What fixes/additions would you most like to see in OS 10.2?



  • Reply 61 of 110
    [quote]Originally posted by Pegges:


    How many times a day do you create a folder versus spawn a new Finder window? I say use the easiest shortcut for the most commonly used actions, i e the latter.

    [ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: Pegges ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Only by accident when trying to create a new folder.

    Here is my technique for creating new folders:

    1. Press cmnd-N

    (If I am running OS 9, 8, 7, 6,... then stop here.)

    2. Stare dumbly at the screen searching for my new folder.

    3. Slap forehead when I realize my error.

    4. Close the window

    5. Make the new folder with shift-cmnd-N
  • Reply 62 of 110
    I agree with being able to cut and paste files in addition to copy files in the finder. This is one of the things I always liked better about Windows. Could Apple also implement it throughout the finder and not just in icon view? I can right click when viewing in icon view but not in columns?

    QuickTime crashes like the dickens.
  • Reply 63 of 110
    Nextstep/OpenStep style menus on the left hand side of the screen - Perfeect for Photoshop and other graphics apps. Also having a doc that is like Linux/Openstep.
  • Reply 64 of 110
    curmicurmi Posts: 70member
    1) File extensions!! My god, what have you done Apple. Don't get rid of them, but don't rely on them for everything either (feels like I'm using Windows)

    2) Logout without closing apps (ala XP). The only thing Windows has ever done right.

    3) A dictionary that actually has non-US-English in it (ie British/Australian). Apple - you have customers outside of the US and Japan you know.
  • Reply 65 of 110
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Get rid of the colored widgets and bring back icons for enlarging, closing the window, minimizing to the dock, AND bring back windowshade. The green, yellow, red, and white buttons are completely unintuitive and very unlike Apple. This is my largest complaint about OSX.

    Secondly, make the dock an option. Do this by putting favorites back in the Apple Menu (where it can be seen while in other applications), being able to move the trash back to the desktop, putting the old finder back on the top right corner, and bringing back windowshade.

    Apple can call it the Classic Finder or something like that for those who don't like the Dock.

    The menus on top could use some tweaking but getting rid of the colored widgets, bringing back windowshade, and making the Dock an option are my three biggest wishes and would make me one happy camper............................................ .............
  • Reply 66 of 110
    I'd like OS X to install the language kit stuff. As it is, unless you've installed the language script you want via OS 9, they're not there in OS X
  • Reply 67 of 110
    neomacneomac Posts: 145member
    My pet peeve is the 'graphical' multi-user and file permission system of OSX.

    -- We need a simpler/friendlier way than NetInfo to manage groups. A 'groups' panel in System Prefs would be nice.

    -- We need authenticated dialogs, like 'Saves' and 'Deletes'. This way, if it says we don't have permission to do something, it will prompt us to authenticate for admin authority

    -- the File Info panel needs to have a 'groups' field that can be edited directly or changed via a pull down list of groups

    OS 10.1 is 'okay', but the system still has a long way to go before it becomes the greased-lightning GUI that OS9 is. I figure OSX will be ready by rev 10.3, 10.4.

  • Reply 68 of 110
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Fonts, windowshading, bringing back 10 year old options, WTF. How about---

    1) Fixing the hidden dock bug that onlt brings the dock up about an eighth of an inch when the pointer is moved over it....occurs 1 out of maybe 10 times.

    2) Energy Saver....how about some of the old options like the ability to control processor cycling....maybe we could even have three different cycling options to choose from.

    3) I for one actually like the dock. It functions as does the windows start bar, which is the only feature I felt the MacOS was lacking compared to windows. I also like the windows minimization. I would suggest (as I have read) that all running apps are grouped together and the active one has a blue arrow under it.

    Again though I think OSX is a triumph.
  • Reply 69 of 110
    kaboomkaboom Posts: 286member
    Shade the current application icon in the dock.

    That stupid blue triangle is way too small.
  • Reply 70 of 110
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:


    Now that must be the dumbest request I've seen. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> There is no reason you need to run as root!!! Apple has good reason for having root disabled by default. If you always have root privs, the added security of OSX is worthless.

    Here is how you enable root. It's really very simple:

    1. open NetInfo Manager.

    2. go to menu Domian-&gt;Security-&gt;Authenticate...

    3. go to menu Domain-&gt;Security-&gt;Enable Root User


    [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This ranks up with Windows usability. This is the most illogical crap I have ever had to endure. Sure, you dont want to make it easy for joe-shmo to enable root... but who in the right minds would think of NetInfo fer chrissake???

    Its these kinds of qwirks that piss me off about OS X.

    While in the requets mood: Easier way to move the swap disk.
  • Reply 71 of 110
    Spring Loaded Bloody Folders.

    And a fix to the problem of installers which require an admin account to run (I think that they then sudo to root) placing things in YOUR trash, which you can then only delete from the command line. Until this is done, I will not replace MacOS 9 on the rest of the family's iMac. I'll always run X when/if I suffer the swings and arrows...
  • Reply 72 of 110
    katekate Posts: 172member
    Since I had the great limbo of going through 10.03&gt;10.1&gt;SecurityUpdate&gt;InstallerUpdate &gt;10.1.1 for four times and still getting errors, unstable behaviour, hanging apps and the kind, I would VERY much appreciate a means of BACKUP please!

    (This OS scrambled my user settings and especially my login settings for the fifth time out of the blue, I won't install again until this gets fixed. What a nerve it takes to be unable to remedy this by writing the correct values to com.apple.preference.login via terminal. Arrrgh! If only I had a backup of ALL PREFERENCES and a mechanism to get them into the correct places! Unix in this respect is a real stone age regression set back.

    There is no backup solution yet. I know of no way to get a copy of all those hidden files and .FILE and .ETC and .USR hotchpotch somewhere. A copy from the X side is useless as it omits all invisible and hidden items, and a copy from the classical side omits all hidden directories.

    So basically:

    -Backup feature please!

    -everything mentioned by my fellow AIs above as an option

    It's that easy.

    BTW. A little more stability and consistency would do no harm.

    [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Kate ]

    [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Kate ]</p>
  • Reply 73 of 110
    Automatic desktop refreshing. I dont know if they have that in 10.1, but it wouldbe realllllly nice if you could put something on the desktop and not have to click back to the desktop to see it.
  • Reply 74 of 110
    ? Make the applemenu customizable.

    ie) the ability to add applications and folders. "User favourites" or something could be added underneath "recent items"

    ?Command N sprouts a new folder NOT a new window.

    ?The ability to add any folder you want (as well as it's icon) into the finder toolbar.

    ?Column shading in list/column view.

    ?Window information in finder windows. ie) #of files, etc.. like os9 windows.

    ?Theme's, mainly classic. Some apps look better in classic. Ie) excel. Perhaps even the option to choose a seperate theme for each application. (from the application menu?)

    ?Put the application menu back over on the right hand side of the menu bar where it belongs, re-add the ability to select your open applications from the application menu . I hate having "File" as the second menu. "File" always moves slightly whenever you switch into another application.

    ?"Soft classic" mode where the menu bar does not revert to classic styling whenever your using a classic app.


    ?A reworked chooser, one of the BEST features of the mac os. A place where appletalk servers and printers could be selected from the same utility.

    ?Springloaded folders, it'd be neat to be able to spring load them off the side of you screen instead of only from the bottom. That way they wouldn't conflict with the dock if you like the dock on the bottom.

    That's shooting pretty high though, I'd be happy if they just moved the application menu and let you put whatever you want in to the finder window toolbars.
  • Reply 75 of 110
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Originally posted by pioneer:

    ? Make the applemenu customizable.

    ie) the ability to add applications and folders. "User favourites" or something could be added underneath "recent items"

    Yeah, the Favorites folder at least. I had about four or five things in my old Apple menu, and I mostly used it to access various "favorites" in that folder.

    ?The ability to add any folder you want (as well as it's icon) into the finder toolbar.

    I think you can. You mean just drag it up there and let go, yes?

    ?Column shading in list/column view.


    ?Window information in finder windows. ie) #of files, etc.. like os9 windows.

    Do you mean like the status bar in the OS X Finder or something else?

    ?Put the application menu back over on the right hand side of the menu bar where it belongs, re-add the ability to select your open applications from the application menu . I hate having "File" as the second menu. "File" always moves slightly whenever you switch into another application.

    I have to say I really really like the sytem they made for OS X. It's just so logical!

    ?A reworked chooser, one of the BEST features of the mac os. A place where appletalk servers and printers could be selected from the same utility.

    Oh, God, no! death to the chooser! However, a more intuitive graphic network connection/neighborhood thing would be nice (as opposed to typing in your SMB server manually).

    ?Springloaded folders, it'd be neat to be able to spring load them off the side of you screen instead of only from the bottom. That way they wouldn't conflict with the dock if you like the dock on the bottom.

    You're talking about pop-up folders, yes?
  • Reply 76 of 110
    Again, Energy Saver.

    10.1.1's is crap compaired to OS9's.
  • Reply 77 of 110
    BuonRotto - My god I had no idea you could stick whatever you wanted in the finder toolbars. You're absolutly right it is as simple as that! Don't I feel stupid..

    Do you mean like the status bar in the OS X Finder or something else?

    Um, yup. that'd be it.. I've only had my pbg4 for about 2 weeks so I'm kinda new at osx. Ya learn something new everyday, or in this case several things.

    I have to say I really really like the sytem they made for OS X. It's just so logical!

    I can see where your comming from there but I just hate the fact that I have to deal with a shifting menu bar all the time. I'd like FILE, EDIT and VIEW to sit still while switching through apps. I find it distracting. Also I can't tell you the number of times I've clicked on the clock looking for one app or another.

    a more intuitive graphic network connection/neighborhood thing would be nice (as opposed to typing in your SMB server manually).

    Yeah exactly, just something more inuitive than what they have now. I had to go into help to figure out how to select a networked printer.

    You're talking about pop-up folders, yes?

    Yeah I guess I got the two confused. I'm not sure what you guys mean by "spring loaded".

    A couple of things I forgot..

    ? The option to stick the trash, or at least an alias of it, on the desktop.

    ?The ability to hide apps by option clicking their icon in the dock. The ability to hide ALL by cnrl-option clicking the Finder icon in the dock (or some key sequence).

    ?Multiple desktops would be really cool.

    ?Re-add the control strip or a variation of it.

    ?Put some of the key "little" apps like stickies, notepad, applesysprofiler, keyboard, puzzle .. etc somewhere more accesible than the application folder. This would be solved by making the apple menu customizable.

    ?Now that I know about that staus bar trick, double clicking on the status bar hides/reveals the tool bar.

    ?I don't know how well received this will be but I'd like to see every open window to be in the dock as well a la windows task bar. I find I never remember to minimize my windows and I'm left hunting through layers or using the window menu from within each app. This is annoying as you have to switch into the app your looking for inorder to bring up the proper window menu. I realize you can do this by cntrl-clicking each icon in the dock but I think it'd be better for each open, as well as hidden, window to be in the dock. Shrunken or minimized windows could be half translucent or something.

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: pioneer ]</p>
  • Reply 78 of 110
    enderender Posts: 353member
    For the most part, all of the "quirks" of OS X that we complain about are because of our mental baggage from "Classic Mac OS". After we have adapted to not clicking on the clock for applications (for example), I think that we will find OS X to behave more logically than any previous Mac OSs.

    As for your last suggestion Pioneer, I think that would make things very confusing very quickly. I usually have somewhere between 10 and 20 windows open on my system. Some are minimized to the dock, some are visible, and some are hidden.

    Sometimes the hidden ones can be a pain to find, but is usually quickly fixed by just clicking on the application icon in the dock (which brings the application's "layer" of windows to the front). Sometimes it is neccessary to option-click the application icon to select the window itself.

    If *every* window was shown in the dock, the dock would quickly squish itself into oblivion. Just containing my Applications and a couple browser windows takes the entire bottom of my screen (1280 x 1024) and I still need magnification to see exactly what window I'm clicking on. Magnification of the dock is one solution to the little icons, but I've found that magnifying small icons is disorienting, so I only magnify a little bit. To each his own, I suppose.

    All in all, unless you have so many windows open that management is impossible, I don't think that all windows should be displayed in the dock. And if you have that many open, it's time for a dual/triple monitor setup (I have two 17" Apple monitors on my system, works wonderfully).

    I would like to hear what others think about this...

  • Reply 79 of 110
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by pioneer:


    I have to say I really really like the sytem they made for OS X. It's just so logical!

    I can see where your comming from there but I just hate the fact that I have to deal with a shifting menu bar all the time.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You can set the application menu to only display the icon, which of course has a fixed size.

    [quote]<strong>Also I can't tell you the number of times I've clicked on the clock looking for one app or another.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, but you'll grow out of that. There's an important difference between interface flaws and interface features that you aren't accustomed to. Should OS X have the close box on the other side to accomodate new Windows users?

    [quote]<strong>I'm not sure what you guys mean by "spring loaded".</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Spring loaded folders are so called because they spring open when you hold a file over them for a second or so. They're part of OS 9's drag-and-drop file manipulation that allows you to drill down through nested folders. They all spring shut when you drop the file, too, to reduce clutter.

    A nice feature, which I'd like to see adapted for the new Column View (hold a file over a folder, and CV auto-opens the next column to that folder).

    [quote]<strong>The option to stick the trash, or at least an alias of it, on the desktop.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I believe there are third-party utilities to do that. I don't understand why people want it, though, since I've always hated having to move a bunch of windows around just to trash something. Also, the old trash wasn't in a fixed place. I had OS 9 tuck it in the upper left hand corner of the desktop once after I told it to Clean Up. That was confusing.

    [quote]<strong>Multiple desktops would be really cool.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If done right. I'd look for a third party tool to do that.

    [quote]<strong>Re-add the control strip or a variation of it. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Enh. That's just more clutter. The little utility menus take care of some of that functionality, and the Dock handles the rest.

    [quote]<strong>Put some of the key "little" apps like stickies, notepad, applesysprofiler, keyboard, puzzle .. etc somewhere more accesible than the application folder. This would be solved by making the apple menu customizable.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's more easily solved by putting the Utilities folder (and/or the Applications folder) in the Dock.

    [quote]<strong>I don't know how well received this will be but I'd like to see every open window to be in the dock as well a la windows task bar. I find I never remember to minimize my windows and I'm left hunting through layers or using the window menu from within each app.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Gack! A horrible answer to a small problem. That's the worst aspect of the taskbar, because once you have a lot of windows open it becomes all but worthless. I actually hide the taskbar on my Windows box at work for that reason - it only gets in my way. Get used to minimizing windows.

    A more elegant solution, which I've seen others propose, is to have the windows accessible from the Dock menus for each app. That would add functionality without cluttering up the interface at the top level.

    [quote]<strong>This is annoying as you have to switch into the app your looking for inorder to bring up the proper window menu. I realize you can do this by cntrl-clicking each icon in the dock</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Or just clicking.

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 80 of 110
    buggybuggy Posts: 83member

    1) SMB login should look like it is on an Apple computer not a Unix computer

    2) Allow classic apps to see an SMB login


    - allow an AFP login to NOT crash the App when trying to do anything through the classic ap's dialog boxes that connect to the server (ie open, save, link) (NT4 sp6)

    3) Improve the AFP login so that it does not crash the finder even if the NT network is not fully set up for OSX. OS9 has no problem with this, why not OSX the supposed better OS.

    4) automatically move the "utilities toolkit" out of reach of a non admin User. The toolkit has too manythings in it for a non admin to be playing with. ie the "terminal".

    Because of issue #2 OSX is useless to me.

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