Apple rules out "iPhone nano," critically watching Mac netbook



  • Reply 61 of 89
    Originally Posted by MacMad View Post

    No, the guy is a business contact who showed me the screen in person - he was in Europe for a meet-and-greet and was talking to his execs about future tech. I wasn't allowed to take pics, needless to say.

    The thought did cross me mind to cosh him and run off with it. LOL.

  • Reply 62 of 89
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post


    But this tech has been talked about since 2004. Things have moved on a bit since. Here's a good link (from 2007):
  • Reply 63 of 89
    Originally Posted by MacMad View Post

    But this tech has been talked about since 2004. Things have moved on a bit since. Here's a good link (from 2007):

    I have been keeping an eye on various flexible screen technologies, but am yet to see anything that ticks all the boxes to be of use. With current publicly available prototypes that is. And for a product such as the iPhone.
  • Reply 64 of 89
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Sales would have been much better in the desktop machines had Apple not been so sloppy in the updates for them, overall good results.

    Get a clue. Laptops have been more popular for a number of years now. Has nothing to do with updates.
  • Reply 65 of 89
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by tacojohn View Post

    Doesn't this sound that Apple would indeed release something into that space that would have powerful hardware, great software, a full sized keyboard, and a large display?

    aka? a cheaper Macbook Air?

    If it was more powerful, with a larger keyboard and larger display, it wouldn't be called a Netbook, now would it? Apple already has what you described, they call it a MacBook. They already have inexpensive MacBook Airs...visit the refurb section of the Apple Store.
  • Reply 66 of 89
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by macshark View Post

    Translated from AppleSpeak: "We will cut the price of iPhone to $99 in the US and lower pric appropriately in other markets". At least in the US, it would be a lot more effective if Apple can convince AT&T to offer $20/month data service plan for iPhone by reducing the subsidy payments Apple is receiving from AT&T per iPhone sold.

    Originally Posted by macshark View Post

    Tranlated from AppleSpeak: "Apple will offer a "premium" NetBook soon at slightly above the $500 price point.". It is likely that Apple will offer a display with higher resolution (similar to the new HP 2140) instead of the 1024x600 LCD found in many low-end NetBooks. It is also likely that the Apple netbook will be based on a dual core Atom with the new NVidia chipset.

    Of course, Apple will claim that the new Apple netbook is not a "netbook"...

    You really do live in a dreamworld, don't you? Apple doesn't believe in making cheap shit. A small display with an even higher resolution? What a great idea, make it even harder to read! $500 price point? Netbooks average price is $300. Apple making a netbook for more than $500? Get a clue, that would be a useless product. Then you would be the first to complain about it because it was too expensive. The $99 iPhone rumor was also fake too. I already pay $20 for data on my iPhone. So keep dreaming about fake products and illusions.
  • Reply 67 of 89
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    You can actually shave quite a bit of space off the current iphone without reducing the screen size. My guess is the next iphone will be angular, and maybe even move that button behind or to the side. Er actually i shall make a mockup, excuse the bodge i dont have time to polish it.

    This design would tie in with some of the behind-the-screen technologies in recent patents .

    So the phone you created would be about an inch thick in order to pack in the electronics in a smaller space. What a great idea. Guess what part you left out...the ear piece speaker! There is no such thing as a 1mm speaker as you created. Also, a smaller phone means a smaller battery. Do you see the problem in that idea?
  • Reply 68 of 89
    rbrrbr Posts: 631member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    You really do live in a dreamworld, don't you? Apple doesn't believe in making cheap shit. A small display with an even higher resolution? What a great idea, make it even harder to read! $500 price point? Netbooks average price is $300. Apple making a netbook for more than $500? Get a clue, that would be a useless product. Then you would be the first to complain about it because it was too expensive. The $99 iPhone rumor was also fake too. I already pay $20 for data on my iPhone. So keep dreaming about fake products and illusions.

    It would only be a useless product if the numb skulls at Apple chose to make it so...which, unfortunately, they do all too often.

    $20 for iPhone data? The going rate is $30 (3G), which is one of the reasons people look at the whole deal about a crippled iPhone with high charges for small amounts of data and give it a pass. AT&T (and the others for that matter) are overpricing their product, but their networks do not seem able to handle the current traffic so I guess that it does not matter to them. It is more than a little co-incidental that none of them have lowered the price of data unspoken conspiracy of sorts...which would attract a lot of customers. Price the plan attractive and let people buy whatever device they want for it, be it a BB or a netbook and worry about signing up more customers and providing decent service.

    The interesting thing about the current generation of netbooks is that they represent a statement that being connected to the internet 100% of the time is just not that important to a lot of people. The ability to connect periodically via a wi-fi connection is "good enough". As wi-fi availability spreads, I think this trend will continue to grow.
  • Reply 69 of 89
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    I already pay $20 for data on my iPhone.

    Can a new customer still get that rate?
  • Reply 70 of 89
    I think Apple can't do it. The market is there.

    Apple can do the Mac Air and left out a lot of features... Imagine a Mac netbook?

    It be bare bones and it won't happen.

    I don't think Apple has the tech to build such a small netbook. The thinnest yes... At an expense of missing the most important thing found on every computer... an ethernet.
  • Reply 71 of 89
    Originally Posted by r00fus View Post

    I own a netbook (taht I confess, I tried to get OSX working on). It was a workable (yay, two-finger scroll) but unstable solution. I also spent on the higher side for a large disk, and the resulting laptop was overpriced.

    The main problem, stability issues aside, was the completely shitty hardware software integration. The laptop "came" with windows, and the touchpad drivers for XP were ok, but windows XP just completely sucks with a 600 pixel height monitor.

    Linux and OSX looked and worked better, but didn't have the customizable drivers (ie, I couldn't turn off the touch-to-click, which resulted in many mistyped docs as there was no room to rest the base of my hands while typing).

    All in all, compared to my aluminum macbook, it's completely unusable.

    Thank you! Someone that actually owns a Netbook and gave a valid opinion on how they really are! I am tired of reading all the posts from people that don't own them, but think how great they are and how Apple should make one. Someone finally explained how useless they really are.
  • Reply 72 of 89
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    I think Apple can't do it. The market is there.

    Apple can do the Mac Air and left out a lot of features... Imagine a Mac netbook?

    It be bare bones and it won't happen.

    I don't think Apple has the tech to build such a small netbook. The thinnest yes... At an expense of missing the most important thing found on every computer... an ethernet.

    WiFi is wireless ethernet, and better embodies the idea of an "ether" network than wired ethernet does. Wired ethernet makes sense for desktops, but not as much for notebooks.

    All the desktops in my ownership or care are wired, but all the notebooks are wireless. Wires are usually too inconvenient to deal with for the occasional time that I really need the highest speed possible.
  • Reply 73 of 89
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    You can actually shave quite a bit of space off the current iphone without reducing the screen size. My guess is the next iphone will be angular, and maybe even move that button behind or to the side. Er actually i shall make a mockup, excuse the bodge i dont have time to polish it.

    This design would tie in with some of the behind-the-screen technologies in recent patents .

    You forgot one thing though. You need to also hold the phone and that isn't happening if you've got your thumb on top of the screen. That's why the iPhone has some space on the top and bottom, for a comfortable grip especially when it's sideways.

    For me the iPhone does exactly what a netbook would do.
  • Reply 74 of 89
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    COOK WROTE :: "You know us, we're not going to play in the low-end voice phone business. That's not who we are. That's not why we're here. We'll let somebody do that, our goal is not to be the unit share leader in the phone industry. It is to build the best phone."

    The best phone? Why not include the basic features found on every single phone? Without them, you cant be the best phone. You lack video, MMS, copy and paste, flash etc...

    Add these features and you probably got the best phone... Without them, you are a joke.

    I don't care about MMS or video (copy and paste would be nice, but my last phone didn't have it either so I am not missing out). So yes, I have the best phone out there because all the others are pieces of SHIT with their half-assed attempt at writing software to run the phone! I am guessing you don't even own an iPhone, so you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
  • Reply 75 of 89
    Originally Posted by RBR View Post

    If these devices are canabalizing anything, it would be so called smart phones, which are not very smart at all in the experience of a lot of people.

    The experience of a lot of people? That's what you think. I love my iPhone, and so do the millions of others that own one. I am assuming you don't own one. My iPhone is brilliant compared to my last phone.
  • Reply 76 of 89
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    Which one do you have? It works flawlessly on my MSI Wind. And comparing a $300 netbook to a $1500 Macbook is patently absurd.

    Correct. One is a lousy PC and the other is a full featured laptop worth the money. In case you didn't know, MacBooks start at $999, not $1500.
  • Reply 77 of 89
    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    QUOTE: "We don't think people will be pleased with those products. It's a category we watch, we've got some ideas here, but right now we think the products are inferior and will not provide an experience to customers they're happy with."

    Apple needs to do market research. About 10% of the people I see at a library where I sometimes work have netbooks and every one that I'd talked with is delighted by what they have.

    Give them a laptop and I am sure they would be delighted too. If people want to buy a cheap PC for $300, that is what they have always purchased. Doesn't mean Apple needs to join that crowd. 10%. Wow, that is enough to make them worthy. Meanwhile the remaining 90% use regular laptops.
  • Reply 78 of 89
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Can a new customer still get that rate?

    I don't know. That is why I am happy with my iPhone (Original). I think AT&T should offer the $20 plan for people that don't want to use 3G, or live in an area with no 3G coverage. I don't know why people complain about the iPhone data rate. Other providers charge just as much, or even more if they don't have an unlimited data plan.
  • Reply 79 of 89
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    So the phone you created would be about an inch thick in order to pack in the electronics in a smaller space. What a great idea. Guess what part you left out...the ear piece speaker! There is no such thing as a 1mm speaker as you created. Also, a smaller phone means a smaller battery. Do you see the problem in that idea?

    Try using your imagination (if you have one), the speaker does not need to sit at the front does it. It could be seated at the back and channelled through a narrow slit. OR they could use flat panel speaker and use the whole screen as the 'speaker'.

    If we all lived in your world we would have never progressed, who would have thunk we could have compressed this...

    into this...

    AND added features.

    Obviously not someone such as yourself.
  • Reply 80 of 89
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    What are the probabibilities of seeing 5 people on the train in one morning running a hackintosh netbook?

    Haha, I would have to say very small. Especially seeing he is from Arizona. Train? About the only train that know of is the new light-rail that just opened in Phoenix. But they aren't that big, so just seeing five people using netbooks on the same train would be an accomplishment...let alone all five running a hackintosh too. I don't know of any popular Amtrak routes in AZ. They don't even service Phoenix unless you take a bus too. But who knows, there might be one? I doubt it though.
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