AT&T pins neutered SlingPlayer on iPhone not being a phone



  • Reply 41 of 85
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat View Post

    Yup. It is past time for Apple to unlock the iPhone and let their customers choose other GSM providers in the US like Sprint and T-Mobile when ATT wants to screw over iPhone users.

    Yeah! Give the other cell companies a chance to screw us over!
  • Reply 42 of 85
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I see no reason to question your iPhone AT&T contract because of this. It wasn't there when you go the iPhone nor was it promised.

    BTW, there was a way of using your carrier's IP address to create an ad-hoc network that tricks WiFi only apps into using the cellular data network. Not sure if it still works.

    I'll tell you why. The clause in their TOS that AT&T is talking about was made up a month ago (pecisely for the slingbox). When people complained, they took it off. About two weeks ago, AT&T snuck the clause back in without anybody noticing. That is shady behavior and I didn't sign up for things like this when I purchased the iPhone. I should not have to do any tricks to use an app that I should have the right to use considering I pay for that data.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This recent article states that the iPhone uses 4x the amount of data and that the network cost increase by $6B annually yet the revenue will not even be close to that.

    12% of their 87M subscribers are apparently using iPhones. That is a lot to keep up with. AT&T would be remiss if they didn't consider the possible hazards with allowing apps to do whatever we want because we say so. My example of SlingMedia running 24/7 assumed it being plugged, obviously, and it wasn't a practical situation, but judging how an app that could use the bandwidth excessively needs to be evaluated.

    And what about the hypocrisy of your post and others on this thread. You state that AT&T network is lousy, but then complain when they don't allow an app that would make their network more lousy. If you want to take a stance that their network is great and they should allow the app, fine. If you want to take a stance that their network is lousy and should use this app, fine. But you can't have it both way and expect to make sense. AT&T does suck in some areas, it's good in others, I have anecdotal knowledge of their network improving, but it's certainly not good enough for a SlingPlayer on the iPhone.

    Do you think that people on all these other platforms are paying $30 for a slingbox app and are not using it? There are plenty of iPhone knockoffs that can use the Slingbox app. iPhone users will use their phones more. That is true. But Android users consume as much data and I can guarantee when they have a Sling app, that it will run on T-Mobile's network. Verizon has no such restriction on any of their smartphones and they have a much larger customer base than AT&T. I can tell you that when the Pre comes out there will be no such restrictions. Hell, Sprint may even use marketing on this fact .There will be no evaluation of the app. They've already done it if they are ever going to. There is no Slingbox for iPhone on AT&T's network. Period.

    As for this hypocrisy, how come you do not mention the hypocrisy of AT&T? So you're saying I can choose between a fast network or streaming video. That is a false choice. In reality AT&T offers neither. On a good network you should be able to have both.
  • Reply 43 of 85
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    As for this hypocrisy, how come you do not mention the hypocrisy of AT&T? So you're saying I can choose between a fast network or streaming video. That is false. In reality AT&T offers neither. On a good network you should be able to have both.

    There are streaming apps on all of AT&T's media phones. You just have to no choose a different device if you want SlingPlayer. There is no hypocrisy with AT&T's clause, they have the right to alter it when they choose. You also have to understand that AT&T can't prevent the app from working on their other phones without locking down OS Verizon style, and even that would severe for Verizon. If you can't see that the iPhone a different situation in terms of bandwidth use and their relationship with Apple with gives each of them a say in each other's camp then I don't know what to tell you except that you don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it. Hell, I don't like it, I would love to have SlingPlayer on my iPhone's AT&T network and I'd be abusing the crap out of it, but if their network can't handle it (which you have stated in saying they have a lousy network) and they do not wish to support it at this time then there isn't much you or I can do.

    PS: DO you have a SlingBox and have you seen it in use on a mobile phone. The iPhone app is the first phone version that looks like it would be decent enough to use from a UI standpoint.
  • Reply 44 of 85
    Actually there is a world outside usa. Did you know that???

    The rest of the world is suffering under the strange behavior af AT&T and Apple. Restricting the use of Skype and Slingplayer, and forbidding thetering puts the iPhone back 4 years compared to my older phones.

    If Apple keeps playing by AT&T ruels, so bee it, bu outside usa there is a much larger world, that is accepting the use of data over 3G.

    So Apple: get the head out of your ass...!!!
  • Reply 45 of 85
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There are streaming apps on all of AT&T's media phones. You just have to no choose a different device if you want SlingPlayer. There is no hypocrisy with AT&T's clause, they have the right to alter it when they choose. You also have to understand that AT&T can't prevent the app from working on their other phones without locking down OS Verizon style, and even that would severe for Verizon. If you can't see that the iPhone a different situation in terms of bandwidth use and their relationship with Apple with gives each of them a say in each other's camp then I don't know what to tell you except that you don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it. Hell, I don't like it, I would love to have SlingPlayer on my iPhone's AT&T network and I'd be abusing the crap out of it, but if their network can't handle it (which you have stated in saying they have a lousy network) and they do not wish to support it at this time then there isn't much you or I can do.

    PS: DO you have a SlingBox and have you seen it in use on a mobile phone. The iPhone app is the first phone version that looks like it would be decent enough to use from a UI standpoint.

    Verizon does not lock down the ability to use a Slingbox. You may argue for the sake of AT&T to change their TOS whenever they feel like it (even though it applies to computers and not smartphones). But there will be a lot of iPhone customers who will leave them when their contract when it is up.

    Like I said, just because the iPhone is a better phone does not mean you have to cripple it compared against other phones especially when it's the main reason AT&T stocks aren't in the tank. Do you really believe that everybody is going to suddenly buy the Slingbox app? I have mentioned this before on another thread. Here are the reasons why it would be of little consequence to AT&T:

    -Slingbox at least costs $150

    -Slingbox app costs $30 when most users would not even pay for an app above $7

    -battery life

    -3.5" screen which most people would not watch for an extended period of time

    -most people don't even know what a slingbox is (even some on these forums)

    The whole thing is that there is an app called Orb (for Windows) already on the app store that allows you to stream TV over 3g if a computer is connected to a TV. Why is suddenly the slingbox so different?

    And yes I have a Slingbox SOLO. While the UI may be lousy on other phones, it doesn't mean it's any less watchable or that the people who paid sling $30 don't use it. The iPhone and Sling should not be punished because it has a better user experience.
  • Reply 46 of 85
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well Steve Jobs did say it was the best iPod ever created and not a phone per se. \

    I've been saying it for a year. The iPhone is more iPod than phone but I have to agree with every pissed off person here. AT&T is screwing them and seeing how far they can shove it in before someone screams.

    Guys, you have got to stand up and start screaming about this.

    I do think this is a big thing for AT&T to admit that their network is crap. The wording of their statement leaves quite a bit to be desired. As a sign of good will, or something good towards the customer, they should lower their prices a bit, give month free service, a tee-shirt, or coffee mug. Something. Their behavior is what bothers me more so than the fact that their network sucks.
  • Reply 47 of 85
    Louis CK said it best on David Letterman... Enjoy.
  • Reply 48 of 85
    Originally Posted by thatguyruste View Post

    Louis CK said it best on David Letterman... Enjoy.

    Correction: Conan O'Brien
  • Reply 49 of 85
    Originally Posted by thatguyruste View Post

    Correction: Conan O'Brien

    And if you liked that's his own psuedo-explanation of said interview in another interview...
  • Reply 50 of 85
    iladilad Posts: 39member
    The only way to strike back is to boycott the iPhone, App store and iTunes until it hurts Apple and AT&T so much financially that they do something about it. Also if you don't buy a new ipohne this Summer, you strike a blow to both AT&T and Apple. It is time they learn that we the customers are in power not them. They must give us what we want. So let's start up a grass roots effort and boycott both companies. If we can elect our first African-American president via grass roots i'm sure we can teach these 2 fat, greedy companies that they can not get away with this.

    Even if you don't care about Sling, your invested in this as it's just a matter of time before they pull some other crap that effects you.
  • Reply 51 of 85
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    LMAO!!! Way to go AT&T!!!

  • Reply 52 of 85
  • Reply 53 of 85
    zieglerziegler Posts: 2member
    FYI: there is already a version of the SlingPlayer for iPhone floating around the interwebs that's been patched for 3G & EDGE usage.

    I'm not condoning stealing $30 from Sling because it's really not their fault. BUY the app from the AppStore, then Jailbreak your phone, download the patched version, and install it.


    For all the foreigners out there (to whom AT&T does not pwn), does the SlingPlayer on the international front also have this 3G-less problem?
  • Reply 54 of 85
    Originally Posted by Ziegler View Post

    FYI: there is already a version of the SlingPlayer for iPhone floating around the interwebs that's been patched for 3G & EDGE usage.

    I'm not condoning stealing $30 from Sling because it's really not their fault. BUY the app from the AppStore, then Jailbreak your phone, download the patched version, and install it.


    For all the foreigners out there (to whom AT&T does not pwn), does the SlingPlayer on the international front also have this 3G-less problem?

    Good question. I know that Sonera would not put any data caps or network conditions on using the device considering they are pushing mobile data as hard as fixed-line DSL.
  • Reply 55 of 85
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    Well... I bit the bullet and purchased it.

    This will justify it when I jailbreak my phone and install the hacked version later when I get tired of hunting for hotspots to catch the end of the baseball game (which will probably have a f'n TV).

    It works really well. The channel icons aren't up to date for the "favorites" section. You can't create your own channel names either so you get National Broadcast Company for NBC which looks like this under the small button: Natio...

    It would also be cool if you could add your own icon pictures from your iPhone photo album or snap a picture.

    A zoom feature might be helpful with sporting events. I can read the scores, but people with bad eyes are going to be frustrated.

    Is it $30 good? I don't know... I remember paying something like $25 for a clunky UI version for a pocket PC a few years back.

    Let's look at it this way. If you payed 99 cents for an app that makes fart apps, you can afford to pay for this app if you own a slingbox.
  • Reply 56 of 85
    humannhumann Posts: 22member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    What happened to the big push by AT&T to increase capacity for some mystery change coming to the iPhone?

    I don't know but I won't be surprised to learn these 'upgrades' are what have recently downgraded the GSM signal in my home from bad to unusable. After over a year of lousy barely-tolerable phone service (always hoping they're going to fix it here in the middle of Los Angeles) within my house, I'm now reduced to walking outside to get anything. As of about 20 days ago.

    Jailbreak and T-mobile here I come.
  • Reply 57 of 85
    bareddbaredd Posts: 31member
    Come to the UK, O2 have caused me no issues so far, getting the full speed 3G, great coverage and customer support. Oh and at times the 3G is faster than some of the Wifi hotspots ive been using. LOL so far 5GB downloaded on the iPhone and no comments from them yet.
  • Reply 58 of 85
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    as preventing users from re-routing a TV signal through the 3G connection to a personal computer.


    I'm always with winners, i.e. with AT&T, but here, I believe, they went too far.

    So, no more TV on this:

    Acer Aspire One with integrated AT&T 3G on sale Sunday Friday, Dec 12th 2008 by Chris Davies

  • Reply 59 of 85
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Just be glat that come June 28th there will be millions if expired contracts. As well, keep yourfingers crossed the Oslm Pre , flash and all, does to AT&T and Apple what AMD did to intel. If Palm plays their cards right and it's all that, watch for the non flash, limited over priced apple hardware with it's over priced AT&T brother sink. This is one time, fans and all, that you WANT the palm pre to be a great item. This would force the hand of apple and AT&T.

    Originally Posted by KT Walrus View Post

    I'm going into my AT&T store and complain about this. I will terminate my plan with them if nothing changes in the next week or two.

    To limit my use of their data network from apps I want to use is unacceptable. I'd rather they cap my network usage to whatever amount they want for my $30/month than to restrict the type of applications I can use (and are available).

    Apple needs to put its foot down on this one or they are going to have to not renew exclusivity with AT&T. We need some competition here so we can use our iPhones the way we want.

  • Reply 60 of 85
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Since you defending AT&T why don't you tell everine that it cost nothing fir text messages as they use the open correction bits to send messages and this is AT&T way of hoarding from the customer.



    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I see no reason to question your iPhone AT&T contract because of this. It wasn't there when you go the iPhone nor was it promised.

    BTW, there was a way of using your carrier's IP address to create an ad-hoc network that tricks WiFi only apps into using the cellular data network. Not sure if it still works.

    This recent article states that the iPhone uses 4x the amount of data and that the network cost increase by $6B annually yet the revenue will not even be close to that.

    12% of their 87M subscribers are apparently using iPhones. That is a lot to keep up with. AT&T would be remiss if they didn't consider the possible hazards with allowing apps to do whatever we want because we say so. My example of SlingMedia running 24/7 assumed it being plugged, obviously, and it wasn't a practical situation, but judging how an app that could use the bandwidth excessively needs to be evaluated.

    And what about the hypocrisy of your post and others on this thread. You state that AT&T network is lousy, but then complain when they don't allow an app that would make their network more lousy. If you want to take a stance that their network is great and they should allow the app, fine. If you want to take a stance that their network is lousy and should use this app, fine. But you can't have it both way and expect to make sense. AT&T does suck in some areas, it's good in others, I have anecdotal knowledge of their network improving, but it's certainly not good enough for a SlingPlayer on the iPhone.

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