Interview: "no evidence" Apple understands gaming



  • Reply 21 of 192
    How old ARE you, Wayland? If you want adults (or people who don't HAVE to build their own PCs to save money) you might want to improve your communication skills. I know you THINK "prolly" is cute. It isn't . . . not if you want you be taken seriously.
  • Reply 22 of 192

    yeah, i want games on my mac... and NEON and chrome and spinners and a little lcd on the tower to run my itunes visualizer. and a plexiglass panel on my case to see the two $800 graphics cards i've got sucking 1400 watts of power, and a digital readout of processor temp, and five optical drive bays. i want - no i don't want chrome, i want plastic that LOOKS like chrome. yeah, and a blacklight instead of neon. OHHH, and make my computer look like an ALIEN! 1337 PWN4G3! YEAH, and give me a 96,000 dpi laser mouse with 37 buttons and four scroll wheels on it FTW!

    come on apple, why can't i customize your industrial design?

    Gaming is huge, and anyone who thinks that "gaming" is nothing but Quake 4 running on a box that looks like a traffic accident with 2 8800GTXs in it and fans the size of a fat lady's thighs is just dead wrong. That crowd is incredibly small, and the vast majority of "gamers" play their games with a minimum of technical knowledge because they (gasp!) like to play games. The Sims 2, for example, is an incredibly popular example of this, and yet it plays like a dog on the MacBook--the most popular Mac sold these days. Don't think many people like playing The Sims? The original in the series was the first game to beat the sales of Myst (12 million copies sold), which came out in 1993. People who have never even heard of a dedicated graphics card play games that require them on the PC side because it doesn't cost $2000 to buy a laptop that comes with one. Lots of people routinely play graphically-intensive titles without being "hardcore" enough to live the "gaming lifestyle" you seem to think that playing games requires.

    If the MacBook had an NVIDIA 8400 in it, it'd be no problem for all but the highest-end games these days and would certainly play the kind of "non-hardcore" 3D games people buy in the truckloads. This would help a whole lot.

    The other problem is the lack of a low-price expandable desktop. If you want expandability and future-proofness, the $2000+ Mac Pro is the way to go, but it's almost twice the cost of many PC gaming rigs (such as the one I put together for a friend last month, which clocked in at under $800 and included an 8800GTS). A sub-$1000, smaller-form-factor desktop that had a PCI slot and a removable hard drive would be pretty perfect for this (and yes, it could even *gasp!* retain Apple's stunning industrial design!).

    Apple's choice to ignore gaming is just that--a choice. If there were a will, there would be a way.
  • Reply 23 of 192
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    am i a bad person for thinking the modding/content creation of games more fun then the actual game.

    Im mad i didnt get into crysis beta though,
  • Reply 24 of 192
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by wayland.ind View Post

    well, it's going to be a long time before apple wakes from those fake surveys that suggest the mac platform is growing. not it is not, ilife is just not a market driver at all, every windows and linux can do what iLife does, sometimes even better. how much does the average folk spend on iLife anyhow? i just play music on itunes, and sort my photographs once every few months. my ibookG4 is prolly going to be the 1st and only mac i'll own for a long, long time.

    What exactly are the Windows and Linux equivalents to iLife? And in what areas do they do things better?

    I use iLife everyday. I really don't include iTunes in the suite, but I use iPhoto constantly publish to Web Gallery, share and edit photos and even purchase books from mine or other people's travels that I've put together.

    I do use iMovie and iDVD less often for authoring but I have used them with great success. I'm one who was intimidated by the old iMovie and glad that the this new version is much easier for me to use.

    When I do DVD authoring I have to use GarageBand and Quicktime Pro to edit audio but that is usually only an hour or two of time per movie. GarargeBand is great but surely the least used of the iLife suite for me.


    What exactly are the Windows and Linux equivalents to iLife? And in what areas do they do things better?
  • Reply 25 of 192
    VinitaBoy; are you here to comment on my writing skills or the story itself? Why don't you express your opinion on the story itself like everybody else? I assume you don't really have an opinion on it since you're here for judgement purposes only. To answer you question, i'm old enough to screw your wife, sister, mom, girlfriend, etc.
  • Reply 26 of 192
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member

    how much does the average folk spend on iLife anyhow?

    well, "average folk" spend around $80 for a number of applications that would cost signifigently more on windows.
  • Reply 27 of 192
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by wayland.ind View Post

    VinitaBoy; are you here to comment on my writing skills or the story itself? Why don't you express your opinion on the story itself like everybody else? I assume you don't really have an opinion on it since you're here for judgement purposes only. To answer you question, i'm old enough to screw your wife, sister, mom, girlfriend, etc.

    i find that "screwing" other peoples relatives is always to most mature solution to everything.
  • Reply 28 of 192
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I had this discussion on these forums in the past and this person pointed out that the average PC gamer on Steam is far away from the SLI & uberbox type system, they typically use two to three year old machines, but the specs I saw for those were competitive with a brand new iMac. SLI is one of those things that's absolutely not necessary and well beyond the optimal cost/benefit curve.
  • Reply 29 of 192
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mrpiddly View Post

    If microsoft ever moved past their 80s technology, yes im talking about bios, then most video cards would be made with efi. That would help some

    Microsoft can and has done EFI booting but the problem is that the hardware makers don't seem to care to offer it.
  • Reply 30 of 192
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I had this discussion on these forums in the past and this person pointed out that the average PC gamer on Steam is far away from the SLI & uberbox type system, they typically use two to three year old machines, but the specs I saw for those were competitive with a brand new iMac. SLI is one of those things that's absolutely not necessary and well beyond the optimal cost/benefit curve.

    I can't speak for the people in the discussion, but the systems that were typically 2 to 3 years old in the hands of a gamer were quite possible THE best that money could buy at that time. That was usually the case for me and my friends. The first game where the min specs weren't good enough for a decent frame rate - time to go to comp usa. . . Keeping a gaming pc up-to-date can be the ultimate levelling treadmill/money pit. I'm not knocking it as I did it for nearly 10 years but that's how it works. There's no part of the apple product line or corporate culture that lends itself to this environment. that doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it ill fitted for the company.
  • Reply 31 of 192
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    How old ARE you, Wayland? If you want adults (or people who don't HAVE to build their own PCs to save money) you might want to improve your communication skills. I know you THINK "prolly" is cute. It isn't . . . not if you want you be taken seriously.

    I prolly think you prolly need to stop worrying so much about what are prolly little things... prolly.

  • Reply 32 of 192
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by pmcd View Post

    The Mac has rarely been a platform to game on and it never will be. There is no reason at this point to even try and keep up in the gaming arena.

    They don't have to keep up. They just have to keep gaming from being a reason NOT to get a Mac. \

    Honestly gents, I WORKED in the games industry. PC gaming may be secondary to consoles, but its never going to go away. Some ppl do want to play games on their Macs... and why shouldn't they?

    And if you think PC gaming is dead and buried, check out World of Warcraft sometime... that thing is pulling in over $1 billion a year in revenue for Blizzard. Damn.

  • Reply 33 of 192
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ...Some to the point of losing girlfriends and leading to divorces. Is it really that addictive?

    ..Or the ones who literally let their children starve because they're too busy playing games on their computer. I know the vast majority aren't that crazy haha, but that's what I think of when I think of gamers. I don't understand how people become that "addicted" to it.
  • Reply 34 of 192
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by sunesis View Post

    ..Or the ones who literally let their children starve because they're too busy playing games on their computer. I know the vast majority aren't that crazy haha, but that's what I think of when I think of gamers. I don't understand how people become that "addicted" to it.

    Just about anything can be seriously addictive, but any given thing might only be a problem for a small number of people.
  • Reply 35 of 192
    Obviously "desarc" doesn't give a poop about gaming and is a trolling fanboy. This is hardly suprising since Mac users haven't been able to play a single game other than Photoshop (DUDE LAYER 15 fvcking RUULES!). The only other games it can play are limited to whatever is badly ported 3 years later and runs (barely) on the highest spec'ced tower there is from Apple. If you call chugging to framerates worse than phone-based camera-video (or iphone camera video - HA!) running.

    Of course this problem is "my fault" somehow and I'm a hertic for even mentioning how nice it'd be to actually have a computer as versitile as a Wintel rather than "merely better" in "some respects" - and wholly incapable in others. Oh sor-ry there I go again.

    Suffice it to say - with a wonderful environment such as this, "desarc" doesn't give a poop and the marketplace has responded. I'm left with trying to convert people to a Mac AND a console instead of a Wintel. Thanks Apple and your utterly wonderful apolgists.
  • Reply 36 of 192
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    They don't have to keep up. They just have to keep gaming from being a reason NOT to get a Mac. \

    Honestly gents, I WORKED in the games industry. PC gaming may be secondary to consoles, but its never going to go away. Some ppl do want to play games on their Macs... and why shouldn't they?

    And if you think PC gaming is dead and buried, check out World of Warcraft sometime... that thing is pulling in over $1 billion a year in revenue for Blizzard. Damn.


    It will be interesting to see where the WoW lifecycle ends. I would have thought something would be coming down the pipe now to challenge it for mmorpg of choice, but not yet. I think the pc will anchor this market for years to come - the console seems determined to never add a mouse and keyboard which is really the best set up for mmorpg's. course oddly enough Blizzard games play on a mac.

    I don't think pc games are dead and buried, but they are on the decline - and that maybe just a trend that could change. Seeing the Halo 3 release here recently made me remeber when a blizzard release(diablo II for example) was met with much hype and limited-edition stuff, blah blah - don't see that anymore.
  • Reply 37 of 192
    Totally agree with this game developer's sentiments. Apple HATES game developers, and that's because Steve Jobs personally HATES games. Whatever Steve doesn't like doesn't get accomplished... yet MISSING GAMES ARE THE #1 BIGGEST PROBLEM WITH THE MACINTOSH PLATFORM!!!

    It is also sooo true about the rapid turnaround at internal departments within Apple... and the new team has NO IDEA about what the previous team had accomplished.

    Folks, the inner workings of Apple are a complete disarray, and you need no more proof of this than the fact that WE HAVE NO GAMES ON MAC OS X!

  • Reply 38 of 192
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,909member
    Originally Posted by wayland.ind View Post

    To answer you question, i'm old enough to screw your wife, sister, mom, girlfriend, etc.

    Every village has its idiot. every thread has its retard.
  • Reply 39 of 192
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    I guess Apple has been busy making Macs and software for guys like me. I'm Apple's perfect victim.

    - I work with animation.

    - I work with illustration.

    - I do video editing.

    - I do DVD authoring.

    - I create music.

    - I write.

    - I communicate and use the web.

    But... I don't play computer games. Not because there aren't so many games.. no, but because I don't care so much about computer games. It typically takes too much time and uh... I think the kind of games I would like aren't available on computers anyway.

    - Hence... I have a Nintendo Wii, that I occasionally play games on in the sofa.

    I guess Apple thinks that all their customers are like me. But we all know that's not the case. We all know that computer games are as usual to computer users as e-mail or web surfing is. Apple should approach game developers and help them to make more games for the mac. And Apple should also release that goddamn gaming mac that everybody wants. An iMac with replaceable graphics card.
  • Reply 40 of 192
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Totally agree with this game developer's sentiments....Folks, the inner workings of Apple are a complete disarray,

    There's a difference between disarray and tradition. The former is something that is outside of the normal scope of operations. The latter is how things have always been done and is SOP.

    To argue otherwise would beg the question - when has Apple NOT been in some form of disarray?

    Fanboy it up all you want but the vast talent pool local to Apple's operations wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot cattle prod and for good reason. Being a happy jolly place to hitch one's wagon - isn't one of them.
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