Apple chief Jobs settles health worries



  • Reply 41 of 78
    felix01felix01 Posts: 294member
    What's the surgical procedure that you have to stop weight loss actually called? I'd like to read up on it.
  • Reply 42 of 78
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Nocera is a slime bucket though. You can read his sliminess between every line he wrote.

    He makes out like it's a big mystery why Jobs doesn't want to broadcast the details of his illness to the world and implies that it's irresponsible, when the explanation is much simpler than that. The surgeries in question involve hugely embarrassing questions. It's tantamount to talking about ass surgery.

    How many men want to talk about prostate exams and the exact consistency of their stool relative to their diet, or detail the inner workings of their digestive systems? How about talking about it on the evening news or in the newspaper? It's hardly rocket science why Jobs doesn't want to get into the nitty-gritty details of this.

    Also, how many top execs of Fortune 500 companies have had similar surgeries or digestive complaints? Probably a large proportion given that the majority of them are males in their 40's, 50's and 60's.

    If it's not cancer, and it's not life threatening, then Jobs is right in saying it's basically none of anyone's business but his own IMO.

    Exactly. I find it disgusting that people expect him to divulge exceptionally personal details to make a buck. Humanity at its lowest. And yes I own some AAPL.
  • Reply 43 of 78
    Not really, you take the cash, move it to a trust and distribute it to heirs, same reason baseball teams are sold prior to death of elderly primary owners, there a variety of mechanisms such as family corporations, holding companies and the like, but the point is to distribute prior to death, capital gains is 15%, estate is 50% +. Selling prior to death allows one to use the mechanisms put in place by the lawyers.
  • Reply 44 of 78
    Originally Posted by Felix01 View Post

    What's the surgical procedure that you have to stop weight loss actually called? I'd like to read up on it.

    He had a procedure called a Whipple procedure initially, there would be some form of takedown and reanastomosis to lengthen the small bowel, which is the reabsorptive portion of the bowel. The weight loss comes from loss of absorption of nutrients and sometimes rather profused diarrhea which results in loss of nutrients, which normally would have been absorbed.
  • Reply 45 of 78
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    This is yet another way for Steve Jobs to dismiss his responsabilities. Given that he appropriated more than $1 billion for himself in illegal, backdated stock options, and another $1 billion to reward his hand picked Vice-Presidents, one would think that Steve Jobs could feel a duty to obey the law and show some respect to the shareholders who made the dreams of a high school graduate possible.

    But, apparently not.

    Steve Jobs is the same man who was so deluded that he truly believed that a special diet could be the cure for pancreatic cancer. Would you trust such a man to tell you the truth?

    Hey little troll, there is no law saying you have to disclose the specifics of your health to the public. In fact, it's illegal for Apple or anyone else to disclose that if the individual doesn't want to. If you're so concerned about law, why are you being such a hypocrite? Oh yeah, I forgot, you're just a worthless troll.
  • Reply 46 of 78
    Originally Posted by mattalex View Post

    I've heard he is. Anyone have any real facts on that? I hope not. The vegan lifestyle is unnatural. Sorry, that's my opinion. You cannot get the nutritional needs necessary for our bodies from that lifestyle.

    My wife is a very healthy vegan (for 13 yrs) and personal trainer. She has absolutely no problem fulfilling her bodies nutritional needs, all it mostly takes is a balanced diet. Steve's health is not a reflection of his diet, nor is it unnatural. What's unnatural is the factory farming of animals.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Hey little troll, there is no law saying you have to disclose the specifics of your health to the public. In fact, it's illegal for Apple or anyone else to disclose that if the individual doesn't want to. If you're so concerned about law, why are you being such a hypocrite? Oh yeah, I forgot, you're just a worthless troll.

    He makes one wrong move and .... BLAMMO. I've got him tracked.
  • Reply 48 of 78
    Originally Posted by artiefufkin View Post

    3) If you were a stock holder you'd want to know whether Jobs, a cancer survivor, was in trouble again. He dies, Apple stock would, rightly or wrongly, crater. His fate matters, and it's the house he built.

    So what would happen if Apple comes out and says he has cancer again??

    AAPL would tank.

    Either way, the stock is going down.

    The only difference is aapl would stay up a bit longer.
  • Reply 49 of 78
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    This is yet another way for Steve Jobs to dismiss his responsabilities. Given that he appropriated more than $1 billion for himself in illegal, backdated stock options, and another $1 billion to reward his hand picked Vice-Presidents, one would think that Steve Jobs could feel a duty to obey the law and show some respect to the shareholders who made the dreams of a high school graduate possible.

    Ouragan is hilarious. His analysis, or should that be diagnosis, of SJ's mental health would be funny hadn't it been kinda sad. I get a strong impression much of the diagnosis is not really that of SJ's condition, but of somebody else's, if you get my drift.

    But the funniest part is the way he disses everything about Apple, it's CEO and it's products and then goes on to advice what Apple 'should do'. Chip on his shoulder, much? At first I thought he needed to be taken off the boards, but now I think he should stay. The man is a clown. He makes me larf.
  • Reply 50 of 78
    felix01felix01 Posts: 294member

    Thanks for the explanation. Your post led me to some interesting articles on the subjects of "intestinal lengthening" and "short bowel syndrome."

    I can sure see why SJ exhausted every other option before going down that path!
  • Reply 51 of 78
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I forgot, you're just a worthless troll.

    But maybe a troll with college degree!!!

    For someone who rails about a decent education, ouragan, I think you should post your resume.

    Being from Canada, you probably have no concept of the American Dream. Come on over the border - maybe we can educate you!

    Thank God not all of our northern neighbors are so well educated as ouragan obviously thinks he/she is.
  • Reply 52 of 78
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    How many men want to talk about prostate exams and the exact consistency of their stool relative to their diet, or detail the inner workings of their digestive systems?

    I will. I would expect that from now on, I would have to notify anyone who depended on me of the condition I have just been diagnosed with. It is neither life-threatening and I have heard that my lifespan is not endangered, but that I will have unpleasant bouts in the future. It is a relatively mild condition compared to others with similar symptoms, so the revelation would be the most positive news.

    Having said that, I feel that Steve Jobs crossed a line when he called Joe Nocera. He admitted to a "slime bucket" that he had the PR people at Apple lie to us about his condition at WWDC. Since he wouldn't let Peter Oppenheimer comment on his health on Monday, but made a strange release of information to Joe Nocera on Thursday, I think the subject has now become fair game.

    Steve's call seems to have backfired. I'm sure he wanted to allay the fears among investors, but because of the weird way he went about it, it appears to have stoked the flames. At this point, the only way to stop the speculation is to be candid about Jobs' actual health and to reveal the plan of succession for the time when he leaves for whatever reason.

    I saw Woz speak and he was talking about how far ahead Steve Jobs saw into the future back in the Apple ][ days. He was at least a decade ahead! I wouldn't be surprised if Jobs hasn't written the next 10-15 years of what Apple will be doing.
  • Reply 53 of 78
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Yey, there's a bright contribution! Its true, all those sickly skeletal gaunt glassy eyed people walking around in a daze... they're all vegan. They are usually feverishly hungry (for MEAT!) and tend to make REALLY bad decisions, a symptom of constantly living in utter denial. Really it's true, as my five year old would say.

    I wonder what a 'natural' life style would be in this day and age? Hey, Matt Alex, any thoughts?

    "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"

    From Pink Floyd "The Wall"
  • Reply 54 of 78
    Originally Posted by BuzDots View Post

    But maybe a troll with college degree!!!

    For someone who rails about a decent education, ouragan, I think you should post your resume.

    Being from Canada, you probably have no concept of the American Dream. Come on over the border - maybe we can educate you!

    Thank God not all of our northern neighbors are so well educated as ouragan obviously thinks he/she is.

    He/she's from Canada, eh? As a fellow Canadian I'm ashamed at their behavior. Would you like to take a few more?
  • Reply 55 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post

    "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"

    From Pink Floyd "The Wall"

    "Lying gives you cancer"- Rosie O'Donnell
  • Reply 56 of 78
    Originally Posted by mattalex View Post

    I've heard he is. Anyone have any real facts on that? I hope not. The vegan lifestyle is unnatural. Sorry, that's my opinion. You cannot get the nutritional needs necessary for our bodies from that lifestyle.

    Is drinking coffee natural?

    I didn't think the human body NATURALLY needed the stimulant caffeine.

    but oddly enough there seem to be a lot of people drinking coffee, so, should we now regard it as being NATURAL? NORMAL?

    just because a lot of people do something (eat meat) it does not follow that it is natural.

    It DOES however seem to be a constant naturally occurring probability that the anonymity the internet provides to misinformed idiots gives them the false sense of surety that their inanity might matter to the world.

    fact is, it doesn't.
  • Reply 57 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Is drinking coffee natural?

    I didn't think the human body NATURALLY needed the stimulant caffeine.

    but oddly enough there seem to be a lot of people drinking coffee, so, should we now regard it as being NATURAL? NORMAL?

    just because a lot of people do something (eat meat) it does not follow that it is natural.

    It DOES however seem to be a constant naturally occurring probability that the anonymity the internet provides to misinformed idiots gives them the false sense of surety that their inanity might matter to the world.

    fact is, it doesn't.

    Isn't man naturally a carnivore? Are apes Vegan?

    When people drink coffee- is that all they consume?

    One man's natural is another man's unnnatural. Different strokes for different folks.
  • Reply 58 of 78
    macfandavemacfandave Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Is drinking coffee natural?

    I didn't think the human body NATURALLY needed the stimulant caffeine.

    but oddly enough there seem to be a lot of people drinking coffee, so, should we now regard it as being NATURAL? NORMAL?

    just because a lot of people do something (eat meat) it does not follow that it is natural.

    It DOES however seem to be a constant naturally occurring probability that the anonymity the internet provides to misinformed idiots gives them the false sense of surety that their inanity might matter to the world.

    fact is, it doesn't.

    Shouldn't the question be: what is the best diet for Steve Jobs, given his condition? Everyone talking about diets in general is missing the point. Since we really don't know what is going on with him exactly, it seems pointless to recommend a diet.

    Of course, he'd have a problem if he were a vegan, because that would mean he could not have chicken soup which, as everyone knows, cures everything!
  • Reply 59 of 78
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Isn't man naturally a carnivore? Are apes Vegan?

    When people drink coffee- is that all they consume?

    One man's natural is another man's unnnatural. Different strokes for different folks.

    Actually humans (not "man") and apes are naturally omnivores, not carnivores. A pure meat diet would prolly kill us. Yeah, us, apes, and pigs are big ole omnivores, but we can kinda rise above nature and choose to not hurt critters.
  • Reply 60 of 78
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member
    According to TG Daily, Steve Jobs? vital signs belong to Apple investors.


    Steve Jobs will have to come clean about his health. I see 3 possibilities:

    1) Steve Jobs issues a public statement where he declares that he has regular follow-up exams with his doctors and, so far, almost 4 years after his pancreatic cancer surgery, he is cancer free;

    2) Steve Jobs issues a public statement where he declares that he has had a cancer recurrence, but he follows regular treatments and his doctors assure him that he can discharge his duties as Apple CEO and President. If it becomes necessary, Steve Jobs assures all Apple investors that he will step down and ask Apple to name his successor;

    3) Steve Jobs issues a public statement where he declares that "All good things must come to an end" and resigns as Apple CEO and President of the Apple Board of directors. After stating his confidence in Apple, its employees and management, Steve Jobs recalls all that he has done for Apple since he returned at Apple in 1997. While expressing their gratitude for the exceptional contribution of Steve Jobs to the creation of Apple and its successful transition to Mac OS X and Intel, the Apple Board of directors and management team wish Steve Jobs a happy retirement and success in battling cancer.

    As the President and CEO of an international company quoted on the NASDQ stock exchange, Steve Jobs owes us the truth about his health condition. And everyone wish him well, but he has to come clean on his current health condition.

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