

  • Reply 101 of 106
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by Fellowship View Post

    Cool stuff,,,

    Look at this Nick,,,

    Just amazing...


    Those parents are teaching their children an incredibly stupid lesson and are selling their biggest asset in order to teach that mistake.

    I said to my dad, 'If that guy didn't have such a nice car, then that guy could have a nice meal,' " the 15-year-old from Atlanta, Georgia, recalled.

    Wealth is created. The car and meal are not linked in any fashion.

    Sorry that you and I don't see eye to eye on this Fellowship.
  • Reply 102 of 106
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    Those parents are teaching their children an incredibly stupid lesson and are selling their biggest asset in order to teach that mistake.

    I said to my dad, 'If that guy didn't have such a nice car, then that guy could have a nice meal,' " the 15-year-old from Atlanta, Georgia, recalled.

    Wealth is created. The car and meal are not linked in any fashion.

    Sorry that you and I don't see eye to eye on this Fellowship.

    Nick you don't have to see eye to eye with anything I submit for consideration.

    I think the story shows a family that "realized" they don't really need as much materialism to support a healthy lifestyle. So the idea they came to is one to share the blessings they have been given with others who are less fortunate.

    It really is a rare thing to see in our modern selfish me! me! me! culture..

    And I say this as a person who is just as guilty as the next. I am not preaching I am just standing here looking at what this family is doing and it is very inspiring to see a family that shares their blessings.

    I think this is the kind of thing society needs to see more of...

    People who help others instead of vain television reality shows which are nothing more than vanity, greed, lust and me! me! me!.

  • Reply 103 of 106
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Thanks to Chucker for posting this video at AN, as usual, you are awesome.

    Thanks to everyone else, especially Nosfera Drew who are awesome lenders and have been investing and reinvesting their money.

    I have $100 in Kiva credit available to reinvest.

    I'll add a second $100 in increments of $25x4 for the first four people who become new lenders.

    If we can't get four new lenders, then the $100 just gets reinvested either way but by doubling my contribution and adding your own it creates a multiplier effect of 300% more money to lend.

    I'll post this at the other place as well. I'd love to get four new people among the two places.
  • Reply 104 of 106
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member


    Yes, I'm still doing this and yes, you should do it too. I looked back at the beginning of this thread and the first loan financed with help of people at this forum was loan number 600. Those are the loan numbers above to which I contributed today. That is some awesome assistance that is happening.

    I've continued to reinvest the money and occasional add some more. If two people want to start an account and help this time I'll match their contributions with $25 of my own.(Total $50)
  • Reply 105 of 106
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I loaned $25 to the Mongolian lady, thanks for reminding me about this site - my email had changed in the last couple years since I loaned there last, but luckily I still remembered the old one and could log in.
  • Reply 106 of 106
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    I loaned $25 to the Mongolian lady, thanks for reminding me about this site - my email had changed in the last couple years since I loaned there last, but luckily I still remembered the old one and could log in.

    Thanks so much!
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