OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 420 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by giant:

    <strong>It's final. iwalk is not a registered trademark. Don't believe me? Look it up yourselves..

    <a href="http://tess.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=searchss&state=sce9gb.1.1"; target="_blank">http://tess.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=searchss&state=sce9gb.1.1</a>;

    Your e.mail addresses will all be sold to a broker.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    iWalk is not owned by Apple as well:


    Puget Sound Network, inc.

    1521 Queen Anne Ave. N

    Suite H

    Seattle, WA 98109


    Domain Name: IWALK.COM

    Sponsoring Reseller; for Technical Support

    with respect to this domain contact:

    Puget Sound Network, Inc., [email protected]


    Administrative Contact:

    Administrator, DNS [email protected]

    1521 Queen Anne Ave. N

    Suite H

    Seattle, WA 98109



    Technical Contact:

    Administrator, DNS [email protected]

    1521 Queen Anne Ave N.

    Suite H

    Seattle, WA 98109



    Billing Contact:

    Administrator, DNS [email protected]

    1521 Queen Anne Ave. N

    Suite H

    Seattle, WA 98109



    Record last updated on 09-Dec-2001.

    Record expires on 09-Apr-2002.

    Record Created on 08-Apr-1997.

    Domain servers in listed order:


  • Reply 422 of 587
    Jeez, you guys. This is so obviously faked. Reading this thread is like watching the X-files. Half of you are Mulder (I want to believe) and half are Scully (God, Mulder, you're so full of $#!+).

    If this thing *was* real, then they'd have had to fire Ives, 'cause it's so fscking ugly.
  • Reply 423 of 587
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by psantora:

    <strong>Well, if people read through this thread they would find a perfectly usable L/P wiithout giving their email address.

    I sent it to AtAT, hopefully the "AI BOARDS" will be mentiond in their episode today...


    It'd be better if people didn't even give them the hits.
  • Reply 424 of 587
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Please also note that in movie number 1....the leather casing changes positions slightly right before the end. Drag through the end slowly and you ill see it. Something is up there....there is no reason for a cut there.....

    Definitely a fake.
  • Reply 425 of 587
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I really hope it's fake and I think it could be. I'd rather Apple spend their money on battery research and come up with a very light and long life battery to use in their notebooks. Wouldn't you rather have a two (or less) pound iBook with a 10 or 20 hour battery in place of a PDA? Getting into the PDA market now would not help Apple.
  • Reply 426 of 587
    Whatever it is, or isn't, fake or genuine, this 'iWalk' gizmo does NOT come within a lightyear or twenty of something that warrants the "its gonna blow you away" hyping. If this is what all the 'excitement's' about (and I sincerely hope for Apple's sake that it's not), then there are going to be a lot of very peeved and dissillusioned folk; Apple's name will be mud!


    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Samantha Joanne Ollendale ]</p>
  • Reply 427 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:

    <strong>I know the commentary in my posts tends to be much to flowery, so I've decided to try and tighten things up a bit. Call it a New Years resolution.

    What a crock of ****.

    I wonder how many e-mail addresses Spymac has collected getting people to "register" to see this crap?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That *thunk* that you just heard was the nail, getting hit on the head.

    Hey everyone: Look at your iWalk login and password!

    They're all the same!

  • Reply 428 of 587
    well, if it's a fake, then someone spent about $50k doing it. i oversee a lot of postproduction work as part of my job and after i've read all the "proofs of fakes" and watched the video again, i'd say that it's real. but then again, i thought the photo of the cube was real too despite everyone saying "the shadow on the apple's going the wrong way" (oh wait, it was).

    the reflection of the hand in the window where he's writing and the rotoscoping that it would take to put the hand in front of the text would be a huge pain in the ass. if you didn't want to roto the screen area to place the text into, you'd have to green screen it. the reflection and shadow of the hand convince me that it's not a greenscreen as you'd usually not make greenscreens out of reflective material. and the whole scene isn't really lit well enough to green screen anyway. it would be terrible to pull a matte from that scene. the text looks exactly as it does on my mp130.

    guys, this is a real device of some sort. probably a prototype. or perhaps just the real thing.
  • Reply 429 of 587
    tmatma Posts: 76member
    I still believe its a fake (I keep going back to check the movies every so often trying to convince myself that it's not)

    btw a possible explanation to the 'Jog Wheel not moving when touched untill the last moment' theory... Could it be it is had a soft notch (sorry don't know technical term) that requires a little more force to get it moving? You know like On/Off/Volume wheels on radios. His finger could be slipping slightly before he applies more pressure and finally it gives.

    No Cease & desist orders from Apple yet - When they've done it before how long does it normally take them? If nothing happens we'll know its a fake (which is what i'm expecting) or as others have mentioned spymac might go so low as to fake a cease and desist therefor we can't make any conclusions when/if this does happen.

    [quote] Update - 01/03/02: Because of the high traffic, you may not recieve your password immediately, but please don't register twice. We are currently backlogged by about 3000 messages. <hr></blockquote>

    Surely they're not going through them all by hand? I don't see why they'd sell our emails to try and make money when they dont have a single advertisement on their site.
  • Reply 430 of 587
    I've been wanting to get this point across since about 1 in the morning:

    A lot of people say that a letter from Apple legal would prove iWalk's authenticity...I say it proves nothing either way. If they post a letter, people will say that SpyMac drafted it themselves. Others will see it as confirmation of a real product. Some will say, in the absence of a letter, that Apple knows its action would be confirmation, that we are all waiting for it, and therefore may choose to simply say nothing at all considering the widespread nature of the material anyway.

    I'd say that the "legal action" argument might as well be dropped right now, because if anything ever comes to pass in this area, we're going to be no closer to the truth than we are right now.

  • Reply 431 of 587
    iknowiknow Posts: 13member
    The iWalk is probably fake because I wont believe that Apple or Steve Jobs would release a PDA that is just like all the others. Apple could do way better!
  • Reply 432 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:

    <strong>well, if it's a fake, then someone spent about $50k doing it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I disagree. If you were to go to a professional and ask him to do it for you, sure, it might run you $50k. But give the same tools to a couple of college kids in Germany and let them mess around since October on it... you've got a net cost of nearly zero. Some people create Star Wars fan films, some people produce future hardware hoaxes. All in good fun.

    What I'm secretly hoping is that spymac aren't the ones behind this, but that they received this from some deep throat who's playing a prank on them. Then, at MWNY the perp can pull a similar stunt on, say, MOSR, then on thinksecret. I would say AppleInsider, but they'll only have one update before MWNY and it'll be about os x 10.2.1...
  • Reply 433 of 587
    Does anyone have the know-how to whip up a similar product and/or video to demonstrate how easy it is to do this?

  • Reply 434 of 587
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by iKnow:

    <strong>The iWalk is probably fake because I wont believe that Apple or Steve Jobs would release a PDA that is just like all the others. Apple could do way better! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    =iKnow, what is it you Know?
  • Reply 434 of 587
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    How did we get to 12 pages in less then 24 hours? This is nuts...


    Oh right, content. Umm, based on the videos, I would have to say that there is @ least a CHANCE of this being real. It would suck if it was because the scroll wheel does not make much sense and I would expect Apple to come up with something better.

    Also, it seems too small to fit all the things that people are saying it has (5Gig HD, F/W, Audio I/O, VIDEO OUT??, IR, On/Off, etc.) The thing looks thinner then an iPod, and that would be damn hard to do.

    Edit: 12 not 11

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: psantora ]</p>
  • Reply 436 of 587
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I hope it's an early Prototype Video, and there is a Final Version Comming to MWSF. That would be Kick@SS! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 437 of 587
    tmatma Posts: 76member
    [quote] Does anyone have the know-how to whip up a similar product and/or video to demonstrate how easy it is to do this? <hr></blockquote>

    Yeah someone whip me up a nice Apple/Nokia produced Mobile phone

    A couple of parts from the spymac.com to comment on:

    [quote] Only SpyMac will bring you actual video footage of a working prototype, recorded by an exclusive SpyMac source during a brief secret meeting which took place earlier this week. <hr></blockquote>

    spymac.com are making no claims about it being a finished product or that it will deffinately be ready for MWNY:

    [quote] Although it is uncertain if the iWalk will be ready in time for a MWSF introduction, the prototype visible in the video seems sufficiently developed, adding weight to speculations suggesting that the iWalk's release is at the root of Steve Jobs' revised keynote schedule <hr></blockquote>

    They've got theirselves covered.

    If we don't see this released they can just shrug and say it's not ready yet or there are newer prototypes in the making.
  • Reply 438 of 587
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    [quote]Originally posted by SpiffyGuyC:

    <strong>Does anyone have the know-how to whip up a similar product and/or video to demonstrate how easy it is to do this?


    Thats a terrific idea. I wish that all of us who don't believe could put our creative heads together and do this. It would be fun and it would prove a point. Even just a small group of us lending our talents could probably pull this off.

    I could write a little app to run on any PocketPC that would display an Apple logo, a status bar that says "loading"..whatever. It would be fairly easy too.
  • Reply 439 of 587
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    To all of you complaining about the scroll wheel, it's for Pong. It's a pong machine. And if it is real it better play Doom as well.

    Has anyone posted the video elsewhere? Judging by what I've read here, I'd say the "floating text" is from compression artifacts and not from being faked. High contrast areas on top of dark black areas can float very easily. You can even see it in DVDs, so whatever compression was used for this probably has the same problem.

    That's not to say it's real.
  • Reply 440 of 587
    Doesn't it seem that, with a leak so big you can make MULTIPLE videos of it and take a bunch of photos, that there'd be more than one site corroborating it? I mean, this isn't your average "I got an email from a buddy who knows somebody" leak, but a MAMMOTH go-directly-to-jail-do-not-pass-go-do-not-take-another-job-in-hi-tech leak.

    No. This is very clever european children. Aren't they clever? They have one currency. They can fake hardware.

    Maybe we will begin a tradition of Japanese making cool hardware mods (a la the <a href="http://www.go2mac.com/story.lasso?newsID=8283"; target="_blank">skeleton iBook</a>) and europeans making elaborate hoaxes.
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