Apple stock tumbles; US iPhone illegal in Europe?



  • Reply 21 of 82
    wircwirc Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by MoBird View Post

    That is correct. The only difference is that YES had a concept. Jay-Z has neither a concept or a clue.\

    Whatever. It's still better than most of the crap on iTunes and definitely better than what Jobs plays at keynotes. Except for the Beatles and Dylan. They're good. That's it.
  • Reply 22 of 82
    I pre-ordered the Jay-Z album and it was available for download. I guess they had to fulfill the pre-orders. They screwed up and didn't include the video and digital booklet so they made them available and then credited me $1.98 for the next two song purchases... interesting.

    RARE LIMITED EDITION DRM locked itunes version of American Gangster
  • Reply 23 of 82
    mklosmklos Posts: 27member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    All in all, there are sufficient flaws in 10.5.0 to have delayed its release. The same was true for 10.4.0 and 10.0.0 and others. Many of the problems are likely known to Apple; indeed, they often have fixes within a couple of weeks. Why not take those weeks and make sure the product works right before sending it out? Why the hurry as opposed to the desire to get it right?

    I have never updated an OS on any of my machines until the X.Y.1 was released, and never on my work machine until the X.Y.2 in order to make sure the teething problems are fixed. Sadly, this means somebody else has to suffer through the beta test period.

    They released it on time as scheduled. If they would have delayed it again, they would have gotten a lot of very bad publicity. So, they released a WORKING version of Leopard, just as they do nearly everything they release. They get their products out on time and utilize software update to fix the bugs. If you haven;t noticed, they do this for nearly everything they release, hardware and software wise. Its impossible to fix every single little bug before a release because until its out in the wild with millions of different types of setups they don't know about them. No one Mac setup is the exactly the same. Every person has something different on their Mac that makes it unique from someone else's. That very difference may have an effect on one person and not another.

    It would have been very bad for Apple to delay it again. People have already whined and complained when they delayed it back to October because of this "stupid" iPhone. Plus, remember that Apple picks on Microsoft left and right about not being able to release an OS on time and here would be Apple doing the very same thing. Not a good thing.

    Leopard is very usable. Yes, it has bugs but they're not the type that totally makes the OS unusable for the majority of people. Now if there was a thread in say the Apple Discussion Forums with 500,000 of the 2 Million sold with the same major issue, then I would think differently,but there isn't so to me, its a very usable OS.

    People who use Macs for their business would be silly to run any major OS update no matter how long Apple spent on it because there will still be bugs with the OS that may effect them. They should always wait until version x.1 or x.2 before upgrading if they even need to upgrade.
  • Reply 24 of 82
    I like Jay Z. Too bad he doesn't realize all of his songs aren't good. I only want some of them. Radiohead can go scratch too. I like a LOT of their stuff, but not all of it. Pink Floyd should be listened to cover to cover, but I wouldn't go ahead and say Money shouldn't have been released as a single.

    How about everyone stop messing around and allow a consumer to make the choice to buy something they want, instead of jamming shit they don't want down their throats?

    No wonder BitTorrent is so active. If someone just wants one song off one album, they have somewhere they can get it for free. And that might not be a great, legal solution--but it should send a flag up to the big-head, huge-wallet CEO's everywhere that there is demand they are deliberately side-stepping. \
  • Reply 25 of 82
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by strask View Post

    Nice comments. A film is a good comparison. One wouldn't expect to be able to buy select scenes. You buy the movie. Its the same with audio books. You don't by chapters 2, 5, and 9: you buy the book. Not every album falls into the category of concept album but if that's what he's done then good for him.

    On the other hand, each song has a separate copyright, and may be

    considered a separate entity.
  • Reply 26 of 82
    As much as people speculate on the lunacy of analysts about Apple products I urge this site to don't even attempt to play economist and discuss the rise and fall of Apple Stock.

    This had to do with the Financial Sector profit taking which later rebounded.

    Cisco's CEO expressed concerns about domestic growth in the "Financial Segment" for Cisco products and that tanked the tech sector until the Financial Sector rebounded.

    Speculate on Apple product releases.

    Leave the rest out of this site.
  • Reply 27 of 82
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    On the other hand, each song has a separate copyright, and may be

    considered a separate entity.

    Seems to me if Jay-Z is so concerned about this being a "creative" thing versus a "I want more money" thing, he should release his album as one 40-minute track, which he could then sell for $9.99. Maybe he can also negotiate some DRM where people can't fast-forward through it either?
  • Reply 28 of 82
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by wirc View Post

    What you all are missing here is that the album is a concept album "inspired by the film American Gangster." Apparently it is meant to be listened to start-to-finish, theoretically in one sitting, like a film, or seeing Jay-Z's ego, an opera. The tracks are inspired by scenes in the movie, apparently, and it's a pretty good album from what my friends say, although it sounds exceedingly pretentious.

    I support this because he is an artist and I respect his desire for creative freedom. It's annoying, yes, but wait, judging by your responses, how many of you were going to buy it anyway?

    It's fine if Jobs, a CEO, wants to smack around another CEO, however he ought to tread more lightly with the content producers.

    What Jay-Z is missing, is the fact that I as a consumer, may not want to buy album only versus one or two songs I may like irregardless of whether or not he as the artist says this is how it must be done. Regarding his stupid comment about you don't buy a movie for a scene here or scene there, does he not know the word edit and the expressions "that scene was left on the cutting room floor"?

    Would Jay-Z "refund", per my request, songs that I care not to have because, say, they stink on my artisticrometer guage?! That is how most albums are. Two or three songs worth a da@n and the rest are crap filler. Jay-Z as an atist may like them, but don't shove it down my throat!

    Jay-Z may be a "talented" "musician" with "creative" tendencies vying that the songs or "opera" must be listened to from start to finish, I don't buy his argument, therefore, I don't buy his album.
  • Reply 29 of 82
    oops I wrote a correction then realized I was wrong
  • Reply 30 of 82
    mklos: welcome to AI!

    The "on time" notion is good, but the deadlines are self-imposed. If they did not announce a formal deadline, then the deadline would not be "missed" and then nobody would be miffed.

    I would rather have a good, solid product than one that made a deadline. Also, it is possible for them to test it better; there are lots of little things that they probably knew about but had decided to wait on. Isn't this why they have the developer seeds in the first place?

    Regarding other products, you might not have noticed the recent discussions about the newest nanos with the tilted screen. An Apple Genius at an Apple Store said they were all tilted. The Call Center said there was no problem. Both of these are major problems. At the heart of it is shoddy manufacturing that probably resulted from, let's guess, an internal deadline. An extra week would have made it right and prevented the stream of customers returning their nanos. Sure, the number actually returning them seems low, but the Genius was sufficiently embarrassed by the low quality. The same Genius said it was not a good idea to go with a version 1 Apple product; his own company's products and he cannot recommend them! That is beyond sad.
  • Reply 31 of 82
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    How do you spell fiasco? APPLETV! It can't even record off the TV! It's the Zune of video hardware.


    You mean you still have cable and spend money on a SUBSCRIPTION???
  • Reply 32 of 82
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Who cares. He sells "product", not music.

  • Reply 33 of 82
    Originally Posted by MoBird View Post

    That is correct. The only difference is that YES had a concept. Jay-Z has neither a concept or a clue.\

    He's clearly not the only one. Yes? Really?

  • Reply 34 of 82
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Regarding his stupid comment about you don't buy a movie for a scene here or scene there, does he not know the word edit and the expressions "that scene was left on the cutting room floor"?

    Why don't you explain it to him?

    And tell him about your source for purchasing individual scenes from movies.

  • Reply 35 of 82
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    Why don't you explain it to him?

    And tell him about your source for purchasing individual scenes from movies.


    Have you read the posting guidelines recently?
  • Reply 36 of 82
    amexamex Posts: 12member
    " Anyone caught using the iPhone by a knowledgeable official could face a fine, including Americans visiting the country."

    That is not true. I have been traveling for many years to Europe with all kinds of electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, cameras, etc.), none of them have the CE label. Some overly excited journalist had to much to drink when reporting this 'fact'!
  • Reply 37 of 82
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by potterhead4 View Post

    Seems to me if Jay-Z is so concerned about this being a "creative" thing versus a "I want more money" thing, he should release his album as one 40-minute track, which he could then sell for $9.99. Maybe he can also negotiate some DRM where people can't fast-forward through it either?

    Yes, just what I was thinking. Jethro Tull had the guts to do this with "Thick as a Brick." Well, actually, it was two 20+ minute tracks because of vinyl record's two sided limitations. If Z is not willing to sell his concept album as individual tracks, would he dare to extend those restrictions to the listener and put out one long track that had to be listened beginning to end with only fast-forward to edit?

    Now, I know there were single length edits of Thick as a Brick, but I do not know who did it (the band or their label) or what their purpose was (radio play or greatest hits album tracks). Still, as a music consumer, it did limit my consumption of the album to whole album listening. Course, back in the day that was how I listened to most of my music...
  • Reply 38 of 82
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    Why don't you explain it to him?

    And tell him about your source for purchasing individual scenes from movies.


    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Have you read the posting guidelines recently?

    Yeah listen to Berger don't grow up to be like me,
  • Reply 39 of 82
    <Anyone caught using the iPhone by a knowledgeable official could face a fine, including Americans visiting the country.>

    This makes NO sense. so Americans can use our iPhones to roam in Europe?

  • Reply 40 of 82
    Whatever the reasons "artists" give for the whole album idea most of them are BS. Even operas, which tell a story with music, are divided up into songs or movements. Some of the songs are good for every day listening and others, quite often, are not. Opera singers will even perform select arias at concerts and the songs hold up devoid of the context of the opera because the music is beautiful and the singers are talented.

    My favorite "artist" who insists on the whole album concept is Bob Seger. He says that he won't sell his songs separate from his album but he has no such problem selling them to being used as the soundtrack to a commercial for Chevy Trucks. What a tool.

    An album is NOT like a movie. It is a collection of songs which should hold up on their own. A movie, is a complete story (or should be) and while certain scenes may very well stand up on their own, the whole thing is required to provide context.

    Musical "artists" should let their fans decide how they want to purchase the music. But maybe they don't have enough faith in the music or in their fans to provide them with this choice.
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