Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2861 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    BTW, lossless does not mean grade A audio quality all the time, if the source is dirty. You can see that not all multi-channel PCM tracks on Blu-Ray get the top AQ score.

    You infer here that BD using lossless audio would be inferior to HD-DVD due to using "dirty" source audio.

    However you do not point out that if HD-DVD is using the SAME "dirty" audio AND is using lossy compression for storage of audio it would actually be the inferior choice.

    Please try not to be so misleading it comes across as FUD.

    Lossy compression is a necessary evil sometimes particularly if you have limited disc space, compression techniques are pretty advances at this stage, only those with high end equipment are going to notice (or care about) the "diminising return" gains that can be achieved.

    However as you keep pointing out, it will be the average Joe that will adopt the format in a big way with large sales numbers, not the niche high end audio people.

    Joe will be wowed by the "purdy pitchures" first.
  • Reply 2862 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Wanna store your Blu-ray and HD DVD to a Media Server? Look here

    Nice...this is the future. I hate optical discs.

    Seems nice alright it's a crazy price though. Close enough (from my cursory glance) to what front row (or back row) offers that I can wait and see what Leopard offers.

    I think there is a clear market for this kind of hardware, it just doesn;t have mass market appeal (YET) the average Joe isn't going to want to mess with HDDs, won't be able to lend their friends and family the latest copy of "jimmy and the doodle fish live in a tent" if its stuck on a server or downloaded - and THATS why optical media will hang around for a while yet. Studios don't "get" the barter system
  • Reply 2863 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    2nd link doesn't work, and first one shows a list where half the disks don't work. So what was that you were saying about my arguments not making much sense? HD DVD is 100% region free. Blu-way appears to be about 50%. My "arguement" (if you can even call it that, as I wasn't arguing really) was that if HD DVD was the only provider we woudln't have to worry about importing. If Blu Ray is the only provider, we will. Until you can prove that otherwise, I think your was a bit premature.

    But my point stands, region coding was number 4 on my list, something I care about, but not a whole lot. More so than audio, but less so than cost, content, and DRM. But like I said, this is for me, everyone has different takes on it.

    The second link works just fine for me. And yes, I still stand by my statement that your, to put it more accurately since your not "arguing", complaining really isn't that big of an issue. You state that half the disks don't work, but did you actually bother looking at the numbers? Here's a hint, get a little application called Excel, or maybe even Numbers if you have it, copy the tables into the app, apply a filter and filter the "Yes" column. Woila! You'll find that your claim of half don't work is utter crap, much like your other arguments like Nielsen not including Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. Yes, crap until you or others can prove otherwise as we Blu-ray fanboys have shown contrary proof to your claims without a single drop of proof from you HD DEDsters.

    The numbers basically state that if you are in the US, you can import around 82% of the titles from Region B. On the flipside it states that if you live in Europe you can import around 67% of the titles from Region A. So, yeah, your "half disks don't work" theory is nonsense. Again, its not a real big deal to me, but you're the one here "complaining" about it not me.

    So, I think the only thing that is premature is any notion thinking that HD DVD has a chance in hell of being the "only" provider.
  • Reply 2864 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Disney: 'Narnia,' 'Nemo' and 'Sleeping Beauty' Coming to Blu-ray in 2008


    The sort of announcement you'd expect to be made at CES (and not in the dead of August), Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has issued a press release previewing four of its top Blu-ray titles for 2008.

    Referenced in the release for the first time publicly are upcoming Blu-ray releases for 'Sleeping Beauty' (Disney's first classic animated title to hit next-gen disc), 'Finding Nemo,' 'National Treasure,' and 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.'

    Though exact street dates have not yet been announced, the studio has provided seasonal guidance for all four titles, and promises each will push the boundaries of what has been seen so far on the Blu-ray format.

    First up in the Spring of 2008 will be the recent family hit 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe,' which is slated to among the first Disney titles to include Picture-in-Picture bonus content.

    Next, in the Summer of '08, the studio plans to debut its first BD-Live Blu-ray Disc title, the action-adventure blockbuster 'National Treasure.'

    The Fall will see the release of two highly anticipated animated titles -- Pixar's 'Finding Nemo,' and -- in what promises to be a milestone release -- 'Sleeping Beauty,' which will be the first Blu-ray title to bear the studio's "Platinum Series" banner.

    "The Platinum titles are the crown jewels of the Disney Studios and we do not take releasing them lightly on any format," said Bob Chapek, President of Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. "The proven Blu-ray technology has allowed us to take our films to new heights, fully utilizing the larger capacity and interactive capabilities for an incredible all-new consumer experience."

    The 'Sleeping Beauty' Blu-ray is slated to include a "Virtual Castle" and multi-player activities -- both utilizing BD-Live technology.

    Further details are available via the press release, which can be read in full here.

    As always, we'll keep you posted as more details about these hotly-anticipated titles are officially confirmed. In the meantime, we've added all four titles "Release Dates Pending" section of our Blu-ray Release Schedule. Watch this space!

    Some of you wanted the Disney classics or Nemo, ye shall have a Disney classic and Nemo! And yes, sell it shall.
  • Reply 2865 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Jungle Book Announced for Blu-ray


    Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has announced that the animated classic 'Jungle Book' will make its Blu-ray debut October 2nd. This is the first Disney animated feature to be released on Blu-ray, and will be on store shelves day and date with the upcoming DVD release. No specs have been announced at this time.

    And another classic, but for this year!
  • Reply 2866 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Another week, more Blu-ray domination...

    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending August 12th

    WE: BD-66% HDD-34% YTD: BD-66% HDD-34% SI: BD-61% HDD-39%

    ^^^Also, check out page 2 to see why the editor thinks Microsoft is really the one fueling this format war. Most of us here have been stating this for a while, nice for major publications to be catching onto it as well.
  • Reply 2867 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Another week, more Blu-ray domination...

    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending August 12th

    WE: BD-66% HDD-34% YTD: BD-66% HDD-34% SI: BD-61% HDD-39%

    ^^^Also, check out page 2 to see why the editor thinks Microsoft is really the one fueling this format war. Most of us here have been stating this for a while, nice for major publications to be catching onto it as well.

    What stores are NOT included in Videoscan numbers?
  • Reply 2868 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    What stores are NOT included in Videoscan numbers?

    Priceless magic!

    Lemme take a stab at answering that, "Ike and Hildas veg and shoe shop, Maine" and "Puk'ems all you can eat bar n grill"

    YOU are one of those people who "seemed" to know who wasn't included, what happened cat get your tounge?
  • Reply 2869 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    You infer here that BD using lossless audio would be inferior to HD-DVD due to using "dirty" source audio.

    Nope, I did not. It's just all in your head. However, I can add that not all uncompressed audio tracks on Blu-Ray movies would worth the effort of lossless option since they do not provide reference quality lossless audio playback or some movies are fine with just stereo output. These are the main reason that some movie sound tracks are fine w/out lossless audio option, but there are also some that I would like to see lossless tracks on older movies like Amadeus. Perhaps, some of the music concerts can take full benefit of the lossless audio as well, and will well worth the studio's efforts to retain lossless audio playback.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Lossy compression is a necessary evil sometimes particularly if you have limited disc space, compression techniques are pretty advances at this stage, only those with high end equipment are going to notice (or care about) the "diminising return" gains that can be achieved.

    However as you keep pointing out, it will be the average Joe that will adopt the format in a big way with large sales numbers, not the niche high end audio people.

    Joe will be wowed by the "purdy pitchures" first.

    This.... I do agree.
  • Reply 2870 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    It's a legit question. I'm looking at statistics but I don't know what is and isn't counted.

    I know Wal-mart isn't included and while that doesn't make a huge difference for HD movies it means Videoscan and Soundscan numbers for DVD and CD cannot be trusted as they don't include the sales of the #1 vendor.
  • Reply 2871 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    It's a legit question. I'm looking at statistics but I don't know what is and isn't counted.

    I know Wal-mart isn't included and while that doesn't make a huge difference for HD movies it means Videoscan and Soundscan numbers for DVD and CD cannot be trusted as they don't include the sales of the #1 vendor.

    Keep telling yourself that as your format of choice dies a deserved death.
  • Reply 2872 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Its funny how you can just shit all over someone. The whole conversation (not complaining, try reading again) was based around lossless audio. I stated that "most people find MP3s to be enough".

    JLL countered with "Why root for HD resolution and not sound?". My response was that seeing is easier than listening, and that Audio was low on my list. The whole Region Control thing was 4th on my "list". Note that it is MY list of what I feel is important.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    So, I think the only thing that is premature is any notion thinking that HD DVD has a chance in hell of being the "only" provider.

    I never said that. My comment was in response to JLL saying if Blu-Ray was the only provider, I wouldn't have to worry about importing. Re-read my post #2855, where I said that "if HD DVD was the only HD media, i'd have access to everything, from everywhere, at anytime". This is a 100% true statement. You countered it with a couple of links that showcase that if Blu-Ray was the only HD media, i'd have access to almost everything, from almost everywhere. That was my whole point in countering your links. Blu-ray, even if I could import 99% of disks, there is still that 1% that can't be imported. You immediately start to attack my comments from months ago (WTF does that have to do with the current discussion), and start calling me a complainer, which I never did.

    But I am done with this thread. Its just not even fun anymore. I used to enjoy reading this thread early on, but recently it has just turned into a shit slinging fest. Its as if a bunch of 12 year olds have nothing better to do than to call people names. I like talking tech, and reading about things, but when you get so heavily attacked by a fanboi for stating a fun.

    I know you guys wont miss me, but marzetta, you pushed me out of this thread. Thanks.
  • Reply 2873 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Its funny how you can just shit all over someone. The whole conversation (not complaining, try reading again) was based around lossless audio. I stated that "most people find MP3s to be enough".

    JLL countered with "Why root for HD resolution and not sound?". My response was that seeing is easier than listening, and that Audio was low on my list. The whole Region Control thing was 4th on my "list". Note that it is MY list of what I feel is important.

    I never said that. My comment was in response to JLL saying if Blu-Ray was the only provider, I wouldn't have to worry about importing. Re-read my post #2855, where I said that "if HD DVD was the only HD media, i'd have access to everything, from everywhere, at anytime". This is a 100% true statement. You countered it with a couple of links that showcase that if Blu-Ray was the only HD media, i'd have access to almost everything, from almost everywhere. That was my whole point in countering your links. Blu-ray, even if I could import 99% of disks, there is still that 1% that can't be imported. You immediately start to attack my comments from months ago (WTF does that have to do with the current discussion), and start calling me a complainer, which I never did.

    But I am done with this thread. Its just not even fun anymore. I used to enjoy reading this thread early on, but recently it has just turned into a shit slinging fest. Its as if a bunch of 12 year olds have nothing better to do than to call people names. I like talking tech, and reading about things, but when you get so heavily attacked by a fanboi for stating a fun.

    I know you guys wont miss me, but marzetta, you pushed me out of this thread. Thanks.

    You're not the only one feeling like this thread have been infested with BD fanboys ( I mean the real fanboys supporting the format by just infesting this thread. Perhaps a troll is a better word). Just learn to ignore the kids here, and you know who they are. If you can manually filter them out, this thread does have it's own value.
  • Reply 2874 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Is ths true?... So majority of Blu-Ray players can currently process TrueHD and deliver lossless from it?


    I don't thing the original Samsung player can handle TrueHD, and the new Sony BDP-S300 can't, but since it's identical to the Pioneer BDP-94HD a firmware upgrade should be enough.
  • Reply 2875 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Nope, I did not. It's just all in your head.

    OH yess you diiiiid

    By making a statment that leaves out half of the facts you allow what you don't say t fall into doubt. This you do with a regularity that makes you seem, in reading at least, to be biased in terms of staing facts.

    Although in fairness I think that seems to be an issue with most of the posters in this thread myself included, however much I try not to Although in my defence I have noted that when I post news of HD-DVD doing well, it gets ignored.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    However, I can add that not all uncompressed audio tracks on Blu-Ray movies would worth the effort of lossless option since they do not provide reference quality lossless audio playback or some movies are fine with just stereo output. These are the main reason that some movie sound tracks are fine w/out lossless audio option, but there are also some that I would like to see lossless tracks on older movies like Amadeus. Perhaps, some of the music concerts can take full benefit of the lossless audio as well, and will well worth the studio's efforts to retain lossless audio playback.

    This.... I do agree.

    Good, we still agree on one thing

    Amadeus is a glorious film

    The strange thing that seems to be missing from the "who can piss higher RE audio, HD-DVD or BD?" question is that BOTH formats are likely to be far better and have more room to hold more uncompressed audio than standard DVD. Old codger (i think) among others, keeps pointing this out, either or both new formats must penetrate the SD-DVD "stranglehold" before it/they could be declared successful. In this respect, the enthusiasts should be playing in unison and trumpeting the "better" audio quality, wouldn't you agree?
  • Reply 2876 of 4650
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Its funny how you can just shit all over someone. The whole conversation (not complaining, try reading again) was based around lossless audio. I stated that "most people find MP3s to be enough".

    As the enthusiasts will tell you this is because, sadly most people haven't heard good lossless audio on good equipment, it can be a breathtaking experiance But of course "most people" don't have or want or can't afford a high quality audio setup in their living room/TV room. Even the thought of small kids with pencils in close proximity to expensive gear sends a shiver down my back even if it wasn't in my own home, the two do not make for great bedfellows, eventually the kid and the pencils will win!

    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    JLL countered with "Why root for HD resolution and not sound?". My response was that seeing is easier than listening, and that Audio was low on my list. The whole Region Control thing was 4th on my "list". Note that it is MY list of what I feel is important.

    I for one would be interested in reading about your list.

    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    But I am done with this thread. Its just not even fun anymore. I used to enjoy reading this thread early on, but recently it has just turned into a shit slinging fest. Its as if a bunch of 12 year olds have nothing better to do than to call people names. I like talking tech, and reading about things, but when you get so heavily attacked by a fanboi for stating a fun.

    I know you guys wont miss me, but marzetta, you pushed me out of this thread. Thanks.

    It's unfortunate if you leave, the Balance you bring was good for the thread I thought. However if you have, as you say, been reading the thread for a while, it can't have escaped your notice that it does get heated. Which is unfortunate.

    I would ask that you reconsider.
  • Reply 2877 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Our Wal-Mart is now carryinig HD content. 3 titles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Are We Done Yet?, and Wild Hogs. Those three are on Blu-ray for $25. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is also on HDDVD for $30. There are still no players other than the PS3 available. Our Wal-Mart is pretty much bottom of the WM totem pole and is the only place to get HD toys within 65 miles. Looks like Wal-Mart hasn't decided to axe HDDVD yet, but it also looks like it won't be long.
  • Reply 2878 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Its funny how you can just shit all over someone. The whole conversation (not complaining, try reading again) was based around lossless audio. I stated that "most people find MP3s to be enough".

    JLL countered with "Why root for HD resolution and not sound?". My response was that seeing is easier than listening, and that Audio was low on my list. The whole Region Control thing was 4th on my "list". Note that it is MY list of what I feel is important.

    And good for you and your list. Really. Just when I think the debating from you is gettin good, here you are considering quiting. Don't do that, as I respect your opinions, however, I will always interject my reservations with others opinions when they don't make sense to me. So, that's great, honestly, that you had your list, I simply didn't agree with some of what was on it, that's all.


    I never said that. My comment was in response to JLL saying if Blu-Ray was the only provider, I wouldn't have to worry about importing. Re-read my post #2855, where I said that "if HD DVD was the only HD media, i'd have access to everything, from everywhere, at anytime". This is a 100% true statement. You countered it with a couple of links that showcase that if Blu-Ray was the only HD media, i'd have access to almost everything, from almost everywhere. That was my whole point in countering your links. Blu-ray, even if I could import 99% of disks, there is still that 1% that can't be imported. You immediately start to attack my comments from months ago (WTF does that have to do with the current discussion), and start calling me a complainer, which I never did.

    But I am done with this thread. Its just not even fun anymore. I used to enjoy reading this thread early on, but recently it has just turned into a shit slinging fest. Its as if a bunch of 12 year olds have nothing better to do than to call people names. I like talking tech, and reading about things, but when you get so heavily attacked by a fanboi for stating a fun.

    I know you guys wont miss me, but marzetta, you pushed me out of this thread. Thanks.

    I know you never stated that HD DVD had a chance of being the only provider, however, you did in fact suggest it by your "if" statement. In regards to the comments made by you in reference to Nielson, well, it has a lot to do with the current discussion as the same subject was again questioned by Murch. BTW, I believe I said you were complaining, not a complainer. The latter is an attack on your person, which I try to avoid, but know at times have done so to others as the debate gets heated, but not in this case.

    So anyways, I always welcome your comments and opinions, and hope you reconsider your position in the latter paragraph. I agree, that its sad we are still discussing this topic in such a manner, especially when only one studio is causing the unfortunate contention. Hopefully Universal will go neutral after the holidays and we can all start discussing the beauty of Blu-ray, one format, and what movies we like on it.
  • Reply 2879 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Okay on to happer notions. Here is a graphic of the latest Nielsen data, courtesy of WriteSimply at

  • Reply 2880 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    OH yess you diiiiid

    By making a statment that leaves out half of the facts you allow what you don't say t fall into doubt. This you do with a regularity that makes you seem, in reading at least, to be biased in terms of staing facts.

    Although in fairness I think that seems to be an issue with most of the posters in this thread myself included, however much I try not to Although in my defence I have noted that when I post news of HD-DVD doing well, it gets ignored.

    You see.... it's all in your head...

    All in all, this is a debate/discussion and usually would read as one sided posts. It should be the other party's job to support the debate to refute?....

    As long as it's based on credible facts....... I'm okay with it. I'm getting little tired of all the FUD I'm reading these days, though.
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