Some things the iPhone NEEDS, imo



  • Reply 41 of 144
    iwork and ilife should include the document readers for sure

    i beleive GPS triangulation will be available..which is good enough
  • Reply 42 of 144
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    There does need to be a word and excel reader so you can view the documents, those two formats dominate e-mail. I agree power point is useless.

    I think GPS would add expense for a function that is not widely used.

    So why suggest a version of iWork?

    Preview with the ability to view Presentations and other Spreadsheet/Powerpoint/Text formats should work well enough.

  • Reply 43 of 144
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    well i think 3G is just a bad idea..but im gonna go 50/50 on him placing hardware on the device for later 3G usages, he did say it was to come, maybe he is already implenting the hardware for it, hopefuly...

    and i dont think it is the final device, he still has a while for FCC to approve it i think small things such as apps and gps on google maps as well as other cool feature may be included in the final design, especially the back of the phone, doesnt look finished at all to me

    As far as Hardware goes, it's pretty much the Final Design.

    I don't think he can rework it while the FCC is certifying it or they'd have to certify it again because technically it would be a different phone.

  • Reply 44 of 144
    Happy that they have iChat. They really should open up to 3rd parties apps, but Apple could keep a lock on what they allow. Some hacker will crack the restriction most likely anyway.
  • Reply 45 of 144
    I agree about not needing office or iwork, it's completely pointless, but Windows Mobile switchers might want it, plus that's just my dream on what it'll have in June. Obviously we still don't know much about the phone's specs or capabilities in detail.
  • Reply 46 of 144
    ya and i agree with Sebastian, im gonna have to say that maybe 3rd party programs are not such a good idea...dealing with smartphones for a couple years now, and now owning a tmobile Dash, i have lots of apps on here yet they really bug my phone up, i can hardly restart it when i need to it just crashes...i think having developers go through apple first is a good idea, im sure these will become widgets too
  • Reply 47 of 144
    Apple advertises about how iSync works with so many different phones, I highly doubt that they wouldn't allow Contacts/To Do Lists/Calendar bluetooth syncing.
  • Reply 48 of 144
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    ya and i agree with Sebastian, im gonna have to say that maybe 3rd party programs are not such a good idea...dealing with smartphones for a couple years now, and now owning a tmobile Dash, i have lots of apps on here yet they really bug my phone up, i can hardly restart it when i need to it just crashes...i think having developers go through apple first is a good idea, im sure these will become widgets too

    First someone disagreed with me by agreeing with me in another thread and now someone is agreeing with me by disagreeing with me

    If you mean my FCC comments, Apple may already have plans for Software, it wouldn't exactly change the phone either.

  • Reply 49 of 144
    ya thats what i mean, apple will develope their own im sure
  • Reply 50 of 144
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    ya thats what i mean, apple will develope their own im sure

    Sadly the iPhone development platform won't be a game breaker for me, but I was really looking forward to developing for it. I'm not much of a programmer now but I'm studying Python and Objective-C and the iPhone would tie in so perfectly with my first planned project.

  • Reply 51 of 144
    maybe u should still work on it and later down the road you could release it and be the new steve jobs....never know lol
  • Reply 52 of 144
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    maybe u should still work on it and later down the road you could release it and be the new steve jobs....never know lol

    Haha, it would be more like a Tie In Project. But I'm not going to work on something I can't release or even use.

  • Reply 53 of 144
    One thing that concerns the hell out of me is what Cingular (to be just AT&T by the time iPhone releases) is going to do with minute and data plans for this thing. My dad uses a an HP Pocket PC and his unlimited data plan is something like $20 a month, not including his minute rate. That's simply amazing. If iPhone has anything different, I'm going to flip a lid and let AT&T hear it.

    However, on that same note, I think a special data plan should be made to promote all of iPhone's features, particularly the fact that you can surf the Internet on a true browser. Personally, I'd like to see an unlimited data/message plan for a very reasonable price. Minutes, they should stay the same, but I think data/message plan prices should be lowered to promote the many features that are offered.
  • Reply 54 of 144
    well, looks like it will be $20, and i think job's said theyre makking a data plan just for the iphone as well..but the phone is considered under the smartphone connect for $20, but im going to the the MEdia Max 3000 for $39.99, mms, 3000 sms and unlimited data
  • Reply 55 of 144
    My Cingular plan right now uses MEdia Net Basic: 1MB data transfer, 200 SMS (text), and 40 MMS (multimedia) per month. I'd obviously want to up that to unlimited everything, but that'd probably be rather costly. I don't use my MMS a lot, but I would if I got the iPhone (especially if it had video, COUGH). But, see, that's why I'm waiting to see what's up, I think that's best.
  • Reply 56 of 144
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I don't get it.

    This thing SUCKS.

    Battery life is shit, and without tactile input, it can't be used in a car or other situations where you want to just hit a key and speed dial without looking. As a phone, it's shit. This is going to TANK unless they fix it FAST.

    Sorry...this thing is a piece. Oh yeah, and just Cingular? What a joke.

    And the PRICE!? Yeah. Right. Nice. Try. Game. Over. After the fanboise get it, this thing's sales will fall to 0 unless they change it.

    I really wanted to like it. I mean, you guys are talking about widgets. It's a PHONE. That's 50% of its function. And as a phone, it sucks.

    I bet 2.0 will be good though. I'm banking on it. I hope they will have Verizon. If so, I'll buy it. It just needs to cost half as much, work with all networks, increase the battery several-fold, and have at LEAST a call button that calls the last dialed number (as in, a REAL BUTTON.) AND perhaps another button that is assignable (to say a number, song, function, etc.)
  • Reply 57 of 144
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that one of the things Apple extracted out of Cingular/ATT for the exclusive deal is some kind of reasonable flat rate for unlimited data, for iPhone customers.

    It just strikes my as the kind of thing Apple would do, if they possibly could-- make simplifying the ownership experience part of the iPhone mystique. We all ready know that Cingular agreed to change some of their back-end stuff to make random access vm possible, so who knows what else Steve got out of them?

    I mean, if he knows smart phone interfaces are broken, Steve must be aware that the whole cell carrier contract process is broken as well.

    It would be ironic if the fruits of the apparent capitulation to evil cell carriers-- 2 year lock in-- were to be the beginning of taking the customer experience out of their hands and putting it with the phone manufacturers, where it properly resides.

    Just provide us with ubiquitous, high-speed connectivity, charge a flat rate, then get the hell out of the way and let companies like Apple innovate the hell out the devices that use that connectivity.

    The cell carriers vainglorious dreams of being in charge of how and where and what we move around on ubiquitous digital nets must end. Cingular is not a content provider, and I hope that the iPhone deal means they are starting to become willing to accept that, and that other will follow suit.
  • Reply 58 of 144
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    I don't get it.

    This thing SUCKS.

    Battery life is shit, and without tactile input, it can't be used in a car or other situations where you want to just hit a key and speed dial without looking. As a phone, it's shit. This is going to TANK unless they fix it FAST.

    Sorry...this thing is a piece. Oh yeah, and just Cingular? What a joke.

    And the PRICE!? Yeah. Right. Nice. Try. Game. Over. After the fanboise get it, this thing's sales will fall to 0 unless they change it.

    I really wanted to like it. I mean, you guys are talking about widgets. It's a PHONE. That's 50% of its function. And as a phone, it sucks.

    I bet 2.0 will be good though. I'm banking on it. I hope they will have Verizon. If so, I'll buy it. It just needs to cost half as much, work with all networks, increase the battery several-fold, and have at LEAST a call button that calls the last dialed number (as in, a REAL BUTTON.) AND perhaps another button that is assignable (to say a number, song, function, etc.)

    1) Multi-year contract with Cingular - Don't expect a Verizon version soon. Verizon is no better than Cingular, and no worse as well.

    2) Apple will not add buttons.

    3) You never mentioned storage - thats my big problem with it.

    4) 1.5 is likely to come in October with increased memory and more software.

    5) The current video iPod will likely be upgraded to similar Multi-Touch interface or there will be an in betwteen product without the phone.

    6) I agree Price is high but it is good to consider that it is a full iPod and a full phone + more.

    7) It is a good phone with virtually all function and more from the looks of it. What does your phone do that you would like this to do? If you claim iPhone dosn't do that for sure, you can't say that because software isn't done.

    8 ) I don't recommend ANYBODY use ANY cell phone in their car. It's a bad idea and studys have shown that it is much likely to cause more accidents. The touch screen if mounted in the right location seems like it would be EASIER to operate in the car.
  • Reply 59 of 144
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    I don't get it.

    This thing SUCKS.

    Battery life is shit, and without tactile input, it can't be used in a car or other situations where you want to just hit a key and speed dial without looking. As a phone, it's shit. This is going to TANK unless they fix it FAST.

    Sorry...this thing is a piece. Oh yeah, and just Cingular? What a joke.

    And the PRICE!? Yeah. Right. Nice. Try. Game. Over. After the fanboise get it, this thing's sales will fall to 0 unless they change it.

    I really wanted to like it. I mean, you guys are talking about widgets. It's a PHONE. That's 50% of its function. And as a phone, it sucks.

    I bet 2.0 will be good though. I'm banking on it. I hope they will have Verizon. If so, I'll buy it. It just needs to cost half as much, work with all networks, increase the battery several-fold, and have at LEAST a call button that calls the last dialed number (as in, a REAL BUTTON.) AND perhaps another button that is assignable (to say a number, song, function, etc.)

    hmmm...ok well

    battery life is actually very good..go do some research first ( compared to other smartphones

    should have speed dial, but most important i think it will be voice recognition,so you dont really have to push anything but ur bluetooth headset...genious

    price....well if you remember correctly the RAZR was just another phone, but was also very thin thats all...and that started at about the same price, most smartphones are also tagged between 250-400 depending on options, my tmobile dash was $320 and isnt that great

    its not just a phone its 3 things together, internet communicator, phone, and all functions equally alike none is more important than the other to most people buying the iphone, ya sure it has a phone but thats not all its for, widgets(apps) is a huge part of it just like 3rd party apps are huge on smartphones

    this phone will never have verizon at launch, maybe in 3 years but then 2.0 will be out and once again be cingular (gsm) exclusive, by then we should expect 3G, actually im going to say that the 1st iphone will have 3G now that Job's has made it official to a software update only

    and having a call button erases the whole purpose of the phone, how bout you read a thing or two before you start trashing one of the most revolutionary ideas to the cell phone

    and stop trolling your making yourself look like an ass
  • Reply 60 of 144
    If you don't think the iPhone is revolutionary, you need to rethink your life. Seriously. I'm not being a fanboy (and I'm not, I'm pro-Windows, pro-Microsoft, pro-Gates, yet pro-iPod [and now pro-iPhone]), but the iPhone is just amazing. While $600 is a WHOLE LOTTA money to be paying out for a phone, remember that you're getting a mobile computer and an iPod all-in-one.

    I'm just saying, I'm willing to wait a year or so to get a newer version and my own contract (family plans suck, btw). I cant' wait to see what Apple does with this device. There's still room for so much more (software wise), the widgets leave the device open-ended.

    And about that, widgets should not be 100% 3rd party. Apple should have to inspect all software and approve it before allowing it (via coding and such) to run on iPhone. Too many 3rd party widgets would ruin the iPhone and exploit it and cause a bunch of problems.
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