Apple to iTunes users: hold off on that Vista upgrade

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple is suggesting that Windows iPod users hold off on upgrading to rival Microsoft Corp.'s latest operating system update until after the next version of iTunes becomes available.

"iTunes 7.0.2 may work with Windows Vista on many typical PCs," the company said in a notice posted on its website. "Apple recommends, however, that customers wait to upgrade Windows until after the next release of iTunes which will be available in the next few weeks."

The Cupertino-based Apple said it has detected a number of compatibility issues between Vista and versions 7.0.2 and earlier of its ubiquitous jukebox software that could prove troublesome for users.

Specifically, the iPod maker said Vista users upgrading from Windows XP or Windows 2000 may find that songs purchased from the iTunes Store will not play. Some iPod users may also experience problems updating settings, sync contacts and calendars, or ejecting their players.

"Ejecting an iPod from the Windows System Tray using the 'Safely Remove Hardware' feature may corrupt your iPod," Apple added. "To always safely eject an iPod, choose Eject iPod from the Controls menu within iTunes."

iPod users who have already upgraded to the Vista are recommended to follow a series of steps to improve their iTunes experience. Apple is also providing an iTunes Repair Tool for Vista (Download - 88K) for those users who continue to experience problems.

As reported exclusively by AppleInsider last month, Apple plans to release iTunes 7.1 by the end of February. In addition to adding support for Vista, the new version will be required for both Mac and PC users who wish to use the company's Apple TV wireless media hub.

Around the same time, Apple will also release QuickTime 7.1.5.


  • Reply 1 of 55
    Maybe there will be Leopard out right about then... "Actually, just get Leopard, and forget Windows!" :P
  • Reply 2 of 55
    This story is 4 days old!
  • Reply 3 of 55
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by EruIthildur View Post

    Maybe there will be Leopard out right about then...

    I don't think so.
  • Reply 4 of 55
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    This story is 4 days old!

    You're almost 4 years old!
  • Reply 5 of 55
    Wow... even *I* think that's a little rich for Apple. "Say, don't upgrade Windows until you hear from us..."

    Hee hee.

    I doubt the hard core users will allow Apple to tell them when to upgrade, even if they've been warned that it might not work with the new system.
  • Reply 6 of 55
    Originally Posted by machei View Post

    Wow... even *I* think that's a little rich for Apple. "Say, don't upgrade Windows until you hear from us..."

    Hee hee.

    I doubt the hard core users will allow Apple to tell them when to upgrade, even if they've been warned that it might not work with the new system.

    Not to worry, I've heard even the hardcore Microsofties are passing on the Vista upgrade...for now.
  • Reply 7 of 55
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    If there is a problem, even in isolated cases, I can understand them issuing that warning.

    I've been reading many reviews of Vista. Quite a few recommend waiting until driver issues, among others are solved. If there is an issue that involves software, or hardware, that one uses, it would be best to wait.

    Apple isn't expecting people to rush to Macs here. They know that won't happen.

    They are asking people to hold off for three weeks. That is not a major request.

    Even with OS X updates, it's a good idea to wait before updating. When going from one version to another, it's even a better idea.

    Does anyone here ever look at the lists of hardware and software that is not immediately compatible with the newer versions right away?
  • Reply 8 of 55
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    If there is a problem, even in isolated cases, I can understand them issuing that warning.

    I've been reading many reviews of Vista. Quite a few recommend waiting until driver issues, among others are solved. If there is an issue that involves software, or hardware, that one uses, it would be best to wait.

    Apple isn't expecting people to rush to Macs here. They know that won't happen.

    They are asking people to hold off for three weeks. That is not a major request.

    Even with OS X updates, it's a good idea to wait before updating. When going from one version to another, it's even a better idea.

    Does anyone here ever look at the lists of hardware and software that is not immediately compatible with the newer versions right away?

    You know, I have been a huge follower and fanboy for Apple since my last job ( 2 yrs now ) and even bought my gf an apple laptop. But recently, trying out Vista, I have admit, they finally have done some things right.

    In Windows XP there were quite a few things I had hoped they would work on. but they got it right this time around.

    Todays world though, its probably better to have a coexisting dual boot of vista and leopard ( when it comes out ).

    apple kinda has it easy when they control the hardware. in terms of user experience for noobs, yeah it makes sense. dont worry about the hardwrae or the software, we'll take care of it come along for the ride.

    with windows, its been you choose the hardware and we'll try to make it work best for you.

    an open ecosystem against a closed ecosystem. it all depends on how much freedom you want.
  • Reply 9 of 55
    Apple to iTunes users: hold off on that Vista upgrade

    This just in: Apple delays iTunes update until '08.
  • Reply 10 of 55
    Hmm... so much for "Safely Remove Hardware"
  • Reply 11 of 55
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Zweben View Post

    Apple to iTunes users: hold off on that Vista upgrade

    This just in: Apple delays iTunes update until '08.

  • Reply 12 of 55
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "iTunes 7.0.2 may work with Windows Vista on many typical PCs," the company said in a notice posted on its website. "Apple recommends, however, that customers wait to upgrade Windows until after the next release of iTunes which will be available in the next few weeks."

    It'd be nice if a new ipod came out at the same time (widescreen video ipod anyone?) to coincide with the appleTV rollout and so they don't have to issue yet another itunes update when it does come out. It'd kill two birds with one stone and surprise everyone. This "new itunes everytime a new product drops" is kinda lame.
  • Reply 13 of 55
    zeazea Posts: 1member
    Or you could just hold off with iTunes...
  • Reply 14 of 55
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    I am the sort of person that can't wait to get the latest version of the system installed. I know that when it comes out there are likely to be issues, I deal with them, scream a little and find ways around the issues, if possible. If one of the programs that I use frequently does not work on my newly installed OS I do get annoyed, but I recognise that is the cost being an early adopter. With my behaviour I would say to heck with what Apple suggests.

    At the same time anyone who is not ready to play the dance of being an early adopter, I would suggest holding off a couple of months. This goes to any product, be it a piece of hardware or a piece of software, no matter the platform. This way you give the early adopters to be the final round of testers and by the time you end up buying the stuff you know there is a fair chance that the worst of the issues have been resolved.
  • Reply 15 of 55
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    Wait wait... how do you sync contacts and calendars in Windows? Through what? Outlook?
  • Reply 16 of 55
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    It'd be nice if a new ipod came out at the same time (widescreen video ipod anyone?) to coincide with the appleTV rollout and so they don't have to issue yet another itunes update when it does come out. It'd kill two birds with one stone and surprise everyone. This "new itunes everytime a new product drops" is kinda lame.

    I wonder if Apple's delay in releasing the new version of iTunes is attributable to it not being ready yet, a scheduled but not announced February event to coincide with the iTunes update or both.

    I recall that Apple once gave iTunes full-version updates twice in the span of a month.
  • Reply 17 of 55
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by machei View Post

    I doubt the hard core users will allow Apple to tell them when to upgrade, even if they've been warned that it might not work with the new system.

    I don't think the hard core Windows fans would own anything Apple.
  • Reply 18 of 55
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by grrreat View Post

    You know, I have been a huge follower and fanboy for Apple since my last job ( 2 yrs now ) and even bought my gf an apple laptop. But recently, trying out Vista, I have admit, they finally have done some things right.

    In Windows XP there were quite a few things I had hoped they would work on. but they got it right this time around.

    No they don't. It's 2-3 years late and most interesting features are deleted from it's initial feature list.

    Todays world though, its probably better to have a coexisting dual boot of vista and leopard ( when it comes out ).

    todays world was good already, Vista added nothing, and benefits no one but Microsoft.

    apple kinda has it easy when they control the hardware. in terms of user experience for noobs, yeah it makes sense. dont worry about the hardwrae or the software, we'll take care of it come along for the ride.

    Huh, If that means it works without hours and hours of reinstalling drivers and third party software and frustration because of viruses and spyware,

    I prefer to be teh noob.

    Whatever a noob may be.

    Does that mean it's easy for Apple to control everything? Hell no, in the contrary. It costs a lot of time and R&D to do this.

    Slamming a processor and a harddisk in an ugly box, preinstall Windows (don't care about good drivers) and sell it for $499, that's easy.


    with windows, its been you choose the hardware and we'll try to make it work best for you.

    With windows, you choose the hardware and we make the money.

    If it more or less works on said hardware its good enough.

    Stop complaining, the hardware is cheap.

    The fact iTunes doesn't work properly says it all.


    an open ecosystem against a closed ecosystem. it all depends on how much freedom you want.

    Which of the 2 operating systems do you consider open?

    I see 2 closed systems, The only (more or less) open system I can think of is Linux.

    I you want freedom to get something done, get a Mac.

    If you hate yourself, a Windows PC is the perfect choice.

    (At least, I will hate myself if I have to follow that route)

    I never met a PC owner who is happy with his computer. They brag about the specs and how cheap it was. They accept the flaws etc. and hide behind the fact that it was a cheap computer.

    But I never see them smile just because they enjoy the fact they use a good tool.
  • Reply 19 of 55
    Originally Posted by machei View Post

    Wow... even *I* think that's a little rich for Apple. "Say, don't upgrade Windows until you hear from us..."

    Hee hee.

    I wouldn't be so sanguine. If Microsoft returned the compliment and said, "Say, don't upgrade to OS 10.5 because your MS Office won't work properly," the world would come crashing down for a vast majority of Mac users.

    After 22 years, even I will have to consider switching.

    Moreover: (1) Apple has had a lot of time to work on this, esp. given the delays to Vista, so this is a bit over-the-top that they have not been able to get it ready yet -- unlike other makers of MP3 players, Apple is the 600-pound gorilla in this space; (2) While I don't know the breakdown, I'll venture a guess that Windows users represent at least half the market for iPod/iTunes, and Apple had better be **darned** careful about pissing off a significant segment of the consumers of a product that has contributed to its phenomenal stock price growth.
  • Reply 20 of 55
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Hold off on Vista until you buy a Mac.
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