Hospital says Steve Jobs in 'excellent' state following liver transplant



  • Reply 21 of 46
    According to the TN hospital where he got his liver transplant, he was extremely ill. This is a lot different than the nutritional deficiency that "was easily fixed with rest and diet." A liver transplant for metastatic pancreatic cancer is serious business and if I had known that Jobs had metastatic disease in his liver, I probably would not have bought apple stock. How do I know that the cancer has not spread to his lungs, brain, bone, etc. Apple's lack of transparency and blatant lies is the reason the street has punished and will continue to punish apple's stock.
  • Reply 22 of 46
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    The news media is turning it into: "Now we know why Apple was building up such a huge cash reserve." Merely to guarantee that Steve Jobs would have been first in line for a liver transplant. if a billion dollars is missing from the cash reserve next quarter, we know where it went... Methodist University Hospital.\

    The media is not going to let this one go to rest anytime soon. This story is going to be used to manipulate Apple stock to the hilt. I wonder if it has enough power to maybe dissuade potential Apple product buyers by casting Steve and Apple in a bad light. Power of the press is a fairly scary thing. There is absolutely zero proof that Steve bought a liver, yet there will be plenty of speculation about how he got a transplant as soon as he did. Even if the waiting list was short in that region, they'll suspect something fishy. Hey, he could have just gotten lucky.

    1. The protocol for selecting transplantation candidates is so closely scrutinized that for any hospital to be exposed as practicing favoritism is equivalent to stepping on the third rail in the subway. In other words, not likely.

    2. If there's stock manipulation, then this is the time to buy AAPL!
  • Reply 23 of 46
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member

    Jobs declined to provide more information on the reasons for the surgery or his current state, but experts may have answered these questions themselves. Physicians speculating about the operation suggest that, like the majority patients who recovered from the form of pancreatic cancer he had in 2004, the cancer had metastasized in his liver, creating the "hormonal imbalance" that ultimately forced Jobs to take leave of his normal office for the past six months. [...]

    While it's not known just how healthy the Apple CEO is or when his surgery actually took place -- the most recent leak points to two months earlier -- Jobs has purportedly been seen on campus this week.

    I wish Steve Jobs the best, but still believe that he is about to retire "for health reasons". That's what he should do anyhow.

    But how much would it hurt him to say the truth about his current health condition and plans for the future?

  • Reply 24 of 46
    winterspanwinterspan Posts: 605member
    Originally Posted by rnp1 View Post


    But seriously, what loyalty and stamina he has to return to work after all that. He can easily afford to stay home and just play with the kids. His input and ideas are just too important to us!

    Speaking of, where the **** is the BC Store? I was in Vancouver about two years ago and was shocked to find NO APPLE STORE...
  • Reply 25 of 46
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In a bid to settle the question of his health once and for all, Apple chief Steve Jobs has acknowledged that he did undergo a liver transplant at Methodist University Hospital and that he has come out of surgery in good condition.

    The executive gave permission to the Tennessee hospital to publish the news after a leak on Friday had all but confirmed the operation in the southeastern state.

    Program director Dr. James D. Eason justified a transplant of the sort, which can sometimes be controversial due to its uncertainty, by noting that Jobs likely needed it. He was the patient with the greatest likelihood of developing an end-stage liver disease among those with a blood type matching the next available donor liver; as such, he was a prime candidate for the operation.

    Even so, as he was the patient with the greatest risk in the waiting line, the Apple co-founder is now believed to have come out of his surgery with an "excellent prognosis" and a strong recovery.

    Jobs declined to provide more information on the reasons for the surgery or his current state, but experts may have answered these questions themselves. Physicians speculating about the operation suggest that, like the majority patients who recovered from the form of pancreatic cancer he had in 2004, the cancer had metastasized in his liver, creating the "hormonal imbalance" that ultimately forced Jobs to take leave of his normal office for the past six months.

    Tennessee is known to have been chosen for the small size of its transplant waiting list. Where the median number of days a patient would have to wait for a procedure in the US was 306 as of 2006, Tennessee's list was just 48 -- enough to virtually guarantee an operation during Jobs' hiatus. Methodist University Hospital also points out that it's one of the ten largest locations offering liver transplants in the US and that Jobs specifically chose the hospital due to its strong reputation for patient survival rates.

    While it's not known just how healthy the Apple CEO is or when his surgery actually took place -- the most recent leak points to two months earlier -- Jobs has purportedly been seen on campus this week. He was also quoted in a press release for the first time in months on Monday, hinting that he's ready to return to work in at least a partial capacity.

    In other news...

    Hospital receives an anonymous donation of 100 macs.

    Doctor 'reveals' that liver transplant patients lives an average of another 5 years.
  • Reply 26 of 46
    Originally Posted by DHKOsta View Post

    It's certainly good to hear that he's doing well, and if he decides to retire soon, then good for him. The last five months have proven that he's built an organization that will thrive even in his absence, and he's done his part to make the world a better place. Most of us are fans of Apple here, and whether we're consumers or shareholders, he's more than done right by us. While I hope that he'll spend another decade or two at Apple, I'd be perfectly content knowing that the man who paved the way for the tech I enjoy daily is enjoying time with his family.

    While I maintain that his health is none of our business, it's certainly comforting to know that all is well.

    To your health, Steve Jobs!

    Very well said!
  • Reply 27 of 46
    adamwadamw Posts: 114guest
    My prayers are with you Mr. Jobs!
  • Reply 28 of 46
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    Speaking of, where the **** is the BC Store? I was in Vancouver about two years ago and was shocked to find NO APPLE STORE...

    Well, if you were privy to regional Mac sales figures, you would see that Toronto, for example has one of the highest percentages in North America, certainly in Canada.

    Vancouver, however, just like about everything out there, they tend to reflect Seattle, for example. And what do you think they leaned towards?

    On an anecdotal note, my relatives, friends and colleagues there fought constantly with me when I attempted to get them to buy a Mac. "Nope. Everybody has a PC." Finally got one niece to get a Mac when she started university in Canada. Loved it. Couldn't and now wouldn't live without it. Her younger sister on the other hand went to Seattle (U). Even after seeing how much her sister loved her computer, one trip to the Seattle, and guess what? Why because everybody there has a PC. Now when she comes home, she leaves her PC in the dorm and uses her sisters at home. Now one has an iPhone and the other a Samsung. Guess which one.

    In any event, Vancouver finally did get an Apple store. But in the meantime there is Mac Station, one of the best 'Apple' resellers in North America.
  • Reply 30 of 46
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    I am sorry but I don't think Steve "blow" jobs is going to live long.
  • Reply 31 of 46
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    There was another excellent article in yesterday's NY Time about the process of receiving transplants and whether or not someone like SJ may have jumped the line due to his wealth and celebrity. I wish him well after that major procedure. I'm surprised he's back that fast after reading about liver transplants.

    Here it is:
  • Reply 32 of 46
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    On the surface, the answer would and should be yes. Many have felt his time away has proven Apple's ability to survive or thrive without Jobs at the helm.

    But does anyone sense that Apple has also been mildly aimless over the past year and half, perhaps connected with Job's period of illness and reduced input? Apple's marketing hype still does a great job in making us believe many things, but in reality, most product introductions have been incremental improvements or evolutionary upgrades.

    Maybe because of economic conditions, Apple has pulled back on more revolutionary product introductions, but I seem to recall Cook, Jobs, and Oppenheimer, in financial call about year and half ago, hint about all the exciting new and innovative products that were still in the pipeline. If they were talking about the new shuffle and Nano, and Unibody construction, perhaps I have a different definition of innovative. Innovation is the iPod, the iPhone, the, the all-in-one iMac.

    I think Apple needs to show it can deliver strong innovation without Jobs, whether a netbook, a tablet, embedded OS X solutions for home or auto products, iLife-centric home server, iPhone/iTouch home automation/home theater control - whatever it may be - to ultimately allay investor concerns that Jobs himself is the primary driving force upon which fortunes rise or fall.
  • Reply 33 of 46
    Originally Posted by tranhv68 View Post

    According to the TN hospital where he got his liver transplant, he was extremely ill. This is a lot different than the nutritional deficiency that "was easily fixed with rest and diet." A liver transplant for metastatic pancreatic cancer is serious business and if I had known that Jobs had metastatic disease in his liver, I probably would not have bought apple stock. How do I know that the cancer has not spread to his lungs, brain, bone, etc. Apple's lack of transparency and blatant lies is the reason the street has punished and will continue to punish apple's stock.

    You apparently weren't paying attention to what Apple was telling the public. It was AFTER they thought his weight-loss was due to hormone imbalance (nutritional deficiency) that they told us the problems were "more complex" than originally thought, AND that Jobs was taking a six month leave. At that point, all half-way intelligent adults knew that Jobs was dealing with something a bit more serious than a hang-nail. We had no need for the details, but based on what we already knew, the liver transplant is no surprise at all. If you're that adverse to a corporation that values privacy, and if you think Jobs' future contributions are so critical, perhaps now would be a good time for you to sell.

    There's a cartoon in the New Yorker where a grave-looking physician is sitting at his desk across from the patient, looking at the patient's charts, and he says: "I see you're 55 years old ... we'd like to bring that number down." Well, Mr. Jobs ain't gonna bring his age down, and he ain't gonna get his original liver back, but I do wish him as much good health as possible, and also as much privacy as he desires!
  • Reply 34 of 46
    Get out of the stock market game while you still have time!! You apparently are not stable enough nor knowledgeable enough to keep at it.

    Originally Posted by tranhv68 View Post

    According to the TN hospital where he got his liver transplant, he was extremely ill. This is a lot different than the nutritional deficiency that "was easily fixed with rest and diet." A liver transplant for metastatic pancreatic cancer is serious business and if I had known that Jobs had metastatic disease in his liver, I probably would not have bought apple stock. How do I know that the cancer has not spread to his lungs, brain, bone, etc. Apple's lack of transparency and blatant lies is the reason the street has punished and will continue to punish apple's stock.

    You know what? If God forbid, SJ dropped dead today, do you REALLY think that Apple cannot continue? Do you think that despite whatever drop in stock that came after his passing that it wouldn't go back up? Do you really think that there is no one left at Apple capable of continuing the great work that they have cultivated for the last decade or that they will not release anything new or exciting? Are you even an investor? I find it hard to believe that you bought any significant amount of stock that even matters judging from your post.
  • Reply 35 of 46
    Originally Posted by bugsnw View Post

    I'm glad SJ was able to take advantage of our world-beating health care and possibly extend his productive years by a decade or more! I know his DNA is intertwined with Apple and hopefully he'll always have at least a consulting role as they pump out more great products in the years ahead.

    crikey what planet are you from pal, the US has lower survival rates for cancer than France and costs about 5 times as much IF you have the money that is.........................

    but I look forward to him coming back
  • Reply 36 of 46
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Martin D View Post

    crikey what planet are you from pal, the US has lower survival rates for cancer than France and costs about 5 times as much IF you have the money that is.........................

    but I look forward to him coming back

    World-beating healthcare . . . let's rewind a bit. Some places really have NO NEED for world-beating healthcare because people there live a healthy, active lifestyle to begin with.

    Case in point: Okinawa, Japan. No such thing as cancer, really. In fact, just as an example, no such thing as a mammogram.

    Let's not discuss helathcare without discussing populations that have the highest life-expectancy. FYI it certainly is not the US. Japan, actually, rates in the top three consistently.
  • Reply 37 of 46
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    There was another excellent article in yesterday's NY Time about the process of receiving transplants and whether or not someone like SJ may have jumped the line due to his wealth and celebrity. I wish him well after that major procedure. I'm surprised he's back that fast after reading about liver transplants.

    Here it is:

    You posted the SAME THING in the other thread.

    If you had read the article, the answer would be abundantly clear.

    So did you post without reading it, or did you read it and just post it to cause a sensation?

  • Reply 38 of 46
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    He probably went to Memphis for the surgery because he had Elvis' liver implanted.

    Hope he recovers and gains some weight so he doesn't look so thin and sickly at the next keynote.
  • Reply 39 of 46
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    You posted the SAME THING in the other thread.

    If you had read the article, the answer would be abundantly clear.

    So did you post without reading it, or did you read it and just post it to cause a sensation?

    The answer is not "abundantly" clear if you had read it. There are many unanswered questions.

    Where is there a rule about not posting the same thing on two threads related to the same topic? It's an important article to read. And may I add to it this latest from CNN?

    and CNBC?
  • Reply 40 of 46
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    I am sorry but I don't think Steve "blow" jobs is going to live long.

    Low class dude . very .
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