Apple's product "transition" is that TV I was talking about!



  • Reply 121 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by gugy

    I had my Sony CRT for 12 years and I just replace it for a Kuro Pioneer 60". I will keep that display easily for more than 5 years. So, the last thing I would like to have is a piece of hardware built-in like an AppleTV that can be outdate in two years at the most.

    So, the AIO for the hi-end is definately not a feasible option. Then the option left is the low-end. Is Apple really after that?

    Keep in mind Apple charges premium prices for their goods, so if they indeed come up with a TV it will cost a lot and probably would be geared more towards the hi-end, I would think.

    Well at least you've good taste in TV's, I'll give you that. As for Apple's model being obsolete in 2 years? How so? The power of this TV will be the software/interface, which can be updated as new features are added, and interfaces designed. Unlike other TV's, that is until they see Apple doing it and selling loads of them and jump on the bandwagon. Some people will disagree, but if they do I can quite easily see them going with plasma technology. As with the Kuro, when plasma is done right it's by far the best you can get in today's market. And like I said, if Apple got into this market they could undercut the Kuro by "a lot" given that they'll know they'd sell way more of them, and could possibly sell them tied into a 1+ iTunes subscription service at even smaller margins.

    No ones knows for sure, but I'd bet the odds they will.
  • Reply 122 of 146
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    The next incarnation of AppleTV hardware probably will sport an upgrade in terms of HD storage, processor power among other things.

    If I am going to spend $5K (Pioneer Kuro average prices by the way) on a set, the last thing I want is to have a piece of hardware (AppleTV) built in that might have significant changes every couple years.

    So AIO set on the hi-end display market is not a good idea. I much rather spend $200 upgrading my AppleTV box every now and then than have to look at my fantastic display with an old piece of hardware stuck on it.

    Like I said earlier. If my set produces a fantastic picture, like Kuro does, why would I have to replace it? People keep TVs much longer than they do with computer hardware and such.

    Not a good idea brother.
  • Reply 123 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    The next incarnation of AppleTV hardware probably will sport an upgrade in terms of HD storage, processor power among other things.

    If I am going to spend $5K (Pioneer Kuro average prices by the way) on a set, the last thing I want is to have a piece of hardware (AppleTV) built in that might have significant changes every couple years.

    So AIO set on the hi-end display market is not a good idea. I much rather spend $200 upgrading my AppleTV box every now and then than have to look at my fantastic display with an old piece of hardware stuck on it.

    Like I said earlier. If my set produces a fantastic picture, like Kuro does, why would I have to replace it? People keep TVs much longer than they do with computer hardware and such.

    Not a good idea brother.

    In your opinion. And like I was saying, Apple could make a nice plasma for far less than 5K, using marketing, hype, technology, sexy software, integration, loyal & growing user-base and services to sell millions of these TV's. In high numbers costs are reduced. Intro it a high price, and bring it down over time. If you'd much rather upgrade the box, they you'd buy it, cause they would continue to sell that too. However if you are in the market for a new TV and wouldn't mind to try Apple's one while replacing your TV service (cable etc.) then Apple would sell you one.
  • Reply 124 of 146
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Apple could make a nice plasma for far less than 5K

    Oh really?

    You should tell Steve, I bet he will be interested where you can get such display for that cheap.

    Well, if you are looking for a smaller screen and lower quality, then possibly. If you want the best in larger screens be prepared to pay big bucks.

    Apple is well know for charging premium. So if they go after the hi-end crowd, there is no way they will charge less than the competitions offerings for a product in par with their quality.

    No sure how is in Ireland, but the USA, the prices for hi-end displays are not cheap.

    Besides the fact I am pretty sure Apple will not make a TV, you still expect them to come up with something amazing for a great price in a market with huge competition and low profit margins. Hum....
  • Reply 125 of 146
    Originally Posted by xc3ll View Post

    A Note on Plasmas: if you say plasmas are cheap, and point at the sets going on sale at Frys or Newegg for ~$1k are wonderful, I will call you an idiot. Those TVs have a res of 1024x768 usually and are terrible. A GOOD plasma screen (which is any plasma that has a good contrast ratio and 1080p resolution) is going to run you >$3k.
  • Reply 126 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    That display is pretty decent. Good find.
  • Reply 127 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    Oh really?

    You should tell Steve, I bet he will be interested where you can get such display for that cheap.

    Well, if you are looking for a smaller screen and lower quality, then possibly. If you want the best in larger screens be prepared to pay big bucks.

    Apple is well know for charging premium. So if they go after the hi-end crowd, there is no way they will charge less than the competitions offerings for a product in par with their quality.

    No sure how is in Ireland, but the USA, the prices for hi-end displays are not cheap.

    Besides the fact I am pretty sure Apple will not make a TV, you still expect them to come up with something amazing for a great price in a market with huge competition and low profit margins. Hum....

  • Reply 128 of 146
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    And this differs from the number of phones each other phone-maker has how?

    each handset sold garners revenue per month from point of sale onwards, TVs historically do not.
  • Reply 129 of 146
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    In your opinion. And like I was saying, Apple could make a nice plasma for far less than 5K, using marketing, hype, technology, sexy software, integration, loyal & growing user-base and services to sell millions of these TV's.

    I the midst of a recession!

    I think you overestimate Apple ability to hype something, REALLY overestimate.

    In your opinion indeed.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    In high numbers costs are reduced. Intro it a high price, and bring it down over time. If you'd much rather upgrade the box, they you'd buy it, cause they would continue to sell that too. However if you are in the market for a new TV and wouldn't mind to try Apple's one while replacing your TV service (cable etc.) then Apple would sell you one.

    which ignores Apples usual high margin, ignores the outrage among early adopters of the iPhone once its price dropped, once this price dropping is noted, people will hold off buying waiting for "the next price drop" and delay any potential purchases even further, and I ask you, how is that good for sales?

    You apparently say blindly, that Apple could sell "millions" of sets, I ask again, have you sales numbers for other set manufacturers? I assume as you haven't answered, that you don't have these numbers, so how can you say that with confidence that Apple will sell millions?

    are you basing this on Apple selling millions of iPods? which, even on a high end touch are a fraction of the price of a TV set we are talking about, iPods are down near the "impulse buy" range of a lot of peoples disposable income, TV sets are historically considered more of an investment.

    the nearest thing price wise to a TV set that Apple sell is actually a Mac, Apple have an installed loyal user base here, that DEPEND on their computers and software, buy multiple machines (there are 3 in my house, how many do you have or intend to buy over the next 6 months? and these numbers also include large numbers bought for education, schools don't buy tens or even hundreds of new TVs regularly every year) and they sell just under 2.5 million PER QUARTER last quarter which so far has been their "best ever" as has been pointed out, computers have (historically) a far higher turnover rate than TV sets, you have not refuted this, so I assume you are intelligent enough to agree.

    the Margins on a Mac are far higher than the margins on a potential TV, you imply that Apple would drop the price of the set over time, this is historically not something Apple does to its potentially equal costing Macs, but assuming on this point you are right and they do indeed drop the price on their TV set, then margin will decrease over time. again hardly Apple like in terms of good business for Apple.

    as you have indicated who is actually loyal to a TV brand? if Sony has indeed a "sweet" interface similar to the one on the PSP and PS3, then would one opt for that, because it is easier to set up?

    or would one opt for "THE BEST" picture possible, lets say a panasonic as you are quite impressed by them, because it will be a screen you will have to live with for a good number of years.

    there is no doubt that both these considerations should be in one product, but you have yet to show where the "way in" is for Apple from a business point of view.

    over and over I and others have challenged you for cold hard numbers, and all you offer is misty eyes dreams.

    IF you have the facts and the proof to back up your vision, then PLEASE help us out here and show them, we WANT to believe also, but so far there is just a lone preacher talking out of the side of his head.

    if you can't show the proof, then please, let it drop.

    I'm sure you could make better use of your time.
  • Reply 130 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I the midst of a recession!

    I think you overestimate Apple ability to hype something, REALLY overestimate.

    In your opinion indeed.

    which ignores Apples usual high margin, ignores the outrage among early adopters of the iPhone once its price dropped, once this price dropping is noted, people will hold off buying waiting for "the next price drop" and delay any potential purchases even further, and I ask you, how is that good for sales?

    You apparently say blindly, that Apple could sell "millions" of sets, I ask again, have you sales numbers for other set manufacturers? I assume as you haven't answered, that you don't have these numbers, so how can you say that with confidence that Apple will sell millions?

    are you basing this on Apple selling millions of iPods? which, even on a high end touch are a fraction of the price of a TV set we are talking about, iPods are down near the "impulse buy" range of a lot of peoples disposable income, TV sets are historically considered more of an investment.

    the nearest thing price wise to a TV set that Apple sell is actually a Mac, Apple have an installed loyal user base here, that DEPEND on their computers and software, buy multiple machines (there are 3 in my house, how many do you have or intend to buy over the next 6 months? and these numbers also include large numbers bought for education, schools don't buy tens or even hundreds of new TVs regularly every year) and they sell just under 2.5 million PER QUARTER last quarter which so far has been their "best ever" as has been pointed out, computers have (historically) a far higher turnover rate than TV sets, you have not refuted this, so I assume you are intelligent enough to agree.

    the Margins on a Mac are far higher than the margins on a potential TV, you imply that Apple would drop the price of the set over time, this is historically not something Apple does to its potentially equal costing Macs, but assuming on this point you are right and they do indeed drop the price on their TV set, then margin will decrease over time. again hardly Apple like in terms of good business for Apple.

    as you have indicated who is actually loyal to a TV brand? if Sony has indeed a "sweet" interface similar to the one on the PSP and PS3, then would one opt for that, because it is easier to set up?

    or would one opt for "THE BEST" picture possible, lets say a panasonic as you are quite impressed by them, because it will be a screen you will have to live with for a good number of years.

    there is no doubt that both these considerations should be in one product, but you have yet to show where the "way in" is for Apple from a business point of view.

    over and over I and others have challenged you for cold hard numbers, and all you offer is misty eyes dreams.

    IF you have the facts and the proof to back up your vision, then PLEASE help us out here and show them, we WANT to believe also, but so far there is just a lone preacher talking out of the side of his head.

    if you can't show the proof, then please, let it drop.

    I'm sure you could make better use of your time.

    I work from home anyway, this is like a hobby. Yes I don't have the facts. My very first post in this thread: Proof? What proof? I don't have any. If you think I'm so way off here then quit responding.

    End of the day I think Apple are going to make a TV, and of all the things I've seen you post, I don't see your viewpoint discouraging mine. Please, you don't need to repeat yourself again, I know how you feel on the subject.

    I'm sure you could make better use of your time.
  • Reply 131 of 146
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I work from home anyway, this is like a hobby. Yes I don't have the facts. My very first post in this thread: Proof? What proof? I don't have any. If you think I'm so way off here then quit responding.

    End of the day I think Apple are going to make a TV, and of all the things I've seen you post, I don't see your viewpoint discouraging mine. Please, you don't need to repeat yourself again, I know how you feel on the subject.

    I'm sure you could make better use of your time.

    but equally then My idea that Apple are going to produce an Apple branded bottled water product, then move into Energy drinks, also has merit, although the difference is I did actually try to supply proof.

    why should anyone believe you without proof, and if no one believes you, why keep starting threads about a topic that no one believes makes the remotest sense from a business perspective that there is absolutely no proof of.

    because after a while it just starts to look like Spam.

    No one wants to stop you believing in something, they are just tired of hearing about it when you offer absolutely no proof, or even hint that you understand the problems and can provide a reasoned business solution to solve said problems.

    when you offer some wisdom and insight into the problems and how to overcome them OTHER than a simple "they just WILL find a way" maybe then people will actually take you seriously and listen, maybe then the too will start to see your "vision" and believe it.

    the childlike repetition of "what about my idea guys, high! GUYS what about my idea, oh don't forget my idea" has no bones and no meat either.

    Bottled water FTW!
  • Reply 132 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    As I said, you'd be better off spending your time doing something else.
  • Reply 133 of 146
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    As I said, you'd be better off spending your time doing something else.

    oh I have infinite time.. and time is both a variable and a constant.. or at least relative

    but you just like to keep repeating yourself
  • Reply 134 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    oh I have infinite time.. and time is both a variable and a constant.. or at least relative

    but you just like to keep repeating yourself

    Hmm, right.
  • Reply 135 of 146
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Yes I don't have the facts

    I think, I finally agreed with you on something.
  • Reply 136 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    I think, I finally agreed with you on something.

  • Reply 137 of 146
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Yeah, phones needed improvement, TVs don't really need much improvement at all as their function is basic. Apple take complex products that really need improvement and make people go 'wow, why the hell has no one thought of this before'. With a TV, it would be more like, 'great, that's all we need, another brand to choose from'.

    One area Apple would do well to revolutionize is the transport industry. Imagine if Apple used all their billions to bring the energy efficient icar to the mass market:

    People are being killed for fossil fuel resources. This is way more important than satisfying the whims of couch potatoes. I want to drive a car like KIT from Knight Rider but maybe with OS X system voice vicki. Watch this video and imagine this is your icar:

    The theme tune would be playing on your integrated ipod/iphone audio system.

    Having to send your car back to Apple under warranty might be a slight problem but I'm sure they'll come up with something. Everybody needs transport and they are all computerized - that market isn't dying anytime soon. They are extremely complicated and it takes months for someone to learn how to drive them so there are so many things Apple could do there.

    With the fuel cell technology, they bring it to laptops and mobile devices and there you go, Apple has not only brought state of the art tech to the masses but completely removed the world's reliance on fossil fuels.

    That's my proposition to Steve Jobs, do you want to sell computers for the rest of your life or do you want to change the world (again)?

    Seriously though, it's a touch computer and I actually just thought of a way they can do pressure sensitivity really easily. It's all in the pen of course. A special pen that works on capacitive screens just has to have a springy nib. This way you get all the accuracy of finger-based interaction as well as the flexibility for drawing that a wacom has.

    Think that Apple and Pixar have close ties. How are their drawing artists sharing their work? With a wacom hooked to a laptop, which has a screen and a keyboard. How about just a screen?

    Even the cheapest wacoms are almost the same price as Apple's lowest laptop. It's the only model of computer they don't have besides well, y'know. There have been an awful lot of touch-based desktops around recently from PC manufacturers and they usually clamor to be ahead of Apple only to be kicked in the balls when Apple release their product.

    If Apple don't release a touch-based computer, I will eat my own stool. Well, it'll have to be my couch as I don't have a stool.

    The only question I have is what will they call it? iTouch sounds pretty cool. Or maybe TouchMe to go with MobileMe.

    I can't believe is available as a domain name.

    Though is still owned by Apple and expires on the 28th October this year. It was renewed in April this year. Why would they keep renewing a product discontinued years ago? They don't do that with any of their other products.

    If you eat your couch, it'll come out through your stool. Mabe a little blood too
  • Reply 138 of 146
    I'm hoping apple makes a dvr soon. Their interface would dominate the competition, and if it combined appletv capabilities it would make my media viewing complete.
  • Reply 139 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by claremont View Post

    I'm hoping apple makes a dvr soon. Their interface would dominate the competition, and if it combined appletv capabilities it would make my media viewing complete.

    iPTV will kill DVR's. When it happens, I expect Apple to be leading the race. You won't need to record your favorite show, you'll simply come home, select it, and start watching. Think of it like (digitally) renting a movie, except it'll be part of a subscription service.
  • Reply 140 of 146
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    To fuel the speculation further...Apple will not go with LCD, Plasma, or will be the LaserVue...with freakin "laser-beams" powering it...


    This will allow Apple to go for the higher-end TV market with 65in and 73in TVs for those serious about their TV viewing...


    Just ten inches deep, the LaserVue displays use, as you might expect, lasers rather than current LCD or plasma technology. The benefit is segment-besting clarity and depth of field; for those technically-minded, Mitsubishi are claiming the color gamut seen in LaserVue prototypes, expressed as a percentage of B.709, has been measured at 200-percent. Additional features include Smooth 120hz and x.v.Color, while brightness is up to around 500 nits.

    Operating power is expected to come in at under 200 watts, approximately half the power of an LCD TV and a third of that of a plasma. The 65-inch LaserVue Diamond screen will ship in Q3 2008, with the larger panel following later. No prices have been suggested. addition, the LaserTV will put Apple into the foray of 3D movie viewing along with staying green in consuming less power...


    Weight: 130 pounds (65-inch)

    Brightness: 500 nits

    Color Gamut: BT.709 (a standard for color measurement in televisions) approximately 200-percent

    3D Capability: REALD (3D) chip

    Power Consumption: < 200 watts

    Viewing Angle: 160 degrees

    Other Features: Smooth 120hz and x.v. Color case you're wondering...I am dreaming...but nothing quite like unadulterated speculation to keep you entertained.
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