Verizon to prospective iPhone buyers: 'Stay near a plug'



  • Reply 61 of 110
    If you can't use the songs on your iPod as ring tones, do you really think Cingular is going to pass on this. Ringtones = billions.

    Originally Posted by atlguy3369 View Post

    Whoever wrote this, you obviously know very little about iTunes. Seeing as they sell an entire song for $.99, I doubt that Steve Jobs would let anyone more than double that price for a 7 second ringtone. Also, if anyone has been keeping up with the demos, they would realize that there is clearly a "Ringtones" tab in the iTunes interface. I for one could not be more excited about Friday and there is nothing that will stop me from getting my iPhone.

    If Cingular/Apple is expecting this phone to a big hit, which I think it will, I can't see how Cingular will pass up all that money.
  • Reply 62 of 110
    danboydanboy Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by mrjoec123 View Post

    No product is simply the sum of its features. You have to factor in the sexy.

    I've used a lot of smart phones over the past few years, and the one thing none of them would be described as is sexy. The user experience is worth at least twice the list of functions. And right now, all indications are that the iPhone user experience is going to be a major slam dunk.

    The iPhone is not the new Treo or Blackberry. That's thinking too small. The iPhone is the new RAZR, which sold multiple times more units than all smartphones combined, despite lacking most of these "functions" and costing $499 at launch.

    I agree my tre0 650 was far from sexy. you must calculate the sexy factor.
  • Reply 63 of 110
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by mrjoec123 View Post

    That would be a good point if iPhone had no other way of getting on the Internet. EDGE may be slower, but it still works, and is truly mobile.

    So 80% of the time, when I'm home, in my office, or at a hotspot, I use the fast and free WiFi. The other 20% I use EDGE. Not a perfect solution, but better than you are making it sound.

    Of course. But I was responding to someone who thinks the opposite of your post. He was laughing at what Verison had said, which was true.
  • Reply 64 of 110
    I've used several smartphones that I would consider sexy. I like QWERTY slide out keyboards. But as mstone stated, most of these phones are not user friendly. I haven't tried WM6, but I know in WM5, you sometimes have to do a google search to find out how to work some of the phones features.

    Originally Posted by mrjoec123 View Post

    No product is simply the sum of its features. You have to factor in the sexy.

    I've used a lot of smart phones over the past few years, and the one thing none of them would be described as is sexy. The user experience is worth at least twice the list of functions. And right now, all indications are that the iPhone user experience is going to be a major slam dunk.

    The iPhone is not the new Treo or Blackberry. That's thinking too small. The iPhone is the new RAZR, which sold multiple times more units than all smartphones combined, despite lacking most of these "functions" and costing $499 at launch.

  • Reply 65 of 110
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by noriyori View Post

    as a workaround for no mms you can simply email a photo to the [email protected]

    ex: [email protected]

    this also works with t-mobile, but I don't recall the mail address.

    [email protected] is Verizon's solution.
  • Reply 66 of 110
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 67 of 110
    danboydanboy Posts: 9member
    how many soon to be iphone users are windows users just wondering? i am mac all the way.

    edit: i didnt want to turn this into a windows vs mac thing a simple "win" or "mac" will do. also i appoligize if there is already a thread for this in the forums.
  • Reply 68 of 110
    I'm a Mac computer user, but my smartphone is WM.

    Originally Posted by Danboy View Post

    how many soon to be iphone users are windows users just wondering? i am mac all the way.

  • Reply 69 of 110
    gee4orcegee4orce Posts: 165member
    I wonder how many people realise that SMS messages are sent, and stored remotely, as plain text. So much for their non-WiFi security huh ?
  • Reply 70 of 110
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post


    But, I just read the specs for EDGE.

    The top rate is 236Kps, but most networks hold it to 135Kps.

    As ATT is upgrading the EDGE network to double those speeds they have, I'm assuming that they are going to 236 from 135.

    While no wireless tech works at rated speed (usually at half, sometimes worse), one won't get close to that actual rate most of the time, that's true for 3G and WiFi as well.

    So, it may not be too bad.

    Under real-world condtions, ATT claims their EDGE network usually will give 75-135 kbps, and apparently it can be as slow as 40kbps.

    ATT's recent EDGE improvements are supposed to double that 'floor' speed of 40 kbps speed to 80 kbps, so that you're never slower than dialup, which is nice I guess. But its unclear whether that doubling also applies to their average speeds as well.

  • Reply 71 of 110
    Ok.. so its been established that for some, the lack of MMS really sucks. I dont send picture messages that often.. but when i do, i dont want to have to think of which carrier the person I am sending it to is on. That is the one thing many people are forgetting. you have to know this info in order for the e-mail solution to work.

    Sure you can email [email protected], or or whatever... but if you go down your contact list, do you actually know what carrier each of your contacts are on? I sure don't.

    Say I meet this fly honey in a club... and we hit it off.. i'm supposed to ask her, "Hey girl, [yelling of course, since its loud in there] lemme get yo number... oh yeah, and what carrier is that? Verizon you say?, oh, ok, coool, " Then I'm supposed to remember that she's got VZW 2 weeks later when I feel like sending her a picture message. " LAME.

    Not that I won't be in line for that phone come friday, but they could at least add such a basic feature every other phone seems to have. Thats like having a Bentley with no windshield wipers or something.

    I still find it utterly amusing to watch these companies react to their impending doom that is friday the 29th.
  • Reply 72 of 110
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I also suspect the day will come when the guy at Verizon that told Steve Jobs to take a hike will be well known as the biggest idiot in Phone history. Kind of on par with the record labels that refused to sign the Beatles.

    Verizon wasn't especially or uniquely arrogant, though. The problem, and its been a problem for a LONG time, is that ALL carriers are used to calling the shots. The phone makers are there just to ask how high they're supposed to jump.

    Poor Nokia tried to buck the trend a little bit not long ago, and they got slapped down pretty hard for it. Truth to tell, Apple was a bit lucky to find a carrier who was willing to come down from Mt. Olympus and truly deal.

    I think a lot of it was that ATT/Cingular was terrified of losing the #1 spot to Verizon, which was starting to look inevitable, considering how many more customers Verizon was net-adding then ATT.

    So, in a way, you can thank Verizon for making ATT cut a deal. Another case of competition being a good thing. Too bad Verizon was too arrogant to do the deal themselves.

    Still, this is a problem that may repeat itself. Word is that Apple is having a very hard time finding a carrier to partner with in Europe, and the same may be true in Asia. The 'carriers are gods' syndrome may still bite Apple in the butt, unless the iPhone is such a dramatic hit here in the States that the (arrogant) Euro and Asian carriers buckle out of sheer greed and give in to Apple's terms. \

  • Reply 73 of 110
    Originally Posted by OhReallyNow View Post

    Then I'm supposed to remember that she's got VZW 2 weeks later when I feel like sending her a picture message. " LAME.

    Why try and memorize it? Just add it into Notes.

  • Reply 74 of 110
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Under real-world condtions, ATT claims their EDGE network usually will give 75-135 kbps, and apparently it can be as slow as 40kbps.

    Right. That pretty much agrees with what I said.


    ATT's recent EDGE improvements are supposed to double that 'floor' speed of 40 kbps speed to 80 kbps, so that you're never slower than dialup, which is nice I guess. But its unclear whether that doubling also applies to their average speeds as well.


    It should.
  • Reply 75 of 110
    danboydanboy Posts: 9member
    ultimatley i think email is a better solution then mms. a couple of reasons, first you can view it anywhere you can view your email, second you have a copy of it in cyber space, and i'm sure there is a few more. the only problem is the rest of the world doesnt have "true email" on their phones yet but i believe after the iphone others will follow making things better for everyone. as a mac user its not un-common for us to have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up to where we are leading them.
  • Reply 76 of 110
    josa92josa92 Posts: 193member
    As much as I hate it myself, I LOATH Verizon and I think Verizon needs some grammar/usage police on their ass.

    A "Plug" is something that is physically attached to an appliance, short for "Spark plug". It completes an electrical connection between an appliance and a power supply, and has two to three "male" pins that are inserted into a "female" outlet.

    An "Outlet" is usually inside a Wall Socket, and is the two- or three-pronged item you insert the plug into, usually said to be short for "Electrical outlet", although that could be said to be redundant. It is the supplier of electricity, and makes appliances and many other electrical things, such as refrigerators, televisions and computers turn on; these items can only turn on if their Plug is inserted, or "Plugged In", to an Outlet.

    I believe the word Verizon was looking for was Outlet and not Plug, because you can lug a plug and never get a charge unless you plug it in to an electrical outlet.

  • Reply 77 of 110
    Nice font.

    Originally Posted by josa92 View Post

    As much as I hate it myself, I LOATH Verizon and I think Verizon needs some grammar/usage police on their ass.

    A "Plug" is something that is physically attached to an appliance, short for "Spark plug". It completes an electrical connection between an appliance and a power supply, and has two to three "male" pins that are inserted into a "female" outlet.

    An "Outlet" is usually inside a Wall Socket, and is the two- or three-pronged item you insert the plug into, usually said to be short for "Electrical outlet", although that could be said to be redundant. It is the supplier of electricity, and makes appliances and many other electrical things, such as refrigerators, televisions and computers turn on; these items can only turn on if their Plug is inserted, or "Plugged In", to an Outlet.

    I believe the word Verizon was looking for was Outlet and not Plug, because you can lug a plug and never get a charge unless you plug it in to an electrical outlet.

  • Reply 78 of 110
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    Who cares, they aren't gonna stop anybody from buying one LOL.

    Seriously nobody is going to care what the rep says. Most of the verizon employees I know are going friday to buy themselves an iPhone as well because it looks hella cool.

    I think that's the funny part.
  • Reply 79 of 110
    josa92josa92 Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    Nice font.

  • Reply 80 of 110
    Originally Posted by Matthew Yohe View Post

    But... there hasn't been a confirm on ringtones from your iTunes library... It's looking like that may not happen.

    My guess? As with games, Ring Tones will have a section of the iTunes Store. Buy a ring tone for $0.99 or less, keep it in a sub-section of your iTunes library, select it from a list on your iPhone.



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