Apple apologizes to MobileMe subscribers with free 30-day extension



  • Reply 21 of 69
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by Robtb View Post

    What happened to the day when Apple introduced a new item and it was available today. I understand that the iPhone requires FCC approval and that is a public thing. Instead of Apple centering the introduction of MobileMe and iPhone 2.0 on the introduction of the iPhone 3G, it had been the other way around, many of the problem could have been foreseen and corrected without racing against the clock and failing. Yes, I do feel Apple failed on this one. I feel as if Apple has put together a string of failures of late. Not in the products they've introduced, but in the execution of those introductions. Apple and Steve Jobs used to be the masters in flawless product introductions when they did things their way in their time instead of racing against a clock. MobileMe done correctly and as promised (marketed) didn't need the iPhone 3G to be a success. As of today MobileMe isn't what we as Apple habitué nor I hope Apple is satisfied with. Steve Jobs the 30 day extension is very generous but, fulfilling your promises to use Apple loyal within the next 30 days is a true apology.

    The world is not perfect...neither is Apple. Apology has been made. Shit happens. Get over it.
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  • Reply 22 of 69
    bobo28bobo28 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by justfine View Post

    The syncing of our 2 calendars still doesn't work at all. It appears between the 2 notebooks as always, but doesn't sync to, consequently I have only my own entries in my account.

    After receiving the email from Apple, when I logged onto it rejected my 4 year old password, then a screen appeared saying that another MacBook Air was registered, but I could use the same password. There is only one MBA. It then allowed me in, but had to perform a merge. I see no changes. Calendars aren't working, there's no todo in calendars.

    Am I alone?

    No, my calendars , email and web pages are all off, not mention the crazy reactions from the system. The sync and old .mac links still don’t work as advertised. I like the 30 day extension , it’s reminiscent of the Tiger launch. I think I got free stereo monster cables then. I just hope a 30 day extension isn’t Apples way of saying that the problems might take 30 days to clear up. At least I’m getting my emails, I think . . .
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  • Reply 23 of 69
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It must be luck. Mine was grabbed within two months.

    I am hoping for at least a month. Seems like there is no official time out.

    I just refuse to join while MobileMe is all f$#ked up. Why didn't they just leave it alone????

    Ever since the iPhone has taken Apple front and center and they wannabe Sony the loyals with computers are getting f#%KED ROYALLY. Same thing happened with Leopard- released before it was ready.
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  • Reply 24 of 69
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    I have not had an email from Apple telling me that I am getting a 30 day extension.
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  • Reply 25 of 69
    drk_onedrk_one Posts: 23member
    Gotta tell you... I'm OK with this (otherwise) generous offer made by Apple. For sure, although an immediate inconvenience for people, NO ONE will be without full MobileMe functionality for a full month. I just don't see that happening. A 30-day extension is more than reasonable, and sounds like a "deal" to me.

    And please... stop complaining about how you "paid for your .Mac account", how much it cost you, and how you're not able to access your stuff during this brief outage. I paid for my account the same way you did, so get over it.

    Yes, the MobileMe launch was (and still is) a fiasco, but let's admit it folks, when was the last time you heard Apple actually admit they screwed up? For me... never.

    Be grateful people. They didn't have to do this...
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  • Reply 26 of 69
    federmoosefedermoose Posts: 195member
    well, I'm satisfied. In fact I'm incredibly impressed. been having trouble the last few days, but it wasn't bothering me hugely. never hurts to be compensated though. good job apple!
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  • Reply 27 of 69
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by drk_one View Post

    Be grateful people. They didn't have to do this...

    Actually, they did.

    If they hadn't offered some resolve, the bad press alone would be much more damaging than the current users complaints in the Apple discussions ever would.
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  • Reply 28 of 69
    ros3ntanros3ntan Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by drk_one View Post

    Gotta tell you... I'm OK with this (otherwise) generous offer made by Apple. For sure, although an immediate inconvenience for people, NO ONE will be without full MobileMe functionality for a full month. I just don't see that happening. A 30-day extension is more than reasonable, and sounds like a "deal" to me.

    And please... stop complaining about how you "paid for your .Mac account", how much it cost you, and how you're not able to access your stuff during this brief outage. I paid for my account the same way you did, so get over it.

    Yes, the MobileMe launch was (and still is) a fiasco, but let's admit it folks, when was the last time you heard Apple actually admit they screwed up? For me... never.

    Be grateful people. They didn't have to do this...

    the iphone rebate. Although they did not really say they screwed up.. But the message is there.
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  • Reply 29 of 69
    federmoosefedermoose Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I just refuse to join while MobileMe is all f$#ked up. Why didn't they just leave it alone????

    are you kidding? yah, I was paying $99/year, but I was def being overcharged. now its worth the money. a few bumpy days are worth the upgrades. There are good fixes in the works here, and they were generous enough to compensate for lost time, so quit the whining.
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  • Reply 30 of 69
    ros3ntanros3ntan Posts: 201member
    Is there another company offer this kind of reward?
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  • Reply 31 of 69
    federmoosefedermoose Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by Elijahg View Post

    I had a problem where my calendars wouldn't sync with MobileMe, whenever I tried to add anything at, it refreshed the page without adding my changes. To fix it, I went to the MobileMe System Preference, clicked the Sync tab, then advanced, and unregistered each of my Macs individually. This took a while, upto a minute each. When the last one finally unregistered, a few seconds later I was asked if I wanted to remove sync information form the server. I removed all sync data and opened iSync. Then opened iSync preferences and reset Sync History. I re-registered the most up-to-date Mac and replaced all info on MobileMe. My calendars then showed up on MobileMe and my iPhone.

    could have just gone to "advanced" and said "reset sync data". one-step solution that just works...
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  • Reply 32 of 69
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,876member
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    could have just gone to "advanced" and said "reset sync data". one-step solution that just works...

    No, that doesn't work. That doesn't remove old sync data from the server.
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  • Reply 33 of 69
    federmoosefedermoose Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by Elijahg View Post

    No, that doesn't work. That doesn't remove old sync data from the server.

    as far as I'm aware it does. completely wipes the data online with the stuff from your computer. hence the name "reset".
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  • Reply 34 of 69
    federmoosefedermoose Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    Actually, they did.

    If they hadn't offered some resolve, the bad press alone would be much more damaging than the current users complaints in the Apple discussions ever would.

    granted, they were in a corner, but 30 days is pretty generous. they handled this (recovery) well, so please people, this is a positive event.
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  • Reply 35 of 69
    ros3ntanros3ntan Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by Elijahg View Post

    No, that doesn't work. That doesn't remove old sync data from the server.

    I second to that too. it works. The thing is the server is kind of slow right now. So it might take sometime. Another way is to erase everything on the server manually and then sync data from you computer to server.
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  • Reply 36 of 69
    ros3ntanros3ntan Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    granted, they were in a corner, but 30 days is pretty generous. they handled this (recovery) well, so please people, this is a positive event.

    I still think $100 per year is a bit too much.. But at least i am getting more than Blackberry.. I think they charged $15 per month for their push email service..
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  • Reply 37 of 69
    drk_onedrk_one Posts: 23member
    Hey solsun...

    Actually... they didn't.

    Bad press? Oh please. Heard about the problems with the iPhone lately?

    God... I can't stand it. It's just like people to take a good-will gesture (and that's what it IS) and crap all over it. If you're THAT unhappy with with Apple's response, give your 30-day extension to someone who will actually appreciate it, and get a life.
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  • Reply 38 of 69
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by drk_one View Post

    Hey solsun...

    Actually... they didn't.

    Bad press? Oh please. Heard about the problems with the iPhone lately?

    God... I can't stand it. It's just like people to take a good-will gesture (and that's what it IS) and crap all over it. If you're THAT unhappy with with Apple's response, give your 30-day extension to someone who will actually appreciate it, and get a life.

    I would normally respond. However, the immature tone in your post and the looking for a fight attitude are just not worthy of a response. Not to mention you are a brand new member with 5 posts under your belt. You'll learn how discuss topics and respond properly in time.
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  • Reply 39 of 69
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,876member
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    as far as I'm aware it does. completely wipes the data online with the stuff from your computer. hence the name "reset".

    It really doesn't. I've tried that, and it didn't work. Only completely erasing the data from the server resets it properly. Apple emailed me, and instructed me to do this.
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  • Reply 40 of 69
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    granted, they were in a corner, but 30 days is pretty generous. they handled this (recovery) well, so please people, this is a positive event.

    Yes, it was definitely the right thing to do.. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was above and beyond, but it is certainly fair.. Services are still down for quite a few people so I'm not sure why they are saying everything is up and operational, but at least they have made a statement and apology.
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