Apple sees brief iPhone 3GS shortages; NVIDIA intros CS4 plugins



  • Reply 21 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iPhone1982 View Post

    I've followed way to many of your postings to know when you are hell bent on making your point you will do it at all costs.

    Not even going to play the game.

    Communication is the game. I do try hard to be lucid and thorough in my writings. If not to me then perhaps to others you will try to be less ambiguous.
  • Reply 22 of 117
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That's what she said. Sorry couldn't resist.

    Your a funny guy.
  • Reply 23 of 117
    rtdunhamrtdunham Posts: 428member
    does anyone know whether the 3G S works as a phone any better than its predecessors?

    I'm so sick of my 3G's inability to get/sustain a signal. I had to buy a $300 device to get make my phone functional in my Florida home; this week i'm in HIlton Head and can't get a signal strong enough to sustain a call--most incoming calls don't generate a ring and if i'm lucky enough to see them coming in, i can talk for only a minute or two before the call's dropped.

    So: any reason to hope for better from a 3G S?

    Maybe the "S" stands for signal?

    One can only hope.
  • Reply 24 of 117
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Communication is the game. I do try hard to be lucid and thorough in my writings. If not to me then perhaps to others will try to be more unambiguous.

    I like this guy, his postings are always appropriate and thought out. Wish the same could go to all you other posters.
  • Reply 25 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by rtdunham View Post

    does anyone know whether the 3G S works as a phone any better than its predecessors?

    I'd say no. The software for the phone has been pretty much worked out early on in the release cycle. The issues now are all with AT&T from my experinces with all 3 iPhones. In fact, I've had more call issues since getting the 3GS, but since I'm in a new area that is hardly telling.
  • Reply 26 of 117
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    The iPhone 3GS launched in Australia on Friday, the store I work for had one 32GB white left on Saturday within half an hour that was gone.

    So far the only replacements we seem to be getting are 16GB black.

    Btw I bought a 13" MacBook yesterday, the old aluminium model, the two store's I went to were sold out of all the new ones and it was a ten day wait.

    Things seem to have changed a bit since my Mac Plus...

    ...oooh, colour!

    btw, both tethering and MMS work fine here.
  • Reply 27 of 117
    Originally Posted by iPhone1982 View Post

    My question is WHY would Apple knowingly accept this?

    Well Apple have options I suppose...

    1) They could have waited a whole extra year to release the 3G for the USA market

    2) They could have waited a whole extra year to release the 3GS for the USA market

    I mean, everywhere else that got both phones also got access to everything including a mobile phone network.

    I can just imagine the outrage you would be feeling then, waiting a year.

    Sorry, AT&T is scared that if they enable the features now the usage will crash their network. They don't want a repeat of last year. So, the USA misses out until AT&T gets it together. Yes other phones offer it but it clearly evident that iPhone customers pound the network to orders of magnitude greater than those other phone owners.

    Something Americans don't seem to quite get is that there is a whole planet of customers out there. Apple even deals with other carriers, I know it might seem hard to grasp that there is other things outside the USA, but it is occasionally true.

    There is also the little issue of timing, so that people coming off their AT&T 2 year plans from the initial release in 2007 have the choice to switch straight into the new iPhone. If they stalled the release for AT&T's network to be ready then those customers are at risk of churning.

    Is more likely a case of Jobs in his negotiations saying "i'm not waiting around for you to pull your finger out, every other freaking carrier on earth is ready, you guys are going to look like fools, enjoy"

    It also presents quality ammo for Apple to use if they want to negotiate an even better deal with AT&T.

    Over in Oz land we have the iPhone on 3 different carriers. You can get the 32/16 or 8gig for $0 not $299 depending on plan, you can even get it pre-paid. You can get 7.2Mbit in the middle of the bush (not every bush though). You get MMS and even tethering. Only one carrier supports Visual Voice Mail though.

    Mind you, you would not want our data plans, at least from Telstra. They would send you mob in howls of rage LOL

    Not every action Apple makes is US centred, that much is obvious with the release of the 3G in the USA market last year, from what I read the network is just getting up to snuff now.
  • Reply 28 of 117
    drdbdrdb Posts: 99member
    Here in the UK they'd completely run out of 16GB by last weekend and had limited supply of 32GB. In the shop I got mine they ran out as I was buying it, so I was glad the guy had got on out of the stock room at the start of the process!
  • Reply 29 of 117
    bluenixbluenix Posts: 42member
    I'm in Germany

    I was away on Friday when it launched. Ran into the store on Monday .... and BOOM .... sold out of the 32GB model.

    I'm waiting for a week now. There's still no 32GB iPhone for me and I'm living in on of the big cities in Germany. Thank god there's a new OS out that keeps me excited on my 2G.
  • Reply 30 of 117
    stormchildstormchild Posts: 104member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That's what she said. Sorry couldn't resist.

    Wins the thread.
  • Reply 31 of 117
    Originally Posted by iPhone1982 View Post

    Please don't say you don't know exactly where my statement was going.

    Apple knew the timeline, AT&T knew the timeline for both features down to the day/time and probably second given how SJ negotiates.

    And what part of

    don't you understand about Apple was and is aware of why the features aren't released?

    I'm saying Apple was fully aware of the timeline of when the features were going to be released and this as well as all other Apple Forums are making AT&T to be sole bandit.

    My question is WHY would Apple knowingly accept this?

    are you high? you make no sense whatsoever.
  • Reply 32 of 117
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by iPhone1982 View Post

    Do you honestly think that Apple didn't have the timeline for AT&T offering Tethering or MMS on the iPhone? Do you really think Steve Jobs is that ignorant.

    AT&T offers both features on many other phones today and could today with the flip of a switch.

    Both Apple & AT&T are in a partnership. Apple obviously having the upper hand given the popularity of the iPhone.

    Steve knew this LONG before the release of 3.0 and the 3GS.

    AT&T are quite clearly behind the delay of MMS in the USA.

    Here in the UK as soon as we got the 3.0 software we had MMS enabled by O2 and we could use the service, the same goes for teathering.

    AT&T are NOT ready to deliver these services to iPhone users in the US yet. Apple made it very clear when 3.0 was being released, they made it very clear what features were included and yet AT&T were still not ready.

    Don't blame Apple fot the failure of AT&T.

    Apple managed to get both MMS and Teathering operational with quite a few carriers at the launch of 3.0 software.

    Are you miffed because other countries got these features before the US?

    What was the alternative? Make all countries wait for the new features until the USA (AT&T) were ready?

    I am sure Apple put quite a bit of pressure on AT&T to have these ready for launch date, that is clear from the expressions of the the Apple presenters in the WWDC Keynote speech.
  • Reply 33 of 117
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Mind you, you would not want our data plans, at least from Telstra. They would send you mob in howls of rage LOL


    Not that I live in Oz, but Telstra has a 21Mbps network going 42 this winter so I see why they would charge a premium fee for their services. Too bad the iPhone has a "standard" radio part so it can't utilize the HSPA evolution data rates. That 21Mbps network is appearantly kick-ass.
  • Reply 34 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    I didn't pre-order or anything and I spur the moment called my Apple store last wednesday expecting them to be sold out of all iphone 3GS because AT&T had a 2 week wait but to my surprise they had them all in stock and I went about an hour later and picked up a white 32gig. It was fast but pretty unstable, it locked up a couple times randomly while in my pocket or desk and the battery life was just horrible, within 30 mins of unplugging it would be down 10% and thats on standby. I restored and started as a new Iphone but it still locked up and then to my surprise i missed a couple phone calls while it was sitting right next to me on "loud". I couldnt figure it out but then when pandora didn't work either I realized the speakers and headphone jack all went dead. I got it replaced yesterday and my new one hasn't locked up once and the battery life is up to par. Hasnt been charged since yesterday around 6 p.m. which is almost 24 hours and im still at 44%. Thats with a good amount of txting/phone calls/email/ and pandora streaming. Im pretty happy with the purchase now but im looking forward to 3.0.1

    Is that what you'd call- 'Opening up Pandora's box"?
  • Reply 35 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'd say no. The software for the phone has been pretty much worked out early on in the release cycle. The issues now are all with AT&T from my experinces with all 3 iPhones. In fact, I've had more call issues since getting the 3GS, but since I'm in a new area that is hardly telling.

    Man, I'm sorry to hear that- as I was all ready to buy mine this week. Seriously.

    Also you are kind of contradicting yourself- if the issues were worked out early in the software cycle then AT&T has always had the issues not just "now".
  • Reply 36 of 117
    agaaga Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Dude, I think you have the wrong site.

    This is *not* the "yammering on about my personal troubles" site, it's an Apple rumour site.

    LOL, and i was waiting for the punch line - Apple Sucks! or Apple sold me a Fake!

    Good to hear his lemon dud is no sour apple to him anymore. Yammering aside.

    Rumor has it that phone was intended for Apple bashers to get'em back
  • Reply 37 of 117
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by rtdunham View Post

    does anyone know whether the 3G S works as a phone any better than its predecessors?

    I'm so sick of my 3G's inability to get/sustain a signal. I had to buy a $300 device to get make my phone functional in my Florida home; this week i'm in HIlton Head and can't get a signal strong enough to sustain a call--most incoming calls don't generate a ring and if i'm lucky enough to see them coming in, i can talk for only a minute or two before the call's dropped.

    So: any reason to hope for better from a 3G S?

    Maybe the "S" stands for signal?

    One can only hope.

    It's the network...and Verizon's is better than AT&T.

    How well does your signal booster work? I was thinking of getting one.
  • Reply 38 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    It's the network...and Verizon's is better than AT&T.

    How well does your signal booster work? I was thinking of getting one.

    I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. It seems the signal still sucks. Even solipism is complaining about his signal now. What good is this "phone" if the phone's calls suck? I have a Touch but wanted to upgrade- but now this.
  • Reply 39 of 117
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Man, I'm sorry to hear that- as I was all ready to buy mine this week. Seriously.

    Also you are kind of contradicting yourself- if the issues were worked out early in the software cycle then AT&T has always had the issues not just "now".

    Software issues are Apple's to fix. Those issues are fixed. Now you're limited to whatever service ATT provides, something not software related nor in Apple's control.
  • Reply 40 of 117
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. It seems the signal still sucks. Even solipism is complaining about his signal now. What good is this "phone" if the phone's calls suck? I have a Touch but wanted to upgrade- but now this.

    Yeah yeah - nobody actually believed you would buy one. You are just saying that you are considering it so you can then say "oh I changed my mind because this and that are too crappy." Duh.
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