Swiss iPhone rumor; BlackBerry Thunder; Apple gay-friendly



  • Reply 81 of 425
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    If Kasper wants to cynically generate page hits by reposting this non-article about a non-issue...

    He knows damn well that the knee-jerk reactionaries around here are going to respond like the Pavlovian dogs they are, yet he's not going to moderate this thread?

    I still don't see how that justifies what you did.
  • Reply 82 of 425
    Originally Posted by SGSORENSEN View Post

    To get things back on track.........Apple was one of the first, if not the first, to include sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policy AND to offer Domestic Partner benefits. The Gay community recognizes Apple as a brave pioneer in providing a workplace which is welcoming and rewarding. Besides, their products are pretty!!!!

    Apple is also headquartered a stones throw from San Francisco and has a very high percentage of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, hermaphrodite, etc, etc.... employees.

    Apple also features many gay artists and entertainers on it's iTunes store as well as in it's marketing and PR pieces.

    Tim Cook, Apple's COO is gay

    Randy Ubillos, Creator of Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro is really gay

    Again, all the article says is that gays PERCEIVE Apple to be very friendly to gays...
  • Reply 83 of 425
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by mr_zebra View Post

    I don't make a big deal out of the fact I'm gay, but at the same time I'm not gonna shut up when some moron is telling me how "unnatural" it is for me to be in love with the person I'm in love with, or how I made a conscious decision to be gay when clearly: a) they apparently don't understand what internal sexual identity is and b) have never met me.

    You should speak up brother.

    Once upon a time, theists, had complete control of the western world.

    That time was called the Dark Ages.

    Mysogyny, racism, genocide and torture were commonplace. These atrocities were carried out by religious men, because their fictional god had a very thin skin, and being fictional, he could not act for himself.

    Let's not turn the clock back.

  • Reply 84 of 425
    jawportajawporta Posts: 140member
    I worked at Apple, they are very gay friendly, even more so on the corporate level
  • Reply 85 of 425
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by PG4G View Post

    Maybe it is ignorant etc, but hey, homosexuality is still kinda square peg round hole type thing though.

    If your dick is square then i recommend you stop using it to bookmark your Bible.

    But seriously if you are struggling with meshing your faith and sexuality do yourself a favour and check out

    You are never truly alone in this world.
  • Reply 86 of 425
    I've been keeping mum about this tread but I just have to say one thing in defense of SOME people with spiritual inclinations.

    I myself am a protestant Christian who has many friends who are gay. For a long time I struggled with what to think, questioning whether they would spend their eternities in hell. At long last, I deemed that it was not for me to decide. Jesus charges us to "Love one another as we would want to be loved." So I leave the judgment to God and work on better loving my neighbor, gay or straight.

  • Reply 87 of 425
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    I sure hope my Samsung HDTV's not homophobic or it's going out the window!
  • Reply 88 of 425
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    I've been keeping mum about this tread but I just have to say one thing in defense of SOME people with spiritual inclinations.

    I myself am a protestant Christian who has many friends who are gay. For a long time I struggled with what to think, questioning whether they would spend their eternities in hell. At long last, I deemed that it was not for me to decide. Jesus charges us to "Love one another as we would want to be loved." So I leave the judgment to God and work on better loving my neighbor, gay or straight.


    Amen brother
  • Reply 89 of 425
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    Flattery is the best form of... hows it go again? Whatever. I'd never buy that RIM job Dingleberry.
  • Reply 90 of 425
    palex9palex9 Posts: 105member
    Post #76

    I Mean, How Disgusting Can You Get, Really? I Dont Care If The Person Posted That Is Gay, Straight, Or Whatever, You Are Sick! This Forum Is Also Visited By Kids You Sicko!

  • Reply 91 of 425
    skottichanskottichan Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    Flattery is the best form of... hows it go again? Whatever. I'd never buy that RIM job Dingleberry.

    i literally choked on my soda when I read this....

  • Reply 92 of 425
    frugalityfrugality Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by bikertwin View Post

    So, what, about 5-10% of folks are gay, right?

  • Reply 93 of 425
    palex9palex9 Posts: 105member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Nope, more like 2-3%

    the actual national average is around 6%. a very small minority that is making a huge fuss about themselves.
  • Reply 94 of 425
    bikertwinbikertwin Posts: 566member
    Originally Posted by palex9 View Post

    the actual national average is around 6%. a very small minority that is making a huge fuss about themselves.

    Doesn't seem to be a very small minority on this board, though, does it?

    Perhaps the article is right.
  • Reply 95 of 425
    frugalityfrugality Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by palex9 View Post

    the actual national average is around 6%. a very small minority that is making a huge fuss about themselves.

    It must be getting to be more popular and chic then, because in the late '70's all the studies were showing 2-3%.

    If atheistic evolution is true, homosexuality should have passed out of the gene pool long ago.
  • Reply 96 of 425
    cosmic68cosmic68 Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by palex9 View Post

    the actual national average is around 6%. a very small minority that is making a huge fuss about themselves.

    How funny, in all the years i've been reading Appleinsider, this has been one of the only times i've read a gay-related story.

    First in years.

    The only fuss being made is from the haters (as usual).
  • Reply 97 of 425
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by timothyjay2004 View Post

    That was a tad inappropriate was it not? I think that we are all a little more mature than to act like that...

    The apple rainbow hasn't been used since the introduction of mac os x, what 6 years ago? And I don't see where one company is more user friendly than another. So, I think that the article is a little off. But, that aside, everyone needs to be careful of what they say and be a little more mature. You are no better than anyone else, gay, straight or what ever else someone may classify themselves as, so you need to be a little more respectful of others.

    I think this part of the article was poorly written. I believe it's based on Apple being very popular among homosexuals, but that should hardly be a surprise since there are many homosexuals in the fashion & entertainment industries. These are very artsy & media rich industries & I'm sure employ lots of Macs in their design & graphics departments.

    & yes, why is this news that we really care about? Not to be insensitive but having any company that will go out of their way to cater to a specific ethnic, cultural, or other group is discrimination. If you really want to show yourself as a non-discriminate wouldn't you remove yourself from all forms of preferential treatment? Seriously people.
  • Reply 98 of 425
    bikertwinbikertwin Posts: 566member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    If atheistic evolution is true, homosexuality should have passed out of the gene pool long ago.

    No, because most gays in the past got married and had kids to hide from bigots like you.

    But yes we may find that the percentage of gays does get lower in the future as we homosexuals do not have to hide in the closet any more, and fake our straightness by getting married and having kids.

    (Or, if you're really paranoid, maybe the gay agenda is to have us gays be the largest percentage of sperm donors worldwide--then we'll spread our seed everwhere, mwahahahah!)*

    *--that's humor, folks. There is no 'gay agenda'.
  • Reply 99 of 425
    frugalityfrugality Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by cosmic68 View Post

    The only fuss being made is from the haters (as usual).

    Is it not O.K. to hate wrong behavior?

    As the saying goes, "Love the sinner, hate the sin."
  • Reply 100 of 425
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post


    Original post self-removed.

    And for those that decided that this was an appropriate forum to express your views on sexual preferences, perhaps a review of yourself and the remarks that you made should also be edited or removed.

    After all, this is one of the best sites for APPLE NEWS. I would like to see it continued
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