Apple confronts Wired over Mac OS X netbook hacking tutorial



  • Reply 21 of 44
    It was all a misunderstanding!

    From Brian Chen's latest Twitter:

    "Update: Apple is not suing Wired over the Hackintosh tutorial. My misunderstanding. "
  • Reply 22 of 44
    floccusfloccus Posts: 138member
    Um, Wired is a rather big tech magazine that should have known better than to allow one of its staff to post a video explicitly telling people where to get an illegal piece of software. Enabling IP piracy is against the law. The reason torrent trackers still exist is that they also host non-protected IP and protected works. If notified by the property owner of a hosted torrent, they're legally obligated to remove the link assuming they don't operate in the many Eastern European countries which don't have such IP protections.

    And will everyone quit bitching about Apple not making OSX freely licensed. Its their right as a private company to do what they wish. If you to change that, buy a billion shares and become a board member.
  • Reply 23 of 44
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by BB Sting View Post

    My Gosh, Apples gone stark raving mad, first they shut down Think Secret, now they want to censer Wired, where does it end, there's this little thing called free speech, which you'd think a liberal company like Apple would try to respect. If Apple doesn't like the fact that there os can be hacked, than for crying out loud, change the friggin' code!

    So if I break into your house and steal all your stuff, it's your fault for not having a better lock on the door? It's logic like that that causes companies to waste so much time, money, and effort and creates hassles for their customers (Windows Activation anyone?).

    If you were a software developer and made your living selling your applications, and then you found out a major publication was providing links to a site were poeple could download your application for free, are you telling us that you wouldn't ask them to remove the links? Really?

    Originally Posted by Kalachakra View Post

    Why is Apple turning from the "creative" brand to the "locked up, intolerant, inflexible" Nazi brand?

    This was worse than what Psystar is doing. At least Psystar can argue about the enforcability of the EULA. This guy was stupid enough to provide links for people to download 100% illegal copies of software. There's no gray area here. I'm surprised his editor ever let him publish it.
  • Reply 24 of 44
    Originally Posted by BB Sting View Post

    My Gosh, Apples gone stark raving mad, first they shut down Think Secret, now they want to censer Wired, where does it end, there's this little thing called free speech, which you'd think a liberal company like Apple would try to respect. If Apple doesn't like the fact that there os can be hacked, than for crying out loud, change the friggin' code!

    Ughh one of the complaints Pystar is basically making is the code doesn't allow for hacks.

    So you want to try again?
  • Reply 25 of 44
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Since a netbook is used for nothing more than surfing the internet, why do you need Mac OS X? You're not going to use it for any other programs, so what's the big deal? Windows has a good web browser and email client, so that's all you need. Netbooks are underpowered for anything else.

    Netbooks are adequately powered for most applications I use for work on a daily basis, however running Windows forces you into running an antivirus program, which eats up your precious resources (and battery life).

    Switching between <fn>/<ctrl>, <ctrl | alt>/<windows> and <cmd>/<alt> is annoying. Mac users prefer a consistent interface... or to not have to be bothered by the inconsistencies.

    For those of us that travel extensively, carrying a netbook vs (for me) a 17" MBP is often the difference between needing to check luggage and not. It is also compact enough to be practical for use on a train or airplane.

    It might be stupid, but I am happy to give Apple an extra $100 for an apple-branded Aspire One with an Apple keyboard layout. I'll also happily pay an additional $100 for a more well built unit.
  • Reply 26 of 44
    Originally Posted by BB Sting View Post

    My Gosh, Apples gone stark raving mad, first they shut down Think Secret, now they want to censer Wired, where does it end, there's this little thing called free speech, which you'd think a liberal company like Apple would try to respect. If Apple doesn't like the fact that there os can be hacked, than for crying out loud, change the friggin' code!

    You are confused. This has nothing to do with free speech, and everything to do with copyright infringement and promoting the use of illegally hacked software.
  • Reply 27 of 44
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Cnet did something similar but not as in depth if I remember correctly. It's irresponsible for them to do tutorials like this. It's one thing users or a forum privately try to do things like this and another if someone like wired does.

    Wired isn't doing it for free, they make money off ads and their magazine, and Brian Chen is on their payroll, he's getting paid to do that video. That means wired is doing 2 things wrong, profiting off the video by having people go to their site and possibly get new subscribers because of the video and profiting off the work of the people who created those methods in the first place. If some guy on youtube wanted to throw that up, fine, but Wired isn't doing it for charity, they're doing it to drive traffic and thus generate income, off of an illegal method of OSX install, that's just plain wrong.

    note: I'm typing this from a hackintosh that I made with a retail leopard copy I bought, I don't use this one for business, I use my real macs for that.
  • Reply 28 of 44
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "I start out by telling you where to download the hacked operating system software," Chen wrote.

    I'd suggest not starting out like that in the future.


    A similar legal complaint was delivered last*November*to users of a wiki called Bluwiki who were seeking to modify the iTunesDB index file to enable iPod touch and iPhone syncing with Winamp and Songbird instead of iTunes.

    I'm a little more bothered by this one. If a group of people want to figure out how to sync their devices with other software or vice versa, more power to them (as long as they aren't selling the hacks).
  • Reply 29 of 44
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    Netbooks are adequately powered for most applications I use for work on a daily basis, however running Windows forces you into running an antivirus program, which eats up your precious resources (and battery life).

    Switching between <fn>/<ctrl>, <ctrl | alt>/<windows> and <cmd>/<alt> is annoying. Mac users prefer a consistent interface... or to not have to be bothered by the inconsistencies.

    For those of us that travel extensively, carrying a netbook vs (for me) a 17" MBP is often the difference between needing to check luggage and not. It is also compact enough to be practical for use on a train or airplane.

    It might be stupid, but I am happy to give Apple an extra $100 for an apple-branded Aspire One with an Apple keyboard layout. I'll also happily pay an additional $100 for a more well built unit.

    I just want to point out, that there is a significant market for netbooks. I think you are right on the money here. If apple introduced a 499 netbook (even 599) I bet they would be gobbled up in an instant. I have an Aspire One, and I found a plethera of forums of people trying to load OS X onto theirs. Even the MSI Wind has its own OSX DVD floating out there somewhere (not legal of course).

    Just shows that there really is a market for the device that people will do these things to make it themselves.

    As for me, my Aspire One is my main computer at work. Perfect for the train, plane, and what not! It does more than just internet and office. I've used it to program a whole LED system in LA, edit some video in AZ, and used it to run other various system critical parts that it could technically be considered to underpowered to do it, and it worked great.

    Apple, if you release a netbook, you'll make some happy customers. But for now, we have to do it the backwards way. (And no, I don't have OS X installed on my One.)
  • Reply 30 of 44
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
  • Reply 31 of 44
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,366moderator
    It seems like Apple don't like to be seen as being wrong. They purposely made the Macbook Air to fit a certain market but the reality is:

    Macbook Air = dual 1.6GHz CPU with Nvidia 9400M graphics = £1270

    Acer Aspire = single 1.6GHz CPU with Intel graphics = £220

    That's a saving of well over £1000. Now you lose a fair bit of performance but if you're going to be making compromises on performance anyway, you just don't want to be paying that much money. The easier the process gets of running a modified OS X, the more people are going to start going this route.

    - Aspire

    - Kalyway

    - replace wifi card

    Seems easy enough.

    The expensive ultra-portable sector has never been a good market and I think Apple made a big mistake venturing into it the way they did. There are far more important products to be dealt with first. Now if they had teamed up with Axiotron to make touch tablet Macs instead of the Air, things would be a bit different.
  • Reply 32 of 44
    Good, I hope Apple bleeds them dry. I hate Wired. Its trashy pseudo science bullshit reporting pisses me off on a daily basis.
  • Reply 33 of 44
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    I just want to point out, that there is a significant market for netbooks.

    I'd have to say it looks like there is a significant number of people who want to see OS X on their barebones pc too. What is wrong with an OEM OS X for $199, with no Apple support? Too much market share?

    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    Just shows that there really is a market for the device that people will do these things to make it themselves.

  • Reply 34 of 44
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The expensive ultra-portable sector has never been a good market and I think Apple made a big mistake venturing into it the way they did. There are far more important products to be dealt with first. Now if they had teamed up with Axiotron to make touch tablet Macs instead of the Air, things would be a bit different.

    I think they should have concentrated more on a big iPod touch type of thing, like 10" touch screen tablet design or even if it were a notebook form factor. Doesn't need touch screen either. 32GB/2GB running OS X for $549. Something like that would have been better than the Air.
  • Reply 35 of 44
    You know, I saw this video and I couldn't help but think, why is Wired taking this kind of a chance but more importantly why would someone want to go through the trouble of creating this type of a frankenstein netbook?

    One major update from Apple and... BOOM! There goes your garbage hackintosh... The Mac experience will never be complete without a REAL Mac.
  • Reply 36 of 44
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    What a funny Guy, He said What a way to start the day as if he does nothing wrong.

    Right, Mr Chen, Go and start a video podcast, and tell others to download Illegal copy of Windows, and how to crack WGA......

    Honestly, Why Mr Chen is still working inside Wired is beyond me. I dont understand why he is not fired yet.

    C&D Only? If SJ wasn't on leave he would BE MAD and have wired on Court NOW!.

    However if he had post it with how to make it on a Retail Copy of Mac OSX would be a different story.
  • Reply 37 of 44
    Originally Posted by BB Sting View Post

    My Gosh, Apples gone stark raving mad, first they shut down Think Secret, now they want to censer Wired, where does it end, there's this little thing called free speech, which you'd think a liberal company like Apple would try to respect. If Apple doesn't like the fact that there os can be hacked, than for crying out loud, change the friggin' code!

    How different is this from posting a video teaching someone how to smoke pot and where to buy it? It is illegal. End of story. Posting a video on how to do this including the URL was out of bounds by any standard. Apple has been very polite in asking them to cease and desist instead of suing them in court. I support Apple on this.
  • Reply 38 of 44
    Doesn't matter. This is so easy to do- and so popular- that simply saying "don't do it" is absurd.
  • Reply 39 of 44
    robb01robb01 Posts: 148member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    Doesn't matter. This is so easy to do- and so popular- that simply saying "don't do it" is absurd.



  • Reply 40 of 44
    Besides Chen being an idiot, there is a huge market for it and I am proof of it. I bought a MSI Wind which I promptly wiped out and put XP Pro and a copy of MSIosx86 so I can now dual boot. I added a gig of RAM for $10.00 a wireless N card (recognized as Airport)for $45.00 and replaced the hard drive for $80.00 shipped from eBay with a WD Scorpio 250 GB 7200 rpm. An external slim DL burner for 48.00 off eBay completed my system and there is certainly a lot you can do with this little machine which I don't find underpowered at all_there is a built-in overclocking option in the BIOS provided by MSI which allows one to overclok it up to 1.98 GHz.

    So let's see:

    MSI Wind: $ 342.00

    HD upgrade: 79.99

    Wifi : 45.00

    RAM : 10.00

    DL burner : 48.00

    For a grand total of $524.99 I have a heck of a machine that runs both systems more than adequately. Why can't Apple do this???The market is there and I would gladly pay a little more for such a netbook if they decided to make one.
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