Microsoft offers first hints at anti-Apple marketing blitz for Vista



  • Reply 121 of 129
    Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat View Post

    No one?

    Flat Earth Society

    after clicking on that i ended up registering for their forum.

    i blame you.
  • Reply 122 of 129
    drealothdrealoth Posts: 79member
    Originally Posted by wilburpan View Post

    I have to ask again: which 2 programs doesn't Vista run?

    Office 2004 and Office 2008.
  • Reply 123 of 129
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    I suspected this might be a hoax, it seems too horrible to actually run.

    Did you read that article? That guy actually thinks this would be a great ad! Unbelievable.

    After your question-I DID go back and re-read the WHOLE thing-I must say the author is LAME if he thinks that is a good ad.

    I have never seen an ad before that focuses so much on what was wrong. For an ad to be effective, IMHO, it must accentuate WHY you would want to purchase something. The Clipper Ship ad seems to remind everyone of why the DIDN'T buy Vi$ta in the first place.
  • Reply 124 of 129
    Personally I've never really seen what the problem with Vista is. Apart from the fact that it asks you all the time if your sure you want to do something, I don't really care about any of the other stuff.

    It uses loads of Ram so I bought more ram, wasn't exactly expensive. Ok it uses loads of resources but then so did xp when that came out. Leopards a bit on the bloated side as well in terms of how much space it takes up. I think Microsoft's main problem has been people just not seeing the point or need in upgrading. They left it so long to bring out a release, everyones used to XP. People that didn't know computers before XP now know XP and don't want to look at anything else. I can't see why Microsoft don't just continue making money on XP. Just never drop the price and all they have left if pure profit each year from licensing fees.

    What I find more disappointing recently is the way Apples going. OS X can no longer claim to be really secure as people have hacked it faster than windows, we get security issues every month it seems, leopard takes aged to boot up (I have Vista on my iMac and there is no difference, if anything Vista is faster!). Not to mention the products their coming out with. Mobile Me doesn't work, and even when it does so what, what's so special about it that we haven't seen already from other people for free? New iPhone firmware, how many people did that not work for, how many people now have broken iPhones as a result.
  • Reply 125 of 129
    a myth is a good as a mile.....
  • Reply 126 of 129
    I don't think Vista is terrible, it's just a step in the wrong direction. It's the typical Microsoft approach to the problem: new lipstick, jewelry, and clothes on the same old pig. The fundamental architecture issues with Windows have been known for well over a decade now, but Microsoft still refuses to address them. The simple fact is that Windows --at its bottom foundation -- was designed to work on a standalone PC without any connection to the outside world. Thus all the networking features are add-ons. Thus all the security features are add-ons to the add-ons. None of it is integrated into the design, it's all independently conceptualized and glued onto the legacy core. That is the fundamental flaw of Windows, and thus why I think it's time to completely ditch the current DOS/NT-based Frankenstein code and start from scratch.

    The real shame of all this is that Microsoft has extremely talented coders -- they're just bogged down trying to keep the monstrosity that is Windows' code from eating itself. If Microsoft were to jettison the legacy code, I think we'd be very surprised at how good a product they could produce.
  • Reply 127 of 129
    ohmaarohmaar Posts: 2member
    Reminds me of the old Taster's Choice commercials:

    "We've secretly replaced the coffee at this fine restaurant with Taster's Choice..."

    What did it prove? That average people have no idea what good coffee tastes like.
  • Reply 128 of 129
    jidojido Posts: 128member
    Originally Posted by beg_ne View Post

    Good luck microsoft, my BS meter is off the charts. Pretty much anything that starts with "get the facts" is nothing more than brain melting marketroid crap.

    lol so true
  • Reply 129 of 129
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by majortom1981 View Post

    I just bought an ipod touch a week ago and if this is how all the Apple people behave then my new mac purchase might be dropped.

    er... wait... oh! I get it! For a second I thought you were serious, but I knew you couldn't be because your statement doesn't make a lick of sense if you assume it's serious.

    "I'm thinking about buying product A, but I might not because some guy on the internet uses product A and he's a jerk."

    It's a brilliant parody of some of the completely irrational and inane things some people come up with. Thank you for posting it. It made my day and I apologize for briefly thinking you actually meant it and might, in fact, be an idiot.
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