Apple's London store plans extended hours following event; more



  • Reply 21 of 52
    Originally Posted by SWR View Post


    The 5 NBC shows I wanna watch this fall (in order to must-see):

    1. Heroes

    2. Bionic Woman

    3. Life

    4. Chuck

    5. Journeyman

    Guess they won't be on iTunes Store. Chances are, BSG: Razor and BSG 4 will not be on too. How?

    The other two returning FOX shows I'm falling is Bones and Prison Break. Not following any new ones. Should be available on iTunes Store. But if FOX decides to divorce Apple, I'm going to lose out on 24 and The Shield next year.

    No CBS shows I'm following are on iTunes store now. Nothing to watch on ABC. Only Supernatural on The CW.

    Most of my fave shows are on FOX and NBCU. If they pull, my Apple TV will be pretty useless.

    Word. The loss of Battlestar Galactica will be particularly sucky, even though that show definitely lost a step during Season 3.

    Am also really looking forward to the Bionic Woman. Geez, I hope NBC doesn't screw it up. And assuming negotiations don't fall through, Apple really, REALLY needs to get Medium up on the iTS, that show is consistently interesting, to my surprise. It also recently introduced the word "re-capitator" to my lexicon.

    Far as FOX goes, 24 is right-wing propaganda crap. They lost me with the episode that had an ACLU lawyer as the villian (lol) pretty much... I'm prolly gonna check out Sleeper Cell from Showtime instead. But The Shield has been good pretty much all through its run.

    Actually, the show I've been dloading the most off iTunes lately has been Weeds, again from Showtime. That is a damn funny, damn smart show. Surprised it doesn't get more buzz than it does.

    In any case, iTunes losing NBC and the associated Sci-Fi channel will deeply suck, and will mean I'll be dloading a lot less TV shows from the iTS. Here's hoping Jobs and the NBC execs can work it out. \

  • Reply 22 of 52
    Simple solution for Apple as it relates to video programming: Buy Slingbox.

    The only reason the iPod took off was "rip, mix, burn." You need no-cost content to change the way people look at how they do things. The iPod made iTMS viable. Do the same for video. If OTA shows are really that important to people, give them an easy way to get them into their computer in an unencumbered (with DRM) way. What the user choses to do from there is their own business.

    Barring that, try to figure out how to get sole internet distribution rights from the studios... good luck!
  • Reply 23 of 52
    I agree with your general idea, although I have no actual information. Think Secret's idea that Apple will wait until November to release the SAME PHONE they are making now is absurd. If they don't have 3g, then release it NOW. The store's extended hours clearly must be for something like that.

    16 gig (what I 'm waiting for) or 3G would be fantastic, a hit out of the park. Now that the itouch is 16gig, it's hard to imagine the iphone is far behind.

  • Reply 24 of 52
    The entire store is cloaked from public view. I took some pics tonight. See to see the images.
  • Reply 25 of 52
    Black cloth in a store. Hmm...

    Spells some new hardware. Unlikely software related. Guess the i-U-know-what will be a reality for the UK folks tomorrow.

    Bionic Woman number one in Amazon Unbox now. Ya, BSG 3 was kinda so-so.

    One thing I don't like about Showtime shows on iTunes Store is that the videos are presented in 4:3. That's why I avoided buying the two Sleeper Cell seasons and Dexter.

    Hardly buy comedy stuff as they're not keepers.

    iTunes Store is good bleak.
  • Reply 26 of 52
    Looks like the cats out of the bag - well maybe
  • Reply 27 of 52
    Originally Posted by jjhellis View Post

    Looks like the cats out of the bag - well maybe

    Good link -- I had seen this story too. The Guardian has had some amazingly astute reporting lately.

    I think this is highly likely the whole story.
  • Reply 28 of 52
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by jjhellis View Post

    Looks like the cats out of the bag - well maybe


    O2 will also have to spend a considerable amount of money installing the Edge technology which the iPhone needs to operate on its network, in the run-up to the device's launch this year.

    I don't believe they would (or do) know this. I really hope it's 3G. I will not buy one until it's 3G. We'll find out tomorrow if Apple wants to shoot themselves in the foot in Europe or not.
  • Reply 29 of 52
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't believe they would (or do) know this. I really hope it's 3G. I will not buy one until it's 3G. We'll find out tomorrow if Apple wants to shoot themselves in the foot in Europe or not.

    Even if it is EDGE, it'll still have a good Euro launch... Apple knows launches, after all.

    The problem is, the honeymoon after that will be short indeed in Europe w/out 3G.

  • Reply 30 of 52
    I guess I'm in the minority but I don't give a flying turd what NBC does. Anybody can record that stuff on their TiVo. What's the point?

    Apple TV would be a fantastic, and I mean fantastic tool to get at content you can't otherwise get. For instance, the BBC has the best documentaries on the planet, and many excellent shows. What can you get on Apple TV/iTunes? Nada, zip, nothing. Not one show from the BBC, present or past.

    Don't even mention more exotic locales. Canada (CBC): zero. France (TV5): zero. Australia, New Zealand, and on, zero. Nothing.

    Not to mention independent US content.

    No wonder they changed the name from iTV to Apple TV. There is no i in this thing, as in no Internet. The whole point of the Internet is that it's global and it cuts out the middleman. So why are we caring about NBC?

    Apple's whole approach is missing the point; they only got the hardware right.
  • Reply 31 of 52
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Alonso Perez View Post

    I guess I'm in the minority but I don't give a flying turd what NBC does. Anybody can record that stuff on their TiVo. What's the point?

    The prob for me is that the Sci-Fi Channel goes along for the ride with NBC (since they own them?), and I don't have cable at such a level where I get the Sci-Fi channel to Tivo it.

    iTunes actually saves me a lot of money by giving me access to the couple or three shows on 'good' cable that I actually care about, without shelling out for that level of cable.

  • Reply 32 of 52
    I am on o2 at the moment and my blackberry has been switching backwards and forwards between GPRS and EDGE all weekend in London. I can't remember it doing so before- could this be an indication that o2 EDGE is ready for the iphone now?
  • Reply 33 of 52
    Originally Posted by jjhellis View Post

    Looks like the cats out of the bag - well maybe

    Nice. Euro Mobile Operators: PWND. ... AT&T bent over and took it up the shaft nicely. And continue to do so. Time for O2 to lube up... . Welcome to the Apple world. No anal, no love (see: NBC).

    Yes, this post is mighty rude. But apt.
  • Reply 34 of 52
    Best part? EDGE. No 3G until "2nd half of 2008"... maybe? Might be 3G right off the bat. Basically Apple wants to lock in core Christmas sales in UK, France, Germany. And iPhone Europe is designated for last calendar quarter 2007. I think right after the announcement Apple Stores UK will start selling iPhone O2, then the next day's opening will be selling through O2, O2's Carphone thingy partner, and Apple Stores.
  • Reply 35 of 52
    Originally Posted by fappleuk View Post

    I am on o2 at the moment and my blackberry has been switching backwards and forwards between GPRS and EDGE all weekend in London. I can't remember it doing so before- could this be an indication that o2 EDGE is ready for the iphone now?

    Nice find. I think this is the case of O2 activating/ testing/ launching its EDGE network. Even if iPhone 3G for UK, it will have to fallback to EDGE for ensuring coverage.
  • Reply 36 of 52
    drnatdrnat Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Nice find. I think this is the case of O2 activating/ testing/ launching its EDGE network. Even if iPhone 3G for UK, it will have to fallback to EDGE for ensuring coverage.

    I really hope that it will be 3G otherwise will keep my current iPhone....O2 GPRS is a bit slow for Email really....

    16GB & 3G please - will they give us in the UK something that the US doesn't have, or will they role it out to both?
  • Reply 37 of 52
    I seriously fear for a network whose big blockbuster comeback for 2007/2008 is "Bionic Woman". Seriously. W T F
  • Reply 38 of 52
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Well, 'Heroes' was very good for NBC. Perhaps they're starting to get it together.

  • Reply 39 of 52
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by drnat View Post

    I really hope that it will be 3G otherwise will keep my current iPhone....O2 GPRS is a bit slow for Email really....

    LOL, yeah. If ppl think EDGE is slow, wait 'til they get a serious dose of GPRS. Don't know what it's like in Europe, but in the US, GPRS has real-world speeds in the 30-40 Kbps range, i.e. slower than dial-up.


    16GB & 3G please - will they give us in the UK something that the US doesn't have, or will they role it out to both?

    That's the zillion-dollar question... nobody knows. There's two main scenarios:

    1) They could have 3G for the Euro launch and also bring out a higher-dollar ($599?) 3G model for the US at about the same time... or,

    2) Apple could just say screw it and soldier on with 2.5G until the Asian launch in mid-'08, a launch that pretty much requires a 3G iPhone. Presumably at that time, 3G iPhones would be released worldwide.

    Hope it's the former, fear it's the latter. \

  • Reply 40 of 52
    Originally Posted by fappleuk View Post

    I am on o2 at the moment and my blackberry has been switching backwards and forwards between GPRS and EDGE all weekend in London. I can't remember it doing so before- could this be an indication that o2 EDGE is ready for the iphone now?

    Hi fapple.

    Nice name.

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