Verizon to prospective iPhone buyers: 'Stay near a plug'



  • Reply 41 of 110
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    Page 3 of the Verizon document says that the iPhone doesn't have ring-tones!

    Damn, it must be a bitch having a phone that you have to stare at for the visual cue that someone is calling. A lot of missed calls, I'd assume.

    What a bunch of pansies.


    What missed calls?

    You're just have to keep the phone screen in front of you while you walk down the street.

    Don't worry though, I've heard that some of those accessories that are out before the iPhone is in the stores are neck braces to hold the phone in front of you, so you can use your hands to hold your other things, such as your briefcase.

    There is also a heads-up display for your car.

  • Reply 42 of 110
    "F-You Veri$on!, I want an iphone"

    That's what I'm going to tell them....

    Just as soon as that 2 year contract is up...........
  • Reply 43 of 110
    I don't think you can, becase it says minimum contract requirement of 2 years, but my question is this. Would it be possible to convert my existing Cingular pay as you go plan to the iphone and then add a 2 year data plan?

  • Reply 44 of 110
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    Nothing on the iPhone that isn't already offered on WM phones, besides visual voicemail. I think companies will try to capture the interface of the iphone, but as far as functionality, the iPhone is lagging.

    Not that I totally disagree with you but the interface does bring along some functionality such as seamless integration of applications, multitasking elegance, and better contact management, conference calling etc. Although you may be able to do much of the same things on Windows Mobile, it is so difficult to remember/figure out that hardly anyone uses those capabilities.
  • Reply 45 of 110
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    And I'm sure Cingular will be more than happy to sell you a 7 second ringtone for 1.99 through their Tones service!

    Whoever wrote this, you obviously know very little about iTunes. Seeing as they sell an entire song for $.99, I doubt that Steve Jobs would let anyone more than double that price for a 7 second ringtone. Also, if anyone has been keeping up with the demos, they would realize that there is clearly a "Ringtones" tab in the iTunes interface. I for one could not be more excited about Friday and there is nothing that will stop me from getting my iPhone.
  • Reply 46 of 110
    Originally Posted by TimDeRosa View Post

    I don't think you can, becase it says minimum contract requirement of 2 years, but my question is this. Would it be possible to convert my pay as you go plan to the iphone and then add a 2 year data plan?


    If you do pay as you go, then you do not have a contract or plan. At&t will most likely require you to stop doing pay as you go and sign a two year contract. But according to the recent articles on here and the activation demo on At&t's website, you should be able to carry over any current phone number from any network.
  • Reply 47 of 110
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Go to this page at ATT to find out everything that ATT has to say, including the rate plans for the iPhone.

    If it's here, we'll know about it.

    If it's not, then it doesn't exist at this time.

    Not that tough.
  • Reply 48 of 110
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Has anyone seem anything on Apple Care for iPhone?
  • Reply 49 of 110
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by TitoC View Post

    So I guess all of those "Business People" using Wi-Fi with their laptops this whole time have been doing so with little or no security. Interesting . . . . .

    WiFi security has always been a little dubious, but most use seems to be through open access points. Any access point where you don't have to enter an encryption key is "open" and all unencrypted traffic can be trivially intercepted. This is one reason why VPN is used.

    Originally Posted by deepkid View Post

    Who the heck owns a cell phone and isn't *already* camped out near an outlet?

    For ordinary phones, this is unnecessary. My previous phone only needed to be charged once a week, my current one, about twice a week. When you have all this functionality with respect to audio, video, internet and phone, with a larger screen, then I think it's a valid concern. We'll see how well Apple's stated run times stack up with real use. If it's honest and their testing reflects settings typical owners will use, then it could be very good.

    Originally Posted by jrepici View Post

    I never take my battery out of my Blackberry, I just plug it in. The only time I take it out is when it crashes and I have to reset it.

    Do the videos cover how to reset an iPhone? I owned an iPod that locked up and refused to reset, and I had a couple that took as many as five tries to reset, because of a lock-up bug in the 4th Gen ipods. Not having a real reset button and relying on the processor to honor a reset when it has crashed seems a little silly.
  • Reply 50 of 110
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    Batteries hold less charge as time goes by, right? Out of curiosity, anyone know what a user going to do if he had to replace the battery eventually?
  • Reply 51 of 110
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    What they say about WiFi is correct.

    It's harder to find than you might think, except in limited areas.

    It's also only a mobile technology in that you can use it outside the home or office.

    But, you can't walk down the streets while on a call, or be in a car, on the highway. That's true mobile.

    IMHO, solution is 3G
  • Reply 52 of 110
    danboydanboy Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by atlguy3369 View Post

    Whoever wrote this, you obviously know very little about iTunes. Seeing as they sell an entire song for $.99, I doubt that Steve Jobs would let anyone more than double that price for a 7 second ringtone. Also, if anyone has been keeping up with the demos, they would realize that there is clearly a "Ringtones" tab in the iTunes interface. I for one could not be more excited about Friday and there is nothing that will stop me from getting my iPhone.

    wow this guys sounds determined. i dont know if i wanna stand in line with him. lol i will in fact be in line though. anyone else in the san antonio tx area? the more of you that say no the happier i am. lol
  • Reply 53 of 110
    mrjoec123mrjoec123 Posts: 223member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    What they say about WiFi is correct.

    It's harder to find than you might think, except in limited areas.

    It's also only a mobile technology in that you can use it outside the home or office.

    But, you can't walk down the streets while on a call, or be in a car, on the highway. That's true mobile.

    That would be a good point if iPhone had no other way of getting on the Internet. EDGE may be slower, but it still works, and is truly mobile.

    So 80% of the time, when I'm home, in my office, or at a hotspot, I use the fast and free WiFi. The other 20% I use EDGE. Not a perfect solution, but better than you are making it sound.
  • Reply 54 of 110
    equah21equah21 Posts: 2member
    I'm sure at this point Verizon and Sprint are wishing they would have considered requesting a device from Apple rather than refusing to synergize. I have been a customer of both Verizon and Cingular. The only reason I switched to Verizon was because my employer paid for the plan. Not the case anymore...switching back!
  • Reply 55 of 110

    Maybe some type of force quit built in.

    So exactly like the iPod then. It has worked flawlessly on the 2-3 times in the entire lifetime of my iPod where it has locked up.
  • Reply 56 of 110
    danboydanboy Posts: 9member
    i agree edge is not terribly slow especially if its the closest thing you have to internet on a road trip or out somewhere that you dont have a computer much less highspeed internet like my ranch.
  • Reply 57 of 110
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by emdeesee View Post

    I'd like to read what they'd be saying if the iPhone was coming out on their network. They'd turn around 180 degrees and be claiming it's the best phone in the world.


    I also suspect the day will come when the guy at Verizon that told Steve Jobs to take a hike will be well known as the biggest idiot in Phone history. Kind of on par with the record labels that refused to sign the Beatles.
  • Reply 58 of 110
    mrjoec123mrjoec123 Posts: 223member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Not that I totally disagree with you but the interface does bring along some functionality such as seamless integration of applications, multitasking elegance, and better contact management, conference calling etc. Although you may be able to do much of the same things on Windows Mobile, it is so difficult to remember/figure out that hardly anyone uses those capabilities.

    No product is simply the sum of its features. You have to factor in the sexy.

    I've used a lot of smart phones over the past few years, and the one thing none of them would be described as is sexy. The user experience is worth at least twice the list of functions. And right now, all indications are that the iPhone user experience is going to be a major slam dunk.

    The iPhone is not the new Treo or Blackberry. That's thinking too small. The iPhone is the new RAZR, which sold multiple times more units than all smartphones combined, despite lacking most of these "functions" and costing $499 at launch.
  • Reply 59 of 110
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by pt123 View Post

    Batteries hold less charge as time goes by, right? Out of curiosity, anyone know what a user going to do if he had to replace the battery eventually?

    My iPods are 4 and 5 years old and still going strong ... I assume iPhone uses even more advanced technology so I would not worry
  • Reply 60 of 110
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    IMHO, solution is 3G


    But, I just read the specs for EDGE.

    The top rate is 236Kps, but most networks hold it to 135Kps.

    As ATT is upgrading the EDGE network to double those speeds they have, I'm assuming that they are going to 236 from 135.

    While no wireless tech works at rated speed (usually at half, sometimes worse), one won't get close to that actual rate most of the time, that's true for 3G and WiFi as well.

    So, it may not be too bad.
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