Early glimpse at Zune HD: "better" than iPod touch



  • Reply 81 of 268
    mosxmosx Posts: 26member

    This new ZUNE HD will cost as much as an iPOD Touch but will have less storage,

    How do you know this? The Zune lineup has always equaled the iPod lineup in terms of storage.

    Let's not forget that last year the Zune flash players were first to 8 and 16GB over 4 and 8GB. Apple seemed poised to do another 4 and 8GB round. This being confirmed by the fact that 4GB 4G iPod nanos were released in some areas and the 16GB iPod nano was delayed.


    less features

    How do you know this? The Zune HD has 720p video output. I don't see the iPod touch doing that. The Zune HD also has the ability to stream 5 million tracks from the Zune Marketplace over WiFi. Apple doesn't even have a subscription service. That 720p video capability also confirms the rumors of the unit being NVIDIA Tegra based, which means it has much more powerful 3D hardware for gaming and should have at least similar battery life.


    no apps,

    How do you know? Microsoft has already confirmed Xbox Live Marketplace integration and the fact that its Tegra based means it will at least have games, and not a million fart apps.


    no e-mail

    How do you know?


    no web browser

    Microsoft already confirmed it will have mobile IE, its just not in the early versions of the hardware being demoed. And don't try this "mobile Safari" is better junk. I've been an iPhone user since the beginning. The sole reason I stopped using my iPhone to browse the web is because mobile Safari crashes all the time and its ridiculously slow. Mobile Safari is, at best, no better than mobile IE.


    I disagree. I think they haven't taken off because no one really wants them other than music industry executives. Millions hasn't been enough to make any of them profitable. But we shall see. (However, as a longtime music collector, I will never use one. My personal favorite service is eMusic, since it caters to my obscure tastes. Even then, I often buy a physical copy of those albums I really like.)

    They haven't taken off because they only sync with obscure players that nobody owns.

    If they aren't profitable, they wouldn't still exist. Real's subscription service is nearly a decade old now. And Napster has been around nearly as long. Before being Napster 2.0, it was "PressPlay". Even Charter and some other ISPs run their own lower cost music subscription services.

    I've been a music collector my entire life. I like the idea of music subscription services because it allows me to listen to almost anything I want, whenever I want, for a very low fee. I can make playlists, stream music to any computer I use basically, download whatever I want. If I like what I hear I can buy the CD. Every person that I tell about these services would love to have it for their iPod. And a few have gotten a Zune just so they can have it.

    Even if a subscription service is your only source of music, it costs only about the same per year as a CD every month. And you get to keep 120 songs per year.


    I do notice for someone that claims to have a MacBook and and iPhone, all 10 of your posts are pro-Microsoft rants. So I have a feeling any arguments I made would fall on deaf ears. I wonder why you haven't just bought a Dell.

    I'm just tired of the way Apple treats their customers and the way their diehard fans skew facts. I love my iPhone and my iPods. Especially my 5.5G 80GB iPod. Of all of my Apple products, thats my favorite.

    I'm also tired of the fact that Apple can get away with more anti-competitive and anti-consumer ways than any other company. Imagine if Dell tried to include non-standard display connectivity on their systems and then charged $30 per adapter per connection. There would be a huge outcry. Yet Apple gets away with it like nothing.

    Look how Apple charges for updates for the iPod touch. Sony, Microsoft, Creative, and many others give away the same type of updates for free. They don't claim bogus accounting laws (SOX says NOTHING about charging for updates) force them to rob consumers.

    I really could go on and on.

    I've also been incredibly frustrated by my experience with my Mac. I had to go months without it and have it replaced multiple times before I finally had a functioning system, all due to the repair facilities incompetence and Apple's inability to build a quality computer that they charge a premium price for that doesn't even offer standard features, like card readers and HDMI.

    So yes, I AM an Apple owner but I am an incredibly bitter one. The Zune HD is definitely on my purchase list. My MacBook will also be the last pre-built system I buy. From now on I'm going back to my own self-built PCs that will allow me to control the quality and get the most power for my money, instead of spending a premium price and getting half as much as I would if I had spend half as much money. I also can't wait for my AT&T contract to be up. I love my iPhone but AT&T's service is the worst I've dealt with. I live in southern California and AT&T's coverage here is the worst out of the major 4. Even MetroPCS has better coverage here.


    the browser is IE6 (so, nothing that should be called a browser)

    Because mobile Safari is so good? I'm running unmodified iPhone OS 2.2.1 on my first generation iPhone and not a day goes by where mobile Safari doesn't crash multiple times.

    You know, it's funny how Apple fans feel so threatened by this product. Theres nothing wrong with another company coming out with something better than what Apple does. Other companies have been making better computers at lower prices for years. Whats wrong with someone releasing an iPod touch competitor thats actually better?

    And to those who say Vista failed.... How about we say Vista failed when OS X reaches that 300+ million user mark, like Vista?

    How about we celebrate when OS X finally reaches the 50 million mark! Only 950 million to go to catch up to XP!
  • Reply 82 of 268
    More beautiful and elegant. HA HA another piece of MS crap. Apple will always be the mercedes and MS the Buick. LOL Love the 4 screws, "they really gives it a cool industrial Look" Bwah ha ha
  • Reply 83 of 268
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    This thing better work with Macs. Shame on Microsoft if it doesn't.
  • Reply 84 of 268
    jimdreamworxjimdreamworx Posts: 1,096member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Well, even if the product is a sales failure like all previous Zune models, you really have to admit that they are catching up. MS can afford to fail forever on this thing, and in about 2 years time, it will start to surpass the iPod Touch. I expected it to be longer than 2 years, but it doesn't seem like it. MS really learned quick from Apple and MS has the money to fund the failures for as long as it takes.

    The main thing MS learned from Apple is to control the whole widget. Is Microsoft going to sell this OS to a bunch of third-party hardware makers to create competition? Hardly! Such an OS would not play for sure on the hardware.

    Thank you Microsoft for admitting that Apple had it right in the first place. It's only a matter of time before you introduce a personal computer as well.

    Hey, if you do, I can almost guarantee Windows won't suck as much as it does.
  • Reply 85 of 268
    djdjdjdj Posts: 74member
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    i really like the transition to radio... wish all of the others were like that. [and why aren't they consistent] not so impressed with the gaussian blurr/hard crop on the item at the top. pretty smoooth...

    ohh, BTW, neither this nor the pre use multi touch. there is no infringement. it's all touch and swipe one finger gestures. no pinch, twist, etc. apple couldn't patent everything. [that's a good thing btw].

    Apple doesn't hold a patent on multi-touch. That's a common misconception. Their patents involve certain aspects of the iPhone's user interface, like the bounce you get when you scroll a list past the beginning or the end. But they don't hold any patent on the idea of multi-touch itself.
  • Reply 86 of 268
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    This player has a browser. It will ship with email and the app store is already in progress. Look at this thing carefully, it really has caught up and in some cases surpassed the iPod Touch.

    I hope you are being sarcastic. If not, no, it hasn't caught up - not by a long shot. First, the device doesn't have any kind of operating system capable of supporting the richness you see with iPhone OS. Second, everything I am reading so far indicates that there will NOT be an app store for zune, and that anything available for it will likely be limited to games. Third, even if there is an app store, you need a good development environment and that means there needs to be an actual OS behind this thing, which there does not appear to be. Fourth, let's talk about mobile web: The web browser in development for Zune HD is a slimmed down and custom version of IE6. IE6! So, this 2010 time frame device will have a browser based on standards and technologies 9 years old. Fifth, OS3 for iPhone / iPod touch opens up abilities to create hardware that will interface with the device and any custom software also. Blood pressure monitors, glucose monitors, and anything you can even think of, and people will think of a LOT. Can Zune do that? Nope.

    I think it's a nice looking device, and I like the OLED screen. But the gushing the press is doing about how this is some sort of iPod killer just amuses me. This thing has a LONG way to go before it can stack up against a touch.
  • Reply 87 of 268
    djdjdjdj Posts: 74member
    The new Zune looks nice. It will be even nicer if the price is $199 and that includes 32GB of storage. Wishful thinking, I know.

    I like that they haven't radically changed the UI from the current Zunes. Aside from a new transition between screens (rotation+zoom+fade instead of just zoom+fade) and some larger thumbnails it's really pretty much identical to the current Zune devices.

    iPod touch killer? Probably not. But it does look like it's gonna be a really nice device.

    Personally I like the screws on the back. They're very much in keeping with the industrial style design. Gives it some character.

    All of that said, I'm still not a fan of touchscreen control for music playback. Give me some track selection buttons!
  • Reply 88 of 268
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
  • Reply 89 of 268
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by mosx View Post

    But the Zune Marketplace is fast catching up, especially now that you get to keep 10 DRM free songs per month,

    yes but only up to 10. and if you only get 9 this month you can't get 11 next month.

    whereas I can download as many songs as I wish, when I wish from itunes so long as I have the money to pay for them. and I don't have to keep paying every month to be able to listen to the bulk of my collection.
  • Reply 90 of 268
    HD Radio and Zune - perfect together, as two loser technologies. The power-hungry HD Radio chipset will eat the Zune alive. Good-luck with reception with those earbud antennas - most people can't even pick up HD Radio with dipole antennas:


    160,000,000 iPods have sold, versus Zune's 2.5 million.
  • Reply 91 of 268
    tiadimundotiadimundo Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Microsoft's problem is that it has no mojo and never has. When people think of Microsoft they think old, stale, not cool.

    I don't think so. That may not be true anymore. There is a new generation of people who love Halo games and Xbox 360, Photosynth, Surface PCs and even Windows 7. I have seen people using the Zune software and they asked: "What? This is MS?"

    It's not the same Microsoft as let's say 5 year ago. They really have changed a lot (think of how much they now do in the Open Source world and they take security very seriously since XP SP2).

    For me it is interesting to see that this big dinosaur of company can change faster than some people's minds.

  • Reply 92 of 268
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by mosx View Post

    Say what you will about music subscription sites, but their subscriber numbers are still in the millions. The only reason they really haven't "taken off" is because none of them worked with the iPod.

    But the Zune Marketplace is fast catching up, especially now that you get to keep 10 DRM free songs per month, effectively making the subscription $5 per month.

    The best thing about the non-Apple and Amazon music sites is that, when they upgraded beyond 128kbps (years before Apple did), they upgraded their users files free of charge. None of this 30c per song BS that Apple is trying to push. I'd stopped buying music from Apple years ago because I finally realized I was paying just as much for music as I would if I had bought the CD, but even now at 256Kbps, the quality is nowhere near what you get with a CD.

    At least a music subscription allows you access to all of the ad-free music you could want, and at a higher bitrate than Pandora and other streaming radio.

    I've also tried Simplify on my iPhone. First of all, I don't see a reason to leave any of my computers running when I'm out of the house. Second, the iPhone's headphone out quality is easily the worst of all of Apple's portable media devices and is nowhere near the quality of output of my 80GB 5.5G iPod. So its essentially useless both because of poor audio quality and the fact that the App itself and the entire process is so uintuitive its more of a pain in the ass than "simple".

    You've got to be kidding me. Show me how the Zune Marketplace is gaining subscribers when Microsoft is not even selling Zunes. Saying that the price of cd's is the same as buying on the itunes store is an outright lie. I don't know what you're talking about but I remeber paying $15 to $20 before iTunes. The problem that you don't mention is that if you're not consistently trying new music, you are losing money while not owning anything. Most people beyond a certain age come to a point where they settle into the music they like or grew up with and no longer really listen to music. Under Zune Marketplace, by the time you hit 50 or 60, you will own nothing and still have to constantly pay a certain amount/month.

    Spotify, a free music streamer which will be available later in the US this year, will stream any song you want for FREE. There will ask be an iPhone app. Why in the hell would anyone want a subscription service instead of Spotify.

    As for the Simplify app, I find it more than suits my needs. Then you give this nonsense about not seeing the need to leave on your computer. Is it that much of a burden to leave your machine on? Simplify can not only stream your library but the library of 30 other people. You then give BS about being unintuitive. I didn't realize it was so unintuitive to sign in once to your account and treat it like a regular iPod with the exception of choosing whose library you want to listen to. Even an idiot would find this simplistic. It takes less than five minutes to set up a desktop client and iPod client. You also complain about headphones. If you don't like them get new ones. Apple isn't stopping you. You're complaining for the sake of complaining.
  • Reply 93 of 268
    tiadimundotiadimundo Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    I'd go as far to say, more people might be using the Win7 Beta/RC right now than Vista.

    Very unlikely. Last year there were 120 million Vista users. More users use Vista than Mac OS X.

    To the "Vista is a failure" topic: it may be a financial failure when compared to the development costs but it isn't a failure as a technology and for the single user because of stability and security.
  • Reply 94 of 268
    pairof9spairof9s Posts: 67member
    Originally Posted by mosx View Post

    "Also, it's deemed unlikely that Microsoft will ever have the app support Apple can claim for its iPod. "

    Honestly, who cares? All but a couple dozen apps in the App Store are junk anyway....


    However, MS has said this will integrate with the Xbox360. So far, the rumors have been spot on about this device.

    If they continue to be true, such as it being NVIDA Tegra based (and the ability to output 720p supports this rumor), the Zune HD's gaming abilities will be far beyond what the iPhone and iPod touch can currently do...

    Well, that's certainly a subjective view of the App Store on your part. As it goes, "One man's junk is another's treasure", I doubt you're the definitive voice on what is a junk app and what is not. The hard fact that over 1 billion apps have been downloaded negates the strength of your point. Even if you afford the theory that only 1 in 4 apps downloaded are actually retained, that's 250 million active apps in less than a year.

    As for the "better gaming" comment, I'd only remind you that the Zune HD is going to be built on the ancient Windows CE OS, even if highly modified. This will greatly limit the capabilities of the Zune HD to have advanced games; certainly not "far beyond what the iPhone and iPod can currently do".

    All in all, I'm like many who see the benefit in a Zune HD as a competitive challenge to Apple's iPhone/Touch, merely as motivation for Apple. Look folks, even if this Zune product is great, Apple has shown time after time after time to be the clear innovative leader when compared to Microsoft. At best, Microsoft copies Apple to get a temporary advantage..but it's not in their DNA to lead, to advance in any area.
  • Reply 95 of 268
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    The MS Zune demo is an obvious ploy to convince people to wait and not take advantage of Apple's promo (back-to-school iPod touch-free-with-Mac purchase) offer.

    But when will I be able to buy a Zune HD? "Later in the fall," so if it's like previous Zune launches, that'd be Oct-early Nov.

    By Nov, the next much improved iPod touch will have already launched (on Sept 9 or 10?), and the App Store will be closing in on 100k apps.

    But MS showing its hand is good. Hopefully, Apple realizes it needs to be aggressive in the hardware choices it can still make (such as OLED, camera), as well as in the features for the next iPhone 3.1 software update in the fall.
  • Reply 96 of 268
    tiadimundotiadimundo Posts: 153member
    I just realized that nobody mentioned the PSP/Nintendo DS and games for the Zune HD. There is a really impressive 3d hardware build into it and rumors say that it will run Xbox 360 arcade games (or even Xbox games).

    That's why it was called the "Y" product between Xbox and Zune. It isn't really the exact competitor to the iPod touch.
  • Reply 97 of 268
    djdjdjdj Posts: 74member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    The MS Zune demo is an obvious ploy to convince people to wait and not take advantage of Apple's promo (back-to-school iPod touch-free-with-Mac purchase) offer.

    But when will I be able to buy a Zune HD? "Later in the fall," so if it's like previous Zune launches, that'd be Oct-early Nov.

    By Nov, the next much improved iPod touch will have already launched (on Sept 9 or 10?), and the App Store will be closing in on 100k apps.

    But MS showing its hand is good. Hopefully, Apple realizes it needs to be aggressive in the hardware choices it can still make (such as OLED, camera), as well as in the features for the next iPhone 3.1 software update in the fall.

    The Zune HD is coming out on September 5th.
  • Reply 98 of 268
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    great concept prototype. Let's hope for the real thing to avoid horrible design flaws and UI design mistakes.

    horrible design flaws like the iPhone?

    loose buttons (thankfully there are 4) plus light leaks and dust under the LCD in almost every unit?
  • Reply 99 of 268
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by mosx View Post

    How do you know this? The Zune HD has 720p video output. I don't see the iPod touch doing that. The Zune HD also has the ability to stream 5 million tracks from the Zune Marketplace over WiFi. Apple doesn't even have a subscription service. That 720p video capability also confirms the rumors of the unit being NVIDIA Tegra based, which means it has much more powerful 3D hardware for gaming and should have at least similar battery life.

    The Tegra wont be the only 720p capable ARM and there's no reason that Apple can't use it either. More likely they'll go with a Cortex A8/A9 + NEON (like a snapdragon). Which should be as fast or faster than the ARM 11 based Tegras.


    How do you know? Microsoft has already confirmed Xbox Live Marketplace integration and the fact that its Tegra based means it will at least have games, and not a million fart apps.

    yes, there's nothing on the app store but fart apps.


    They haven't taken off because they only sync with obscure players that nobody owns.

    Um, like the Zune?


    I'm just tired of the way Apple treats their customers and the way their diehard fans skew facts.

    Yes, like a million fart apps on the iphone.


    I'm also tired of the fact that Apple can get away with more anti-competitive and anti-consumer ways than any other company. Imagine if Dell tried to include non-standard display connectivity on their systems and then charged $30 per adapter per connection. There would be a huge outcry. Yet Apple gets away with it like nothing.

    Really? How odd because my mini came with an adapter from mini-DVI to DVI. Free. Skew much?


    Look how Apple charges for updates for the iPod touch. Sony, Microsoft, Creative, and many others give away the same type of updates for free. They don't claim bogus accounting laws (SOX says NOTHING about charging for updates) force them to rob consumers.

    SOX says things about revenue recognition which is what applies in this case and it depends on how your auditor views the regs.


    I really could go on and on.

    If you can, perhaps you can pick some nits that are actually correct.


    So yes, I AM an Apple owner but I am an incredibly bitter one.

    No, really?


    From now on I'm going back to my own self-built PCs that will allow me to control the quality and get the most power for my money, instead of spending a premium price and getting half as much as I would if I had spend half as much money.

    Great. I like windows 7. I hope you do too. Try not to steal OSX since you're so bitter about Apple.


    Because mobile Safari is so good? I'm running unmodified iPhone OS 2.2.1 on my first generation iPhone and not a day goes by where mobile Safari doesn't crash multiple times.

    Didn't you say above you stopped using Safari for browsing? And it still crashes every day? Wow it really does suck. How odd it doesn't crash every day for me and I do use it to browse.


    You know, it's funny how Apple fans feel so threatened by this product.

    Who's threatened?


    Theres nothing wrong with another company coming out with something better than what Apple does.

    Nope. However, it remains to be seen if the new Zune is better. Just like for the Pre.


    Other companies have been making better computers at lower prices for years. Whats wrong with someone releasing an iPod touch competitor thats actually better?

    Nothing if they did. That remains to be seen.

    Enjoy your next computer sans OSX.


    And to those who say Vista failed.... How about we say Vista failed when OS X reaches that 300+ million user mark, like Vista?

    Vista failed from the perspective of Microsoft. When the CEO says that sales were bad because of pirates in China you kinda get the impression it didn't sell nearly as well as they wanted. But MS being MS (with deep pockets) they can afford the occasional stumble and they will recover when they ship Windows 7. Heck, people were claiming that Intel was done for and AMD was going to continue to dominate. Nah.

    Likewise, Apple's rapid growth in total market share will end too. But as long as they continue to ship a healthy amount of product everything is cool as far as Apple is concerned.

    GM sold 9M vehicles in 2007 and 8.35M vehicles in 2008. Sounds like a stellar numbers in comparison to say 98,000 vehicles for Porsche in 2008. One company is going bankrupt. The other is not.

    Total sales means little.


    How about we celebrate when OS X finally reaches the 50 million mark! Only 950 million to go to catch up to XP!

    OSX is not intended to catch up to Windows in total sales. Ever. Just like Apple has zero intention of ever catching up to Nokia in total sales.
  • Reply 100 of 268
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    why in the world does AI put up a piece like this one regurgitating Gizmodo barf?

    about a totally lightweight "advance glimpse"? you don't think MS knew very well they would get a good plug from Giz in exchange for giving them a first look leak? that's how the marketing business works, dude.

    is there some kind of AI side deal with Giz, you hype ours, we'll hype yours?

    on a day when there is plenty of other AI-worthy real news to post instead?

    who is AI's editor in chief? WTF is going on?
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