Jobs responds to outrage over MacBook's missing FireWire



  • Reply 281 of 1665
    "Actually, all of the new HD camcorders of the past few years use USB 2,"

    Unfortunately your Steveness forgot one small detail.

    May I refresh your obvious memory loss?

    Until the release of iMovie 08 and an FCP6 it was NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE to edit material from these AVCHD camcorders - at least not on a Mac with Mac software (you could do it on a PC though!)...

    And that was how long ago? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that long overdue AVCHD update for FCP came finally around June 07 and iMovie 08 in August 07.

    You call this a few years?!?!

    Get this straight: Most Mac users were practically FORCED by Apple's LACK OF AVCHD SUPPORT to buy a HDV camcorder with FW instead!

    Thank you for screwing us all over again!

    But guess what. You can keep that useless piece of gorgeous looking switcher crap and choke on it!

    Although it's really sad, because with FW800 the new Macbook could have been the perfect notebook I have been waiting for years.

    Without FW the frickin' thing is just playing in the Acer league.

    A brick indeed...

  • Reply 282 of 1665
    jon tjon t Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    How the FW suddenly became a pro feature when it was universal?

    It is becoming rarified - and appropriate to pro use. Face it.

    And as for my objection to personal brickbats being thrown at Jobs, read this from an interview with him by Betsy Morris:

    "We've got 25,000 people at Apple. About 10,000 of them are in the stores. And my job is to work with sort of the top 100 people, that's what I do. That doesn't mean they're all vice presidents. Some of them are just key individual contributors. So when a good idea comes, you know, part of my job is to move it around, just see what different people think, get people talking about it, argue with people about it, get ideas moving among that group of 100 people, get different people together to explore different aspects of it quietly, and, you know - just explore things."

    Clearly, if you believe posters to this forum, they are all stupid and know nothing.

    Time will indeed tell.
  • Reply 283 of 1665
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Jon T View Post

    It is becoming rarified - and appropriate to pro use. Face it.

    Rarified and phased out, yes, I can take that. But suddenly pro feature (when it was not) for which you have to pay a heavy premium , no, it is unacceptable.
  • Reply 284 of 1665
    Seems to me that a significant number of Apple buyers are the kind of people who find it more comfortable to follow a dictator and justify his actions instead of using their own brain.

    That's not meant to be rude, it's just what happens in this thread.


    No, I would have the money to buy the Pro version

    yes, I'm dependend on FW and matte displays
  • Reply 285 of 1665
    Mr. jobs needs to go home.

    What a condescending a~*hole he has become...

  • Reply 286 of 1665
    yeah, sad but true. Too much success in a short period of time seems to destroy certain brain cells in the heads of the affected people
  • Reply 287 of 1665
    geez, well since you guys are VERY UNHAPPY with this, have you all sent your feedback form to Apple yet? Cause if you don't then what you guys are whining here is useless. And like some other people say, not happy with the new MB or MBP? Wait for the next revision, Im hinting next year MW.
  • Reply 288 of 1665
    I have just one question for STEVE :

    Let's agree with you, OK, True, Firewire is not important anymore...

    Then, STEVE, why do you keep a FireWire port on the new MacBook Pro?... why didn't you tossed out this one too?

    Why do you keep an outdated port on the MacBook Pro (like the FireWire as you said) and don't provide a faster eSata either?
  • Reply 289 of 1665
    I guess the FW port on the MBP couldn't be left out because there was not enough space left to leave it out!!

    Right, if you dump an outdated standard...provide us with the new standard. I mean...when DVI was left out we luckily got a display port as a replacement....
  • Reply 290 of 1665
    Steve has too much disposable income. Methinks he's out of touch with the typical consumer, who isn't able to replace his entire technology layer for the privilege of owning the latest Mac computer. Dang it, I need to continue to use the cameras, hard drives, and A/D converters I already own. No, I'm not a video professional. No, I can't afford to move up the product line. The net effect is that I've just become a long-time Apple user who can no longer afford Apple hardware.

    This ethos trickles down to the Apple sales force in higher ed. Instead of building a Windows GUI client for Podcast Producer (housed in OS X Server), they suggest that we replace our Windows computers with Macs. Seriously? That's seriously their answer. So, now they're not going to be selling any Xserves to my institution, because the prevailing attitude around here is that everything Apple does has an Apple Tax associated with it. Instead of offering a $6000 entry point into Podcast Producer, we're faced with something well north of that. Crazy. And though I'm an ardent supporter of their core technology, there is no bloody way I can legitimately support that kind of closed system thinking. The entire corporate computing infrastructure is moving towards open systems; Apple once again trails there. Their only saving grace is, as one of my colleagues wryly noted, "at least we can install linux on that XServe if this doesn't pan out". Without support in the Windows client, that just may be the only thing it's good for.
  • Reply 291 of 1665
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    So if you want professional port for professional job you want a professional macbook. The Macbook Pro.

    So what is the big deal?

    The big deal is that I am a home user with an older miniDV camera that only has FireWire. I also have a few hard drives and an external DVD burner that I bought with FireWire because of the perceived benefits. These components have a very long use life. I take care of my stuff and it keeps working. No need to buy more.

    Apple just told me to buy not only a new, spiffy laptop, but also replace all my perfectly good FireWire peripherals. I take that as a slap in the face for supporting a port that Apple has been pushing for a long time.

    I guess one silver lining is that this move will keep the resale value of existing MacBooks higher.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 292 of 1665
  • Reply 293 of 1665
    I don't like Steve Ballmer, but this time he was right - leaving out features like FW and Blue-Ray is simply a way to get a higher margins. And support mainly consists of "better buy a new machine". Thank you.

    Maybe at Apple they got scared that every John Doe would soon own a Mac so they had to raise the "Apple Tax". Seems to be only the chosen few 5% of the worlds' notebook users should be intitled to own a Mac to keep it exclusive to users and not too tempting for developers of adware and viruses...
  • Reply 294 of 1665

    That's the way, and don't forget to encourage people to send feedback form to Apple :thumbsup:
  • Reply 295 of 1665

    From some of the comments here, it sounds like Jobs himself showed up and brutally ripped the FW port out of people's macbooks.

    Thats not the case. I think it's very reasonable for Apple change new products to reflect evolution of technical standards.

  • Reply 296 of 1665
    can you just use one of these connectors?

    seems simple and cheap enough if these work.

  • Reply 297 of 1665


    OHCI-compatible IEEE 1394 port for DV and HDV capture, export to tape, and transmit to DV device

    Adobe's CS4 requirements list the presence of Firewire as a requirement on the PC side while it isn't listed on the Mac side since every recent Mac up to now except the Air has had Firewire. I guess they'll have to add a Firewire requirement for the Mac side as well. It's ironic that this MacBook refresh added better IGPs to better target the requirements for applications like Adobe CS4 with hardware acceleration, but ends up being deficient in other areas.
  • Reply 298 of 1665
    all current models...

    there goes my idea of upgrading my portable 12" PB audio recoding editing suite...

    Apple, you've lost the plot. And many sales.

    Form over function twits!

    (and only TWO usb ports? are you joking?!... you're takin the piss big time.)
  • Reply 299 of 1665
    Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat View Post

    Apple is already going to Windows.

    Has anybody realize that with DisplayPort you can connect either the MacBook, MacBook Air also MacBook Pro to a 30" Cinema Display.

    MacBook got back-lit keyboard!

    You got a Glass-Display with LED well as a Glass-Touchpad with gestures!

    on New Aluminum MacBooks you got more features then the last MacBook, I would traded Firewire to do the above.
  • Reply 300 of 1665
    Originally Posted by View Post

    Adobe's CS4 requirements list the presence of Firewire as a requirement on the PC side while it isn't listed on the Mac side since every recent Mac up to now except the Air has had Firewire. I guess they'll have to add a Firewire requirement for the Mac side as well. It's ironic that this MacBook refresh added better IGPs to better target the requirements for applications like Adobe CS4 with hardware acceleration, but ends up being deficient in other areas.

    Then buy a MacBook Pro what idiot would run a high end audio/video editing with a MacBook? That's why they made a MacBook Pro line to begin with!
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