Apple stores faced with iPhone 3G outages, lineups at day's end



  • Reply 61 of 79
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    People queue not line up! Example - There's a long queue outside the Apple shop. I'm queuing outside the Apple shop to buy an iPhone, etc etc.

    Thou dost protest too much, methinks.
  • Reply 62 of 79
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Arrive at 5am, am in the store by 8:40, signed the agrement, swiped my card etc, and was done by 8:50, a simle upgrade, smooth enough...untill the guard caught me...

    The gaurd at the door, lets call him Bruno the Bouncer, informs me that I CANNOT LEAVE because the phone isnt avtivated,

    i'm amazed at the number of people who blindly allow themselves to be detained against their will because of "corporate policy"

    For next time, once you've paid for the item in the shop and been given a receipt, the phone is yours. You are perfectly within your rights to leave the store at that point. If the Apple employees detain you, call the police and tell them you are being detained against your will.
  • Reply 63 of 79
    thor79thor79 Posts: 8member
    Originally Posted by bigmike View Post

    Um, you'll be going in a loop then... The mind control patrol has got you!

    My plan has changed a little. Going to give the Oakbrook store a try tomorrow...if they don't have the 16GB Black like the Apple site says I'm heading to the Michigan Avenue Store in downtown's almost a straight shot from Oakbrook on 88/290. Now if THEY don't have it...then maybe I'll go order one at AT&T. The Michigan Ave store is like the 5th Ave Store in's one of their flagship stores...they are keeping those stocked no matter what.

    Only difficult part of that plan is finding parking in Downtown Chicago near the Apple store. So I'm hoping Oakbrook will have some.
  • Reply 64 of 79
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Like......... I have.

    You missed the point of my post if you think that's OK. (And, I say that as a shareholder of Apple).

    People who express themselves are not necessarily stupid.

    So if you ran a company and had people that worked for you airing dirty laundry in a public forum, you would be OK with that? Maybe I am missing your point.

    Apple has been run this way for a long time now, being a shareholder only means you are trying to make money. If this was a real moral high ground issue for you, you wouldn't have the stock.
  • Reply 65 of 79
    I got up earlly and arrived at the Fayettville,Georgia att sore around 7 am and I was very impressed with the staff. About 20 minutes before they opened at 8am the store manager went down the line and asked everyone which phone they wanted and if they had enough so they wouldn't have to wait in line if they didn't have enough. They had plenty of phone except they ran out of the 16Gb Black and some people setled with a White one. 3 hours later I had my phone and working. Overall, great experience. oh, and the phone is a great little device.
  • Reply 66 of 79
    Originally Posted by thor79 View Post

    Seems to me it was Apple that required in store activations or at least unbricking. Some stores (both Apple and AT&T) started to go to at home activations when they started to run into trouble with servers and such. So clearly it was a foolish thing Apple required. AT&T has never required in store activations for dad bought his in late May (and will be getting a free ugprade) from an AT&T store and activated at home.

    AT&T is only at fault if they have more phones than they have distributed. If they are controlling the store supplies then they are screwing up as well. But with other carriers in the UK and Canada (among other places) running out quickly as well...I think we have to place the blame on Apple not providing enough to the carriers. Everything I look at points to Apple being at fault. I'm sure this is difficult to realize as an Apple fanboy...which I guess isn't a surprise considering the site I'm posting on, but look at the facts...Apple has clearly screwed the pooch big time here.

    I was one of the people that had to activate their new iphones at home because the servers crashed. it was weird leaving the store not being able to use your "jesus phone" right away. It was the longest 3 hours of my life but it works now.
  • Reply 67 of 79
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    I must say that I find it all rather laughable. I don't understand why people feel so compelled to line up for hours on the first day to get ANYTHING, unless they live in a country where they're going to starve to death if they don't. Furthermore, almost any technology roll-out is going to suffer from glitches (be it Apple or any other company) and these are made more likely by increased load. Sure Apple has good advertising and builds a compelling product, but they didn't tell you to go wait in line for hours upon hours for their doors to open on launch day.

    For me that was the only day I had off that week and it only took 3 hours of waiting in line and I brought a lawn chair and coffee.
  • Reply 68 of 79
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    Apple has been run this way for a long time now, being a shareholder only means you are trying to make money. If this was a real moral high ground issue for you, you wouldn't have the stock.


    The convoluted argument in your post totally escapes me.
  • Reply 69 of 79
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    The convoluted argument in your post totally escapes me.

    You seemed to be taking the stand that you thought it was not the right way to treat people in a company (ie not allowing them to post to public forums etc..). By stating that you were a shareholder it says that although you don't like the way the company treats people you will invest in it anyway if you can make a couple of $$.
  • Reply 70 of 79
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    no iphone at my att store nearest apple store 150 miles

    went in today and "ordered" my wife's 8gb and me a white 16

    when they come in the manager will call me, having already done most of the work, activation he says will take minutes then, he will transfer my contacts from my moto v551, 557 in store says it will be very fast. should come this week.

    so it's wait in line or order, i don't know if the entire US is sold out and waiting for refresh,

    just wonder if that is bad apple doesn't have a counter on its website or a way to locate an iphone link

    i think as far as "failing" i think most if not all realized as per the first iphone, it's about as good as possible when everyone wants one.

    its to be expected to be the first during the first weekend.

    no body else is talking about minimal accessories at the apple store and att store, every thing iphone is out out out
  • Reply 71 of 79
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    he will transfer my contacts from my moto v551, 557 in store says it will be very fast.

    How exactly can he do that? Doesn't the phone need to be tied to an itunes account on a specific computer before syncing? I thought they were like ipods.
  • Reply 72 of 79
    Waited in line starting at about 8am in soho. Got my phone by 11. I was in the first quarter of the line. the line tripled in size by 930.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    jechejeche Posts: 9member
    Wow, as if the Friday catastrophe was not enough, today was worse. Went to the 14th Street Apple store this afternoon and, despite the fact that the website said they were in stock, I was told that they "weren't selling iphones today" because of some problem with registering them. Amazing. If this was some on line retail book store or something and they had computer issues, I could understand it but . . . this is a COMPUTER company. How embarrassing. I was ready to race out and get one but after the Friday problems, all the reports of defective screens, and this arrogance and time wasting... Well, I'm over it...over it.. over it. This all happened because of this in store set up thing (not selling from the online store and all that). Greed screws things up every time.
  • Reply 74 of 79
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    RANT ON - What is it about the Apple faithful that makes so many of them whiny B!@tches. "It's a disaster, its an embarrassment, I'm not going to buy one, Apple is a disgrace" Blah, Blah, Blah.

    If you are the kind of sad sack that needs to buy it on the first day, get in the queue, jam the servers, not check if you were eligible for the upgrade price and ignore all the warnings about mandatory in-store activations etc. then you get what you deserve.

    I got my iPhone 4 days after the mad rush last year, upgraded to 2.0 on the 10th (no activation issues). I managed my own experience, not that it really matters. What does is the fantastic year of use and the year ahead of me full of apps etc.

    Anyone who will deny themselves that because of one day's experience is an idiot. Enjoy your LG/HTC/Sammy clone phone... no queue for those.

    Trite little comments about "they are a computer company" etc. may make you feel cleverer than SJ but remember what a big deal this is - global launch, hundreds of thousands of iPhones being bought and activated - all because customers wanted a subsidized phone. If you wanted to pay $600 for your iPhone (again) then it would have been easier.

    RANT OFF - I know people had a crappy day, I feel bad for them, but don't pretend you didn't see it coming - we all knew about in-store activation. Deferred gratification people...

    BTW - what do we think the lost productivity in the US and other economies has been because of the iPhone? It's a lot of wasted hours.
  • Reply 75 of 79
    jechejeche Posts: 9member
    [QUOTE=Capnbob;1278121]RANT ON - What is it about the Apple faithful that makes so many of them whiny B!@tches. "It's a disaster, its an embarrassment, I'm not going to buy one, Apple is a disgrace" Blah, Blah, Blah.

    Its odd that somebody objects to the concept of people complaining about bad service. Sounds like an Apple plant to me. Hope you are enjoying your job at Apple. All the Best.
  • Reply 76 of 79
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    RANT ON - What is it about the Apple faithful that makes so many of them whiny B!@tches. "It's a disaster, its an embarrassment, I'm not going to buy one, Apple is a disgrace" Blah, Blah, Blah.

    Its odd that somebody objects to the concept of people complaining about bad service. Sounds like an Apple plant to me. Hope you are enjoying your job at Apple. All the Best.

    Nice try... pretend I'm a shill to make you seem less of a whiner. Look, be proud of your whine... Oh, and I have friends who work at Apple - it's no picnic - no thanks.
  • Reply 77 of 79
    sammicksammick Posts: 416member
    [Seattle has been out of all iPhones for the last 3 days---today is July 16th---

    apparently 21 states are out of suppy--

    This is really a black eye for Apple---

    I am also waiting for 2 days to hear from about my not getting my password to work---

    Unusually crummy service from Apple---understocked and under responsive
  • Reply 78 of 79
    mhedgesmhedges Posts: 25member
    Any word on the current availabilty and wait times a the major Apple stores in NY, LA, etc? Has anyone figured out a way to get a phone without standing in line? Do ATT stores take orders over the phone?
  • Reply 79 of 79
    sammicksammick Posts: 416member
    [I don't think you can get one without being authorized at the time of purchase--

    I doubt if ATT takes phone orders----

    I think we will have to wait a couple of weeks after the stores are stocked to purchase and not

    have to stand on line--
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