Official Useful Applications Thread



  • Reply 21 of 54
    Well this one might be obvious but it took me a while to figure out lol.

    XCode comes with OS X, though it is usually not preinstalled on your computer, but rather sitting on the disk. It is very helpful for all sorts of programming.
  • Reply 22 of 54
    Originally Posted by bugmenot

    BBEdit for coding.

    Mac OS X - 10.4.8 - Mac Pro コンピュータ -

    This looks really nice - I'm trying the demo now, but I am unwilling to part with $29 yet.
  • Reply 23 of 54
    SmartrReporter ( is a great free app. It keeps a HD icon on the menu bar. As long as the icon is green the S.M.A.R.T. HD is working fine. If it turns red you reach for Road Warrior. I discovered how nice this app is after I had a HD go south.

    Bookpedia ( is also at the top of my list - it's a simple way of managing your books. There are also versions for CD, DVDs and games. I have set a small script to download the list into my iPod in order to avoid buying a book more than once. (Hey, I'm getting old and the memory is going.)
  • Reply 24 of 54
    I vote for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator... hey, you didn't say they had to be cheesy apps!

    (edit: Jeez, I didn't mean that to be the thread killer comment....)
  • Reply 25 of 54
    This one many people may know, but hey, it is still useful...

    FireFox from Mozilla is a great web browser. Quick, and nice looking.
  • Reply 26 of 54
    Originally Posted by Shadow Slayer 26

    This one many people may know, but hey, it is still useful...

    FireFox from Mozilla is a great web browser. Quick, and nice looking.

    I think you just opened a can of worms there.
  • Reply 27 of 54
    aslan^aslan^ Posts: 599member
    All you students out there procrastinating on AI instead of writing papers...


    It's a great way to actually get work done
  • Reply 28 of 54
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Hmmm, I'm probably not posting anything new, but I would like to Add to my list:



    PodTube (?? When did they change it and start asking $4.99 for it? Oh well, still great)



    Adobe Reader (Just because it's so much better then Preview for PDFs)



    These are applications I discovered (mostly in AI) that I came to love... except Perian because that of course is the Swiss army Knife of Quicktime Components

  • Reply 29 of 54
    On the word processing front:

    Mellel, best multi-lingual word processor available. Styles are different, but far better than the MS Word (and followers) styles. Auto-titles give many options. For my work in English, Hebrew, and Greek, I have found nothing better.

    Mellel: $49 (US); $35 (US) Student

    Mellel + Bookends: $109 (US); $89 (US) Student

    Nisus Writer Express/Pro, the Pro version was recently announced, but no indication of release. NWE is my everyday, short projects word processor.
  • Reply 30 of 54
    smaxsmax Posts: 361member

    Nice little utility that enables a bunch of hidden preferences including:




    And some other stuff

    Carbon Copy Cloner

    Good backup software. Allows you to create bootable backups so if anything ever goes wrong, simply boot from your backup then clone it back to your drive. Very simple to use, but has many options to back up what you need how you want it.
  • Reply 31 of 54
    Great, great thread. By necessity, I have to work in both universes, OSX and XP/ (Hasta la) Vista (baby). Does anyone know of a good clipboard extender for OSX like this one:

    The utility referred to, Clipmate , is one of the best ever for the personal computer. Unfortunately, the company has no plans to write a Mac version because of the small market share issue (~5%). Thanks in advance for any help.
  • Reply 32 of 54
    smaxsmax Posts: 361member
    Right on the website you just linked to, there's a link for this:
  • Reply 33 of 54
    Thanks, I'll take a look at iClip. However, it's strange but I have had many discussions with Chris Thorton, CEO of Clipmate, trying to convince him to write the utility for the Mac. He never once mentioned iClip. Thanks again for the reference.
  • Reply 34 of 54
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    I downloaded iClip and have been using the trial version for 2 days now. While it does not have all the functionality of Clipmate (Windows only), it is definitely a very useful tool for the Mac user. For those not familiar with clipboard extenders, the program gives you an unlimited number of clipboards. As you read web sites, emails or info within files, text and graphic items can be easily copied and stored in user named "collections" or "clipping sets". These clips can then easily be pasted into Apps (Word, Text editors, Excel, Address books, Calendars, Photoshop, etc) or just stored in user named Clip collections. Clips are visble in a floating pallete that can be hidden or shown with a click. Highly recommended.
  • Reply 35 of 54
    Hmmm seems like that iClip combined with Spaces would be great for very powerful multi-tasking users. Interesting. Too bad I can't buy it right now.
  • Reply 36 of 54
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Does anyone know of an OSX application similiar to the windows only product RoboForm? The latter is a great app but the publisher has no plans for an OSX version.

  • Reply 37 of 54
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    For a basic clipboard extender that is free, check out Jumpcut.
  • Reply 38 of 54
    Something most people already probably know

    Crossover for mac

    used to run windows aps on your mac without rebooting



    run windows in a window while on your mac os
  • Reply 39 of 54
    Coconut WIFI, designed for people on the road
  • Reply 40 of 54
    I originally asked if there was an OSX analog to the windows only product RoboForm which automatically fills in forms on the internet and other apps, manages IDs and passwords to log into favorite forums, financial sites, etc.

    No response so far.

    So how do you folks manage repetitive entries when logging into favorite forums, financial sites, favorite Mac buying places, etc?

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