One Thing



  • Reply 61 of 66
    Originally Posted by @_@ Artman View Post

    I have two extra "nipples". Well, not really nipples. Just a small fleshy globual(?) thing about the size of a pea just below and to the left of my heart. I even have another smaller one above my left nipple and about four inches to the right.

    Hark! Cancer!
  • Reply 62 of 66
    I have an actual (smallish) superfluous nipple with a lighter aureola around it... My mom had one, her mother had one -- they are always in the same spot just left of center about 5 inches above the navel... Strangely enough, it only appeared after I stopped growing, literally I woke up one day when visiting my parents, panicked, asked my father (who is a physician) and he said "yeah your mom has one, so did your grandmother"...
  • Reply 63 of 66
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    I have an actual (smallish) superfluous nipple with a lighter aureola around it... My mom had one, her mother had one -- they are always in the same spot just left of center about 5 inches above the navel... Strangely enough, it only appeared after I stopped growing, literally I woke up one day when visiting my parents, panicked, asked my father (who is a physician) and he said "yeah your mom has one, so did your grandmother"...

    I was going to ask how you knew that, and then I got creeped out by the idea that your dad knew about his mother-in-law's superfluous nipple.
  • Reply 64 of 66
    Originally Posted by midwinter View Post

    I was going to ask how you knew that, and then I got creeped out by the idea that your dad knew about his mother-in-law's superfluous nipple.

    I'm sure when he realized that my mom had one, he made fun of her in front of her parents...
  • Reply 65 of 66
    @_@ artman@_@ artman Posts: 5,231member
    Originally Posted by turnwrite View Post

    Hark! Cancer!

    Nah. I had doctors (dermatologists) look at them and they are just fleshy things. One asked if I'd want them removed and I said "No way!". I have no tattoos, piercings or other body augmentations, these are discreet and haven't given me any discomfort (or anyone else). So they my fleshy gobules!
  • Reply 66 of 66
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I can't help but think of Chandler and his "nubbin."
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