Seinfeld, Gates 'connect' with regular folks in new Microsoft ad



  • Reply 81 of 146
    Let's not forget that Apple isn't always right either!! And I love my Mac.
  • Reply 82 of 146
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    ...but especially with political side of the argument (because the factors are a lot simpler) ...

    Without commenting on your choice of computers or candidates (I like Obama, too), the fact that you think the factors of deciding which candidate to choose to be President of the United States are simpler than than the factors in selecting a computer to purchase is very disturbing to me. It suggests that your decision is based more on emotion than on the details of each candiate's positions and policies, and that derails your "only rational choice" argument (rational choices are based on facts, not emotions). We elected our last President based on emotion (fear), and we know how that turned out. Let's not make the same mistake again!

    By all means, vote for Obama; but don't do it because he gives good speeches or because you hate the current Administration. Do it because you've studied his proposals. Not just that he wants to change things, but how he wants to change them. And if after all that you still think buying a computer is a more complex decision, might I suggest you have someone else making your computer purchases for you.

    Edit: Ok, I guess I commented on your choice of candidates...oops. (Oh, and...GET A MAC!!)
  • Reply 83 of 146
    For me I applaud Microsoft for their work. For one thing, when do you see Steve Jobs in an apple ad?
  • Reply 84 of 146
    Originally Posted by Nanotech View Post

    For me I applaud Microsoft for their work. For one thing, when do you see Steve Jobs in an apple ad?

    He is too busy running a company that produces really good stuff.
  • Reply 85 of 146
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Nanotech View Post

    For me I applaud Microsoft for their work. For one thing, when do you see Steve Jobs in an apple ad?

    Unlike Gates, Jobs hasn't retired, yet I see Jobs' influence in every Apple ad.
  • Reply 86 of 146
    Ok,so it's obviously a free for all on this thread to give a polital speech or two.

    The US is in much worse shape due to the unfettered greed of very wealthy,very bad Republican mass murderers. Obama would not have killed those one million Iraqis',that's change you can believe in!! God bless the troops though.
  • Reply 87 of 146
    wallywally Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by Nanotech View Post

    For me I applaud Microsoft for their work. For one thing, when do you see Steve Jobs in an apple ad?

    Care to elaborate on what "work" you're referring to exactly? Is it necessary for a company figurehead to be in the company's ads?
  • Reply 88 of 146
    Really enjoyed this second ad! Funny, quirky and original. Much more advanced than the blatant Vista sucks message to which we are used. As has been said enough, there is no need for them to mention Windows, I don't see why people expect them to after seeing the first ad. Damage control of brand perception seems to be much higher on the agenda.

    I like how they're developing the characters, and while it's hard to get the main plot at the moment, there's one thing the ads do for sure, and that's leave me wanting to see more. The Mac vs PC ads stopped doing that long ago, and i've only ever seen any of them once as they will never screen on tv in nz, whereas I hope these ms ones do.

    All of the unfaltering ms/vista hate is just unhealthy. Personally I'm really happy to have vista boot camped on my mbp, and I have fewer issues with it than I do with Leopard!

    Look forward to the next.
  • Reply 89 of 146
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by MartiNZ View Post

    Really enjoyed this second ad! Funny, quirky and original. Much more advanced than the blatant Vista sucks message to which we are used.

    That's where we have to agree to disagree.


    I like how they're developing the characters, and while it's hard to get the main plot at the moment, there's one thing the ads do for sure, and that's leave me wanting to see more.

    Agreed, we disagree.

    IMHO it's already clear where these ads are going: Gates & ex-company are more in touch with the average person (unlike Macs supposedly being for the elite); and Microsoft makes "great" products that help people get through their daily lives, by meeting their most fundamental and mundane needs... like the delivery of porn.
  • Reply 90 of 146
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Well "mundane," "ordinary," and "regular" here are all actually code words for "dumb." It is a negative, it's just dressed up in PC language.

    Just as any smart, educated person would in the absence of any other driving factors pick a Mac over a PC, and Obama over McCain. There is no logical or "smart" argument that can be made for doing otherwise. You will also hear Mac users referred to as "sophisticated" users sometimes, which is similar code for "smart and capable."

    These advertisements are a bit offensive to me, but they get away with it because they are aimed at folks that likely won't "get" the fact that they are kinda being made fun of. It's like MS is saying ... "Hey, your not so smart, your not rich, your life kinda sucks in many ways. So you're one of us!" (and should by association use MS products, which are made for folks like you.)

    So I'm dumb because I am a libertarian and find that McCains views and policies go along more with what I would like more than Obamas views do?

    It's also sad to see Mac users still thinking themselves above PC users just because we prefer OS X and the Mac experience. No wonder we were labeled Elitists.
  • Reply 91 of 146
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Ok,so it's obviously a free for all on this thread to give a polital speech or two.

    The US is in much worse shape due to the unfettered greed of very wealthy,very bad Republican mass murderers. Obama would not have killed those one million Iraqis',that's change you can believe in!! God bless the troops though.

    you forgot that Obama is going to resurrect the millions of iraqis and billions of others that Bush single-handedly killed.
  • Reply 92 of 146
    Originally Posted by doh123 View Post

    you forgot that Obama is going to resurrect the millions of iraqis and billions of others that Bush single-handedly killed.

    Don't you realize that making sick jokes about mass death is disgusting.Keep it to yourself in future.
  • Reply 93 of 146
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Don't you realize that making sick jokes about mass death is disgusting.Keep it to yourself in future.

    thats what you did... all i did was make joke about mass resurrections...
  • Reply 94 of 146
    The big question this raises for me is...

    did anyone actually have the patience to watch to the end of this nonsense?
  • Reply 95 of 146
    wallywally Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by MartiNZ View Post

    Personally I'm really happy to have vista boot camped on my mbp, and I have fewer issues with it than I do with Leopard!

    Completely negating everything you've said in one sentence.
  • Reply 96 of 146
    And what's with all the off topic political garbage, I thought these threads were supposed to be about the articles.

    Are the mods going to delete the crap, or are we just going to have to avoid this site until after the election?
  • Reply 97 of 146
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    And what's with all the off topic political garbage, I thought these threads were supposed to be about the articles.

    Are the mods going to delete the crap, or are we just going to have to avoid this site until after the election?

    if you actually read any of it you'd see it was mainly about comparing "PC" vs Mac and Obama vs McCain.. and similarities (or lack thereof)
  • Reply 98 of 146
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    And I'm trying to look at this seriously, as a former Ad man, without making the usual Microsoft jokes.

    Since when does doing techie work for an ad agency make you an "ad man"?

    That spot was funnier than most sitcoms currently on the air, and if people can't recognize what MS is trying to accomplish with this campaign, they either have no sense of humor, or are just another M$ sux, Apple fan-boy.
  • Reply 99 of 146
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Don't you realize that making sick jokes about mass death is disgusting.Keep it to yourself in future.

    Why don't you wait until you've been here a least a week before telling someone what to do?

  • Reply 100 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    That spot was funnier than most sitcoms currently on the air, and if people can't recognize what MS is trying to accomplish with this campaign, they either have no sense of humor, or are just another M$ sux, Apple fan-boy.

    The world must be ending because I'm actually agreeing with your statement.
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