple and MS has the money to fund the failures for as long as it takes.
  • Reply 44 of 268
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by ZenTigerpaw View Post

    This should make for some good competition for Apple. Which they haven't really had after Microsoft's Vista failed.

    Still a little annoyed over that Mojave campaign.

    Hmm, I wonder why.

    Unrelated to this topic, but since you mentioned Vista...


    I'm wondering if Army's acceptance of Vista will not push Vista into more businesses as well; Anyhow, I think it is still early to say Vista has failed.
  • Reply 45 of 268
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by FlashmanBurgess View Post

    WORD! Was going to say the same thing. It's as HD as the iPhone screen only smaller.

    But it is OLED, and it might end up looking much better regardless resolution. Perceived improvement can easily be higher than older technology-more pixels screen.
  • Reply 46 of 268
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by WPLJ42 View Post

    I don't think it is better than the iPod, but do like the idea of a radio tuner built in. HD is too new for a lot of people to benefit, plus no AM. AM HD could be sweet. I hope Apple gets with the program and includes radio in future iPods, and I don't mean just the touch.

    I don't know of any media player period that offers AM. (Tell me one if I'm missing it.)

    But Apple won't include radio any more than it would include a buggy whip.

    Radio (as I grew up with it) is dead... corporate, homogenized garbage. PBS is great but I podcast that.
  • Reply 47 of 268
    columbuscolumbus Posts: 282member
    The video was a bit blurry. The response to the accelerometer looks better than on an iPhone, but there were a few times the screen just didn't respond to input.

    I think the hardware looks good - I don't mind the screws, they fit the design nicely and give it a cool, industrial edge.
  • Reply 48 of 268
    mosxmosx Posts: 26member
    Originally Posted by D.J. Adequate View Post

    Yeah, cause all those subscription sites have really taken off. Amazon has taken a bigger share away from iTunes than all the subscription music-rental services combined.

    And one of those useless apps, Simplify, allows me to stream music over WiFi and 3G from my main computer. So they are not all fart apps.

    Say what you will about music subscription sites, but their subscriber numbers are still in the millions. The only reason they really haven't "taken off" is because none of them worked with the iPod.

    But the Zune Marketplace is fast catching up, especially now that you get to keep 10 DRM free songs per month, effectively making the subscription $5 per month.

    The best thing about the non-Apple and Amazon music sites is that, when they upgraded beyond 128kbps (years before Apple did), they upgraded their users files free of charge. None of this 30c per song BS that Apple is trying to push. I'd stopped buying music from Apple years ago because I finally realized I was paying just as much for music as I would if I had bought the CD, but even now at 256Kbps, the quality is nowhere near what you get with a CD.

    At least a music subscription allows you access to all of the ad-free music you could want, and at a higher bitrate than Pandora and other streaming radio.

    I've also tried Simplify on my iPhone. First of all, I don't see a reason to leave any of my computers running when I'm out of the house. Second, the iPhone's headphone out quality is easily the worst of all of Apple's portable media devices and is nowhere near the quality of output of my 80GB 5.5G iPod. So its essentially useless both because of poor audio quality and the fact that the App itself and the entire process is so uintuitive its more of a pain in the ass than "simple".
  • Reply 48 of 268
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    ..., I think it is still early to say Vista has failed.

    Actually, it's a bit late to be talking about Vista at all.

    Windows 7 (Vista 1.5) will be out in a matter of months and Microsoft has already said they will discontinue Vista sales when Windows 7 hits the shelves.

    Those few that prefer Vista over Windows 7 will be offered a free downgrade, just as Vista buyers today are offered a free downgrade to Windows XP.
  • Reply 50 of 268
    emoney35emoney35 Posts: 52member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Also, it's deemed unlikely that Microsoft will ever have the app support Apple can claim for its iPod.

    Unlikely...yes. However, if somehow this thing turns out to be a hit, anything is possible. After all, MS is pretty much the biggest company out there when it comes to computers. I'm not going to quote any kind of market share, but I'm willing to bet that MS/Windows has the vast majority of the worldwide PC market covered.
  • Reply 51 of 268
    luisdiasluisdias Posts: 277member

    I think it is still early to say Vista has failed.

    Considering that windows 7 is already on torrents I'd say Vista is essentially dead.
  • Reply 52 of 268
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Should be good to see this hooked up to the Fusion Hybrid with SYNC that Ford just gave Ballmer

    That being said, can't wait to see the OLED screen in person!
  • Reply 53 of 268
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    i really like the transition to radio... wish all of the others were like that. [and why aren't they consistent] not so impressed with the gaussian blurr/hard crop on the item at the top. pretty smoooth...

    ohh, BTW, neither this nor the pre use multi touch. there is no infringement. it's all touch and swipe one finger gestures. no pinch, twist, etc. apple couldn't patent everything. [that's a good thing btw].
  • Reply 54 of 268
    jimerljimerl Posts: 53member
    Originally Posted by WPLJ42 View Post

    I don't think it is better than the iPod, but do like the idea of a radio tuner built in. HD is too new for a lot of people to benefit, plus no AM. AM HD could be sweet. I hope Apple gets with the program and includes radio in future iPods, and I don't mean just the touch.

    You're kidding right? I've sided w steve on this one. If you're serious enough about your music to get a devise to take it with you then when/why would you listen to the same 20 songs and ads and idiot dj's on the radio? if I need news/weather/sports/traffic .... there's an app for that too!
  • Reply 55 of 268
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    I'd go as far to say, more people might be using the Win7 Beta/RC right now than Vista.

    As for the Zune, it looks like a decent device, I think how well it does is really going to depend on price. Its more a pure PMP than the Jack of all trades iPod touch, so Microsoft is going undercut Apple on price. Ironically enough, Apple also has the one up on the gaming situation.
  • Reply 56 of 268
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Well, even if the product is a sales failure like all previous Zune models, you really have to admit that they are catching up. MS can afford to fail forever on this thing, and in about 2 years time, it will start to surpass the iPod Touch. I expected it to be longer than 2 years, but it doesn't seem like it. MS really learned quick from Apple and MS has the money to fund the failures for as long as it takes.

    Where do you get your data for those numbers? That's a pretty ridiculous statement. Sure... MS will surpass the iPOD Touch in 2 years... if Apple stops creating products and starts selling livestock. In two years, the iPOD Touch will be insignificant compared to the next product that is around (whether it is an Apple product or somebody else). Microsoft has been dumping money into the Zune for years and they still can't sell the thing. This new ZUNE HD will cost as much as an iPOD Touch but will have less storage, less features, no apps, no e-mail, no web browser. It's just going to be another crappy mp3 player with a radio built in.

    You sound like a guy that told me Apple would be gone in 10 years back in 1998. I'm sorry but great companies evolve and tweak their business plan. Microsoft can't fart without a committee of people approving it first. By the time they get around to making a decision, they have missed the boat.

    You can't blame Microsoft for sucking, it's just part of being a big company.
  • Reply 57 of 268
    Originally Posted by mosx View Post

    Say what you will about music subscription sites, but their subscriber numbers are still in the millions. The only reason they really haven't "taken off" is because none of them worked with the iPod.

    I disagree. I think they haven't taken off because no one really wants them other than music industry executives. Millions hasn't been enough to make any of them profitable. But we shall see. (However, as a longtime music collector, I will never use one. My personal favorite service is eMusic, since it caters to my obscure tastes. Even then, I often buy a physical copy of those albums I really like.)

    I do notice for someone that claims to have a MacBook and and iPhone, all 10 of your posts are pro-Microsoft rants. So I have a feeling any arguments I made would fall on deaf ears. I wonder why you haven't just bought a Dell.
  • Reply 58 of 268
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Actually, it's a bit late to be talking about Vista at all.

    Windows 7 (Vista 1.5) will be out in a matter of months and Microsoft has already said they will discontinue Vista sales when Windows 7 hits the shelves.

    Those few that prefer Vista over Windows 7 will be offered a free downgrade, just as Vista buyers today are offered a free downgrade to Windows XP.

    I missed to see any info on MS plans to discontinue Vista so quickly. It does make sense having only one new OS to support, though... but MS has a history about announcing discontinuation and prolonging product's life afterwards.

    7 will do great with home/multimedia requirements, but businesses still might decide to go Vista instead of 7 for their next upgrade. Having US Army choosing Vista is helping Vista's image a bit, IMHO, and with SP2 released, Vista in many eyes does finally look mature and reliable.

    At the end, I wouldn't be surprised to see Vista stacking up to Windows 7 in a same way 2000 did to XP. I don't know what was it like in US, but in New Zealand, Windows 2000 was common in businesses for years after XP was introduced, and common opinion was that 2000, while less flashy and less multimedia oriented, is more suitable for office, with better stability and no-nonsense approach. Eventually, of course, XP outlived 2000 by a margin.
  • Reply 59 of 268
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Actually, it's a bit late to be talking about Vista at all.

    Yep, the quick turn around on Windows 7?and dropping the Vista name?tells you all you need to know about how Microsoft feels about it. Like Bob or ME, this version of Windows will not go down in history as one of MS's better moves.
  • Reply 60 of 268
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Uhhhhh!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! What a great achievement MS. That's magnifico!! Thank you for giving us a product that is so revolutionary and unique. Completely new concept. I like it.
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