Jobs keynote likely for Macworld; iTunes keeps Amazon MP3 at bay

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Macworld Expo host IDG still expects Apple chief Steve Jobs to keynote 2009's San Francisco show despite unusual silence on the matter. Apple, meanwhile, now has little to fear from Amazon's music store a year later. NPD also data shows Mac sales continuing to grow.

Jobs probably for Macworld 2009 keynote

Macworld Expo's general manager, Paul Kent, took the time on Monday to reassure showgoers and BusinessWeek that Apple's co-founder would likely be at the event, whose public opening is scheduled for January 6th.

"We haven?t made the announcement yet. We usually do this in concert with Apple," he says. "I have no reason to believe that plans are not moving ahead."

While not committing to a specific decision date, Kent does hope for an announcement of a keynote within two weeks, or potentially just days before the keynote itself. In the past, IDG has more often confirmed Jobs' presence several weeks ahead

Word of this comes just as Goldman Sachs has sparked concern among investors by downgrading Apple stock and suggesting that any new products aren't likely to show at the San Francisco event. The Expo show floor itself has also been a matter of concern as a few big-name vendors have pulled out citing economic concerns.

Amazon MP3 fails to dislodge iTunes' market share

Even after a year on the market, Amazon MP3 hasn't resonated enough with the market to dent Apple's command of the digital media market, All Things D notes.

Referring to data from unnamed record label managers, the report claims that Amazon's copy protection-free store has garnered between 5 and 10 percent of US online music sales. While a significant portion, the number has done nothing to shrink Apple's over 70 percent share despite theoretically offering the ideal combination of iPod-ready MP3 songs and popular music.

The lack of success is described as damaging music labels' perceived attempt to push Apple towards more favorable iTunes pricing terms. Sony, Universal and Warner have all maintained anti-copying locks on their songs despite giving Amazon, RealNetworks, Walmart and numerous other shops music that can be freely shared between devices. EMI is the only major record label to offer its songs unguarded on iTunes.

Apple is allegedly in talks to remove DRM from the songs of the holdout labels, though these aren't said to be close enough for an imminent change.

Apple likely to sell up to 2.7m Macs, 19m iPods this fall

If recent NPD Group data is an indicator, Apple's growth will have slowed down in the fall over the last years but will be in line with expectations, Piper Jaffray senior analyst Gene Munster said on Monday in a new research note.

He notes that retail data for October and November was up 11 percent versus the same time in 2007, which he estimates would result in between 2.5 million and 2.7 million Macs trading hands for all of the final calendar quarter of 2008. This is around the stock market consensus, he says, and may be pessimistic given five fewer days being available to shop post-Thanksgiving this year, pushing most of the sales into December.

MacBook sales were also up about 28 percent in October courtesy of the revised lineup.

Mixed results are also likely for iPods. NPD info extrapolated from the same two-month period now suggests to Munster that sales of the media players should hover between 18.5 million and 19 million, which is slightly lower than the wider consensus but still in line.

As the general market is also faring better than the market has feared, these current expectations are still a positive, the analyst says.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    Can you imagine the backlash if they wait until a few days before the expo and announce that Jobs will not be there for the keynote?

    I'll say this much, I've not yet booked my hotel for the expo. My flight is fully refundable. This isn't because Jobs may or may not be there. But, without Jobs, it's unlikely that Apple would put on the Keynote at all and in turn offer no new products. That's my main draw to the Expo.

    Maybe Adobe knows something that the rest of us don't know yet.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by stukdog View Post

    Can you imagine the backlash if they wait until a few days before the expo and announce that Jobs will not be there for the keynote?

    I'll say this much, I've not yet booked my hotel for the expo. My flight is fully refundable. This isn't because Jobs may or may not be there.

    He'll be there. Jobs knows just as much as the rest of us that it would be very bad for stockholders. He'll be there, and he'll have A LOT to talk about. I'm not holding my breath, but I expect at least one new piece of hardware. And I'm sure they may go on, and on, and on about Snow Leopard.

    There's no surprise without a surprise.

    Expect a new Mac mini and new cinema displays.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    I would imagine that new Mac Pro's would be there, at least I sure hope so! Unless Apple is waiting for the new Xeons instead.

    Possibly upgraded iMacs.

    And of course, the new Mini iPhone/iTouch!
  • Reply 4 of 8
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I would imagine that new Mac Pro's would be there, at least I sure hope so! Unless Apple is waiting for the new Xeons instead.

    Possibly upgraded iMacs.

    And of course, the new Mini iPhone/iTouch!

    I would imagine even if Intel is not ready yet, they will show them off and just say they will be shipping in 6 weeks or something. I also hope they have a Mac Mini update!
  • Reply 5 of 8
    Expect a Mini update, Mac Pro update, Cinema Displays, and a Snow Leopard demo. Or any 3 of those 4.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    I would imagine even if Intel is not ready yet, they will show them off and just say they will be shipping in 6 weeks or something. I also hope they have a Mac Mini update!

    All I can say, is that I've been waiting for the new Mac Pro Nehalen (i7) machines for a while now.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    nceencee Posts: 857member
    One thing is for sure ? no Steve Jobs, which Apple stock fall to all time lows

    Hell, I'd expect the stock to start falling soon, and not go up any until it's clear if Steve is doing his spot or not.

    If he's not there ? what can Apple be thinking? They KNOW the importance of this, and with out it, it almost spells "DOOM"!

    Even if he doesn't have much to offer, he NEEDS to be there, to keep Apple looking good to folks / stockholders.

    I say, they are holding off, just to see what in hell is going to happen at the first of the year. They will announce a wonderful Holiday selling season, despite the economy. Numbers are up, even if only a little, and the new iPods are a run away hit. iPhone sells are well above what they expected, and now on to the new stuff.

  • Reply 8 of 8

    Macworld Expo's general manager, Paul Kent, took the time on Monday to reassure showgoers and BusinessWeek that Apple's co-founder would likely be at the event, whose public opening is scheduled for January 6th.

    "We haven?t made the announcement yet. We usually do this in concert with Apple," he says. "I have no reason to believe that plans are not moving ahead."

    While not committing to a specific decision date, Kent does hope for an announcement of a keynote within two weeks, or potentially just days before the keynote itself. In the past, IDG has more often confirmed Jobs' presence several weeks ahead

    What's wrong with Steve Jobs? When will Apple issue a statement on Steve Jobs' health?

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