Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.9 Update



  • Reply 81 of 112
    trans9btrans9b Posts: 97member
    Originally Posted by jonnyboy View Post

    without the remote, i found front row to be little more than a curiosity.....

    So get the Apple Remote and an IR like a charm for me.
  • Reply 82 of 112
    celcocelco Posts: 211member
    Just installed. PPC G5 no issues. Front row hack / and sailing clicker still running from previous install... No issues... Quicktime is crazy. Really fast . So Snappy illustrator cs2 just jumps .

    AWESOME . Now this is wow. cant wait for Leopard. Thank you apple... Tiger is finished beautifully.

  • Reply 83 of 112
    corkurkcorkurk Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by Corkurk View Post

    I wonder if this will take care of the problem of some MacBook Pros not going to sleep properly as discussed in this thread:

    Seems like there are quite a few people with this happening. Starting a couple of weeks ago, when I close the lid the computer doesn't actually go to sleep. I would open it up to find the palmrests really hot and the battery drained. I've been using the apple menu to put it to sleep before I close it and that works, but I'd really like an official fix for this. Anyone else on AI with a MBP having these problems?

    Maybe 10.4.9 will take care of it.

    Crosses fingers, crosses self and hits "download"...

    here we go!

    Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post

    I've been getting this on my Macbook (Core Duo); the palm rest is hot and the fans are blowing HOT air.

    So it looks like 10.4.9 does not fix this bug. Anyone else having problems or have any advice?
  • Reply 84 of 112
    Originally Posted by wooster101 View Post

    NealofThelake - Never ever update a OS before Digidesign has posted a compatibility note on their support pages. It´s not the first time a new Mac OS X version has problems with a current version of ProTools. This is not really Apples problem...

    That's why I have a backup of the system to revert to. I always make those before I update. I just wanted to get a warning out. 8)
  • Reply 85 of 112
    Originally Posted by SirROM View Post

    To any of you intrepid upgraders out there:

    If you have upgraded the Airport card in a MacBook (Core Duo) with the MacPro "n" card AND installed this 10.4.9 OS update, do you still retain the "n" functionality? There was a single report by an ADC member on another site a couple of weeks ago that installed the BETA 10.4.9 and said that he lost the "n" functionality.

    Before I upgrade, I want to make sure this was either an anomoly or something related to it still being in BETA.

    Anyone with this specific situation taken the plunge yet? Please provide feedback when you have it.

    Mine still says a/b/g/n in network utility, 130Mb Link Speed.
  • Reply 86 of 112
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by Morris View Post

    I believe they increased the time you have to hold the key down. To prevent accidental ejects...

    Yes they did. And I have to admit, this was an unexpected nice fix. I can't tell you how often I've bumped that key and the CD tray would slide out. After a while, it got kind of annoying.

    - Mark
  • Reply 87 of 112
    gikkugikku Posts: 10member
    10.4.9 update hung on iBook G3, then would not boot past the grey screen, apple logo never appears.

    Eventually booted into safe mode, (hold shift at chime) Repaired Permissions in Disk Utility and ran Automation in Onyx, rebooted. all good now (after about 3hrs of mild concern).

    Also 10.4.9 added iSync support for the SE K610i phone - woo hoo. 8)
  • Reply 88 of 112
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    plugged in my sony cybershot to upload some pictures, system completely hung up, completely non-responsive. hard reset, seems to work now, but that isn't a good bit of kibble to see after an update, unless you are using windows.
  • Reply 89 of 112
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member

    10.4.9 fixed the Safari "Save As..." Web Archive format. They have fixed parts of it in previous updates but now it looks like everything is preserved just as originally presented/drawn. And so... now I can save the soon to be historic "Introducing iPhone...." graphic on Apple's entry page and drop it into SOHO Notes for preservation. For some reason, an archive of this Apple web page never drew up properly with the previous 10.4.8 release. It always doubled up and flipped the iPhone graphic (weird) when archived.
  • Reply 90 of 112
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    Oh. I still say Leopard will be released at the beginning of April, just as I predicted back in December.

    Probably April 6th for the record.
  • Reply 91 of 112
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Back in 2005 10.3.9 was released in April 15th. Tiger was released on April 29th
  • Reply 92 of 112
    Like it says in the title.

    Using the updater has also fixed the software updater problem
  • Reply 93 of 112
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    So what are considered to be "USB Video Class webcams"?
  • Reply 94 of 112
    dr. xdr. x Posts: 282member
    Used software update on my PPC iMac G5 and everything went fine. No problems.

    I tried to update a MacBook Pro from 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 and the system got hosed. Reverted back to 10.4.5 via archive and install and updated to 10.4.9 using the combo update via software update and it went fine. It's quite a bit faster now overall and in opening applications. I'm guessing that the download could have gotten corrupted or something.
  • Reply 95 of 112
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by rongold View Post

    Oh. I still say Leopard will be released at the beginning of April, just as I predicted back in December.

    Probably April 6th for the record.

    I've gone for April 27th myself, it just feels right somehow. If I'm wrong though I'd say it would be before that date (April 20th, 13th or 6th) not after.
  • Reply 96 of 112
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    10.4.9 updates BIND (DNS software) from 9.2.2 to 9.3.2, although 9.3.4 is the latest official maintenance release and 9.4.0 the latest current release.
  • Reply 97 of 112
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    Does it fix the iCal alert position bug? Many have experienced this weirdness - the alerts pop up off the right side of the screen (sometimes the left with certain computers) with only a small amount of the alert window visible. It started with 10.4.8

    LOL I just started using iCal recently and had my first alarm go off a few days ago. It was off to the left side of the screen, so I pulled it to the center, and didn't think anything of it. An other alarm went off the next day, and the same thing happened, I thought it was really strange. So I set an alarm to go off in 15 mins, same. I had no idea why this was happening, at least I know now that it's not just me lol. btw, mine is on the left side. I want to see if this update fixed it. I'm gonna check when I get home.
  • Reply 98 of 112
    groakesgroakes Posts: 53member
    Just updated to 10.4.9 on a G5 iMac and 12"G4 iBook. The iMac worked with no problems. The iBook now has lost its wireless network. I try to connect to my Netgear router (which my iMac and a Dell XP machine connect to without any issues) and it returns a message that my network doesn't support WPA Personal. This only happened since I upgraded. I tried reloading my OS from boot disks - the OS worked but the wireless remained dead. I then upgraded again to 10.4.8 but still no dice. I have tried rebuilding permissions which basically exhausts my trouble shooting abilities for OSX...

    Everything else seems to work but the wireless....

    Any suggestions about what I should try next?


  • Reply 99 of 112
    My G5 iMac took to 10.4.9 like a Mac should (no problems) but now I find all the system keyboard short cuts don't function eg. control eject to display restart / sleep / shutdown options. I really miss this. Why did they do it and is anyone aware of how to get this working again?

  • Reply 100 of 112
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by cyclespeed View Post

    My G5 iMac took to 10.4.9 like a Mac should (no problems) but now I find all the system keyboard short cuts don't function eg. control eject to display restart / sleep / shutdown options. I really miss this. Why did they do it and is anyone aware of how to get this working again?


    Apple changed them ever so slightly so there's a delay to stop you ejecting by accident, they work, just hold eject for bit longer.
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