Apple to host Mac event next Tuesday



  • Reply 381 of 564
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Granted (no pun), with tuition from so many students and state funding, the college has a large enough budget/income to have whatever equipment is needed and upgraded every few years. I would imagine that smaller colleges might have difficulties is supplying all necessary equipment to students and faculty.

    You mean smaller institutions like Harvard?

    Yes, because you work for what is effectively a very large community college your system works. But tell many adjunct professors/instructors does MDC have vs real professors? How many of these adjuncts have to purchase their own equipment for use at home because MDC doesn't provide desktops? Or does it give every instructor a home machine?

    Geez. I've encountered academic arrogance before but this is silly to imply anyone that uses laptops is too poor to afford "necessary equipment". Research unis will be a completely different environment and I've spoken with FIU folks conferences...and they pretty much all had laptops. I wonder why? Oh yes, because profs from research universities actually need to do research, hunt for grants and it's a much more fluid and demanding environment.

  • Reply 382 of 564
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    You know what would be sweet with the new iMacs...integrated lights out. As someone managing them in a lab, it would be great if one could use remote desktop to turn them on. It's a great feature on the new Intel Xserves. I know, I know. Not likely to happen. But it would be cool.
  • Reply 383 of 564
    Originally Posted by nevenmrgan View Post

    "We" certainly don't need it... How many people on this board do you think are heavy Logic users?


  • Reply 384 of 564
    My bet:

    17" iMac - education only

    1,83 GHz C2D

    Combo drive

    GMA 950

    $839 (or $799 via the Apple Education Store)

    17" iMac - public

    2 GHz C2D


    some nVidia chip


    20" iMac

    2.3 GHz C2D


    some really good chip


    even bigger?

    no idea!
  • Reply 385 of 564
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Oh for crying out loud. MB + 24" Dell + Logitech keyboard & mouse is far cheaper than the 24" iMac. The iMac is a lousy Bang for the Buck machine.

    I am using an MB with a 22" display right now, and I can't say that I like the setup very much. I will actually buy a 24" iMac when the new model arrives, mainly for one reason: fan noise. The noise level of the MB compared to an iMac is worth the price alone. Add to that that I won't have to hook it up all the time, it requires less desk space, I get a better GPU, larger and faster built in HDD etc.

    In fact, the only thing I do like about this setup compared to a desktop is that I can just pick it up and continue with my work someplace else. With an iMac + MB I'll have to sync the data everytime I'm going somewhere. But it'll be worth it.
  • Reply 386 of 564
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    Mac Pro = function over form.

    I have to disagree with that statement. Granted a workstation is primarily focused on function, but in comparison to other workstations, I think the Mac Pro is very attractive.

    Now, if it would just return my phone calls....\
  • Reply 387 of 564
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    One thing I don't get about the iMac is why it uses a laptop processor. I mean we're talking about a computer that has more space to work with than a lot of gaming notebooks that use desktop processors. Even a laptop like this one that uses a Core 2 Quad has far more restricted airflow and space than a properly designed iMac would. The same formfactor iMac that came before the mobile chips uses the G5 processor, which were never known for being particularly cold to the touch.

    I really hope Apple decides to use desktop chips with this redesign opportunity. If they used desktop chips they could justify the iMac price if they ever introduce that expandable consumer Mac that everyone wants so dearly. I think it's safe to say that if they introduced a consumer tower [or minitower] now that used desktop chips, it would be a big threat to iMac sales. In overall strategy for the company, mobile chips don't make sense for the iMac. Hopefully Apple sees this too.

    I read somewhere that the iMac chip IS a desktop chip, but the socket isn't. Does that make sense?
  • Reply 388 of 564
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    I read somewhere that the iMac chip IS a desktop chip, but the socket isn't. Does that make sense?

    No; because the iMac uses the Merom and not the Conroe.
  • Reply 389 of 564
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    You mean smaller institutions like Harvard?

    Yes, because you work for what is effectively a very large community college your system works. But tell many adjunct professors/instructors does MDC have vs real professors? How many of these adjuncts have to purchase their own equipment for use at home because MDC doesn't provide desktops? Or does it give every instructor a home machine?

    Geez. I've encountered academic arrogance before but this is silly to imply anyone that uses laptops is too poor to afford "necessary equipment". Research unis will be a completely different environment and I've spoken with FIU folks conferences...and they pretty much all had laptops. I wonder why? Oh yes, because profs from research universities actually need to do research, hunt for grants and it's a much more fluid and demanding environment.


    You're correct. The majority of MDC faculty is adjunct. And no, MDC doesn't furnish home computers to them or to full time faculty. Full time faculty instructors are given desktops at work. Adjuncts have access to computers all over the campus. I would imagine many of them use USB's to tote info home or they use the web to put info on their home computers. This is so for full time or part time faculty. I use a 4 GB USB which is more than enough storage, so I don't need or want a laptop. I do all my work at the college or at home. I don't feel the need to stop at Starbucks on the way home and do work there. I would find that uncomfortable.

    I was not implying that anyone that uses laptops is too poor to afford "necessary equipment"?

    You pulled that out of thin air. The comment you made about Harvard being smaller doesn't make sense. How did you make that comparison? As for FIU profs who travel carrying laptops. Yes, I'd expect them to.

    The FIU profs whom I know don't travel enough to use laptops.

    I still don't see how you made so many misinterpretations from my post? I was simply telling how MDC used computers and was not implying anything else. You twisted that into something you made up out of your own mind.
  • Reply 390 of 564
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Oh for crying out loud. MB + 24" Dell + Logitech keyboard & mouse is far cheaper than the 24" iMac. The iMac is a lousy Bang for the Buck machine.

    Now you're just cheating, you go on and on post after post about expanding the mbp and when example time comes you use the macbook.

    You KNOW that no model of macbook has anything on the 24" imac so why use that as your basis? try and justify your cost arguement, which is probably the biggest whole in your arguement altogether.

    Also who do you want to suggest is going to tell customers to get logitech and dell parts, apple's online site or apple store employees?

    Customer: Hi, I'd like to get a 24" imac.

    Apple store employee: No, desktops compared to laptops make no sense. What you do is get a macbook then go to bestbuy downstairs and get yourself a nice keyboard and mouse and when you get home order a 24" Dell monitor off dell's site.

    Customer: Can't I just get the screen and mouse and keyboard from here?

    Apple store employee: No, that's too expensive.

    What your suggesting may be ok for some people (assuming that gpu difference and HD space mean nothing to you) but you're making the same mistake that tons of people on the site always seem to make: Most people are not tech savy or resourseful. Expecting that the general barely computer literate person (the vast majority of people) can figure that on their own is silly and incredibly unrealistic. If you want apple to sell only to the mac die hard, fine but if their sales are going to grow like they've been doing they need to get new customers on board. Expecting those people to know how to build their own setups is crazy, I mean look at all the posts on this site of people saying things like:

    "Which is the best external display for my mb/mbp?"

    "Which is the best external keyboard/mouse for my mb/mbp?"

    "Which is the best external hard drive for my mb/mbp?"

    And the list goes on. Most people will not buy computers and take to the internet to understand them.

    I had a friend who swtiched to a mbp and did not even know that two fingers on the touchpad would right click, I went to his house to help him with some problem he had that was incredibly easy and by the time I left had him weeping with joy because I turned his old shitty viao's HD into an external one, let him use his LCD as an external display, and his logitech keyboard as an external keyboard (he bought a mighty mouse with the mbp).

    He was happy because he never knew any of that was possible, I left sad because he never knew any of that was possible and that his mbp was more expensive and better than mine. If I hadn't gone there his mbp would have such and huge waste and his viao parts would have a waste as well.

    And you think most people will do all that by themselves making desktops pointless? Wow.
  • Reply 391 of 564
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    You know what would be sweet with the new iMacs...integrated lights out. As someone managing them in a lab, it would be great if one could use remote desktop to turn them on. It's a great feature on the new Intel Xserves. I know, I know. Not likely to happen. But it would be cool.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but could you not just set one mac up to turn on and off every day at a certain time (energy saver->schedule) and then mirror it to all the other macs in the lab? That's what our lab manager does. Or are you talking about something different?
  • Reply 392 of 564
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    You can also set, in Energy Saver, 'wake on LAN access'. Not true 'lights on', but a close facsimile.
  • Reply 393 of 564
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by bobmarksdale View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong but could you not just set one mac up to turn on and off every day at a certain time (energy saver->schedule) and then mirror it to all the other macs in the lab? That's what our lab manager does. Or are you talking about something different?

    Is 'mirroring' the same as doing a full backup? What is the difference, if any?
  • Reply 394 of 564
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Is 'mirroring' the same as doing a full backup? What is the difference, if any?

    Umm... I don't know. It was just explained to me as a way to make all of the computers the same with the same preferences, user accounts, and privileges.

    ps. sequitur I found another solution to the quicktime problem and posted it there.
  • Reply 395 of 564
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Was I imagining it or was there a rumour many many months ago about Apple putting a dedicated H.264 chip in future Macs.

    We've also heard in the recent conference call that Apple is going to undertake a product transition.

    Perhaps they will announce dedicated H.264 chips for all future Mac/aTV models as this positions the Mac platform ideally to support all this media we put on our iPhones and iPods.
  • Reply 396 of 564
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    Was I imagining it or was there a rumour many many months ago about Apple putting a dedicated H.264 chip in future Macs.

    We've also heard in the recent conference call that Apple is going to undertake a product transition.

    Perhaps they will announce dedicated H.264 chips for all future Mac/aTV models as this positions the Mac platform ideally to support all this media we put on our iPhones and iPods.

    No need for dedicated chips. Both ATI and Nvidia GPUs have hardware specialised for this purpose. In fact, they've had them for a while (coming up on two years). Apple have just dragged their feet on implementing drivers. I was hoping that said drivers would appear in Leopard, but no word on that yet
  • Reply 397 of 564
    griffingriffin Posts: 10member
    how quick can we expect apple stores (US/UK) to update there imacs on display in the store assuming new models are being announced? Next day? One Week?
  • Reply 398 of 564
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by nevenmrgan View Post

    "We" certainly don't need it... How many people on this board do you think are heavy Logic users?

    The people on these boards are not a complete indication of Mac users as a whole. Most people here know their own field, and little more. I like to read post and dream here, but it's not a serious place. I usually read, and I would expect the majority of Logic users have their own discussion forums that they frequent.
  • Reply 399 of 564
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    I have to disagree with that statement. Granted a workstation is primarily focused on function, but in comparison to other workstations, I think the Mac Pro is very attractive.

    Oh yeah, I agree with you - I never said that the Mac Pro was unattractive.

    But with the Mac Pro, like the G5 before it, the form follows the function. Apple selected the components first, and then made the necessary enclosure look good.

    With the iMac however, its functionality suffers at the expense of its form. Apple designed the enclosure first, and then selected the components that would work within that enclosure. That's why the iMac suffers from a laptops processor, support chipset, RAM and optical drive.

    To answer the original posters question, that's why the iMac features numerous laptop components.

    I think this is why the headless iMac debate refuses to die. If the Mac Pro is function over form, and the iMac is form over function, there are a lot of people out there that are interested in the middle ground.
  • Reply 400 of 564
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by griffin View Post

    how quick can we expect apple stores (US/UK) to update there imacs on display in the store assuming new models are being announced? Next day? One Week?

    Hello and Welcome.

    The usual pattern is that the online stores around the world will go down and be replaced by this sign:

    Shortly (hours/minutes) after the stores will re-open and all will be revealed. I've never known it to be within the hour but it's not too long.
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