Apple shareholder meeting dominated by politics



  • Reply 41 of 109
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Speaking as a Canadian, you don't know what you're talking about here.

    Countries like Canada and the European nations provide many more services to their population that the USA, for which they usually pay slightly higher taxes. If you could get both, like your construction friend, (unless you have morals) you probably will, that's just human nature. In general, the higher taxes are offset by a safer country, better standard of living, more freedom and higher wages.

    A USA citizen basically knows absolutely *nothing* about what Socialism even is, and the USA is completely out of step with 90% of the world on this issue and has been for decades. Every time a citizen of the USA says something about "Socialism" on a forum like this that is read by people around the world, they are just making themselves look like an idiot.

    Canada is not a "socialist" country, but even the right wing parties up here are somewhat to the left of Obama. Even Cuba is a bit of a stretch to call "socialist" these days.

    God I wish more people in the USA had your reasoning. My family consists of extreme conservative Republicans and very liberal Democrats (I fall in the middle as I vote based on the candidate and not party lines - the two party system has/is destroying this country based on ego's, fear and greed), and yet I hear and witness the most animosity from my father and other Republican conservatives, especially in regards to health care and "socialism". Ironic as my father is a diabetic in a wheel chair with his legs being amputated from diabetic complications as well as heart disease and diabetic neuropathy - and yet even after all the arguments with HMO's and insurance providers about what should be covered (and 99.9% of the time is covered but they fight it hoping people will be weak/dumb enough to give in) he still is a die hard anti-socialized health care Republican. Sad.
  • Reply 42 of 109
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    I'm an idiot because I think that 35% (US top tax bracket) is higher than 29% (Canadian top tax bracket)?

    Here is the data again, so you can read it this time.



    I love how they argue with a Canadian, an American and a resident of the U.K.. Facts versus fear
  • Reply 43 of 109
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by CJD2112 View Post

    Sure, believe everything you read but don't believe what a Canadian, an American and a resident of the U.K. state.

    Are you insane? this is a mathematical formula, not something subjective you can argue about. And I am also Canadian. I have lived in Canada, and also in the US - my taxes were much higher in Canada, but they lowered them after I left because too many people were leaving. When I lived there my tax rate was 60%, now it would be much less.

    Edit - oops, I thought you were arguing with me, now I am not sure.
  • Reply 44 of 109
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    You're an idiot.

    You're just full of insight aren't ya?
  • Reply 45 of 109
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    Are you insane? this is a mathematical formula, not something subjective you can argue about. And I am also Canadian.

    Sorry, I was agreeing with you. I was replying to comments so quickly I lost track of who was stating what (I edited my post just after I posted it and reread it). I am in agreement with you .
  • Reply 46 of 109
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Don't worry, we're on the fast track to finding out.

    As a U.S. citizen, I find that as a good thing.

    Why? If socialism and communism are so good, then why has it killed so many millions of people in the last 100 years? Why do so many people risk their lives to come to this country? How come there isn't a mass exodus of United States citizens fleeing to other countries?

    Back to the story, I'm glad Shelton stood up and kept the company on track TO BUILD COMPUTERS AND GADGETS. If I wanted to invest my money in to social programs I would have donated it to the government. Let these "staunch liberals" do all of the happy, touchy, feely, stuff on their own time, on their own dime. Why does everything have to turn in to a political battle? This is what I expect of Apple, treat every one the same, i.e. blacks, whites, gays, straights, and make lots of money, end of story.

    Please please please pick up a book (besides Ann Coulter's talking points rhetoric "Godless", she and O'Reilly are mere pundits and nothing more) and educate yourself. It is ignorant sheeple such as yourself that embarrass the USA.
  • Reply 47 of 109
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by CJD2112 View Post

    Please please please pick up a book (besides Ann Coulter's talking points rhetoric "Godless", she and O'Reilly are mere pundits and nothing more) and educate yourself. It is ignorant sheeple such as yourself that embarrass the USA.

  • Reply 48 of 109
    I think it's awesome that Jobs will be back. I bet he's enjoying his new yacht, and it seems just more than a wee bit coincidental that he'll be back in June.

    Histrionic outbursts at high profile shareholder meetings are nothing new, but certainly entertaining!
  • Reply 49 of 109
    Originally Posted by MissionGrey View Post

    I already have to listen to the guy at work go on about how BUSH flew the planes into the towers on 9-11 (ok..Bush only was at air traffic control), to how Bush was having Black Ops tack out Dems. Haha

    I'm sorry but I know that the official story about 9/11 is a lie and that the criminal elements of US government conspired to murder about 3000 Americans that day.

    Your understanding of basic physics must be pretty bad, otherwise you would know that steel framed skyscrapers do not collapse to dust at near free fall speed from any kind of fire.

    Any two year old paying with blocks should be able to quickly determine that World Trade Center building 7, a 47 story skyscraper reduced to rubble in 6.5 seconds, must have been a controlled demoltion. The case is irrefutably provable with nothing more than high school physics too.

    NASA thermal images of ground zero and FEMA metallurgical analysis prove some kind military incendiary like thermate was used to demolish all three of the World Trade Center buildings. Again, basic physics irrefutably establishes controlled demolition as fact, here using the US government own data.

    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( has well over 500 professionals who agree with me, including almost 100 licensed structural engineers.

    I could go on here and talk about:

    -> the lack of plane debris in Shanksville and at the Pentagon, (which otherwise appears to have been hit by a cruise missile),

    -> the absurdity of NORAD not defending US airspace for two hours (when it is on the record that they knew where the "hijacked" planes were),

    -> how at least 15 of the 19 "hijackers" were issued US entry visas from the same consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (which is well known to be CIA front),

    -> or how nobody in the biological weapons community believes the FBI story about the Anthrax attack on Congress (which just happened to coincide with the passage of the blatantly unconstitutional Patriot Act)

    ... but you should already know this information. Not only is it freely available on the Internet, but now at least two people are sticking it in your face.

    So, I find you little attempt at a joke about 9/11 "conspiracy theories" to be very offensive.

    I see the word "idiot" is already being used here... You are a TV watching MORON.
  • Reply 50 of 109
    more and more I find our current economic situation as it was in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

    In a downturned economy the government and looters all sought to regulate and create new laws and take from the successful who are so unjustly rich so that the playing field remain level at all costs.

    Apple Computer = Rearden Steel

    In other news, 9/11 conspiracy nuts crack me up... best not to feed the trolls.
  • Reply 51 of 109
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Attn Admins,

    I think that bofors3 post should be removed.
  • Reply 52 of 109
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Attn Admins,

    I think that bofors3 post should be removed.

    While I do not agree (or want to agree) with bofor3's statement(s), the only point I can state is: Pearl Harbor. I don't put anything past our own government or any one else's, however as I lost loved ones in 9/11 I would hate to believe our own government would have been involved in 9/11 just to get the U.S. involved in another Middle East war. Scary stuff .
  • Reply 53 of 109
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Speaking as a Canadian, you don't know what you're talking about here.

    Countries like Canada and the European nations provide many more services to their population that the USA, for which they usually pay slightly higher taxes. If you could get both, like your construction friend, (unless you have morals) you probably will, that's just human nature. In general, the higher taxes are offset by a safer country, better standard of living, more freedom and higher wages.

    A USA citizen basically knows absolutely *nothing* about what Socialism even is, and the USA is completely out of step with 90% of the world on this issue and has been for decades. Every time a citizen of the USA says something about "Socialism" on a forum like this that is read by people around the world, they are just making themselves look like an idiot.

    Canada is not a "socialist" country, but even the right wing parties up here are somewhat to the left of Obama. Even Cuba is a bit of a stretch to call "socialist" these days.

    I lived and worked in a socialist country for close to 10 years. Socialism sucks BIG time. You can not get ahead because of taxes and controls. If you do try, you will pay and pay and pay so that others who do not try can still get by on your dime/euro/pound.

    Things will not change in places like Europe because politicians get elected by the poor majority. Pandering is not just a river in denial... or something something...
  • Reply 54 of 109
    Originally Posted by studiomusic View Post

    I lived and worked in a socialist country for close to 10 years. Socialism sucks BIG time. You can not get ahead because of taxes and controls. If you do try, you will pay and pay and pay so that others who do not try can still get by on your dime/euro/pound.

    Things will not change in places like Europe because politicians get elected by the poor majority. Pandering is not just a river in denial... or something something...

    I don't believe (at least I'm not) that we are discussing "socialism" in general. I believe the conservation started and was directed around socialized health care (as per the discussion at Apple).
  • Reply 55 of 109
    Originally Posted by bofors3 View Post

    I'm sorry but I know that the official story about 9/11 is a lie and that the criminal elements of US government conspired to murder about 3000 Americans that day.......

    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( has well over 500 professionals who agree with me, including almost 100 licensed structural engineers....

    .....So, I find you little attempt at a joke about 9/11 "conspiracy theories" to be very offensive.

    I found this BBC television series exploring the subject very interesting.

    "9/11 Conspiracy Files: The Third Tower is directed by Mike Rudin, and produced for the BBC, part of a series investigating and debunking widely held conspiracy theories, while also exploring the inconsistencies and holes in the official accounts." (emphasis added)

    Now back to our regular thread already in progress....

  • Reply 56 of 109
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by CJD2112 View Post

    God I wish more people in the USA had your reasoning. My family consists of extreme conservative Republicans and very liberal Democrats (I fall in the middle as I vote based on the candidate and not party lines - the two party system has/is destroying this country based on ego's, fear and greed), and yet I hear and witness the most animosity from my father and other Republican conservatives, especially in regards to health care and "socialism". Ironic as my father is a diabetic in a wheel chair with his legs being amputated from diabetic complications as well as heart disease and diabetic neuropathy - and yet even after all the arguments with HMO's and insurance providers about what should be covered (and 99.9% of the time is covered but they fight it hoping people will be weak/dumb enough to give in) he still is a die hard anti-socialized health care Republican. Sad.

    Trying to get your post count up tonight eh? I'd make a wack-o liberal comment but that would be too easy at this point. First off, sorry to hear about your dad but who's to say he would even be alive under another country's healthcare system at this point?

    The two-party system has worked pretty good for years, it wasn't until recently when the far-left appeared that the real problems started. Sorry, I see a lot more vile, in your face, childish actions coming from people who "represent the left" than I do from people on the "far right".

    Keeping in line with the subject of this story, companies make products, which should make money. I don't want a company I invest in worrying about political correctness or special projects. You want to do that, do it on your own time, on your own dime.

    Oh for the record, I can't stand Coulter, and although I don't always agree with O'Reilly, he is as neutral as you can get on national TV. Sometimes he doesn't get it right but at least with him you hear two sides of the story, and that's more than I can say for anyone on any of the other networks.
  • Reply 57 of 109
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by bofors3 View Post

    I'm sorry but I know that the official story about 9/11 is a lie and that the criminal elements of US government conspired to murder about 3000 Americans that day.

    I started reading your post but then I realized I don't have any aluminum foil or duct tape close by...
  • Reply 58 of 109
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member

    Originally Posted by bofors3 View Post

    Your understanding of basic physics must be pretty bad, otherwise you would know that steel framed skyscrapers do not collapse to dust at near free fall speed from any kind of fire.

    If steel weakening from fire isn't a big deal, why do they put insulation on steel in the first place?
  • Reply 59 of 109
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    Originally Posted by CJD2112 View Post

    While I do not agree (or want to agree) with bofor3's statement(s), the only point I can state is: Pearl Harbor.

    Pearl Harbor wasn't a conspiracy - it was a failing of our own hubris. Many top military officials still considered air plains toys, and in the Navy in particular the battleship was still considered king.

    In a way, Pearl Harbor hastened the end of the war by simultaneously proving the superiority of air power and removing the battleships from internal politics/discussions. When resources were dedicated to building new ships, they went towards much more effective aircraft carriers instead of more battleships. Who knows how long it would have taken to modernize our navy had Pearl not happened. Don't ever underestimate the power and momentum of culture. Sometimes the only way to break from tradition is through extreme pain...

    Yes it was painful, but it was a lesson we learned quickly, and because of our natural resources and manufacturing might (at least at that time ) we recovered from fairly quickly as well.
  • Reply 60 of 109
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Trying to get your post count up tonight eh? I'd make a wack-o liberal comment but that would be too easy at this point. First off, sorry to hear about your dad but who's to say he would even be alive under another country's healthcare system at this point?

    The two-party system has worked pretty good for years, it wasn't until recently when the far-left appeared that the real problems started. Sorry, I see a lot more vile, in your face, childish actions coming from people who "represent the left" than I do from people on the "far right".

    Keeping in line with the subject of this story, companies make products, which should make money. I don't want a company I invest in worrying about political correctness or special projects. You want to do that, do it on your own time, on your own dime.

    Oh for the record, I can't stand Coulter, and although I don't always agree with O'Reilly, he is as neutral as you can get on national TV. Sometimes he doesn't get it right but at least with him you hear two sides of the story, and that's more than I can say for anyone on any of the other networks.

    You live in a very ideal world, unfortunately it is just that: an ideal world. Life doesn't operate on "ideas", and the right seems more apt at pointing blame than getting their hands dirty (take 8 years of a republican run administration, 6 of those 8 with a republican congress).

    Lastly, name one "liberal" that is a counterpoint to the many Republican pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, or any other Fox pundit (and please stop with the liberal media non-sense, most of the print and cable news is owned by News Corp/Fox News - Fox, Wall Street Journal, 60% of CNN, NY Post, MySpace, etc - owned by Rupert Murdoch - who also happens to be married to Wendi Cheng, who is a member of the Chinese communist party and funds a great portion of Murdoch's income to her party). Could we also please stop using liberal and conservative? Half of the time no one knows what they mean and those terms are just demonized false representations. Modern day conservatives that claim they are "conservative" as they believe in small government are batting for the wrong team as Bush and company have made the government bigger and have taken away more rights in the name of "terror". The Patriot Act took away due process/habeas corpus and we are not any safer. As for childish antics from the left, have you been watching the news lately? Obama has made a mission statement out of reaching to both sides, and the far right have slapped his hand back to him (Judge Dredd, Limbaugh stating he hopes Obama fails, 99.9% of Fox News commentary, I would state more but I don't want to crash Apple Insider servers).

    As Benjamin Franklin stated, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    It is a very complex world we live in, shades of grey interspersed with unruly human emotions, demanding case sensitive and objective reasoning. There is no easy solution, but the global world needs to work together as a collective whole if humanity wishes to survive the times.
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