


  • Reply 141 of 247
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    What I really want is the ability to set the number of simultaneous downloads i.e. ability to set it to 1 so you can que downloads (like IE does) . Ability to block images not originating from the site you are on (like OW), ability to block paths/ads (like OW). All the contextual menu options like OW. Apart from that Safari is really nice. OW is gone almost now, since I still have the freeze the machine bug still. Oh and the window to open correctly on startup in the same place etc and either having proper cascading/tiling pages or for them to open right on top of each other and not open below the dock...

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: gsxrboy ]</p>
  • Reply 142 of 247
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    Ah if you have the status bar turned on then widows open properly

    Edit - not anymore :confused:

    Also could do with some font control, i.e. setting default sizes etc...

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: gsxrboy ]</p>
  • Reply 143 of 247
    Safari initially looked awesome to me... but it has since been a nightmare. It has literally wreaked havoc on my system. Last night, i tried to reboot after my printing wasn't working... i got the question mark startup screen... followed by a type of blue screen of death. i tried zapping P-RAM, no dice. So i booted up to OS 9 (on a CD), copied as much as i could onto my iPod and bit the bullet, reformatting and installing jaguar. It ran great, until i downloaded Safari on the new system. Suddenly, i couldn't install any pkg's (including my samsung ml 1210 printer driver....). So.. i did an archive install of Jaguar... when i booted up to that OS, (the new system folder) i tried installing the printer drivers, and it appeared to install successfully (the didn't quite unexpectedly). However, then i launched Safari, and everything went to hell! My printer won't work (i can't select it from my printer list... it shows up.. just won't select because of error type 2), classic is screwy, and software update fails. This is a major pain in the ass.... i wonder why its not affecting everyone...

    I'm running 10.2.3 on a 700 Mhz G4 iMac, 256 megs of ram. this is weird.... i have a paper i have to print tonight, so i think i might bite the bullet, and reinstall jag for the third time, and decide against going on another Safari to hell tonight.

    Its a great app... i just don't like what it does to my system hopefully a fix will crop up soon.
  • Reply 144 of 247
    The good news is Safari holds the promise of becoming another great browser for OSX. Chimera isn't going to stop improving any time soon, and it is a cinch that Safari is going to get tabbed browsing in some form. The Opera browser is also very, very nice. While the other browser projects may take a minor hit, I think they will continue. The competition will be good for the platform.

    For all of the challenges Apple has faced, methinks they are doing fine. They are negotiating passage through a narrow place. They are already mostly through the danger period when withdrawel of Microsoft support might have been fatal. The hardware drought appears to have a more than adequate solution on the way. Glad I came over to Mac in 1998. Wouldn't go back for all the PCs in China.
  • Reply 145 of 247
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    [quote]Originally posted by Spart:

    <strong>I have a feeling moki doesn't use Cocoa or Cocoa apps very often.

    Otherwise, his first instinct would have been to control click on the text field and enable it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, moki just plain posted too quickly. How many hail mary's do I need to do, already?
  • Reply 147 of 247
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Ast3r3x I saw an error like that once too. I was trying to load a page and the error dialogue popped up, but it had some white junk on it and was unclickable. I couldn't click anywhere in Safari but I just restarted it and haven't seen that again.

    Logan Cale I believe the problem with killing your home directory is caused by OPTION clicking a download (why would you ever do that?)

    Gah while I was typing this, I clicked page 4 on the little window in the frame below since it loads page 1. It just took me there, the whole window, not just inside the little frame.

    My dad also says Safari renders his page terribly: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; Indeed the first time I checked it, none of the pictures loaded. At ResExcellence when I was looking at Boot Panels I had to reload the pages MANY times to make the finish completely. Sometimes Safari just doesn't seem to finish loading a page. Some pics are left out for example.

    Amorph: Tabs are quicker and you can see all your pages in a glance. Apple will surely come up with a good way to deal with lots of them all at the same time. Perhaps just a new row in the toolbar, that'd be fine with me. They should just turn them off by default. I'm suffering Tab withdrawal. Safari's speed over Chimera is easily lost cycling through and moving windows around. Back to Chimera for now. By the way why doesn't Chimera use the latest Mozilla? I heard it still uses 1.0.

    edit: the USACE webpage doesn't show the table of images on the front page right in Safari, they're supposed to be aligned straight.

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: Aquatic ]</p>
  • Reply 148 of 247
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Yup when I replied here, the AI page didn't reload all the way! Just to where someone was commenting about bookmarks, which is the best thing about Safari I must say. However I couldn't see who said that since frames apparently don't work right as I noted, the frame in the response page takes over the whole window.

    Also I just realized that all URLs are underlined. That's annoying and should definately be off by default with an option.

    And I noticed something else that may have to do with pages not loading completely. It seems Safari likes to "hog" bandwith for ONE page or download. I'm on a modem at 26400. When I have two downloads going it gives one all the bandwith and if I start opening a few AI threads and a couple other pages the downloads will fail and none of the pages will load completely. Anyone else on a modem seeing this? I'm sure I won't care once I'm back at URI though.
  • Reply 149 of 247
    [quote]Originally posted by Aquatic:


    Also I just realized that all URLs are underlined. That's annoying and should definately be off by default with an option.


    The release of Safari has unleashed some crazy opinions but wanting to have link underlining off by default somehow sums it all up for me.

    btw You should be able to achieve this with a user style sheet like this:

    a:link {text-decoration: none !important;}

    a:hover {text-decoration: underline !important;}

    The first line turns them off, the second turns them back on when you hover over the link. Just save in a text file called something .css and import through the preferences.

    On a different topic here is a post by the Mozilla user-interface guy that sparred with Dave Hyatt over the inclusion of tabs in Mozilla. It adresses the 'if you don't like tabs, don't use them argument'.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    In my ideal world, Apple would let Omni make some money from the lust for a tabbed Safari.

    Here's hoping.

    edit: tested and improved the css for turning of link underlining

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: stupider...likeafox ]</p>
  • Reply 150 of 247
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by Aquatic:


    Logan Cale I believe the problem with killing your home directory is caused by OPTION clicking a download (why would you ever do that?)


    Because "Download this link" is supposed to be a feature.

    [quote]<strong>Amorph: Tabs are quicker and you can see all your pages in a glance.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There's more than one way to skin that cat, and there has to be a way that is an order of magnitude more correct and more elegant than using tabs. That's not what they're designed for, and it shows in Mozilla.
  • Reply 151 of 247
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>There's more than one way to skin that cat, and there has to be a way that is an order of magnitude more correct and more elegant than using tabs. That's not what they're designed for, and it shows in Mozilla.</strong><hr></blockquote>


    The Page Pane on the right (as it's currently called, for lack of a better name) slides in at the touch of a button, and enables multipage viewing in a single window. Like the Dock, the size of the pages in the pane would dynamically adjust according to the number of pages it holds.

    Turning on the pane would shift Safari into a slightly different Multipage View.

    For more details, click <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a>.

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: Hobbes ]</p>
  • Reply 152 of 247
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Yeah, something like either a drawer or a side tab/pane for page thumbnails would be better IMO. You can fight for whether they should side in or out.
  • Reply 153 of 247
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    I would rather see a "tab bar" or a "page bar" that would sit just underneath the bookmark bar.

    Taking out screen width isn't very attractive to me.

    Your mock-ups are very nice however.
  • Reply 154 of 247
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    (Veering into another direction) Could Apple make a download page similar to the bookmarks view? It would use a similar toggle function, and you could easily see your downloads without the use of another window.

    Although this might be a bit much, you could even add a Windows explorer sidebar to interact with the finder and where you want your downloads.

    Just a thought.
  • Reply 155 of 247
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    Edit: D@mn you Safari! First double post ever.

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: bauman ]</p>
  • Reply 156 of 247
    Several hours with Safari. No crash yet.

  • Reply 157 of 247
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    Right, I had a play (damn Apple, bringing out all sorts of nice new stuff while I'm on holiday!) and my opinion is that Safari has all the makings of a great app.

    There are a few bugs in the javascript implementation (as in, stuff that works in every other browser sits there and does nothing), and some rendering issues around tables (natch), but it's quick, stable and does the job. Nice work.

    Is it just me, or are status bar messages not working? Is this why the status bar is turned off by default, perhaps?

    Oh, and I just love the URL box doubling up as the progress bar: subtle, but incredibly sensible and reclaims some real estate to boot!
  • Reply 158 of 247
    wouldn't it be nice if the copass icon in the dock would move/turn around whenever safari is searching the internet. like explorer/navigator-logos but in the dock...
  • Reply 159 of 247
    [quote]Originally posted by Overhope:


    There are a few bugs in the javascript implementation (as in, stuff that works in every other browser sits there and does nothing), and some rendering issues around tables (natch), but it's quick, stable and does the job. Nice work.

    Is it just me, or are status bar messages not working? Is this why the status bar is turned off by default, perhaps?


    I read a quote from a developer somewhere that the DOM support was almost entirely missing, i.e. not buggy, just not done.

    If by status bar messages you mean things written to the status bar by javascript, then I assumed that non-support was a conscious decision as the rest of the status bar shows evidence of some love and attention.

    If you hold down shift, option, command then the message changes to reflect the change.

    open ""

    open "" in a new window

    open "" in a new window behind this one

    download ""

    I hadn't realised how much I was in the habit of hovering over a link and glancing down to the status bar to see where it would take me. (In fact I usually look up as I used OmniWeb).

    I'm intrigued to know if Apple did usability studies and found that ordinary joes don't do this and simply link blindly.
  • Reply 160 of 247
    [quote]Originally posted by Hobbes:



    The Page Pane on the right (as it's currently called, for lack of a better name) slides in at the touch of a button, and enables multipage viewing in a single window. Like the Dock, the size of the pages in the pane would dynamically adjust according to the number of pages it holds.

    Turning on the pane would shift Safari into a slightly different Multipage View.

    For more details, click <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a>.

    [ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: Hobbes ]</strong><hr></blockquote>!

    But.what.happens.with.webpages.that.have.long.titl es? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />


    [ 01-10-2003: Message edited by: Whyatt Thrash ]</p>
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