Apple to iTunes users: hold off on that Vista upgrade



  • Reply 41 of 55
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I'd think if they were Windows fanboys, they wouldn't be buying iPods. They tend to be the people that hate anything Apple.

    I'm not sure, it appears to at least me that Apple fanboys are far more dedicated in their hate for MS. The only thing that gets me these days in when Mac users start talking about how much better their hardware is when its the exact same hardware used in most pc's.

    Of course for apple users the case is considered a major issue.
  • Reply 42 of 55
    Originally Posted by gar View Post

    Hmm, did I say the "cool" word again? I will talk with my psychologist about this issue.

    What part of exact same hardware do you mean? The crappy minitower ATX nondesign box or the Pentium D processor?

    A $2,500 Dell has more in common with a Mac than with a $500 Dell, I agree.

    Especially the price. Although it is designed better and has better components than it's $500 sibling, it's still a Dell: You're forced to buy it with a copy of Windows thanks to an exclusive OEM deal with Microsoft.

    It was the $500 box I was talking about,though, not the high-end workstation, which is quit good, I suppose.

    (never met one, everybody I know buys cheap sometimes nameless PC's, whine and complain about it and ask me to sort their problems out: "You're good with computers, right?"

    "No, I don't understand computers at all, that's why I buy a Mac".

    To make things more clear why sharing some components doesn't make a Mac and a PC the same computer, a nice car anology:

    Chrysler sells cars in Europe with Mercedes Benz engines. (yeah, for a fraction of the price)

    Does these very good engines (state of the art diesel technology) make these Chryslers good cars?

    No, they suck. (Okay they don't suck if you go in a straight line, but in Europe we have corners and... well... I ones almost keeled from a dike with a Jeep Cherokee, because I didn't realize in time there was a difference between how a Landrover Discovery acts if you make a turn and said Jeep. (hey, they where both big 4x4s, with big diesel engines, leather interiors etc.)

    I can't say in understand people that go out and buy 500.00 computers because that would just never meet my needs. However I guess for someone that uses their computer just for the internet and maybe a word doc the emachine with the 17" gateway monitor will work just fine.

    For the average user spening 2500.00 on a system will just never happen and honestly I can't see why Apple wouldn't want to get in on that group of users because, well thats the average system user and there is alot of money to be made in that sector.

    Do I think they should build crap, of course not but I thinkt they could do a better job of marketing to the group that just wants a system for basic needs. Most users could care less about the case.
  • Reply 43 of 55
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    If Mac is the "feel good" cool system why do fanboys .......


    The (apparently) derisive term "fanboy" has become so pathetically over-used in web comments ("retard" being a close #2).

    It tells me little more than the fact that the name-caller is verbally challenged. And, a clear sign of not much more than a sloppy, lazy mind.

    PS: For the record, I am an Apple 'fanboy' and proud of it. So, please don't bother to repeat the insult....
  • Reply 44 of 55
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    The (apparently) derisive term "fanboy" has become so pathetically over-used in web comments ("retard" being a close #2).

    It tells me little more than the fact that the name-caller is verbally challenged. And, a clear sign of not much more than a sloppy, lazy mind.

    PS: For the record, I am an Apple 'fanboy' and proud of it. So, please don't bother to repeat the insult....

    Really? This is the only forum were ive seen the term used. See what I mean another Mac faithful just plain angry. Maybe we should ask Steve to include a virtual girlfriend with the next gen iMac. It appears you can use one to help you get rid of that tention.
  • Reply 45 of 55
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Really? This is the only forum were ive seen the term used. See what I mean another Mac faithful just plain angry. Maybe we should ask Steve to include a virtual girlfriend with the next gen iMac. It appears you can use one to help you get rid of that tention.

    hmmm... Should I post quotes from a dozen other forums, blogs, news article etc. that refute this completely idiotic claim or just ignore what is easily the stupidest statement I've heard made on here in months?...
  • Reply 46 of 55
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    PS: For the record, I am an Apple 'fanboy' and proud of it. So, please don't bother to repeat the insult....

    What I would call a fanboy would be a person that has blind devotion such that objective facts would appear to be irrelevant, and this appears to be in line with the popular use.

    You are not what I would call a fanboy.

    I'm not sure why you would be both proud to take the term and offended to be called that.
  • Reply 47 of 55
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    I don't know how many of you have had a chance to try Vista... but I have for a few minutes (installed on Parallels on my iMac but I don't have time right now to play around with it other than just checking that it works...). My first two impressions:

    1) I did a clean install, that is, booting from the Vista DVD. The first thing I get is a Window asking which of about 9 versions I want to install. Now, of course, we've all heard all the complaints about this already so I was forewarned, but I didn't think it would be this bad: It's just a window with the names of the different versions, some that are somewhat cryptic and no explanation or anything of what the differences are between them no guidance of which one to choose. --Nope, believe me, MS still doesn't "get" it.

    You serious? So this version of Vista. Did you purchase it? Or was it downloaded?

    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    2) They copied the Trash can!!! The freakin' Trash can!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. It still says "Recycle Bin" underneath, but the icon is a round wire basket just like the one sitting in my dock. Someone please explain this to me, because all I can think of is that there are some really insane people over at Microsoft that are obsessed with OS X. I can understand copying expose, and Dashboard and Spotlight- those are features, it makes sense to adopt them, they actually *do* things in fact it is expected that those kinds of ideas will spread around to all the platforms-- But the Trash can???!!! What do you think they are expecting copying it's icon is going to do??

    ...Now to install Vista using BootCamp so I can try out this Aero eye candy...

    if your trying out the OS for eye sure to see a comparison to OSX.

    the trash can being copied... check out this msnbc article where Bill Gates says, Apple copied the file edit menu items


    Let?s be realistic, who came up with [the] file, edit, view, help [menu bar]? Do you want to go back to the original Mac and think about where those interface concepts came from?

    source article
  • Reply 48 of 55
    Originally Posted by gar View Post

    The result is Vista with a slightly better user experience compared to windows XP and a more secure foundation which has to prove itself in the time to come.

    lets find some common ground. i agree with your quote above... and that's all vista is. so let Vista prove itself in the time to come. OS 10.4 has done a great job. Let leopard od the same.
  • Reply 49 of 55
    Originally Posted by gar View Post

    Hmm, did I say the "cool" word again? I will talk with my psychologist about this issue.

    What part of exact same hardware do you mean? The crappy minitower ATX nondesign box or the Pentium D processor?

    A $2,500 Dell has more in common with a Mac than with a $500 Dell, I agree.

    Especially the price. Although it is designed better and has better components than it's $500 sibling, it's still a Dell: You're forced to buy it with a copy of Windows thanks to an exclusive OEM deal with Microsoft.

    It was the $500 box I was talking about,though, not the high-end workstation, which is quit good, I suppose.

    (never met one, everybody I know buys cheap sometimes nameless PC's, whine and complain about it and ask me to sort their problems out: "You're good with computers, right?"

    "No, I don't understand computers at all, that's why I buy a Mac".

    To make things more clear why sharing some components doesn't make a Mac and a PC the same computer, a nice car anology:

    Chrysler sells cars in Europe with Mercedes Benz engines. (yeah, for a fraction of the price)

    Does these very good engines (state of the art diesel technology) make these Chryslers good cars?

    No, they suck. (Okay they don't suck if you go in a straight line, but in Europe we have corners and... well... I ones almost keeled from a dike with a Jeep Cherokee, because I didn't realize in time there was a difference between how a Landrover Discovery acts if you make a turn and said Jeep. (hey, they where both big 4x4s, with big diesel engines, leather interiors etc.)

    so best thing we can do is educate the user so they know which OS best fits them. why are we arguing again? over which OS is better? OSX works for you. Vista works for me. Cant' we all just get along?
  • Reply 50 of 55
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    hmmm... Should I post quotes from a dozen other forums, blogs, news article etc. that refute this completely idiotic claim or just ignore what is easily the stupidest statement I've heard made on here in months?...

    Do you guys ever actually make a point in your posts?
  • Reply 51 of 55
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    You are not what I would call a fanboy.

    I'm not sure why you would be both proud to take the term and offended to be called that.

    The object of derision need not at all be offended by an (intendedly) derisive term. It says more to me about the name-caller, than the call-ee.

    Moreover, I did not mean to say I was offended. (But I can see why you may have thought that since I said "insult," when I implied "intended insult.").
  • Reply 52 of 55
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by grrreat View Post

    if your trying out the OS for eye sure to see a comparison to OSX.

    the trash can being copied... check out this msnbc article where Bill Gates says, Apple copied the file edit menu items

    source article

    They took it from who, Xerox? If that's what G was implying, I thought Apple had that licensed from Xerox. I know some DOS software had menuing, but I don't know what was around in the early 80's.
  • Reply 53 of 55
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I think I would have phrased it as something like: back up all your music files before upgrading to vista, and don't expect iTunes, or your iPod to work properly on Vista until after the next iTunes update that is coming in the next few weeks.
  • Reply 54 of 55
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    They took it from who, Xerox? If that's what G was implying, I thought Apple had that licensed from Xerox. I know some DOS software had menuing, but I don't know what was around in the early 80's.

    Jobs, and executives from other computer companies, were INVITED to come to PARC for a tour. The intent was to show off technologies that these executives might want to buy or license.

    Jobs was the only one to do so. Then Apple made numerous improvements.

    When Zerox came out with the "Star" workstation for $15,000, some time later, it sunk from sight rather quickly. If I go through my old Scientific Americans, I can find the ads from all of these companies. Interesting.
  • Reply 55 of 55
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by grrreat View Post

    You serious? So this version of Vista. Did you purchase it? Or was it downloaded?

    How is this relevant, exactly???


    if your trying out the OS for eye sure to see a comparison to OSX.

    the trash can being copied... check out this msnbc article where Bill Gates says, Apple copied the file edit menu items

    source article

    Actually, as I've already explained, I tried out the OS without the eye candy, first. Seeing as how the eye candy appears to be all it's got to offer, there's no point in not checking that out so no MS fanboy can accuse me of not trying out the full version....

    And as far as that B.G. quote is concerned--Are you serious??? Because this has been argued about for years and MS's argument is basically that if they copied it from Apple, well, Apple copied it from Xerox so nah, nah...

    Pretty lame.

    But that interview makes me feel pretty sorry (who would've thought?) for old Billy . He sure gets defensive. And he's out of touch. And he completely misinterprets the Apple ads by thinking the Mac and PC guys represent Mac and PC users.

    But, just for the record, I was honestly astonished by the trash can thing and don't really mean to drag up all the "you copied from us" discussion. In fact I stated that explicitly in my first post. I'm just honestly wondering why they would copy something so trivial... I don't think it can be a coincidence as that is definitely not what any recycle bin I've ever seen looks like.
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