N00b question on 10.5

in macOS edited January 2014
I'm new to Apple

I'm getting a new Macbook from my insurance to replace a Dell. They want me to order my laptop ASAP so they can warp things up but i've been putting it off waiting for OSX 10.5

If i get it now with 10.4 will i have to pay much for the 10.5 upgrade when it comes out ?

Or should i wait for 10.5 ?



  • Reply 1 of 23
    Originally Posted by pwnstar View Post

    I'm new to Apple

    I'm getting a new Macbook from my insurance to replace a Dell. They want me to order my laptop ASAP so they can warp things up but i've been putting it off waiting for OSX 10.5

    If i get it now with 10.4 will i have to pay much for the 10.5 upgrade when it comes out ?

    Or should i wait for 10.5 ?


    Sure you could wait... and when 10.5 comes out you'll hear about something else on the horizon, and you'll wonder if you should wait on that. And the cycle never really gets broken. You just have to buy and don't look back.

    Right now 10.4 is $130... I have a feeling 10.5 will be a bit more, but it may not. We'll see.
  • Reply 2 of 23
    I agree with you but 10.4 is a the end of a cycle, i just do not want to buy it and 5 days later find out that i'll have to spend a other 130$.

    I've worked with some apps like Maya and XSI and when upgrades comes in they will also upgrade everybody that got it a months befor for free. Did apple ever done this ?

    10.4 has been out for how long now ? 12- 14 months ?
  • Reply 3 of 23
    Originally Posted by pwnstar View Post

    I agree with you but 10.4 is a the end of a cycle, i just do not want to buy it and 5 days later find out that i'll have to spend a other 130$.

    I've worked with some apps like Maya and XSI and when upgrades comes in they will also upgrade everybody that got it a months befor for free. Did apple ever done this ?

    10.4 has been out for how long now ? 12- 14 months ?

    Just buy the new laptop now ... you won't get an upgrade from Apple on the OS unless you bought in moments before 10.5 was released (almost literally) and your insurance company won't want to wait the 2 or 3 months (likely 3) that it will take until you can buy an Apple laptop with 10.5 installed.
  • Reply 4 of 23
    10.4 came out in April 05 I believe... so nearly 24 months.

    (someone correct me on that if I'm wrong)

    And I don't think Apple gives away anything for free, ever. \
  • Reply 5 of 23
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    Just buy the new laptop now ... you won't get an upgrade from Apple on the OS unless you bought in moments before 10.5 was released (almost literally) and your insurance company won't want to wait the 2 or 3 months (likely 3) that it will take until you can buy an Apple laptop with 10.5 installed.

    If I was a rich man I'd be willing to bet you $1000 we'll see a Leopard release before May. It certainly wont be June, despite all the bugs that weren't left there on purpose.

    As for you pwnstar if your insurance company would be willing to wait until the end of next month, then I'd wait. Sure there's never any guarantees, but you ask a question - you get an answer.
  • Reply 6 of 23
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by MoonShadow View Post

    10.4 came out in April 05 I believe... so nearly 24 months.

    (someone correct me on that if I'm wrong)

    And I don't think Apple gives away anything for free, ever. \

    OK I will.




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  • Reply 7 of 23
    One other possible problem with waiting for 10.5 is that you will be buying the first release. That is fine for those of us who like being on the bleeding edge (!) but it might not be what you are betting on.
  • Reply 8 of 23
    pbrpbr Posts: 24member
    If there is any possibility for you to wait, lets say 4-6 weeks, do it! I would bet all my saved money (if I had any) on a release in April or May. Probably all Macs ordered after the announcement (about 4 weeks prior to shipping) will have Tiger installed and have Leopard as a voucher.

    If you get your MacBook today, you definitely will have to spend about $129 for the regular 10.5-DVD.
  • Reply 9 of 23
    Originally Posted by pbr View Post

    If there is any possibility for you to wait, lets say 4-6 weeks, do it! I would bet all my saved money (if I had any) on a release in April or May. Probably all Macs ordered after the announcement (about 4 weeks prior to shipping) will have Tiger installed and have Leopard as a voucher.

    If you get your MacBook today, you definitely will have to spend about $129 for the regular 10.5-DVD.

    Do Apple do that? The voucher thing? Seems a bit too Vista.

    I thought the only way to get Leopard for free with your machine would be to order a machine the day it ships.
  • Reply 10 of 23
    I would be willing to wait 4 weeks, but not 8.

    Any events comming up that Apple might introduce 10.5, NAB ?
  • Reply 11 of 23
    I'd be surprised if we didn't have a definite ship date by then. I'm not sure it'll be shipping but it won't be too long after.
  • Reply 12 of 23
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Just buy it now, I don't know if there is an upgrade coupon of any kind, but $129 for a new copy isn't too bad, especially since you'll have the Tiger Install Discs as well when you get your Macbook. Plus, as some have suggested, Leopard may have bugs initially.

  • Reply 13 of 23
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Democaster. View Post

    Do Apple do that? The voucher thing? Seems a bit too Vista.

    I thought the only way to get Leopard for free with your machine would be to order a machine the day it ships.

    Yup, that's exactly what they do. In the period of time between shipping date announcement and shipping (usually about 4 weeks) if you buy a mac with 10.4 it will have a coupon for 10.5 which, again using the past as an indicator, will cost $20 "shipping and handling"
  • Reply 14 of 23
    Ok, i'll just get it now with 10.4

    I'm getting the new black Macbook to replace a 3 years old Dell 700m for 130$, thats not a bad deal after all !!
  • Reply 15 of 23
    Originally Posted by pwnstar View Post

    Ok, i'll just get it now with 10.4

    I'm getting the new black Macbook to replace a 3 years old Dell 700m for 130$, thats not a bad deal after all !!

    Good choice. You'll be happy with it!
  • Reply 16 of 23
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I just popped in to tie a bow on this thread.
  • Reply 17 of 23
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    OK I will.

    iTunes subsidised by iPod sales

    Quicktime 30 bucks

    Podcasts Apple doesn't make podcasts

    Software Updates well shit i'd hope so

    iLife in every new Mac You pay for that in the price of the computer.

    OmniOutliner in new Macs same as above

    Big Bang Board Games in New Macs see above

    Comic Life in New Macs see above again


  • Reply 18 of 23
    elronelron Posts: 126member
    Originally Posted by theapplegenius View Post

    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    OK I will.

    iTunes subsidised by iPod sales

    Quicktime 30 bucks

    Podcasts Apple doesn't make podcasts

    Software Updates well shit i'd hope so

    iLife in every new Mac You pay for that in the price of the computer.

    OmniOutliner in new Macs same as above

    Big Bang Board Games in New Macs see above

    Comic Life in New Macs see above again



    iTunes is subsidized by iPod sales? Is Mail.app not free because it's subsidized by OS X sales? Besides, doesn't iTunes predate the iPod? Was it free then? Or was it subsidized by another piece of hardware? I don't think this argument holds any water.

    Quicktime Pro is a paid upgrade, but the basic player is free.

    Podcasts are a silly thing to put on a list of free software, but you're right. Apple only aggregates a list of them. They don't even host the files, AFAIK.

    Software Updates are another strange thing to put on the list. Sure, they're free, but they're not complete software packages. I don't think Apple has ever pushed a new application via Software Update.

    As for the last 4... I'm inclined to agree with you. The cost of those software packages are built in to the cost of the computer in the same way that "buy one, get one free" sales are really just "50% off with the purchase of 2" sales. The licenses are an expense for Apple, but I don't think either of us really knows if they raise the price of the hardware to cover it. God knows their profit margins are high enough to eat the cost of a few (relatively) cheap software packages.

    Who says Apple should give stuff away for free anyway?
  • Reply 19 of 23
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I could have sworn I tied a bow on this thread

    Originally Posted by elron

    iTunes is subsidized by iPod sales? Is Mail.app not free because it's subsidized by OS X sales?

    Woosh, straight over my head with that one.

    Originally Posted by elron

    Besides, doesn't iTunes predate the iPod? Was it free then? Or was it subsidized by another piece of hardware? I don't think this argument holds any water.

    The only reasons iTunes is free is because Apple wanted widespread use and people wouldn't have paid for it. It's a worldwide success because it's both brilliant software and its free.

    Originally Posted by elron

    Quicktime Pro is a paid upgrade, but the basic player is free.

    The fact that they change for Quicktime Pro always has always annoyed me. They basically make you pay to unlock the useful features in it, namely the ability to save videos from the web and fullscreen mode. If they had any sense here they would make that free. Most Mac users don't convert video formats using Quicktime anyway.

    Originally Posted by elron

    Who says Apple should give stuff away for free anyway?

    Why do people continue to say things like this. Apple is worth a lot of money, people will buy more Mac's, people will buy new versions of OS X and will continue to support Apple if they are treated with respect. .Mac is a living joke of a rip off, and charging for Quicktime Pro just annoys people.
  • Reply 20 of 23
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by theapplegenius View Post


    Haha, it doesn't matter how or why they are free.

    OK maybe you have a point on the last 4, but I have to disagree with you on iTunes.

    My first iPod is a 2nd Gen Shuffle I just bought. I had and was using iTunes long before that.

    Quicktime Pro is $30, and if you want to add the MPEG-2 component... well there you go.

    Apple doesn't offer them themselves, but they do list them in the iTunes store for free allowing people to download them all from one place.

    And Software Updates is still free software, regardless. Even if it is just an update to software you already have.

    Call it a Tie. 8)

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