Steve Jobs taking leave from Apple due to complex health issues



  • Reply 121 of 241
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    1. Steve Jobs = Bill Clinton.

    2. The amount of board vets making dummy accounts to post in this thread is ridiculous. Grow some balls and quit being a hypocrite. Honestly its the worst trait out of anything in the whole human species.

    3. I do not wish bad health upon anybody and honestly hope he recovers. BUT, Apple will be MUCH better in the long run once he is gone from Apple. The past 2 years Apple has walked down a very bad path. While sales are up and you have more and more people drinking the koolaid, you have the people who made Apple what they are today getting absolutely dumped on with al the stupid decisions. They have completely stopped listening to their customers and what they want and instead make their products to "their" vision of what their customer wants. While this has provided some nice things, it has put Apple too much in control of alot of aspects and really limits the customer experience.

    What a joke, why don't they make you CEO since you seem to have all the great ideas.
  • Reply 122 of 241
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    So because it's the internet, we should be hiding behind our computer screens and spewing insensitive crap?

    massive fail.

    if we all took that attitude then no one would post...including you.

    To be honest I don't care about the fella. Anyone dying is sad but I feel worse for his wife and kids and for the millions of sufferers out there that he could have helped by being more open and honest and raising awareness. I guess greed made him not do that..??

    if the end is nigh then know this.... he has been tremendously lucky with the life he is living and the experiences he has had. Also that if the medical care he can afford can't save him then he truly had no chance.

    he's just a man.... he didn't save the world or millions of lives> he invented 'toys' lets get some perspective here and move on.

    life can suck....thats just a fact.

    Guess Denis Leary was right after all.
  • Reply 123 of 241
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by archipellago View Post

    massive fail.

    If we all took that attitude then no one would post...including you.

    To be honest i don't care about the fella. Anyone dying is sad but i feel worse for his wife and kids and for the millions of sufferers out there that he could have helped by being more open and honest and raising awareness. I guess greed made him not do that..??

    If the end is nigh then know this.... He has been tremendously lucky with the life he is living and the experiences he has had. Also that if the medical care he can afford can't save him then he truly had no chance.

    He's just a man.... He didn't save the world or millions of lives> he invented 'toys' lets get some perspective here and move on.

    Life can suck....thats just a fact.

    Guess denis leary was right after all.

  • Reply 124 of 241
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    What a joke, why don't they make you CEO since you seem to have all the great ideas.

    you need to buy a copy of this book.... the one he tried to ban.

    lays some of the 'saint' ness to rest.

    wonder what Fadell and Rubinstein are thinking now....??
  • Reply 125 of 241
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post


    cool, go to bed, you are of very little use here.
  • Reply 126 of 241
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Worst case scenario, he dies this year. Takes Apple 5-6 years to tank. They have a lot of innovation in the pipeline. So the company can't tank overnight. Not to mention their market share will hold for some time.

    The probability of this worst case scenario is pretty low if not zero.

    Best case scenario, Apple finds another great leader in the mid term. Steve steps aside (like he mentioned in that Stanford speech), and the new kid shines, leading the company well into the future.

    New shiny gizmo's and gadget's come out, people very quickly forget about SJ, and focus on Apple.

    Apple's new nano-robots hunt down and destroy Ballmer, liberating millions of M$ users.

    I think Steve helped build a pretty strong foundation at Apple. I'm positive they will be around for a very long time. Besides, I don't believe Steve is what makes Apple. I think it's 'we' the people, who make Apple. It's the community and those willing to 'think different'. Us 'users' are the foundation of Apple.

    Remember this?...

    Here?s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square hole. The ones who see things differently. They?re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can?t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

    Get well Steve.
  • Reply 127 of 241
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    He will get well and we'll see him take Apple to new heights - no doubt. Glad to see him take the time off.
  • Reply 128 of 241
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Hopefully Steve pulls through, if not I hope he gets his house in order instead of disappearing abruptly.
  • Reply 129 of 241
    My very best wishes to the Visionary of our times, get well Steve
  • Reply 130 of 241
    I agree with others in this post who have said that Apple, stock, products do not matter but the health of a fellow human being does.

    I hope things can be sorted out and we see him back to full strength.

    All the best Steve.

  • Reply 131 of 241
    melemele Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by gastroboy View Post

    I can't help noticing the parallels with similar events behind the Iron Curtain, particularly recently in Cuba and North Korea.

    The Cult of Personality has been turned into a tool of Capitalism. Unfortunately it is a double edged sword, as we are all mortal. If greatness is possessed by only a certain individual then when that individual goes there is a lot of explaining to do.

    Just how quickly can the followers do their double think to catch up with the double speak?

    Judging on past performance, most Apple supporters will turn on a dime, if told to.

    By whom, Balmer? The " Cult of Personality" has let people be free of the tyranny of Micro Soft.

    Jobs has created a organization of very savvy people, those who are free to think "out side the box".

    His medical leave doesn't change anything. And my opinion of apple is still the same.
  • Reply 132 of 241
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    1. Steve Jobs = Bill Clinton. ...

    You lost me at 1.

    WTF is this statement even supposed to mean?

    Steve Jobs is fat? I think you might be wrong about that from what I've heard lately.
  • Reply 133 of 241
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    You lost me at 1.

    WTF is this statement even supposed to mean?

    Steve Jobs is fat? I think you might be wrong about that from what I've heard lately.

    Yes. I'm sure he means that Jobs is fat.

  • Reply 134 of 241
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    1. Steve Jobs = Bill Clinton.

    2. The amount of board vets making dummy accounts to post in this thread is ridiculous. Grow some balls and quit being a hypocrite. Honestly its the worst trait out of anything in the whole human species.

    3. I do not wish bad health upon anybody and honestly hope he recovers. BUT, Apple will be MUCH better in the long run once he is gone from Apple. The past 2 years Apple has walked down a very bad path. While sales are up and you have more and more people drinking the koolaid, you have the people who made Apple what they are today getting absolutely dumped on with al the stupid decisions. They have completely stopped listening to their customers and what they want and instead make their products to "their" vision of what their customer wants. While this has provided some nice things, it has put Apple too much in control of alot of aspects and really limits the customer experience.

    Big fan of Larry Kudlow I see.

    Grow up and take a break from the CNBC bashing. That network couldn't analyse urine in a cup, let alone stocks.
  • Reply 135 of 241
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    3. I do not wish bad health upon anybody and honestly hope he recovers. BUT, Apple will be MUCH better in the long run once he is gone from Apple. The past 2 years Apple has walked down a very bad path. While sales are up and you have more and more people drinking the koolaid, you have the people who made Apple what they are today getting absolutely dumped on with al the stupid decisions. They have completely stopped listening to their customers and what they want and instead make their products to "their" vision of what their customer wants. While this has provided some nice things, it has put Apple too much in control of alot of aspects and really limits the customer experience.

    Excellent point.

    To many, Apple has become a joke because of this. The poignancy of the "MacBook Wheel" from the Onion comes to mind.
  • Reply 136 of 241
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    ... The past 2 years Apple has walked down a very bad path. While sales are up and you have more and more people drinking the koolaid, you have the people who made Apple what they are today getting absolutely dumped on with al the stupid decisions. They have completely stopped listening to their customers and what they want and instead make their products to "their" vision of what their customer wants. While this has provided some nice things, it has put Apple too much in control of alot of aspects and really limits the customer experience.

    This is absolute nut-bar stuff dude.

    If you believe even half of this stuff your either a fool or seriously demented.
  • Reply 137 of 241
    Get some rest and take care of yourself. It is not all your or Apples fault in that has tied Apples success and fortunes to you and you alone. We the Apple faithful, the media and the investment pundits all share some of the blame.

    You are an amazing man with vision and focus. It is time to focus on your health and your family. The team at Apple will keep the ship running fine.

    I hope you get well soon.
  • Reply 138 of 241
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Hormone imbalances can be cause by tumors growing on glands... like the pituitary gland for instance... which produces various hormones that control things like growth and metabolism. And the pancreas... which produces digestive enzymes that your body needs to break down carbs, protein and fats. That would be my guess. Such grows are usually operable I think though... and it doesn't mean it's cancer.

    Whatever it is, I'm not going to assume he's dying. What a horrible way to think. I'd take his email at face value and wish him well. See you this summer Steve. Get well.
  • Reply 139 of 241
    roos24roos24 Posts: 170member
    I personally think that it *will* have a great deal of influence on the day-to-day business at Apple when Steve is gone. One of the reasons that Apple is successful is the famous sentence "We make it because we like (to use or play with) it ourselves". If you would ask Steve who he meant with "we" here, he would probably answer "Well, I". That is why it might not be a good idea for Apple to listen to its customers. There may be a whole team of great people available, but that is also a danger, sometimes (as in Apple's case) you need *one* person to say the final "yes" or "no". Too many people can discuss a great idea to death, specifically when you get bean counters involved, just look at the auto industry.

    That said, I wish that Steve will be able to enjoy life well into retirement but let's face it, it doesn't look good for him

  • Reply 140 of 241
    Well, I'm not completely surprised at this... but it still saddens me. I hope this truly is what Apple's Media Relations and PR departments are saying: That Steve Jobs needs time to recuperate from a relatively straight forward health issue.


    I have a bad feeling that this is far more serious than what Apple and Mr Jobs are letting on. Instead of doing his usual Macworld Expo keynote, "Jobs took time to spend Christmas with his family". As much as I think that is a good thing and something maybe Jobs should have done years ago... my feeling is that this is an unusual move for a workaholic like Jobs and that he was diagnosed with something terminal. If this is the case, spending time with his family was less of a choice and more of an imperative.

    I hope I am wrong. I wish Jobs a speedy recovery.
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