Microsoft looking to launch iPhone rival on Verizon's network



  • Reply 41 of 147
    solarsolar Posts: 84member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post


    And what's up with 'Pink'?

    It will be the porn friendliest smartphone on the market.
  • Reply 42 of 147
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    LOL I gotta remember that one. thanks for the reply

  • Reply 43 of 147
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    Just imagine a device with all the Verizon crap ware + MSN live search as a default search engine = BIG FAIL, and on top of that add Mobile IE and you have a big train wreck.
  • Reply 44 of 147
    imatimat Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by dgtlrift View Post

    From the makers of such high quality products as Edlin, WinCE, and Zune, Microsoft brings you the iPhone killer.. I can't even type it without smirking.

    How could you?!?!

    I mean.. How could forget the following wonders:

    - Surface

    - Silverlight
  • Reply 45 of 147
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Instead of bashing anyone who comes along and tries to step up to said competition, you should embrace it and hope it drives Apple to deliver an even better product.



    (That interview was two years ago, almost to the day. Scroll down to 'On music, gaming'.)

    If the comments above are characterized as 'bashing' then I guess Ballmer himself has joined the party at one point or another.


    Don't hate on competition, embrace it. Root for Microsoft, hope they deliver, because in the long run you'll profit from it.


    Yeah, that worked out so well for Netscape.

    We 'bash' Microsoft because they are big, dumb, and a satisfying target. It's not like they don't deserve it from time to time.
  • Reply 46 of 147
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    What's the deal? The deal is that Microsoft is a company devoid of any sense of innovation, and only came to dominate the market because of their highly suspect business practices. There's nothing wrong with improving your products, but you deserve to be mocked when the only reason you're actually bothering with such improvement is because you've already had your ASS thoroughly handed to you by the competition. How many times must Microsoft "miss the boat" on hit products before people realize we no longer need them around?

    They came to dominate the market because people bought their product instead of Apples, plain and simple. Apple had their asses handed to them enough times that they are now improved to the point where they can turn around and dish it right back to Microsoft. It's a relatively unique and new thing we're seeing with computer technology like this, but hopefully Microsoft will do exactly as Apple did, and learn what people really want and what they can offer that Apple can't. It really is weird to hear someone say we don't need Microsoft. They are Apple's main competitor. Clearly you can't argue that competition drives innovation. Rather than get mad at Microsoft, you should be slightly mad at Apple for not "handing them their asses" sooner.

    Originally Posted by Solar View Post

    It will be the porn friendliest smartphone on the market.

    I laughed when I read this. Can I tell you something? It's ALREADY extremely porn friendly. Let me direct you to WVD (web video downloader): He doesn't exactly come out and say it, but this is basically an app that grabs videos from websites like youporn, tube8, pornkolt, then streams them to a media player. With my touch pro, I literally can use a tv-out cable to stream porn from the internet onto a large tv. That alone was worth the 300 bucks LOL
  • Reply 47 of 147
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    ... isn't it awesome how these rumors have sparked such lively and intelligent discussions such as this one?

    Nothing like un-sourced conflicting rumours to bring out the genius in all of us.

    I regularly make an ass out of myself on this forum though so I don't see why every one else shouldn't be given a go at it.
  • Reply 48 of 147
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post


    Yeah, that worked out so well for Netscape.

    We 'bash' Microsoft because they are big, dumb, and a satisfying target. It's not like they don't deserve it from time to time.

    Its ok to bash ms, i do it all the time, but I don't bash a company for trying to step up and compete, that's my point. I've always thought competition in any market like this is essential. In this situation, with this type of product, Microsoft is the underdog, the loser who needs to be better.

    Meh, it doesn't matter. I remember saying the same things to ms fanboys when they bashed apple for stepping up.
  • Reply 49 of 147
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
  • Reply 50 of 147
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    All three big rumours have "un-named Verizon employees" at their heart also.
    • Verizon is getting iPhone in 2010

    • Verizon is getting iPhone "lite" and an Apple tablet this year

    • Verizon is getting zPhone this year.

    Sure sounds like something might be going on, but all the rumours make Verizon look snappy and all of them originate with ... Verizon.

    Me thinks this is probably just a lot of garble from people at Verizon who know something is happening, don't know exactly what it is, but can't keep it under their hats anyway.

    We also, know what apple does when someone leaks out what they are up to ahead of them making the big splash, they punish them. If this is real, then this could turn out bad for Verizon, it not real at this point it is a mute discussion.

    I know someone who work in Verizon Cellular Finance I was talking to him about these rumors this weekend and he seem to think that Verizon at some point would get the iphone since the storm was not doing as well as they hoped. He also agreed that Verizon would have to change their business model to get it on their network.

    I think is a bunch of Verizon people doing some wish full thinking. But a light version of the Iphone might work with Verizon if it does not do everything that the current Iphone does.

    I am not sure how MS would factor in. Face we now know that only one Cell phone company in the world is producing phones using Mobile Windows, that would mean that Verizon would have to strike a deal with them too.
  • Reply 51 of 147
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Romancing the phone.

    (lol sry)
  • Reply 52 of 147
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Everyone here is bashing Microsoft for making bad products, but then they are bashing them for trying to improve their products. What's the deal?

    The deal is that you are here, at AI. Its not a place to speak nice of MS. Having said that, the low level MS bashing that sometimes erupts is stupid. If you ever read the comments at Cnet you know what I mean. Cringeworthy.
  • Reply 53 of 147
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ...reportedly leverage and then extend upon Microsoft's existing Windows Mobile operating system

    If there is one thing MS shouldn't mention, is that this phone will use WinMobile.
  • Reply 54 of 147
    jensonbjensonb Posts: 532member
    This is either a monumentally funny joke, wrong or Microsoft have lost their minds. They seem to have forgotten they're a software company. Yes, fine, make some peripherals, make a games console...But when you start pushing out hardware to compete with your licensees? Just utter facepalm. This makes twice. Does Microsoft want to start selling Premium PCs as well, go for the Big Three?

    When Google launch a Desktop OS (And they will), Microsoft better hope they haven't started or are not intending tos ell their own PCs. Because Google will flatten them by stealing Microsoft's Partners. Remember them Ballmer? Your Hardware Partners? The only reason your company is still afloat?

    Yeah, them.
  • Reply 55 of 147
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    That guy is way too cool and that phone way too thin to be Microsoft chic....

    This is more like it.

    Notice the powerful 802.11n antenna on it, and what you can't see: a 10" touch screen on the other side. ZOMG, Microsoft beat Apple to the punch!
  • Reply 56 of 147
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    Notice the powerful 802.11n antenna on it, and what you can't see: a 10" touch screen on the other side. ZOMG, Microsoft beat Apple to the punch!

    my friend ed was tellin me about those old zack morris phones, and he said they got reception everywhere he went.
  • Reply 57 of 147
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Just like MS to miss a ship date - this time on an April Fools joke.

    To an earlier post - the bashing of Microsoft for making bad products is valid - and the other bashing of Microsoft that you call trying to improve - is also warranted - as they are not innovating but copying - and also in this case it is only a rumor of discussions that they might be considering a product which may largely copy an existing successful product.

    Feature parity with your competition is one thing - but imagine a car commercial that proclaims our vehicles will all have airbags and anti lock brakes in a couple years - when the direct competition has had those features for years already.

    When some of us see those headlines what we hear is someone shouting Oh look we nearly caught up with you sort of.

    I am not saying any given product from any given company is perfect or (what is the exact opposite of perfect?) and even though on many fronts many folks consider Apple and MS to be in direct competition - as with most things like life the story is really much more complicated than that - sure there are times and places where Apple and MS are the only two sides of a coin flip - but each company is also much more than that.

    In other words if Apple is working on say 100 different products and projects and offerings - hardware, software, services, etc and MS is working on 200 different products and projects etc - for as many points where they have directly competing offerings there as many points where they do not. And for any given product - such as the iPhone - it is certainly possible that any given person or organization or whatever to decide that the device is a perfect fit or utterly useable - and that is okay.

    What is not okay is for anyone to call someone else stupid or ugly or whatever for making their choice - uniformed, or naive, or biased perhaps, but I think a mistake a lot of people make in a lot of situations is to think that since I made this choice everyone who makes a different choice is somehow wrong.

    At the end of the day though it is just plain fun to bash MS - and sometimes even Apple - though Apple (in my opinion) gets plenty of bashing without my help and at least in some cases undeservedly so (come on, what other company do you know of that can announce record sales and profits and dividends etc and then have "journalists" proclaim their imminent demise and have their stock take a plunge?)
  • Reply 58 of 147
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Or ....

    It could be that the three, mutually incompatible, somewhat-ridiculous-on-the-face-of-it, news stories we have heard in regards Verizon in the last week are all just stuff spewed out by Verizon in order to get some press and make us believe they aren't dead?

    I think you hit the nail on the head.
  • Reply 59 of 147
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    What's the deal? The deal is that Microsoft is a company devoid of any sense of innovation, and only came to dominate the market because of their highly suspect business practices. There's nothing wrong with improving your products, but you deserve to be mocked when the only reason you're actually bothering with such improvement is because you've already had your ASS thoroughly handed to you by the competition. How many times must Microsoft "miss the boat" on hit products before people realize we no longer need them around?

    Microsoft doesn't innovate? Pure lies!

    Microsoft was the first to introduce a HDD in gaming consoles. Before you couldn't save game without going out and buying a memory card first. Now all consoles have included HDD or Flash memory at no extra cost.

    Microsoft was the first to successfully create online gaming thru Xbox Live.

    Microsoft Windows Media Center is extremely innovate, indeed surpassing Tivo in functionality and style while not requiring a subscription for Guide data.

    Photosynth is innovative.

    And while the Zune was a last ditch copy of the iPod system. It itself brought new idea such as WiFi syncing, WiFi sharing, FM song recognition, Zune Marketplace on a small Nano sized device. We still don't have iTunes Store on the iPod Nano do we?

    I think to dismiss Microsoft as being lazy, only copying is quite stupid. They brought Windows Mobile that had all the capabilities of the iPhone years before the iPhone was dreamed. Sure it was sluggish (100% do to multitasking) and the interphase was based on Windows 95/98. But to claim the iPhone was a new market or new type of device is wrong. Windows Media Player would sync GBs of music to Windows Mobile phones equipped with SD cards. The only thing that the iPhone really innovated was to be completely touch (though at the expense of the accuracy of resistive screens) and the innovative Safari browser. Microsoft vision was different, to really create two internets. A regular one and a mobile one. (Hence even the creation of .Mobi) Nokia with Symbian and pretty much everyone else adopted this 'two web' idea. The iPhone did change that. Though in other discussions I have had about netbooks and Apple's stance on them with the iPod Touch or iPhone being a replacement I have received the argument that most sites are now a different mobile version and not the full version so the need for zoom is not required and thus the fact that you have more screen real estate on a netbook is mute. That argument only confirms Microsoft initiative with PocketIE back in 2000 which no did do regular pages but did work well and still does with pages created for the mobile web. We will see how PocketIE in 6.5 and 7.0 compete with Opera and Safari in the mobile sphere but PocketIE was another Microsoft Innovation that I used in 2000 and did well for getting certain sites on the go. Microsoft biggest fault with Windows Mobile was not broadening its appeal, making it faster or easier to use. It felt that only corporate users would be interested in such a device or geeks. No, I think and have always thought that eventually everyone will want a smartphone. I knew that since my first PocketPC in 2000.
  • Reply 60 of 147
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    While I agree with everyone here that this would be a poor imitation of the iPhone, at best, this could also be a motivation for Apple to get in with Verizon. MS's phone doesn't need to be better than the iPhone, it only needs to be better than the other Verizon phones. MS could establish a beach head with Verizon customers making at more difficult for if/when Apple partners with Verizon.

    The true genius of the App Store isn't that Apple makes money off of it, it's that it locks you into the iPhone. Once you've invested loads of money buying apps and spent hours learning them and entering your data, etc, you will be reluctant to switch to another device and have to start all over. The App Store is the equivalent of DRM in iTunes music. It locks you into Apple's hardware.

    If MS can make an adequate phone (a long shot, but possible) and get people invest time and money in the platform, it will be more difficult for Apple to lure those customers away. But if Apple were to release an iPhone "lite" on Verizon's network before MS's phone is ready, they could prevent MS from ever getting a foothold.
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