Apple game rentals; Safari anti-phishing; Blu-ray notebook drives



  • Reply 21 of 52
    Hmm, can someone tell me why is everybody giving discounts on the penryn MB and MBP?
  • Reply 22 of 52
    "wither" <> "wHither"
  • Reply 23 of 52
    WARNING:Last time I tried to obtain three rebates from MacMall I didn't receive any of them.

    I wanted to show this warning on the other post, but there wasn't any option.
  • Reply 24 of 52
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Front Row won't even output the digital audio for DVDs (DVD Player will, FrontRow will not from everything I've read). And I think they'd have to seriously upgrade the video card. I'm not sure there's any integrated video chipset that could handle decoding blu-ray's high-bandwidth data stream (and be HDCP compliant).

    Other than that, I love the idea!

    The Centrino 2 (aka Montevina) chipset will supposedly deal with the concerns you mentioned. Should be most beneficial for MacBook, iMac and Mac mini products.

  • Reply 25 of 52
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    So if it's sitting on your lap or airline tray, you'll definitely be able to see the extra resolution.

    Lot of money to pay to see only half a movie, if you are lucky.
  • Reply 26 of 52
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by pmjoe View Post

    I'd like to see a Blu-ray drive in the Mac mini. That with Front Row would be a nice setup in the home theater.

    So you would be willing to pay double for a Mac Mini with Blu-ray?

    Why not get an external drive

    P.S. For those with a Mac Pro or Power Mac… and
  • Reply 27 of 52
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Game studios will be bigger than movie studios one day. It makes sense for Apple to get involved both as a store and a platform.
  • Reply 28 of 52
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't think so. Mac mini already has a DVD player, does that destroy the whole idea of AppleTV? Most of Apple's rentals aren't available as HD.

    Yes, but it destroys Apple's rental service to use the Mini. And the mini is a computer, which is not specifically designed as is the @TV.

    I think the mini will be one of the last computers to get blu-ray, because the base model still has combo drive.

  • Reply 29 of 52
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Game studios will be bigger than movie studios one day. It makes sense for Apple to get involved both as a store and a platform.

    I agree, games last longer than movies.
  • Reply 30 of 52
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    I don't want to hear anymore that Apple leads the industry in technology. There is no reason not to have Blu-ray drives by now. Just like glossy, flat screens which Apple was the last to add to their line , they now appear last in blu-ray. Why have an application called iMovieHD if you can't burn it to a blu-ray disc?
  • Reply 31 of 52
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by flydoggie View Post

    Who would be dumb enough to buy a blu-ray drive to watch movies on a laptop. There is zero difference between a standard DVD and HD on a screen that small.

    That's a lame excuse for Apple's incompetence.
  • Reply 32 of 52
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I don't want to hear anymore that Apple leads the industry in technology. There is no reason not to have Blu-ray drives by now. Just like glossy, flat screens which Apple was the last to add to their line , they now appear last in blu-ray. Why have an application called iMovieHD if you can't burn it to a blu-ray disc?

    I really don't think that there are very many that cares what you think. However, I must say I am very impressed to have seen such zealousness in your recent posts as listed below. Obvious Steve is waiting for you to make up your mind, less he disappoints you.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Lest you have forgotten Teckstud, the following are your exact words…

    Porn HD DVD will kill Blu-Ray like Porn VHS killed Beta.

    Steve Jobs is the majority Disney stockholder and Disney is exclusively Blu-Ray. Gee I wonder why Apple's gone Blu-Ray?

    Porn industry is going for the cheaper of the 2 formats- HD DVD. Blu-ray may be questionably better but more expensive per disc.

    And Disney will no way allow porn to be sold along with Peter Pan.

    WRONG- Porn is going for the cheap. Blu-ray is more expensive to reproduce- everyone knows this except apparently you. DVD plants can be retrofitted to manufacture HD DVD discs. Blu Ray need new plants created from scratch. How could you not know this?

    Not correct- the porn DVD industry is huge. Is is not only internet. They are sold in the millions. Put down the pipe yourself.

    All HD DVD players have access to the internet- all of them. Blu-ray players do not. Know what you are speaking about before you put your foot in your mouth.

    Sorry bud but try watching picture in picture on the PS3- can't! HD DVD people watch it all the time- it's a real cinema machine not a gaming device that happens to play movie discs. Foot in your mouth! And just because a PS3 can do what you state why can't all blu ray machines do it too? OUCH!!!

    Blu-ray will never happen unless you want a $4,000 laptop! HDDVD has aleady won. Toshiba laptops already have them. Plus the porn industry has chosen HD DVD- need I say more?

    1.)BS_ Sony BLU-Ray laptop= $3,000. And if Sony is $3,000 them Mac would be at least $4,000 or more. What brands are you talking about?

    2.)"not really true"? It's either true or false. And it is true that the porn industry has chosen HD DVD because the HD DVDs s are easier to produce and the drives are cheaper as well.

    NOw I grant you that Bl-ray may be better format but then so was Beta over VHS. And VHS won because of many reasons but #1 was VHS Porn.

  • Reply 33 of 52
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Lest you have forgotten?

    Porn HD DVD will kill Blu-Ray like Porn VHS killed Beta.

    Porn is available on BluRay. Sony won't replicate porn BluRay media in their facilities, mostly because they do not wish to have an issue with porn getting mixed up with Disney films. However that is the extent of the problem, other BluRay facilities are happy to press porn BluRays.
  • Reply 34 of 52
    welcombwelcomb Posts: 39member
    Okay, but as they said it will only be 1h battery life

    Second there is no native decoding support (Centrino 2 - Montevina and Penryn v2) add it to the processors

    Third, there is no HDMI/DisplayPort (which both support HDCP but not DVI) so there is no point in releasing it yet

    (all of these were said before but still)

    So i doubt they were ready to release it yet, but with Montevina for sure

    Lastly unless 10.5.3 adds Disc Player (successor to DVD Player) and Apple releases Final Cut Studio 2.5 (including Disc Studio pro 5, the successor the DVD Studio pro 4) and also release an FCE and iMovie update (a big one for each), the software side is still in the air

    By summer they can have the software ready (also it makes more sense to release for MacPro first)
  • Reply 35 of 52
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    Porn is available on BluRay. Sony won't replicate porn BluRay media in their facilities, mostly because they do not wish to have an issue with porn getting mixed up with Disney films. However that is the extent of the problem, other BluRay facilities are happy to press porn BluRays.

    Tell Teckstud. Those are quotes from his blog.
  • Reply 36 of 52
    gjas15gjas15 Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by welcomb View Post

    Okay, but as they said it will only be 1h battery life

    Second there is no native decoding support (Centrino 2 - Montevina and Penryn v2) add it to the processors

    Third, there is no HDMI/DisplayPort (which both support HDCP but not DVI) so there is no point in releasing it yet

    (all of these were said before but still)

    So i doubt they were ready to release it yet, but with Montevina for sure

    Lastly unless 10.5.3 adds Disc Player (successor to DVD Player) and Apple releases Final Cut Studio 2.5 (including Disc Studio pro 5, the successor the DVD Studio pro 4) and also release an FCE and iMovie update (a big one for each), the software side is still in the air

    By summer they can have the software ready (also it makes more sense to release for MacPro first)

    You may want to do a little research before posting...

    MBP w/8600m GT supports NVIDIA's PUREVIDEO tech a.k.a. hardware HD video decoding ( doesn't take all the load off the CPU but a good chunk of it. ) . HDMI is not required for HDCP it is also supported over DVI. Even though the 8600m GT is HDCP compliant I don't think Apple has implemented it. Whether this can be fixed with a firmware update remains to be seen. This has been proven to work by people that have purchased a LG GGC-H20L BLU-RAY HD-DVD Reader, putting it in an external case, booting into windows, and playing blu-ray and/or hd dvds on their tv's. I was actually going to get one before hd dvd was killed. Now I'll just get a plain blu-ray reader. If apple would just add the software support in the OS I could eliminate booting into the dark side. This will work until the image constraint token is activated. Stupid Hollywood.
  • Reply 37 of 52
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by welcomb View Post

    Okay, but as they said it will only be 1h battery life

    Second there is no native decoding support (Centrino 2 - Montevina and Penryn v2) add it to the processors

    Third, there is no HDMI/DisplayPort (which both support HDCP but not DVI) so there is no point in releasing it yet

    (all of these were said before but still)

    So i doubt they were ready to release it yet, but with Montevina for sure

    Lastly unless 10.5.3 adds Disc Player (successor to DVD Player) and Apple releases Final Cut Studio 2.5 (including Disc Studio pro 5, the successor the DVD Studio pro 4) and also release an FCE and iMovie update (a big one for each), the software side is still in the air

    By summer they can have the software ready (also it makes more sense to release for MacPro first)

    As stated, DVI does support HDCP, but you make some excellent points and, IMO, some worthy predictions. Montevina will the first iteration that makes adding a BTO Blu-ray logical.

    I also think the long awaited Cinema Display upgrades with iSight and IR sensor on the USB bus will take affect near the release of these new machines. I also think Apple will drop the clunky ported DVI for DisplayPort.

    According to Wikipedia, "[DisplayPort] Video signal is not compatible with DVI or HDMI, but the specification will allow pass-through of these signals." They are also part of the UDI group (which doesn't seem to support HDCP) and last year Samsung and Intel backed out. It seems UDI is not the successor.
  • Reply 38 of 52
    alienzedalienzed Posts: 393member
    Apple got it Right? with the Macbook Air. Optical media is on it's way out... Sony's bloated Blu-Ray will not last more than another 3 or 4 years before being replaced with an even bigger and 'better' (worse) optical media format. When will the industry learn that most customers just want the content and in the long run won't pay for horribly designed new media to put it on. Wireless is the new way for everything. Like Apple droped the floppy drive, Apple will drop the optical drive and the industry will follow.

    I personally hate having huge spindles full of stuff I'll never look through, with technologies like BitTorrent, you could download a movie in the same time it would take you to find it in your physical media collection! Who's with me!?
  • Reply 39 of 52
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by alienzed View Post

    Apple got it Right? with the Macbook Air. Optical media is on it's way out... Sony's bloated Blu-Ray will not last more than another 3 or 4 years before being replaced with an even bigger and 'better' (worse) optical media format. When will the industry learn that most customers just want the content and in the long run won't pay for horribly designed new media to put it on. Wireless is the new way for everything. Like Apple droped the floppy drive, Apple will drop the optical drive and the industry will follow.

    I personally hate having huge spindles full of stuff I'll never look through, with technologies like BitTorrent, you could download a movie in the same time it would take you to find it in your physical media collection! Who's with me!?

    You make a lot of sense but people often are stuck in a linear thought process which means they view Blu-ray as the natural succession to the lineage. CD-->DVD---Blu-ray. However many fail to realize that which each new successor the Internet grows more and more functional and access to the internet becomes faster and more pervasive. What consumers will eventually do is begin to store more of their lives on the Internet where they will have access across the Globe. What's a Blu-ray disc going to do for me if I have to access data away from the drive?

    Google will be a player here. Rumors abound regarding their online HD storage. You're right I have 4 spindles of 200 discs and I think about the management of these discs and storage requirements and it doesn't make sense from an efficiency standpoint IMO.

    That being said when the price is right go ahead and add Blu-ray but but I don't think the hardware is ready yet and a Blu-ray player to me is superfluos as its main benefit is recording to me.
  • Reply 40 of 52
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by alienzed View Post

    Apple got it Right? with the Macbook Air. Optical media is on it's way out... Sony's bloated Blu-Ray will not last more than another 3 or 4 years before being replaced with an even bigger and 'better' (worse) optical media format. When will the industry learn that most customers just want the content and in the long run won't pay for horribly designed new media to put it on. Wireless is the new way for everything. Like Apple droped the floppy drive, Apple will drop the optical drive and the industry will follow.

    I personally hate having huge spindles full of stuff I'll never look through, with technologies like BitTorrent, you could download a movie in the same time it would take you to find it in your physical media collection! Who's with me!?

    The majority of BluRay users will be for consumers outside of laptops.

    Three or four years in Moore's Law is a long time and change in an industry that has been saying DVDs will be dead now for several years.

    It's going to take ten years for the common storage medium of entertainment to switch over from DVD/BluRay to HDD whether they are traditional or solid state.

    SONY is a major player in the Publishing end as well as the hardware end.

    With 100GB BluRay discs getting ready to be released, there will always be a push for MORE THAN ONE form of Media Storage medium.
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