Deathblow: Paramount to abandon HD DVD in return to Blu-ray



  • Reply 41 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    As far as I know the graphics cards support it. At least the 8800gt and 2600xt on the windows side does. Just gotta go DVI -> DVI or DVI -> HDMI. has some really cheap 1080p adapters that go from DVI -> HDMI that I bought a few days ago to run my MBP at 1080p. These should follow the DRM standards of blu-ray.

    Of course, as usual, Apple says nothing about features that MAY be present, but they don't support. All I can see from that small photo is the two DVI connectors out the back, which tells us nothing we want to know about this.

    HDCP, that's the DRM that must be supported (at least in theory). do these cards support that? They must, for playback. I remember all of the discussions about this late 2006, throughout 2007 of which cards supported it. Most didn't. I'm not sure how many do now.

    But Apple has a bad habit of not supporting board features.

    With ATI, you could see that clearly (oh, darn, another pun!). With Apple, the board came with no software, and only was supported by the basic choices in the prefs panel.

    But when you bought an ATi instead, you got the control panels which supported the turning on or off of all the features the PC cards had.
  • Reply 42 of 105
    Why are you amazed by it? It's cheaper.

    Which seems more appealing to someone on a budget, a Honda Civic, or a Porsche?
  • Reply 43 of 105
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Blu-ray is much, much, much better. Not only better quality, but also more content and great for backups. HD-DVD was dead before being born. I am amazed people even purchased that.

    They were hoping that being cheaper would gain momentum since here in the US there is such a fascination with Walmart, cheap goods and buying utter crap. I mean, with that kind of track record HD DVD stood a very strong chance of winning.
  • Reply 44 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Why are you amazed by it? It's cheaper.

    Which seems more appealing to someone on a budget, a Honda Civic, or a Porsche?

    The Porsche may be more appealing...
  • Reply 45 of 105
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Why are you amazed by it? It's cheaper.

    Which seems more appealing to someone on a budget, a Honda Civic, or a Porsche?

    If you have to use car analogies, I'd say it was more like Kia vs. Honda. Yeah, the Kia's cheap and gets decent mileage but the Honda's mileage is better and it's built to last but costs a bit more.
  • Reply 46 of 105
    stompystompy Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I certainly agree with the tone of that.

    One industry person said, shortly after Warner made their announcement, that HD-DVD's death would come quickly, if not within days, then at the most, weeks.

    I wasn't going to comment -- anantksundaram and melgross have it right, I think -- but this may be of interest, a page 6 comment from the higdefdigest link

    "FT's article is backed up by Germany's biggest weekly magazine:

    Original article

    Google translation

    "HD DVD threatened by death blow from Paramount"

    The fight of the titans seems over: ...

    On enquiry from SPIEGEL ONLINE, the agency that acts for Paramount Home Entertainment in Germany couldn't comment on this [FT's] article. An insider that wants to remain anonymous told SPIEGEL ONLINE: "It's over. Blu-ray is the standard."
  • Reply 47 of 105
    Sheez, when has Appleinsider become such an Fud-bot? I mean come on, show a bit of respect to your readers, ok. What's next? "I heard from a friend of a cousin" -stories?
  • Reply 48 of 105
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Vulcan1 View Post

    Sheez, when has Appleinsider become such an Fud-bot? I mean come on, show a bit of respect to your readers, ok. What's next? "I heard from a friend of a cousin" -stories?

    No, usually stuff like this is revealed in a bar where someone "with inside knowledge spills the beans".
  • Reply 49 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Vulcan1 View Post

    Sheez, when has Appleinsider become such an Fud-bot? I mean come on, show a bit of respect to your readers, ok. What's next? "I heard from a friend of a cousin" -stories?

    This is a RUMORS site. And this is a rumor. Possibly a very GOOD rumor.
  • Reply 50 of 105
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This is a RUMORS site. And this is a rumor. Possibly a very GOOD rumor.

    True, and when taken with other information you can tell that there has to be more brewing regardless of the public posturing currently. I'm sure all the companies involved are in some pretty heated talks at the moment.

    The biggest problem here for content providers is that there's a format war at all. They're not here to make technology decisions so much as they are here to provide content and make money doing it. No studio is making great money off HD right now due to uncertainty in that space. Now that there is less uncertainty I'd expect the HD space to straighten itself up and put the format war behind them.
  • Reply 51 of 105
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by jake_11 View Post

    The scariest part of the whole situation is that Sony has tried to force its own technology upon everyone for the last 20 years regardless of losing nearly every time. Sony tried to fight VHS twice, first with Beta, than with 8MM.

    Beta came out first, it's more like VHS picked a fight on the incumbent. VHS was more practical though, I think it was best that VHS won that round.

    I don't think 8mm was intended to be a media distribution format, any more than miniDV is. I think miniDV is JVC.


    They didn't think CD's were good enough, so they created the Mini-Disc. Later the standardized flash memory cards SD and CF weren't good enough for Sony so they created memory stick. They didn't like the way people could rip CD's to MP3, so they tried to stop that. If Sony wins the HD war with Blue Ray, where will they go next?

    You do know that CD is half-Sony, right?

    Minidisc did do well in Japan, not elsewhere though. I think Minidisc was a better portable format than CD, CD players were four times the volume, and most CD players didn't have a belt clip. I had Minidisc for a few years before iPod came out. It helped me stay sane by having something to listen to as I went about work, I don't regret spending that money at all. CD players just weren't nearly pocketable enough and ate batteries more quickly.

    I do agree that MemoryStick was asinine. I didn't like xD either, that was from a different party though.
  • Reply 52 of 105
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post


    Minidisc did do well in Japan, not elsewhere though. I think Minidisc was a better portable format than CD, CD players were four times the volume, and most CD players didn't have a belt clip. I had Minidisc for a few years before iPod came out. It helped me stay sane by having something to listen to as I went about work, I don't regret spending that money at all. CD players just weren't nearly pocketable enough and ate batteries more quickly.

    I actually liked the minidisc form factor. Didn't it require you to use Sony's atrac format though? Too bad, the players looked pretty nice as well.
  • Reply 53 of 105
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    I actually liked the minidisc form factor. Didn't it require you to use Sony's atrac format though? Too bad, the players looked pretty nice as well.

    ATRAC is kind of embedded into the format, it's not audio files on a disc, more like CD tracks.

    The format is irrelevant now except for maybe some specialized acquisition, which I think the new versions will record lossless / uncompressed for audio work.
  • Reply 54 of 105
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    The interesting question is whether or not Warner knew about the clause in Paramount's contract, and if they unilaterally dumped HD DVD and thru in with Blu-Ray to put pressure on Paramount's hand and effectively end the war.

    Digital is coming on strong and both formats stood to lose if they kept sitting in the corner and bickering.

    Not to mention that the delay has apparently affected DVD sales as well as high-def sales.

  • Reply 55 of 105
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Of course, as usual, Apple says nothing about features that MAY be present, but they don't support. All I can see from that small photo is the two DVI connectors out the back, which tells us nothing we want to know about this.

    HDCP, that's the DRM that must be supported (at least in theory). do these cards support that? They must, for playback. I remember all of the discussions about this late 2006, throughout 2007 of which cards supported it. Most didn't. I'm not sure how many do now.

    You'd have to go by the chipset ... I suspect most current chipsets do HDCP. Then Apple would have to use it in their software.

    The real issue is the monitors. Even the current Cinema Displays appear to have no mention of HDCP in the specs. Well ... there's always next week.
  • Reply 56 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by pmjoe View Post

    You'd have to go by the chipset ... I suspect most current chipsets do HDCP. Then Apple would have to use it in their software.

    The real issue is the monitors. Even the current Cinema Displays appear to have no mention of HDCP in the specs. Well ... there's always next week.

    I didn't even want to get into that.

    We can wait a week to find out.
  • Reply 57 of 105
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This is a RUMORS site. And this is a rumor. Possibly a very GOOD rumor.

    Well, these "rumours" we're denied by Paramount. Nothing here to watch, move on...
  • Reply 58 of 105
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    One of their problems is that unlike Warner, which is producing BD disks and HD-DVD disks for their films, Paramount is now only producing HD-DVD.

    For Warner to state that at the end of MAY they will cease to sell HD-DVD disks is fine, because they have CURRENT product for their customers.

    But with Paramount giving up their BD production a couple of months ago, they would have NO product to offer their customers until they manufactured enough titles in Bd again for them to keep their income coming in (this holds for Universal as well).

    I'm assuming that talks are already going on, both to discontinue HD-DVD (or possibly continuing it for a while, like Warner), and to begin manufacturer of enough BD titles to have available when they do make a definitive announcement.

    You're forgetting all of the Blu-Ray titles that Paramount was in the process of releasing just before their turn to HD DVD exclusive. At the very least, they should have boxes of Blades of Glory sitting in a warehouse somewhere ready to ship since that was a mere week away from release. And most if not all of the work should be done on several other titles like Next, Top Gun and the Jack Ryan Collection since they already had release dates (I'm sure there's more but those are the ones I can remember). Possibly even Transformers was being prepped for Blu-Ray, so really Paramount shouldn't have a hard time filling a release schedule.
  • Reply 59 of 105
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Vulcan1 View Post

    Well, these "rumours" we're denied by Paramount. Nothing here to watch, move on...

    Have you read the rest of the discussion?

    It's not likely these rumors are false. There is also more info coming out that seems to support it. Don't be so quick, or are you a die hard supporter of HD-DVD?
  • Reply 60 of 105
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    That will change as the size of the HD DVD display shrinks in the coming months, finally ending up next to the bargain bin software like 1000 True Type Fonts! and 100 Exciting Solitaire Games (with customizable cards!).

    Like I said, they're carefully weighing their options right now. Holding off on a knee-jerk announcement helps prevent the HD DVD booth at CES from imploding and causing a singularity that will wipe out all humankind. Seriously, if humankind is wiped out, who will they sell content to?
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