Steve Jobs to headline Macworld San Francisco 2008



  • Reply 21 of 74
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    WAIT, WAIT!!! The spirits are talking to me...telling me...telling me...yes, YES!

    There will be Apple products at MacWorld!

    Oh my god, stop the presses!!!!!

    No, you got it backwards man! START the presses!!
  • Reply 22 of 74
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I don't get it, who is this Steve Jobs guy?
  • Reply 23 of 74
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by suhail View Post

    xmac xmac xmac

    The word is XMAS
  • Reply 24 of 74
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    If I was there for the keynote, I'd throw a minitower case up on stage, and yell, "FILL IT, Steve!!!".

    Yeah, I know, I know... security would toss me. Still would be so worth it.


    I WOULD PAY TO SEE THAT!!!!!!!!!!

    hahahahahaha you just made my day

  • Reply 25 of 74
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    If I was there for the keynote, I'd throw a minitower case up on stage, and yell, "FILL IT, Steve!!!".

    Yeah, I know, I know... security would toss me. Still would be so worth it. .

    Of course, getting into Moscone Center with an empty mini tower case would no problem at all.
    "Why, Mr. Security Man, whatever do you want to search me for? That's just my snack bucket, honest."
  • Reply 26 of 74
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The word is XMAS

  • Reply 27 of 74
    I'm feeling pessimistic so I'm going to predict all the worst things that can happen so that I can be proven wrong hopefully.

    iChat for the iPhone with the usual backstage chat with Phil...and all of Europe will sigh a huge 'meh' because it doesn't do msn and is therefore completely pointless, still, not that it matters as the iPhone still won't be 3G.

    Steve will unveil AppleTV2 with a built in tuner that only works in the USA, and announce content deals with NBC or ABC or whatever US network that nobody with a brain cares about anyway, and still no content deals with any European networks or movie companies. Zero content before, zero after. Or maybe well get more American shows like 'When Obese People Attack!!'

    New Cinema displays finally but with glossy screens, which nobody doing any decent work wants.

    Glossy only screens on the MacBookPro.

    No more firewire.

    A cheesy silver mouse to match the cheesy silver iMac...but not the cheesy silver keyboard.

    Death of the Mac Mini to which AppleInsider will crow that they predicted it, forgetting that they've been doing that for over a year.

    The XMac arrives, but the XMac weenies still complain they could build one cheaper themselves from a shoe box, three yoghurt pots and an old Etch-a-Sketch and still play Halo Death Wotsit 17 faster than a Mac.

    iTunes 8 attains full sentience and takes over your Mac entirely before it ushers in the reign of the robots.
  • Reply 28 of 74
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Yeah, I know, I know... security would toss me. Still would be so worth it.

    Euwww. I presume that means something different in USAian than in English.
  • Reply 29 of 74
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    iTunes 8 attains full sentience and takes over your Mac entirely before it ushers in the reign of the robots.

    So that's what it's been doing with all of that memory....
  • Reply 30 of 74
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    If I was there for the keynote, I'd throw a minitower case up on stage, and yell, "FILL IT, Steve!!!".

    Yeah, I know, I know... security would toss me. Still would be so worth it.


    That would be great, but your right you would certainly get a taser to the side of the head.
  • Reply 31 of 74
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    The XMac arrives, but the XMac weenies still complain they could build one cheaper themselves from a shoe box, three yoghurt pots and an old Etch-a-Sketch and still play Halo Death Wotsit 17 faster than a Mac.

    Well I could!

  • Reply 32 of 74
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    Consumer desktop Mac minitower. This is a gaping hole in your line up, FILL IT!!!!

    I hate MS, and Vista sucks monkey balls, but HP makes exactly the boxes I want and Adobe CS3 apps work pretty much the same cross-platform. I'm almost convinced I could grudgingly live with XP if it meant being able to get the hardware I need. For the love of God, Apple, please don't make me go there.
  • Reply 33 of 74
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Merry XMac everyone!!!
  • Reply 34 of 74
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't get it, who is this Steve Jobs guy?

    The one on the left -

  • Reply 35 of 74
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    If I was there for the keynote, I'd throw a minitower case up on stage, and yell, "FILL IT, Steve!!!".

    Yeah, I know, I know... security would toss me. Still would be so worth it.


    One of my favorite posts of the week.
  • Reply 36 of 74
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    maybe well get more American shows like 'When Obese People Attack!!'

  • Reply 37 of 74
    Give me a Blu-ray equipped MacBook Pro in some fancy new casing!
  • Reply 38 of 74
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    As a Mac user and long-time poster to sites like this, I must reveal my credentials to one and all . . . and avow my disappointment with everything Apple has ever done. Ever. Truly. The hardware products aren't good enough or cheap enough. The software products aren't comprehensive enough or updated fast enough. Steve's keynote addresses aren't focused enough or broad enough. The stock price is not high enough or low enough.

    There. Am I one of the great unwashed Mac Masses now? Gawd, but I hope so, 'cause every time I have a positive thought about AAPL or the company's future, I feel SO VERY DIRTY. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

    long time??? 14 posts started in 2007??? where else do you post? why so disappointed??? i wish apple could be all things to you, but when compared to pc, apple has the products that people want and are growing faster than the pc market....people must like it so far. are they complete? never but pretty close..... i think with SJ giving the keynote that it will be something tremendous. also when was the last time people waited with bated breath for anything MS or what's his name said.

    i'm glad i am corp just updated their server access for us mac fans. i am free truly free at last. for enterprise to be enbracing some aspect of apple is a huge step. and for me.....maybe not for you i don't have to buy a pc or windows anything. i'm at peace.

    i'm just waiting for the iphone to have voice dialing, i've put off any mac puchase till that SJ talks
  • Reply 39 of 74
    Originally Posted by CharlesP2009 View Post

    Give me a Blu-ray equipped MacBook Pro in some fancy new casing!

    Only as a BTO.
  • Reply 40 of 74
    Knowing Apple they'd likely do Blu-ray standard on the two more expensive models and perhaps a "low-end" SuperDrive on the cheapest Mac.

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Only as a BTO.

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