Why should he chill out, how would you like if those comments were made about you,
I'm sure you wouldn't like it. I blame the internet for giving the chance to spew all this garbage, in real life they probably wouldn't have the audacity to even say this to Jobs, selfish punks.
What a f**king insensitive bastard you are. If you don't like Apple products then don't buy them.
Really, pull you head out of your arse. I can't discuss Jobs death because... he's the CEO of a company? He's a billionaire? He has cancer? Are his children reading this thread?
Also I love Apple products, but not their lack of variety. Can you read?
Normally I deal well with incoherence, but could you unravel this for me please?
I don't blame you, it's the internet that has given a chance to idiots like you to come and spew this crap, you probably wouldn't have the audacity to stand up to anyone in real life and say that nonsense.
wow!!! do you serve fries with that insensitive bs.
You don't have to drink the kool aid to have a heart.
It's the internet that's given insensitive jerks like that to air out their voices, in the real world, they wouldn't have the audacity to say this crap.
So if we're discussing someone's death or illness we have to all talk bullshit? The real disease is political correctness. I though it was mostly contained in the US but it seems ti have spread to the UK.
Really, pull you head out of your arse. I can't discuss Jobs death because... he's the CEO of a company? He's a billionaire? He has cancer? Are his children reading this thread?
Also I love Apple products, but not their lack of variety. Can you read?
You mean you want them to make lousy go for nothing products too.
To anyone medically trained, the excuses over the last several months for his declining health were bogus, and may elicit the biggest lawsuits against Apple it has ever seen. Nevertheless, Steve is a good man, and hopefully he recovers.
Hi, Tom. Posting the same comment on multiple websites doesn't "makesense."
Why should he chill out, how would you like if those comments were made about you,
I'm sure you wouldn't like it. I blame the internet for giving the chance to spew all this garbage, in real life they probably wouldn't have the audacity to even say this to Jobs, selfish punks.
What comments? That he's probably dying and he's probably in denial about it? Why shouldn't we have an open and frank discussion? Instead we get all these stupid "Get Well Steve" posts that Steve isn't going to read or ever find out about and only serve the people who post them, and probably reflect their concern for their stock portfolios instead of anyone's health.
People die all the time, people get cancer. Maybe you will, maybe I will (there's about 30% lifetime risk I believe). Yes it sucks for whoever gets diagnosed but that's not very interesting. What's more interesting is what will happen and what it might be like without Steve.
It's the internet that's given insensitive jerks like that to air out their voices, in the real world, they wouldn't have the audacity to say this crap.
Yes! You're right! This is the internet and no-one would say this stuff to a persons face. It's a discussion forum, not Steve's hospital room or his family's kitchen.
What comments? That he's probably dying and he's probably in denial about it? Why shouldn't we have an open and frank discussion? Instead we get all these stupid "Get Well Steve" posts that Steve isn't going to read or ever find out about and only serve the people who post them, and probably reflect their concern for their stock portfolios instead of anyone's health.
People die all the time, people get cancer. Maybe you will, maybe I will (there's about 30% lifetime risk I believe). Yes it sucks for whoever gets diagnosed but that's not very interesting. What's more interesting is what will happen and what it might be like without Steve.
So I guess this is the appropriate thread for comments like the company would be better of without him?
I don't blame you, it's the internet that has given a chance to idiots like you to come and spew this crap, you probably wouldn't have the audacity to stand up to anyone in real life and say that nonsense.
I think you are mistaking my comments about the odd behaviour often witnessed here, with sacrilege against the great man.
The Princess Di effect is starting to take over, except in this case there is a rush to appear more loyal and devout by initially denying what seems to clearly be a grave illness, then when that is no longer tenable, denying that it actually is in probability more than they are admitting to bit by bit.
The absolute, adamant assertions of media "lies and bias", in previous forums, seem to be unchecked by the unfolding events which show the "lies and bias" are just straight reporting and in all probability Apple is making this a PR managed transition.
Yes! You're right! This is the internet and no-one would say this stuff to a persons face. It's a discussion forum, not Steve's hospital room or his family's kitchen.
So because it's the internet, we should be hiding behind our computer screens and spewing insensitive crap?
Actually, the 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is infinitesimal. So is the 4-year. The fact that he has survived >4 years itself argues against this being either primary or a recurrence. It is not infrequent that p.c. patients die within mere weeks of diagnosis and some never even leave the hospital after the initial diagnostic tests. There are poor stats for recurrence because so few people survive the primary long enough to even have what can reasonably be called a recurrence. Jobs would have had to beat lotto odds to have lived 4+ years with it.
Per StevenPJ above, far more statistically likely is that he has a serious side-effect related to the (sometimes draconian) surgery to fix the original islet malignancy, which is not the same thing as pancreatic cancer or a recurrence of it. If the pancreas ducts have become loaded with scar tissue for ex it may be threatening to fail entirely -- make no mistake: a grave, even potentially fatal, condition requiring drastic countermeasures. But not as far out of the realm of therapy as full-tilt pancreatic cancer would be. And certainly consistent with the syndrome as he has reported it and with taking several months off to take the serious emergency measures to deal with it.
2. The amount of board vets making dummy accounts to post in this thread is ridiculous. Grow some balls and quit being a hypocrite. Honestly its the worst trait out of anything in the whole human species.
3. I do not wish bad health upon anybody and honestly hope he recovers. BUT, Apple will be MUCH better in the long run once he is gone from Apple. The past 2 years Apple has walked down a very bad path. While sales are up and you have more and more people drinking the koolaid, you have the people who made Apple what they are today getting absolutely dumped on with al the stupid decisions. They have completely stopped listening to their customers and what they want and instead make their products to "their" vision of what their customer wants. While this has provided some nice things, it has put Apple too much in control of alot of aspects and really limits the customer experience.
Apple stole your little bitty iphone, is that why you keep on hating on them, poor little baby. Idiot.
Normally I deal well with incoherence, but could you unravel this for me please?
Uhhhh, overreact much? Chill out.
Why should he chill out, how would you like if those comments were made about you,
I'm sure you wouldn't like it. I blame the internet for giving the chance to spew all this garbage, in real life they probably wouldn't have the audacity to even say this to Jobs, selfish punks.
What a f**king insensitive bastard you are. If you don't like Apple products then don't buy them.
Really, pull you head out of your arse. I can't discuss Jobs death because... he's the CEO of a company? He's a billionaire? He has cancer? Are his children reading this thread?
Also I love Apple products, but not their lack of variety. Can you read?
Normally I deal well with incoherence, but could you unravel this for me please?
I don't blame you, it's the internet that has given a chance to idiots like you to come and spew this crap, you probably wouldn't have the audacity to stand up to anyone in real life and say that nonsense.
What a nasty piece of work you are!
I tell it like it is. If you can't handle that, that's your problem.
wow!!! do you serve fries with that insensitive bs.
You don't have to drink the kool aid to have a heart.
It's the internet that's given insensitive jerks like that to air out their voices, in the real world, they wouldn't have the audacity to say this crap.
Some people in this thread are emotionally shattered by the news that Jobs will be dead pretty soon, pushing up daisies.
They lost their Messiah.
Wow, you really are a fucking idiot.
Ah, why? Because he's right?
So if we're discussing someone's death or illness we have to all talk bullshit? The real disease is political correctness. I though it was mostly contained in the US but it seems ti have spread to the UK.
Really, pull you head out of your arse. I can't discuss Jobs death because... he's the CEO of a company? He's a billionaire? He has cancer? Are his children reading this thread?
Also I love Apple products, but not their lack of variety. Can you read?
You mean you want them to make lousy go for nothing products too.
To anyone medically trained, the excuses over the last several months for his declining health were bogus, and may elicit the biggest lawsuits against Apple it has ever seen. Nevertheless, Steve is a good man, and hopefully he recovers.
Hi, Tom. Posting the same comment on multiple websites doesn't "makesense."
http://www.tuaw.com/2009/01/14/steve...june/#comments (See Comment #10)
Why should he chill out, how would you like if those comments were made about you,
I'm sure you wouldn't like it. I blame the internet for giving the chance to spew all this garbage, in real life they probably wouldn't have the audacity to even say this to Jobs, selfish punks.
What comments? That he's probably dying and he's probably in denial about it? Why shouldn't we have an open and frank discussion? Instead we get all these stupid "Get Well Steve" posts that Steve isn't going to read or ever find out about and only serve the people who post them, and probably reflect their concern for their stock portfolios instead of anyone's health.
People die all the time, people get cancer. Maybe you will, maybe I will (there's about 30% lifetime risk I believe). Yes it sucks for whoever gets diagnosed but that's not very interesting. What's more interesting is what will happen and what it might be like without Steve.
Shit there goes my stock
Tell me about it... I've been playing hi/lo, sell at 99, buy at 90.
Bought back in big day before yesterday at 89.
Oh well, maybe this will get us past the Steve health roller coaster.
Best of luck to him in any event.
You mean you want them to make lousy go for nothing products too.
Yeah that's right, if you have more products they have to be shit.
Thank god you're not in line for the CEO job.
It's the internet that's given insensitive jerks like that to air out their voices, in the real world, they wouldn't have the audacity to say this crap.
Yes! You're right! This is the internet and no-one would say this stuff to a persons face. It's a discussion forum, not Steve's hospital room or his family's kitchen.
What comments? That he's probably dying and he's probably in denial about it? Why shouldn't we have an open and frank discussion? Instead we get all these stupid "Get Well Steve" posts that Steve isn't going to read or ever find out about and only serve the people who post them, and probably reflect their concern for their stock portfolios instead of anyone's health.
People die all the time, people get cancer. Maybe you will, maybe I will (there's about 30% lifetime risk I believe). Yes it sucks for whoever gets diagnosed but that's not very interesting. What's more interesting is what will happen and what it might be like without Steve.
So I guess this is the appropriate thread for comments like the company would be better of without him?
I don't blame you, it's the internet that has given a chance to idiots like you to come and spew this crap, you probably wouldn't have the audacity to stand up to anyone in real life and say that nonsense.
I think you are mistaking my comments about the odd behaviour often witnessed here, with sacrilege against the great man.
The Princess Di effect is starting to take over, except in this case there is a rush to appear more loyal and devout by initially denying what seems to clearly be a grave illness, then when that is no longer tenable, denying that it actually is in probability more than they are admitting to bit by bit.
The absolute, adamant assertions of media "lies and bias", in previous forums, seem to be unchecked by the unfolding events which show the "lies and bias" are just straight reporting and in all probability Apple is making this a PR managed transition.
Yes! You're right! This is the internet and no-one would say this stuff to a persons face. It's a discussion forum, not Steve's hospital room or his family's kitchen.
So because it's the internet, we should be hiding behind our computer screens and spewing insensitive crap?
Per StevenPJ above, far more statistically likely is that he has a serious side-effect related to the (sometimes draconian) surgery to fix the original islet malignancy, which is not the same thing as pancreatic cancer or a recurrence of it. If the pancreas ducts have become loaded with scar tissue for ex it may be threatening to fail entirely -- make no mistake: a grave, even potentially fatal, condition requiring drastic countermeasures. But not as far out of the realm of therapy as full-tilt pancreatic cancer would be. And certainly consistent with the syndrome as he has reported it and with taking several months off to take the serious emergency measures to deal with it.
2. The amount of board vets making dummy accounts to post in this thread is ridiculous. Grow some balls and quit being a hypocrite. Honestly its the worst trait out of anything in the whole human species.
3. I do not wish bad health upon anybody and honestly hope he recovers. BUT, Apple will be MUCH better in the long run once he is gone from Apple. The past 2 years Apple has walked down a very bad path. While sales are up and you have more and more people drinking the koolaid, you have the people who made Apple what they are today getting absolutely dumped on with al the stupid decisions. They have completely stopped listening to their customers and what they want and instead make their products to "their" vision of what their customer wants. While this has provided some nice things, it has put Apple too much in control of alot of aspects and really limits the customer experience.