Apple says Time Machine over AirPort Disk is unsupported feature



  • Reply 21 of 77
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by Taylorman View Post

    As I have posted twice before- in two other Appleinsider threads reviewing TIme Capsule and Time Machine over an AEBS using a USB disk-the latter was not EVER officially supported by Apple- and if Appleinsider had done some simple homework- a lot of people would have been saved the frustration of thinking that it was.

    What was your source?

    Apple included the feature, how was AI or anyone else for that matter, supposed to know that it wasn't officially supported? Now are we supposed to be paranoid every time a release includes a new feature that it might not be Official and may be taken away later?

    Originally Posted by coolfactor View Post

    The real disservice for users was done by news outlets (such as AppleInsider) that reported the "fact" that Apple re-enabled Time Machine backups to Airport Disks, when in fact, that was never the case. Before and after the recent Airport update, I was able to choose Airport Disks without any problems, as long as they were mounted. Nothing has changed in this respect.

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. The update actually DID enable the feature, people used it and it worked fine. Are you saying it always worked (you were able to choose an airport disk and successfully backup to it?), or are you saying that the people using the feature are just hallucinating it?

    Originally Posted by coremonkey View Post

    The reason they don't support it is because you obviously are using a 3rd party external hard drive. Apple never has supported 3rd party software or devices.


    That's idiotic. They have plenty of features in the hardware and software that require third party stuff. By that logic, they wouldn't support printing or burning DVDs since apple doesn't sell the printer or blank media.

    Of course they could say that your drive is bad, but that's completely different than not supporting the feature ever.
  • Reply 22 of 77
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    What was your source?

    Apple included the feature, how was AI or anyone else for that matter, supposed to know that it wasn't officially supported? Now are we supposed to be paranoid every time a release includes a new feature that it might not be Official and may be taken away later?

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. The update actually DID enable the feature, people used it and it worked fine. Are you saying it always worked (you were able to choose an airport disk and successfully backup to it?), or are you saying that the people using the feature are just hallucinating it?

    That's idiotic. They have plenty of features in the hardware and software that require third party stuff. By that logic, they wouldn't support printing or burning DVDs since apple doesn't sell the printer or blank media.

    Of course they could say that your drive is bad, but that's completely different than not supporting the feature ever.

    Taylorman called Apple and talked to them. They clearly told him it was not supported.

    Also if others would have looked at the manual pages for TM and for the AEBS they may have noticed it was not mentioned.

    Also if people go to the Apple web site and look into TM and AEBS, again the feature is not mentioned at all.

    If it was a supported feature, it would have been advertized.

    AEBS and TC share a lot of the same code, so probably they screwup. Also if you noticed the build of the system changed to a weird number (compared to the previous build number) and they also screwup the OSX copyright, they changed it from 2008 back to 2007. That update was all screwup.

    I am afraid that some of those issues will be corrected in 10.5.3 and this "feature" will be turned off.
  • Reply 23 of 77
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    That's all well and good, but the fact remains that apple DID enable the feature. It's just flat out wrong to insist that the feature wasn't enabled (as some have here) just because apple says they won't support it.

    Apple doesn't always do a good job of keeping their documentation up to date - does that mean every feature in apple OS or app that isn't mentioned in a manual or advertised somewhere is also "unsupported" and I should be worried it might go away?
  • Reply 24 of 77
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    That's all well and good, but the fact remains that apple DID enable the feature. It's just flat out wrong to insist that the feature wasn't enabled (as some have here) just because apple says they won't support it.

    Apple doesn't always do a good job of keeping their documentation up to date - does that mean every feature in apple OS or app that isn't mentioned in a manual or advertised somewhere is also "unsupported" and I should be worried it might go away?

    You are fixating on whose fault it was. That is not really that important.

    What is important is that it is not a supported feature, and while it may seem to work for most, you maybe putting your data at risk.

    I assume your data is important.

    I started by looking at the lack of documentation, the lack of adverticing a hot feature in Apple web site, and the screwups of the build number and the screwup of the copyright. That told me it was not thrust worthy.

    I wrote here several time, at macrumors and macatack, and many others I also talked to Taylorman and quoted his post at all those places and others.

    Yet it is still a surprice to people.

    I can understand why people are angry, to them I say ... Be glad you did not find out after your disk crash and the restore did not work.

    Lets all look for alternatives like TC and superdupper or CCC.
  • Reply 25 of 77
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    Apple doesn't always do a good job of keeping their documentation up to date - does that mean every feature in apple OS or app that isn't mentioned in a manual or advertised somewhere is also "unsupported" and I should be worried it might go away?

    There is a major difference between keeping documentation up to date and not listing specs and features you don't wish to officially support.

    There is no evidence that Apple will remove this feature. I suspect they will keep making it better so that all AEBS can use USB connected drives for Time Machine, but that doesn't mean they will ever officially support it... and I reckon they never will.
  • Reply 26 of 77
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by EagerDragon View Post

    You are fixating on whose fault it was. That is not really that important.

    What is important is that it is not a supported feature, and while it may seem to work for most, you maybe putting your data at risk.

    I assume your data is important.

    I doubt it.
  • Reply 27 of 77
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Yeah, this is the beginning of a cash-grab. First, they know Apple Computer users are almost 100% faithful to Apple MP3 players, keyboards, mice, and displays, and indeed almost exclusively support their own hardware. Now they want to add external hard drives to that equation... I wonder how long it'll be before Apple releases several of their own branded hard drives minus airport, and then drops LaCie from the Apple Store.

    Somebody (is) will be wrong,
  • Reply 28 of 77
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Somebody is wrong,

    He didn't say that they had dropped Lacie. He did wonder how long it would be until Apple only sell Apple-branded hard drives and dropped 3rd-party items (such as Lacie).
  • Reply 29 of 77
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    What's the matter Mr. Jobs, too busy with your iPods?? I was waiting to add to my Mac collection a Mac Pro (I have a MBP), but I was waiting for the new Cinema Display so I can put them both on the warranty. Now, since Apple Computers, Um, I a mean Apple Inc. finds computing too difficult, I'll just build a Hackintosh. I LOVE OS X, but they are just pissing me off with everything else. Sheesh!
  • Reply 30 of 77
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    He didn't say that they had dropped Lacie. He did wonder how long it would be until Apple only sell Apple-branded hard drives and dropped 3rd-party items (such as Lacie).

    I stand corrected.

    But it will never happen,
  • Reply 31 of 77
    winterspanwinterspan Posts: 605member
    Originally Posted by MacsRGood4U View Post

    Yeah what the hell is Apple's problem? Why the F*(# can't they just provide a simple explanation, set the record straight, and then be done with it? And then they wonder why things get garbled all over the internet and users do things they apparently shouldn't. Why must everything be so god damn secretive, from a color change of a computer, to software release notes that tell you NOTHING about what will change after an update, to garbage like this.

    I'm in a cranky mood today. OK. But Apple only has itself to blame for this mess because they advocated the feature. Had they not, and rumor sites report it, fine. Not their fault. But they very publicly told customers it was coming. Then they swept it under the rug and hoped no one was looking. Well PEOPLE WERE LOOKING. And there's A LOT OF OTHER DUST UNDER THERE


    I completely agree. I've already written about this numerous times, and always get flamed by the psychotic faboys. Apple has every right to keep product development secret, and I think we all love to speculate and be surprised by what Jobs reveals on stage at Apple events. But this secrecy-for-secrey's-sake bullshit has got to stop.. It just makes them look bad and creates way too much unnecessary animosity between them and their customers. I seriously cannot even comprehend what Jobs is thinking! Why would he want to put so many people off like that?

    It seems like recently there have been more of these situations... the Inability to add/edit calendar events on the iPod touch, The unclear situation on charging for updates on the iPod Touch, The 8800GT mess, this Airport disk mess, etc.

    I'm sure there have been more I can''t think of at the moment and I'd bet that many if not most have had at least a small effect on current and future purchase decisions, and attitudes towards the company. Also, I bet many of the situations involved no intentional harm or screwjob on the part of Apple, and that is the biggest problem. Without any information, people are going to assume the worst.

    Can anyone think of a reason why Apple would not want to be transparent on minor issues like these?
  • Reply 32 of 77
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    I hook up a HDD to my AEBS just like Apple says I can. I turn on Time Machine. TM sees the HDD and asks if I want to use it to back up my computer. I confirm I do. It works. To me, that is IMPLIED support.
  • Reply 33 of 77
    The whole, entire reason I switched to Mac was because of how impressed I was by Apple fans.

    This is shi**ing on us.... if Apple takes this back. It's total BS.
  • Reply 34 of 77
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    I hook up a HDD to my AEBS just like Apple says I can. I turn on Time Machine. TM sees the HDD and asks if I want to use it to back up my computer. I confirm I do. It works. To me, that is IMPLIED support.

    Supported means that Apple has clearly specified this as a feature, will assist you if you have trouble setting it up and that you'd have a case for litigation if it doesn't work.
  • Reply 35 of 77
    I'm in love with Apple just as much as the rest of you, but it's clear they make business/profit-motivated decisions over making users happy. It's pretty obvious they pulled the feature at first just to push new hardware (Time Capsule). Granted, I don't know about possible hardware changes between AEBS and TC, but it seems that it should just work for both.
  • Reply 36 of 77
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    Why would he want to put so many people off like that?

    Because he doesn't. Just a handful of the same disgruntals that repeatedly same the same crap.

    It seems like recently there have been more of these situations... the Inability to add/edit calendar events on the iPod touch, The unclear situation on charging for updates on the iPod Touch, The 8800GT mess, this Airport disk mess, etc. [/QUOTE]

    What do you want for a couple of bucks. As we promised, there is more to come. He didn't charge at all for updates, they were brand new apps. What mess?

    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    Can anyone think of a reason why Apple would not want to be transparent on minor issues like these?

    Because they were minor. Better question, why make a mountain out of a mole hill?

    Interesting that Apple is doing so much better than anybody else in the business in every aspect, continues to get better all the time, can be maligned by so few. A few, that for whatever reason never have kind word to say. And can't wait for the next article to vent their spew.

    Perhaps Apple's policy of patience is something that more could make use of. Invariably Apple comes through.
  • Reply 37 of 77
    Rather than take on trying to psychically fathom Apple's intent- or rationale- write them a letter telling them what you think. (Not that it will make any difference- short of class action lawsuits- they typically don't respond to customer complaints very well) What annoys me more is the slipshod reporting on this "feature set" by Appleinsider. I do expect more from them - and have let them know.
  • Reply 38 of 77
    wfrankwfrank Posts: 8member
    I would suggest that apple leave the feature on so people that want to can use the feature and apple can continue to work on the feature. Apple can post a disclaimer or just say as apple has that airdisk is not a supported feature and use at your own risk and leave it at that.

    To turn the feature off again at this point would ,in my opinion look really bad.
  • Reply 39 of 77
    nikwaxnikwax Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by Taylorman View Post

    As I have posted twice before- in two other Appleinsider threads reviewing TIme Capsule and Time Machine over an AEBS using a USB disk-the latter was not EVER officially supported by Apple- and if Appleinsider had done some simple homework- a lot of people would have been saved the frustration of thinking that it was.

    I wrote to Appleinsider directly about this- and I suppose this is there response. Thanks.

    I quite agree. Apple has been making it very clear that this is NOT a supported function of the AirportExtreme. Kind of reckless of AppleInsider to declare that it was a "feature." So now AI comes along and spins this really hard to make it look like Apple has again withdrawn this semi-functionality.

    Seems like somebody at AI is auditioning for White House Press Secretary
  • Reply 40 of 77
    I was on the phone yesterday with an Apple representative and explained the situation with my Airport. We went through the motions until he got to the script where he is supposed to tell the customer that the Airport is unsupported. I went off on him like you couldn't believe. I for one am tired of Apple's holier than thou attitude. I have a perfectly good Airport sitting in the closet because I went out and bought the New Airport last year to be ready for Leopard and the wireless backup. I also bought a 500GB disk to connect to it. Two items I did not need and WOULD NOT have purchased if Apple had not promoted this product as gospel. Well, Steve, it is time to put down your water bottle and pack away your salesmanship as you wait for the audience to applaud you and Apple for the next greatest breakthrough. As a loyal Apple consumer and an Apple stock holder, I am pissed! You made a commitment and you left good customers hanging. Not right, not prudent and I for one am not going to stand for it. I guarantee that I am not the only person who became an early adopter of your new Airport. I have been financially damaged and you and your company misled the public on this one. Maybe not intentionally, but you need to make it right. If Time Capsule is the product to do want you intended, then take my Apple Airport in trade and make me a happy camper again. When the I phone came out within two-months the price dropped and you were ready to let good loyal early adopters take the hit on that one. Steve, you are starting to worry me here. You keep this pattern up and you might qualify as Hillary's running mate. She doesn't know the truth either!

    Uncle Phil

    PS I did the video on I-Grease when we got hosed on the iPhone, and I will be happy to create a sequel with Airport.
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