Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.2 Update



  • Reply 81 of 197
    Originally Posted by Terrible Tony View Post

    Just installed 10.5.2 on a fresh install of Leopard on my iBook G4 1.33Ghz, and I'm having the exact same wireless problems I was before in 10.5.1. Won't stay connected, won't remember my password, times out when connecting.

    It can't be the hardware, because it works fine in 10.4.9. I'm going to try and make my AirPort Express my wireless router again, but this is really leaving me pretty fed up.

    I'm not convinced your problem is the OS either. I'm running Leopard (now 10.5.2) on a G4 pBook (1.5 Ghz) and have no problems whatsoever... connects up as soon as I open it and stays up for hours on end. No password memory problems. Also works flawlessly at hotels all over the place.

    At home I use an Airport Express, on the road I'm sure it accesses all sorts of various brands.
  • Reply 82 of 197
    I HAVE just discovered though, that X.5.2 seems to have screwed up my ability to print to my USB printer connected to the Airport Express.

    Neither the iMac nor the pBook would print after the install. I plugged the printer directly into the iMac and it prints just fine, so the driver is still in place. (Samsung 2510 B/W Laser Printer)

    Oh well, I'll tackle that problem tomorrow... just leave it plugged into the iMac for now... it'll still share over the network from there.

    For any helpful folks, I HAVE restarted the computers as well as the all network stuff... made no difference.
  • Reply 83 of 197
    I just updated my two Macs (a 2.5Ghz G5 and a 2.4Ghz MBP) to 10.5.2 and wireless file sharing using an Airport Extreme is extremely slow - maybe 50-100kps when initiated from the wireless machine (the MBP). The Internet is quick on both machines and Screen Sharing is also quick on both machines (just like in 10.5.1). Sometime file sharing starts off quickly but then comes to a virtual halt if I launch Safari or Firefox and other times it is slow from the start. I thought maybe it was due to Time Machine making its initial 10.5.2 backup but it has long since finished and the problem still exists. If I initiate the copy from the wired machine (the G5), I don't get the slowdown. If I initiate the copy from the wirelessly connected MBP, have file sharing working quickly, and launch either Safari or Firefox it will inevitably grind to a virtual halt. Closing the web browser does not cause it to speed up again.

    This is a common task I perform and it worked fine in 10.5.1. I've made no other changes than updating to 10.5.2. Is anyone else having this same problem? Any ideas? I've tried rebooting the router and both machines but nothing I've tried has made a difference. I read where one other person had a similar problem but it fixed itself.
  • Reply 84 of 197
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    I'm not convinced your problem is the OS either. I'm running Leopard (now 10.5.2) on a G4 pBook (1.5 Ghz) and have no problems whatsoever... connects up as soon as I open it and stays up for hours on end. No password memory problems. Also works flawlessly at hotels all over the place.

    At home I use an Airport Express, on the road I'm sure it accesses all sorts of various brands.

    Switching to my AirPort Express seemed to fix it, which makes me happy and upset. I'm happy that it works now, upset that I'm losing the ability to stream audio since that involved moving the AirPort Express into another room.

    I'll have to try my iBook at the school I work at tomorrow, I had a problem with the wireless where I couldn't access any websites from in Safari or Firefox but I could access them from inside Internet Explorer or Firefox in a VirtualPC session. Encountered a girl with a MacBook who was having similar problems today. (No website access, but messenger programs worked fine)

    I wonder if the latest patches have introduced an incompatibility with certain routers, or if certain routers were simply broken and the latest patches revealed it?
  • Reply 85 of 197
    After updating to 10.5.2 and the Leopard Graphics Update this afternoon I am no longer able to either shut down or restart my computers. The Finder menu bar and desktop disappear but that's as far as it goes. The System just hangs. After several minutes if you select the Force Quit option the Finder shows up in the dialog box and it is possible to relaunch the Finder. Once again, if you try to reboot or shut down the System hangs displaying only the background screen. Eventually, the only way to shut down the computer is to to do a hard shutdown by holding the poser button down for several seconds until the machine force quits. This happens on both my PowerBook G4 and new Intel iMac 24" Extreme.
  • Reply 86 of 197
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    Major speed decrease on my MDD G4 PPC according to XBench. Overall score went from 52.23 to 47.04. The only thing that benefitted was the OpenGL Graphics Test going from 65.73 to 68.81, woopdeedoo. Looking forward to all the fixes that have compromised a bit of speed.
  • Reply 87 of 197
    since i updated my mbp, my ical keeps crashing instantly after any launches...


    any thoughts?
  • Reply 88 of 197
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ronnsprocket View Post

    since i updated my mbp, my ical keeps crashing instantly after any launches...

    any thoughts?

    Thought #1: That isn't good.

    Thought #2: Stop opening iCal

    Thought #3: Delete ~/Library/Preferences/ and try again

    Thought #4: Reinstall iCal
  • Reply 89 of 197
    mydomydo Posts: 1,888member
    The time machine menu item is clever. It's an animated clock with the hands going backwards.
  • Reply 90 of 197
    tinktink Posts: 395member
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    Okay, for no apparent reason it's decided to go back to normal speed (on all drives). Triple weird... but better than being slow. Go figure.

    Your drives could have been indexing for spotlight right after the update.
  • Reply 91 of 197
    Originally Posted by tink View Post

    Your drives could have been indexing for spotlight right after the update.

    You know, hadn't thought of that. I guess after the update it decided to re-index, and that probably took a bit. Cool. If it never happens again, I'm chalking it up to your idea. Thanks.
  • Reply 92 of 197
    Originally Posted by Xerothecat View Post

    First Reproducible BUG for 10.5.2 ! ! !

    I think reproducible means that if you tell us what to do, and we do it, we get the same bug.
  • Reply 93 of 197
    I am still having issues syncing iCal with .mac.

    Anyone else?
  • Reply 94 of 197
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There is now an option in System Preferences => Desktop for turning Menu bar translucency on and off, but that won't affect the drop-down and contextual menus. They do seem less "translucency" than before. No way to change that until a hack comes around.

    My Menu Bar text looks the same. It does seem less snappier than 10.5.1 and programs are taking much longer to open. I've open up everything in my Applications folder and I'm now going to restart. Perhaps it will feel the same after that.

    Do you all have Intel Macs or PPC? Seems much smoother & snappy on my MacBook Pro, though graphics were better only after installing the additional graphics update.
  • Reply 95 of 197

    I installed 10.5.2 on a 1 GHz G4 Powerbook - 768MB RAM that worked real well with 10.5.1 but no longer boots with 10.5.2... just sits there on the initial gray apple screen.
  • Reply 96 of 197
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by Xerothecat View Post


    First Reproducible BUG for 10.5.2 ! ! !

    After updating to 10.5.2 and the Leopard Graphics Update this afternoon I am no longer able to either shut down or restart my computers. The Finder menu bar and desktop disappear but that's as far as it goes. The System just hangs. After several minutes if you select the Force Quit option the Finder shows up in the dialog box and it is possible to relaunch the Finder. Once again, if you try to reboot or shut down the System hangs displaying only the background screen. Eventually, the only way to shut down the computer is to to do a hard shutdown by holding the poser button down for several seconds until the machine force quits. This happens on both my PowerBook G4 and new Intel iMac 24" Extreme.

    That's not a bug - it's a feature.
  • Reply 97 of 197
    we have both two g4 powerbooks and a macbook connected to an Airport Extreme base station. we also have a macpro on wired LAN. the macpro doesn't exhibit a reduction in upload speed.
  • Reply 98 of 197
    Originally Posted by badtzmat View Post

    I am still having issues syncing iCal with .mac.

    Anyone else?

    I had problems with iCal when I installed Leopard and upgraded to 10.5.1. Reseting the sync data corrected my problem.

    .Mac -> Sync -> Advance -> Reset Sync Data

    You are allowed to chose which data to save (.Mac or your computer) and given the option to reset the sync data for all applications or just one application.
  • Reply 99 of 197
    Anyone having any problems with clicking? I just installed the update on my Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook and every now and then clicks aren't being recognized. There was no issue earlier today before 10.5.2 upgrade :S
  • Reply 100 of 197
    Originally Posted by ronnsprocket View Post

    since i updated my mbp, my ical keeps crashing instantly after any launches...


    any thoughts?

    Open up iSync > Preferences > Advanced > Reset Sync History. Note that this is different than what another poster posted above as this does not affect any data in any applications, it just resets the Truth database (that apps use to determine if information has changed).

    When my iCal was crashing all the time on launch, this fixed it.
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