Apple offers 25-minute iPhone guided tour



  • Reply 121 of 139
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    Some of us live in the States, but the wrong states, with no AT&T service. I'm hoping, like you probably, that this thing can be unlocked pretty quickly and used outside of AT&T's claws.

    I'm waiting for the 3G version; no way am I going back to 2G.

    The greatest thing about the iPhone is it is ALL software, which means they could add functions at will, including the button for use this song as my ringtone. I hope you can eventually assign ringtones to people: Stevie Wonder's "I just called to say I love you" for my wife, something a little more depressing for my banker (who always calls to complain that I spend too much money on Apple products) and something outright dreadful for my mother-in-law.
  • Reply 122 of 139
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    While I was writing this there were many posts and it appears that your findings on market share reflect what I was saying. I hardly see anyone with Apple products here. If you go into an Apple store those will be the only people with any sort of Apple product. The stores are never busy. They are like clothing boutiques that sell a rare product and have a niche following.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    PS: I encourage you to browse their website,, esp. their "Userforum." The general discussion area welcomes one with: "No matter the suggestion to Meizu company, or the suggestions to Meizu websites, pls speaking out freely." Generally, they seem to be a bit coy on product availability in the West. Perhaps they sell a truckload in Japan, who knows. In any event, I have a suspicion that Apple's lawyers might soon be speaking out freely....

    Apple stole the iPhone design from the LG Prada Phone. The trend is going towards luxury phones and LG started it.

    Originally Posted by lfe2211 View Post


    1) If you were in Apple's board room tomorrow and SJ asked you "how can Apple significantly improve its market share in Japan for all of its products", what would you say?

    ANSWER:Sell a $500 portable Apple computer. Bye Bye Mac Mini.

    2) How popular is the iPod in Japan?

    ANSWER:I'm not sure but considering the density of Osaka/Tokyo and how often I see people wearing them I'd say not very. You see the odd girl flashing her pink iPod Nano around her neck and my friend has an iPod Video at home to study English movies but those are the only people I've seen with it lol

    3) When the iPhone eventually adds the Japan-specific features needed, what do you think its prospects will be in that market? Ditto for the rest of Asia?

    ANSWER:The prospects will be the same as any other phone that does what the iPhone does when it's released here.

    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I envy all of you who live in the States and can actually buy this device...One accessory for the iPhone is indeed an arm band so you can wear it jogging. Why carry two devices when you can get away with one?

    A year from now the iPhone won't be a big deal because there will be many like it. It's only a matter of time before most phones will have a touch screen display. Most people don't care that it's OS X. They care that it's touch screen and you can slide your finger around on it like Minority Report. Think about it. When you first saw the iPhone in action your main thought was not, "cool! it comes with OS X!" No, you were thinking, "wow...look at that guy slide his finger around and all the text is whizzing back and forth. And you also heard everyone's applause and cheers during its reveal. The hoopla was during the crazy touch screen antics. You want to go running with that monstrous thing attached to your arm? Why don't you just buy a 1985 Sony Walkman? The iPhone would look like an iPod Nano on Yao Ming or Shakil O'neil but that's about it.

    I will buy it because I was already a long time Mac user and that is the only reason. That's why Apple needs to release a $650 Apple laptop or tablet
  • Reply 123 of 139
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Apple stole the iPhone design from the LG Prada Phone.

    I rarely use this term, but I feel compelled to: You're only trying to sound like an idiot, right?
  • Reply 124 of 139
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Black and white screen vs FULL COLOR.

    4 on screen buttons as opposed to ONE BUTTON.

    Runs flash which eats battery life


    Nope. The iPhone is not a copy.
  • Reply 125 of 139
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Apple stole the iPhone design from the LG Prada Phone. The trend is going towards luxury phones and LG started it.

    Yep, LG unveiled the Prada phone late november/early december 2006, and Apple developed the iPhone in a couple of weeks and unveiled it in January 2007.

  • Reply 126 of 139
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Just watched the tour and it would appear the that iPhone does not have a 'Send photo by Bluetooth' option!

    The only options in the photo app appear to be: Use As Wallpaper, Email Photo and Assign To Contacts.

    If that is the case and you can't send files by Bluetooth, then that really sucks!

  • Reply 127 of 139
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    All you have to do is research the patent literature to see that Apple has been involved in developing a multi-touch phone (and other consumer devices) since ~2004 around the time of its acquisition of FingerWorks and all of their multi-touch (MT) patents for the iGestures devices (do an AI search on my prior posts to get specific patent references) .

    If you do a similiar patent search on LG, there is precious little in the patent application literature until very recently.

    If it ever comes to it, APPL will crush LG in the patent/prior art arena for the iPhone and associated multi-touch screen technology. I would not be surprised to see APPL go after LG anyway if they feel the Prada will affect their iPhone sales worldwide. Finally, APPL would be more at risk from Jeff Han and other early MT inventors for the iPhone than LG but rumor (never confirmed or denied by Han) has it that Han and Apple reached a secret financial agreement on MT about 12-18 months ago.
  • Reply 128 of 139
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    While I was writing this there were many posts and it appears that your findings on market share reflect what I was saying. I hardly see anyone with Apple products here. If you go into an Apple store those will be the only people with any sort of Apple product. The stores are never busy. They are like clothing boutiques that sell a rare product and have a niche following.

    Interesting, but....


    Apple stole the iPhone design from the LG Prada Phone. The trend is going towards luxury phones and LG started it.

    Your credibility here just took a hit that will take you awhile to recover from. I suggest posting only bone simple conventional wisdom for a while to buy time while it heals.


    A year from now the iPhone won't be a big deal because there will be many like it. It's only a matter of time before most phones will have a touch screen display. Most people don't care that it's OS X. They care that it's touch screen and you can slide your finger around on it like Minority Report. Think about it. When you first saw the iPhone in action your main thought was not, "cool! it comes with OS X!" No, you were thinking, "wow...look at that guy slide his finger around and all the text is whizzing back and forth. And you also heard everyone's applause and cheers during its reveal. The hoopla was during the crazy touch screen antics. You want to go running with that monstrous thing attached to your arm? Why don't you just buy a 1985 Sony Walkman? The iPhone would look like an iPod Nano on Yao Ming or Shakil O'neil but that's about it.

    The fact that the iPhone runs OS X has huge ramifications for what it can do, how it does it, and how it fits into Apple's larger plans, so even if some folks didn't think "Oh, cool, OS X" they are still reacting to a UI that is enabled by exactly that, so it's a distinction without a difference.


    I will buy it because I was already a long time Mac user and that is the only reason. That's why Apple needs to release a $650 Apple laptop or tablet

    Finishing up with a non-sequitur is a time honored Apple Insider tradition, however, so points for that.
  • Reply 129 of 139
    icareicare Posts: 4member
    Watch it again and youll see what i mean he sorta has a lispse too
  • Reply 130 of 139
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Originally Posted by iCare View Post

    Watch it again and youll see what i mean he sorta has a lispse too

    And a gold wedding band.
  • Reply 131 of 139
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by iCare View Post

    Watch it again and youll see what i mean he sorta has a lispse too

    Got a problem with either, even if they are true or not?

    He has a very steady, professional delivery that remains constant throughout the demo.
  • Reply 132 of 139
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Your credibility here just took a hit that will take you awhile to recover from. I suggest posting only bone simple conventional wisdom for a while to buy time while it heals.

    My credibility? It's a forum. You obviously take forums way to seriously. That's the info I found. If it's wrong post a piece of evidence to the contrary that is more than just heresy so I can learn from it. You haven't even posted something to show that the iPhone was designed before the Prada phone which I personally would like to see. And even then just because you patented something before me it doesn't mean you thought of it before me. I can think of a design for a UFO and if you think of it second you could still beat me to the patent. I don't mind being wrong so why act like it's a sin to be wrong on a forum?
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Finishing up with a non-sequitur is a time honored Apple Insider tradition, however, so points for that.

    Dude. Again, this isn't a pissin contest nor do I need your "points". Go get a girlfriend or a hobby or something. I guess that's reflected in the fact that you have over 5k posts and I have only 18 even though I've visited (not joined), this forum since it opened.
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    ...even if some folks didn't think "Oh, cool, OS X" they are still reacting to a UI that is enabled by exactly that, so it's a distinction without a difference.

    They aren't reacting to it over here cause they don't have it. And by the time they get it others will have already been here with similar UI's. If the iPhone were released here right now the only sales it would make would be to the foreigners. Got OS X but No free 1SEG TV plus recording capability or GPS? See ya.
  • Reply 133 of 139
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    My credibility? It's a forum. You obviously take forums way to seriously. That's the info I found. If it's wrong post a piece of evidence to the contrary that is more than just heresy so I can learn from it. You haven't even posted something to show that the iPhone was designed before the Prada phone which I personally would like to see.

    They aren't reacting to it over here cause they don't have it. And by the time they get it others will have already been here with similar UI's. If the iPhone were released here right now the only sales it would make would be to the foreigners. Got OS X but No free 1SEG TV plus recording capability or GPS? See ya.

    1) Mobile phones have a development cycle measured in years, and that includes design (plus giant touch screen phone is an obvious idea, that everyone ignored because corporations are inherently conservative). It is, quite frankly, impossible to steal someone's design in three months unless you're from China and you photoshop it

    2) Oh sure, I agree, the current iPhone would tank in Japan. We discussed this already, and continue to discuss it in Apple Japan: Looking Forward. The gist being iPhone's UI beats everything, but it lacks virtually all of Japan's software/hardware baseline features.
  • Reply 134 of 139
    tycoonjotycoonjo Posts: 10member
    nice tutorial.

    For people who do not have Quicktime installed: Checkit out at:
  • Reply 135 of 139
    cpt kcpt k Posts: 33member
    Stupid questions perhaps. But can the iPhone remotely browse and purchase iTunes content?
  • Reply 136 of 139
    Need your help

    Have Apple patented the docking station for the iPhone thus if you buy the iPhone you will need to purchase the docking station from them, or will it be possible to buy from third parties? (same as ipods)
  • Reply 137 of 139
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by shussain View Post

    Need your help

    Have Apple patented the docking station for the iPhone thus if you buy the iPhone you will need to purchase the docking station from them, or will it be possible to buy from third parties? (same as ipods)

    Apple says it uses the same dock connecter as iPods, so other docks should work.
  • Reply 138 of 139
    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    Stupid questions perhaps. But can the iPhone remotely browse and purchase iTunes content?

    Nope (it would suck on EDGE at least, anyway). But it's a software update away?
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