Apple offers 25-minute iPhone guided tour



  • Reply 81 of 139
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    the phone won't run excel. it said email attachments, including .pdf, word and excel, would be viewable on the iphone.

    Of course it won't run excel.

    It's not surprising that it can view Word .docs, because TextEdit on the Mac can do so. If it does have an Excel viewer on the iPhone, though, that's something Apple doesn't even have for the Mac, as far as I know.
  • Reply 82 of 139
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    Of course it won't run excel.

    It's not surprising that it can view Word .docs, because TextEdit on the Mac can do so. If it does have an Excel viewer on the iPhone, though, that's something Apple doesn't even have for the Mac, as far as I know.

    Some version of Quick Look? If so, I think we can expect PP and Keynote shows to be viewable inline in the iPhones Mail app, possibly with the heads up paging functionality we see in Leopard.

    Which would be pretty killer. One of next week's "revelations of the day"?
  • Reply 83 of 139
    Did it bother anyone else that the time on the iPhone stayed at 9:42am for the entire 25 minutes?

    The other thought that kept going through my mind the entire time I'm watching this is about the tiny little 8gb hard drive. Is that 8gb of free space for all of my media, or is the operating system, web browser, and all the other apps installed on that 8gb hard drive? When you buy a new computer, it may be a 120gb drive, but then the operating system and everything else is installed on it so what you have left is much less. In the iPhone's case, that doesn't leave much room for it to be the world's greatest iPod.

    When he was showing off the iPod functions of it, he had two movies (Cars and Zoolander) and three TV shows (Heroes and two episodes of the Office). He also had some music videos and a podcast. Add to that the 140+ pictures he had in there and you're already looking at over 4gb. Add to that some music and you're feeling pretty cramped really soon. I almost want to say that he had more than 8gb worth of media during the demonstrations.

    How can 4gb be enough for an iPod?

    And 9:42am for 25 minutes? Maybe it's a side effect from Steve's Reality Distortion Field.
  • Reply 84 of 139
    maffrewmaffrew Posts: 166member
    Originally Posted by Baron von Smiley View Post

    Did it bother anyone else that the time on the iPhone stayed at 9:42am for the entire 25 minutes?

    The other thought that kept going through my mind the entire time I'm watching this is about the tiny little 8gb hard drive. Is that 8gb of free space for all of my media, or is the operating system, web browser, and all the other apps installed on that 8gb hard drive? When you buy a new computer, it may be a 120gb drive, but then the operating system and everything else is installed on it so what you have left is much less. In the iPhone's case, that doesn't leave much room for it to be the world's greatest iPod.

    When he was showing off the iPod functions of it, he had two movies (Cars and Zoolander) and three TV shows (Heroes and two episodes of the Office). He also had some music videos and a podcast. Add to that the 140+ pictures he had in there and you're already looking at over 4gb. Add to that some music and you're feeling pretty cramped really soon. I almost want to say that he had more than 8gb worth of media during the demonstrations.

    How can 4gb be enough for an iPod?

    And 9:42am for 25 minutes? Maybe it's a side effect from Steve's Reality Distortion Field.

    I don't think this will be a problem for most people. I've got a 60gb iPod and i've been adding music to it (and my previous iPods) for years, and i've only just reached 30gb. I add a lot of CDs, fairly regularly.

    That's not the real point though. The real point is that I hardly ever listen to most of it. A CD will come out that i'll listen to, or i'll have a phase where I listen to a certain artist. Most of it is unused. Joe Public has only just left the days of having 1 tape, cd or mini-disc in a player at a time, nevermind having tens or hundreds of albums available.

    I think for most people 4 or 8gb is fine for a variety of media. The iPod Shuffle is successful, and how much can you store on that?
  • Reply 85 of 139
    I think for most people 4 or 8gb is fine for a variety of media. The iPod Shuffle is successful, and how much can you store on that?[/QUOTE]

    But you don't watch video or look at pictures on the shuffle. Maybe I'm the lone one in the flock who doesn't want to constantly be syncing my iPod up with my computer every day to load in different music. I like that on my iPod I can just put everything on it and it's there when I want it.

    I have a shuffle that I use when I go jogging, but it's a set play list that rarely changes. I just can't see comparing the shuffle to the "best iPod we've ever built."
  • Reply 86 of 139
    the cool gutthe cool gut Posts: 1,714member
    Originally Posted by Baron von Smiley View Post

    Did it bother anyone else that the time on the iPhone stayed at 9:42am for the entire 25 minutes?

    What? Do you REALLY expect it to keep accurate time ON TOP of everything else it does? Sheesh - some people are never happy.
  • Reply 87 of 139
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Baron von Smiley View Post

    And 9:42am for 25 minutes? Maybe it's a side effect from Steve's Reality Distortion Field.

    You mean they've discovered a way to stop time as well? iPhone FTW!!!! Confirmed!
  • Reply 88 of 139
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by Baron von Smiley View Post

    But you don't watch video or look at pictures on the shuffle. Maybe I'm the lone one in the flock who doesn't want to constantly be syncing my iPod up with my computer every day to load in different music. I like that on my iPod I can just put everything on it and it's there when I want it.

    I have a shuffle that I use when I go jogging, but it's a set play list that rarely changes. I just can't see comparing the shuffle to the "best iPod we've ever built."

    I also personally like more storage, but remember that the nano is more popular than the hard-drive-based ipods. Apparently, most people don't mind putting small selections on their ipods rather than everything they've got. Or perhaps most people don't have all that much. But in the end, the flash memory that's used in the iPod is so much more desirable than hard drives: smaller, lighter, less battery-intensive, no moving parts. It will still be a few years though before it will be up to the storage capacities of the hard drives used in current ipods.
  • Reply 89 of 139
    maffrewmaffrew Posts: 166member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    I also personally like more storage, but remember that the nano is more popular than the hard-drive-based ipods. Apparently, most people don't mind putting small selections on their ipods rather than everything they've got. Or perhaps most people don't have all that much. But in the end, the flash memory that's used in the iPod is so much more desirable than hard drives: smaller, lighter, less battery-intensive, no moving parts. It will still be a few years though before it will be up to the storage capacities of the hard drives used in current ipods.

    Indeed, and if i'd had my clever hat on i'd have compared the iPhone to the nano, rather than the Shuffle i guess, lol.
  • Reply 90 of 139
    flinch13flinch13 Posts: 228member
    I'm pleased with the iPhone. But I won't get one anytime soon. It seems obvious to me that Apple will end up doing just what it does with all of its other products as time goes on:

    a) Improve/upgrade product

    b) Decrease price

    c) Introduce a smaller, cheaper option for poor people like me

    IMHO, at least one, if not all, will happen within a couple of years. In this sense it's a good idea to wait a while. Besides, there's the whole first-gen product thing to worry about as well.

    I still want to play with one though.
  • Reply 91 of 139
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I won't be getting one simply because of the hassle of switching providers. Once Apple grows their cell phone line to include T-Mobile... I'm there.
  • Reply 92 of 139
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I won't be getting one simply because of the hassle of switching providers. Once Apple grows their cell phone line to include T-Mobile... I'm there.

    Then see you in five years, I guess.

    Although the iPhone of, say, 2010 is likely to be pretty compelling....
  • Reply 93 of 139
    n3on3o Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by CosmoNut View Post

    The video shows that Apple put a LOT of thought into this thing. It may take a while, but this thing is going to change handheld electronics. Believe you me.

    "The first 30 years were just the beginning".

    It is in fact a revolution.

  • Reply 94 of 139
    delfoniqdelfoniq Posts: 95member
    Originally Posted by n3o View Post

    "The first 30 years were just the beginning".

    It is in fact a revolution.


    Maybe so. At least iPhone looks much better than this first design of a phone device which Apple came up with 22 years ago! Check out some of the pictures in this patent application, filed in 1985 .,M1

  • Reply 95 of 139
    n3on3o Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by Delfoniq View Post

    Maybe so. At least iPhone looks much better than this first design of a phone device which Apple came up with 22 years ago! Check out some of the pictures in this patent application, filed in 1985 .,M1

    Seems like 22 years well worth the wait !

    Does any of you also felt that the snapshots "Bob" mentions to be taken with the iPhone, are a little blurry ?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining here. Since I believe the camera is much more for obtaining pictures for the contacts, and to capture curiosities while you are on the street, like a beautiful brochure, or outdoor in my case (Graphic Designer).

    I'm just worried because I just wouldn't like to see iPhone, and Apple, criticized for that.

  • Reply 96 of 139
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Strange thing is that the apple site says the iphone guided tour download is 175MB. Well actually it's 318MB. Weird.

    Regarding the lack of space. I sync my iPod Nano every day because I download new CD's every day. No big deal for me. I think it's odd when people say I load my music onto my iPod and I don't need to change my music that often. If you listen to the same 6GB of songs all the time I feel sorry for you. And ipod Nano's aren't just for music. I'm always replacing audio books as well. Audio books can be listened to and replaced on a daily basis therefore I like to sync.

    I don't really like big drives anyway because crap ends up sitting there that I don't use. Smaller drives keep you more organized. Unless of course you are talking about editing huge FCP sessions or Logic session or something. Why do you need more than than two movies on your iPhone? Movies are 2 hours each. You watch a couple then delete and replace them. You connect a USB cable. Big deal.

    And I do expect a camera phone in 2007 to have clear photos. My run of the mill phone in Japan takes great 3MP photos. Nothing special over here.

    IMHO people are looking for a phone that has a user friendly UI which iPhone has. This includes great email and an organizer a la Treo which it has. They want a camera. iPhone has that but I'm not sure about the quality of its camera to the camera phones over here in Japan. The phone is capable of playing several hundred mp3's and a few movies which the iPhone does. Sounds like a good phone to me.

    But again phones over here have had 3MP cameras and 'decent' organizers and and of all, FREE recordable 1SEG TV for a long time now. iPhone can't touch that and even if it could it wouldn't be free. And I should tell you that the reception is an impeccable digital signal not some stuttering sketchy junk. Phones here have had full blown email and GPS for ages. Not SMS "Speak and Spell" font crap. The iPod phone LCD is only a tad bigger than the landscape ratio on my phone not $500 bigger.

    The only feature that the iPhone does better is web browsing. But for me I don't care how a page renders. I just care if I can read it and view photos. I don't need a spectacular looking web page. What for? That's what my laptop is for. I'm certainly not going to spend hours surfing with my phone paying for ATT&T minutes. But I guess the same people who don't mind paying $500 for the iPhone won't mind paying ATT&T for surfing the web on their iPhone for long periods as well.

    I'd still like to have one though. I'm a Mac fanboy after all :P
  • Reply 97 of 139
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    ... I do expect a camera phone in 2007 to have clear photos. My run of the mill phone in Japan takes great 3MP photos. .....IMHO people are looking for a phone that has a user friendly UI .... They want a camera. iPhone has that but I'm not sure about the quality of its camera to the camera phones over here in Japan...But again phones over here have had 3MP cameras and 'decent' organizers and and of all, FREE recordable 1SEG TV for a long time now. iPhone can't touch that and even if it could it wouldn't be free. And I should tell you that the reception is an impeccable digital signal not some stuttering sketchy junk. Phones here have had full blown email and GPS for ages. Not SMS "Speak and Spell" font crap. The iPod phone LCD is only a tad bigger than the landscape ratio on my phone not $500 bigger.........The only feature that the iPhone does better is web browsing. But for me I don't care how a page renders. ...... But I guess the same people who don't mind paying $500 for the iPhone won't mind paying ATT&T for surfing the web on their iPhone for long periods as well.

    I'd still like to have one though. I'm a Mac fanboy after all :P

    Weirdly passive-aggressive post, for a "Mac fanboy".

    Anyhow, two comments: (1) Given Japan's "we're a world unto ourselves" approach when it comes to mobile phones/infrastructure, you may not be burdened with the choice to buy an iPhone for a good while; (2) For someone who lives in Japan, it is odd that you should care about what US users pay for ATT data services.

    Btw, what is your monthly phone bill in Yen (incl. all of the above-mentioned features) and who is your provider? And what model of phone do you use? Just curious.
  • Reply 98 of 139
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    yeah I was going to post my monthly bill as I figured someone would ask It's not any more than my bills were in Canada/US. About $60.00 USD. It can be higher than North America but it can also be a lot cheaper. Everyone's situation will be different. I'm using AU by KDDI. The fastest growing kodomo on the block. My phone is the Casio W51CA. Take a look at the flash site. Quite nice. Oh and I made a mistake my phone has a 2MP camera. I was going to buy the Aquos I think it was which has the 3MP camera. Still 2MP cameras have been out for eons and 3MP is normal now in Japan and they are also about the same price. The W51CA display also rotates 180 degrees.

    Airtime is the same all across Japan. And best of all, incoming calls and that includes intl calls are free. There are also many more types of options in plans that can reduce your bill by somewhere around 50% I guess. I don't care what AT&T users pay. I was simply illustrating.

    I've found that I can pretty much limit my airtime to almost nothing. It's all about instant full email here. It's rude to use the phone on public transportation and some restaurants etc so people put their phone on manner mode and email away. A $10 a month web access package pretty much gives you all the emails you'll ever need. So then you can have say a $30 a month plan plus $10 for emails then if you make few outgoing calls then you're pretty much guaranteed to stay below $50. I know it's hard to imagine not making many outgoing calls but that's how it is here. And chances are if you make a lot of outgoing calls you are working for a company here and they will be paying your bill anyway.

    It did seem a bit passive aggressive didn't it? I guess because I love sexy Mac products but stay clear of the overpriced stuff unless I need them for my projects or they help me stay organized. Sometimes I'll splurge and buy myself something for a special occasion such as my red iPod Nano. It's 8GB and I never use more than 2GB. That's an example of what I was talking about earlier. I sync to my MacBook and replace music / audio books on a daily basis. I wanted it cause I liked the red and also didn't mind that some proceeds went to a good cause.

    I wish I had bought the iPod video now because I really want to convert my Divx stuff to mp4. Maybe I'll give my Nano to my gf and buy the iPV. The Phone is a great deal for people who have no technology and want a new phone, PVP and mp3 player all at once and for those people who were planning to upgrade. I guess eventually that will be everyone lol

    Now here is a product that makes you go Hmmmm. Meizu MiniOne M8 article at Engadget. An Asian manufacturer has produced a similar phone that will be a world phone. Product shots.

    A phone like the Meizu MiniOne M8 looks even better because while it is a tad smaller it's essentially the same and is a world phone. I don't care if my phone has OS X and Safari. I just want it to have the same capabilities as the iPhone. So if that phone comes in at 1/2 the price of the iPhone you know what phone I'll be buying.
  • Reply 99 of 139
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member
    Originally Posted by flinch13 View Post

    I'm pleased with the iPhone. But I won't get one anytime soon. It seems obvious to me that Apple will end up doing just what it does with all of its other products as time goes on:

    a) Improve/upgrade product

    b) Decrease price

    c) Introduce a smaller, cheaper option for poor people like me

    IMHO, at least one, if not all, will happen within a couple of years. In this sense it's a good idea to wait a while. Besides, there's the whole first-gen product thing to worry about as well.

    I still want to play with one though.

    Isn't this what every other tech company does too? In a couple of years, it's not like they're going to stop development and say ok this is it- the final version!

    In a couple of years after a couple of years after a couple of years there will be a couple of years to wait for the latest.
  • Reply 100 of 139
    timontimon Posts: 152member
    The price is the scam but I don't agree that you should get to use the 30-sec preview as a ring tone for free. If you have a legal copy of the song be it from the iTMS or your own CD's then you have the legal right to use part of it as a ring tone. If you don't then you should not be able to use it.

    Now if Apple has locked out us out of using what we own as a ring tone then Apple and AT&T should be taken to task!

    Originally Posted by IHateRegistering View Post

    Ringtones are the biggest scam on the planet. Apple should bust this bubble by offering the 30-sec previews as free ringtones of any song you purchase on iTMS.

    This is what I think will happen (at least should).

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